T H E O F F I C I A L N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E R I M E B U D D H I S T C E N T E RTHE RIME JEWELW I N T E R / S P R I N G | 2 0 2 539TH ANNUALWORLD PEACE MEDITATIONThe 39th Annual World Peace Meditation, an interfaithgathering hosted by the Rime Buddhist Center, will be heldat St. Marks Hope and Peace Lutheran Church on December31st. The event is free and open to everyone, with doorsopening at 5:30 AM for a 6:00 AM start.The program will feature a rich tapestry of religiousobservances from diverse cultures and faith traditions.Members of the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council willlead a collective prayer for peace, symbolizing unity andshared aspirations.Attendees can expect a multi-sensory experience, beginningwith the Muslim Adhan, a melodic "call to prayer", followedby Native American smudging rituals to cleanse and purifythe space. Moments of quiet meditation will be interspersedwith devotional music from the sufi tradition, creating anatmosphere of contemplation and reverence. The event willalso feature the International Peace Light, a continuousflame originating in the grotto of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem.It is shared person to person throughout the world with amessage of peace and friendship.DECEMBER 31, 2024 @ 6:00 AMST. MARKS HOPE AND PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH3800 TROOST AVE, KANSAS CITY, MO 64109I n t h i s m o n t h ' s i s s u e :BODHISATTVA AWARD WINNER - 2HOLIDAYS AT RIME - 3UPCOMING EVENTS ANDCLASSES - 6ILLUMINATIONS - 4108 DAY BODHISATTVACHALLENGE - 7
BODHISATTVA AWARDMORE2AThe prestigious Bodhisattva Award will bepresented to the Metro Organization for Racial andEconomic Equity, also known as MORE2. Thisesteemed organization, founded in 2004, stands as abeacon of social justice, advocating for andrepresenting a diverse tapestry of faith traditions,cultural backgrounds, races, and economiccircumstances.Since its inception, MORE2 has experiencedremarkable growth, expanding its network from aninitial twelve congregations to an impressive thirty-two, along with a multitude of individual members.This diverse and dedicated community is united by ashared commitment to catalyzing transformativechange within the Kansas City area. Their vision isto cultivate a community that not only embracesdiversity in all its forms but also actively fostersequitable opportunities, empowering everyindividual to realize their full potential.The Keynote address will be given by Judy Ancel. Judy Anceldirected the labor education program at UMKC from 1988 to2017 when the program was terminated. As a labor educatorshe taught the skills of organizing and representing workers tounion members and to UMKC students. Judy produces theHeartland Labor Forum, a weekly radio program and podcaston community radio KKFI Thursdays at 6pm central time or atkkfi.org. Since 1998 she has been president of the board of theCross Border Network, a local nonprofit which advocates forthe rights of immigrants here and an end to US imperialism inLatin America which is a major cause of forced migration. Judyis a founder and is Organizing Co-Chair of Kansas City Jobswith Justice.P A G E 0 2"The sutras ask, where do the buddhas come from? And theanswer in the sutras is, they come from ego. What does thismean? This means that realization comes from our abilityto expand our sense of self-care and longing for happinessto include others. This is the business of a bodhisattva."- Dzigar Kongtrul RinpocheKEYNOTE ADDRESS - JUDY ANCELThe Bodhisattva Award recognizes an individualor group in the Kansas City area who embodiesthe Bodhisattva ideals by working to alleviatesuffering in the community through compassion,loving-kindness, and wisdom.A Bodhisattva is a "spiritual warrior ofenlightenment" or "awakening hero" who iscommitted to the well-being of all living beings.Driven by bodhicitta (awakened mind/heart),their goal is to achieve enlightenment for thebenefit of all. One example is Avalokiteśvara,the Bodhisattva of compassion, who is portrayedas both male and female.What is the Bodhisattva Award?
