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Riley Moore Musical Chairs

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4128223 Tanner CourtHarpers Ferry, WV 25425Presorted StandardU.S. PostagePAIDVictory DirectI hope I get Stephen’s seat in the House of Delegates.I definitely deserve Herb’s seat in the State Senate.Stephen can have my seat. Bye Bye State Senate. Hello County Clerk.TOP

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ROD SNYDERRunning for House of Delegates on a liberal platformof higher taxes and bigger government. Seat vacated by:STEPHEN SKINNERLeaving the House of Delegates and runningfor the State Senate. Seat vacated by:HERB SNYDER (ROD’S FATHER)Leaving the State Senate to run for County Clerk.If elected, he could be in charge of counting ballots for his son’s elections.IS TRYING TO RIG THE SYSTEM BY ELECTING HIS FAMILY & FRIENDSPaid for by Moore for West VirginiaTOP