Losar means New Year in Tibetan.The word is composed of twocharacters: lo and sar. Lo means'year' and sar means 'new'. It is thefirst day of the first month of theTibetan lunar calendar.Read more about the days events.Chotrul Düchen, the ‘Festival ofMiracles is one of the the fourBuddhist holidays. The RimeCenter will be open during theday for you to come in andmeditate at your own pace andtime limit. Read more about the days events.LOSARCHOTRUL DÜCHENFebruary 28, 2025March 14, 2025 starting at 6amHolidays at the Rime CenterP A G E 0 3
IlluminationsA look back at the happenings at the Rime Center in PicturesIn August Ven. Tulku Yeshi Rinpochereturned to the Rime Center to giveteachings on Green Tara and gave theTwenty-one Taras empowerment of theSuryagupta tradition.Ven. Tulku YeshiRinpocheRime YogisVisiting TeacherMembers of the Rime Center’s yogicommunity led an Autumn EquinoxSpirit Offering and Smoke puja duringthe Sunday Service in September.Khenpo Tshering Chophel gave a publictalk on the Wisdom of the Three HigherTrainings at the Rime Center duringthe Sunday Service on November 17th.Khenpo Chophel teaches at KarunaBuddhist Center in Ann Arbor, MI.P A G E 0 4
Sacred Art TourReturned to Kansas CityThe Drepung Gomang Sacred Art Tour,which raises money to support over 2000monks at the monastery, made a stop inKansas City from December 8-11. TheRime Buddhist Center was honored to hostthe tour during their brief visit.The Nelson-Atkins Museum hosted a TsaTsa making class for the Drepung Gomangmonks. The class taught participants howto create these sculptures, which aretraditionally made in Tibet for memorialsand funeral rituals. Kimberly Masteller,the Jeanne McCray Beals Curator of Southand Southeast Asian Art, gave participantsa private tour of Buddhist Art before theclass began.The Drepung Gomang monks performed afire puja, a potent ritual believed toremove obstacles, improve health, increasemerit, and purify negative karma, beforedeparting Kansas City on Wednesday. Theceremony uses specific substances offeredto a fire to enhance meditation andspiritual growth.P A G E 0 5Drepung Gomang
Upcoming Events and ClassesThe Rime Center's classes and events are available to EVERYONE. The classes have “Suggested Fees,” howeverpay whatever you can afford for the class. Everyone is welcome! It is our hope that some will pay more to coverthose who can’t afford the usual fee. We simply want everyone to have access to these wonderful classes andevents. All classes except the Meditation Workshop will be held online using Zoom.PAGE 0 6Expand Your Understanding of Buddhist ScripturesSutra Study SundaysSpecial EventsDec 31, 2024 1t 6am39th Annual World Peace MeditationJanuary 4, 2025 at 9amHalf Day Green Tara RetreatFebruary 1, 2025 at 9amHalf Day Zen Meditation RetreatFebrauary 28, 2025 Tibetan New Year – Year of the Wood SnakeMarch 23, 2025 at 10:30amSpring Spirit Offering and Smoke PujaMarch 1, 2025 at 9amHalf Day Chenrezig RetreatMarch 14, 2025 at 7pmChotrul Düchen, the ‘Festival of Miracles’April 5, 2025 at 9amHalf Day Green Tara MeditationFebruary 16, 2025 at 10:30amRefuge & Pratimoksha VowsApril 20, 2025 at 10:30amBodhisattva VowsDelve into the profound teachings of Buddhism with ourmonthly exploration of the Sutras. Join us every firstSunday of the month immediately following the SundayService as we navigate the rich and extensive collection ofBuddhist scriptures, encompassing both the Pali Canon,Chinese Ta-ts’ang Ching, and the Tibetan Kangyur.Sutras, a term derived from the Pali word "sutta," meaning"something that was heard from someone else," typicallyrefer to discourses or teachings attributed to the Buddhaor other enlightened beings. These sacred texts contain awealth of wisdom and guidance on the path to liberation,covering a wide range of topics such as ethics, meditation,philosophy, and the nature of reality.Through our exploration of the Sutras, we will gain deeperinsights into the core principles of Buddhism, cultivatemindfulness and compassion, and apply these teachings toour daily lives. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner ornew to Buddhism, this program offers a valuableopportunity to expand your understanding of this ancientand profound spiritual tradition.
Join us for the 108 Day BodhisattvaChallenge at the Rime Buddhist Center!Deepen your practice, cultivatecompassion, and discover how Dzogchencan transform your daily life into spiritualpractice. All are welcome!“The Tibetan word lojong literally means ‘mindtraining’ but the practice really has more to dowith training our attitude, training us out of thehabitual ways that we respond to situation thathappen to us, especially adverse circumstances.”– Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo108 DayBodhisattvaChallengeThe main book that will be used for the challengewill be Meditation for Modern Madness by HisEminence the Seventh Dzogchen Rinpoche, JigmeLosel Wangpo. Rinpoche shows us how our everyday lives can beturned into spiritual practice—not only to ease ourstress, but to allow the true nature of our mind toreveal itself, right now, on the spot. The Dzogchenview is the highest view, the view from the top of themountain. We need to build a platform that willhold the view, and Dzogchen Rinpoche provides themeditations and advice for living that will help youdo just that. In turn, you’ll find true peace in a mindat rest.Upcoming Events and ClassesJANUARY 1, 20257:45 pm - 9:00 pmKick off party for the 108Day Bodhisattva Challengeis Sunday December 29,2024 at 10:30am duringthe Sunday Service.P A G E 0 7