D e a r M s . W a g m a n ,On behalf of Civic Consulting Group LLC (CCG), thank you for the opportunity tointroduce our team and present our proposal to Arlington County’s Human ResourcesDepartment. We understand that your department is looking to procure videoproduction and editing services for promotional selection testing and recruitmentvideos. We are excited about the possibility of serving the County and its constituentswith our award-winning film and production team.The team for this project is unique in the industry in that we are comprised ofindividuals who are experienced in leading public agencies and being responsive tothe needs of constituents and are unparalleled in video and film production.
Civic Consulting Group(CCG) – Project Management and Client SatisfactionCCG is a team of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in governmentadministration, government relations, project management, and communications.CCG provides services in the fields of economic development, project management,government relations, and communications. CCG has expert insight into managingprojects from the perspective of those that answer to the public and numerousstakeholders with divergent needs. CCG tailors its services to the specific needs oftheir clients, offering creative solutions to their unique goals.
Heavy Air Media Group(HAM Media) – Content CreationHAM Media is an award-winning media company that specializes in storytelling andcreating visually impactful content and collateral. With four Emmy Awards, five Emmynominations, and two Grammy Awards under their belt, their film and mediaproductions team fully leverages their entertainment background and leaves lastingimpressions that resonate with audiences. They would be responsible for contentcreation, logo design, website development and management.HAM Media offers clients a wide range of services, including film and videoproduction, custom websites, brand identities, graphic campaigns, social mediacontent, creative direction, art direction, photography, design, and productionconsulting, as well as design and logistical planning for exhibitions and in personexperiences. HAM Media believes that the key to a successful brand and business isthrough building trust and lasting relationships with clients and the people theyserve.HAM Media is passionate about crafting unique and engaging experiences. They knowevery brand has a unique story to tell, and they are here to help tell it. Communicatingcreatively and visually is their passion and they know that providing the highestquality of service and delivering exceptional results leads to success.While CCG will ultimately be responsible for fulfillment of the contract and for clientsatisfaction, the seamless coordination of the entire team of CCG and HAM Mediaprovides continuity of service in all aspects of this contract. The collaboration of thisdiverse team will produce a synergy of creative ideas and energy that will work to theultimate benefit of the County.
Overview ofServicesWe are pleased to offer video production and editing services to Arlington County’sHuman Resource Department for the creation of promotional selection testing andrecruitment videos intended for its public safety agencies. Our expertise includesdeveloping promotional selection exam videos featuring multiple realistic scenarios,as well as follow-up preparation and response sections for administrative, tactical, orsimilar exercises. We will adhere to scripts provided by the County, which consist ofconcise administrative instructions.In the realm of recruitment videos, our commitment involves collaborating withCounty agencies to conceptualize, produce, and format videos that align with theCounty’s objectives. Our comprehensive service includes engaging in pre-productiondiscussions with County staff, providing the requisite technical equipment and on-sitepersonnel for video recording, and delivering a meticulously edited final productcomplete with all necessary effects and graphics.Recognizing the competitive nature of the promotional selection process, weprioritize confidentiality in our work. Our contractor pledges to maintain the utmostdiscretion and refrain from disclosing any information pertaining to the content of thevideos or details related to the video production and editing processes. Thiscommitment extends to interactions with unauthorized staff from County agencies orindividuals who may be candidates for the selection processes. Communication willbe limited to the Human Resource Department (HRD) or designated public safetyagency staff, focusing solely on matters concerning the subject, locations, dates, timesof filming, and final products.Our tailored productions provide comprehensive video acquisition packages, fieldaudio packages, and indoor and outdoor lighting packages. We seamlessly supply allnecessary video shooting equipment, ensuring a harmonious blend of technicalexcellence and creative finesse. Our commitment extends to impeccable post-production services and sophisticated digital audio services, elevating the narrativeand auditory elements of each project.Moreover, we pride ourselves on offering not just services but a collaborative journey,characterized by project management and support that goes beyond conventionalnorms. Our dedication to excellence is reflected in our commitment to accommodateflexible video revisions, acknowledging the dynamic nature of creative expression.Embracing the art of filmmaking, we bring a touch of elegance to each aspect of theproduction process.
Overview ofServicesEstimated Production CostsFor a 2 minute finished videoThis includes:16 hours (2 days) of preproduction for planning, shot listing and scheduling.1.1 full 8hr day of a director of photography2.1 day of 4k Cinema Camera Package with lenses and support equipment including:3.Tripoda.Client Monitorb.Small grip package (c stands, sand bags, gaffers tape, reflectors, etc…)c.Small indoor and outdoor lighting package including bi color LED lightsd.Field audio package4.2 wireless lavaliersa.1 shotgun microphoneb.field audio recorderc.16 hrs of video editing5.8 hrs of Motion graphics including, titles, graphics (not 3D), and timers.6.1 VO session7.Color correction of video8.Audio sweetening, scoring, and sound design of video9.Mastering and video compression into an any 16:9 format required.10.$15,000 Additional CostsEach additional day of production is $2400Each additional DP is $1000/8hr dayEach additional Cinema camera package is $500 a dayDrone is $250/ dayEditing is billed at 150/ hourSpecial Effects (i.e. compositing fire and smoke, etc…) are billed at $300/ hour asneeded.Any additional crew needed for a specific task during the course of production will bebilled at their normal hourly/day rates.
TechnicalCompetenciesOur team has the capacity to provide all of the servicesas detailed in this proposal. Weare ready, willing, and able to provide the County with the high level of excellence andservice that our clients expect from us and are prepared to do so within our firms’current workload commitments. We are Proficient in a variety of applicationsincluding Adobe Creative Cloud, Final Cut Pro, Premier Pro, DaVinci Resolve, andUnreal Engine. In the realm of visual storytelling, our expertise unfolds as a seamless orchestration ofthe cinematic arts. As directors, we wield a mastery that goes beyond the lens,shaping narratives with precision and creative vision. Our proficiency in filming andaudio recording transforms concepts into captivating realities, ensuring every frameresonates with clarity and resonance.Behind the camera, we are more than technicians; we are artists capturing momentsin time. Through the interplay of lighting and sound, our team crafts immersiveexperiences. Each project is a canvas where script development takes center stage,with narratives evolving into compelling tales that engage your viewers.We navigate the complexities of production management with finesse, orchestratingevery element. Aerial video shooting introduces a dynamic perspective, pushingboundaries and unlocking new dimensions in visual storytelling. Our mastery extendsto Point of View (POV) shooting, where the viewer is immersed in the heart of theaction, experiencing narratives through a unique and captivating lens.We are professionals of the audiovisual craft, sculpting stories that leave lastingimpressions.
Experience andCredentialsScan QR for examples of workPassword: 58644
HAMMEDIAGROUP& CONTENT CREATIONSAWARD WINNING PRODUCTIONSWe build unique identities and curatedcontent, that keep your messaging andaudience in mind.IMAGINE BETTER MEDIA
Heavy Air Media Group, ( HAM ) is an award-winning media company that specializes in storytelling and creating impactful content and collateral.With four Emmy awards, five Emmy nominations, and two Grammy awards under our belt, our film and media productions fully leverage our entertainment background and leave lasting impressions that resonate with audiences.We offer a wide range of services including film and video production, custom websites, brand identities, graphic campaigns, social media content, creative direction, art direction, photography, design and production consulting, as well as design and logistical planning for exhibitions and in-person experiences.The key to a successful brand and business is throughbuilding trust and relationships with clients and the people they serve. By providing you with the highest quality of service and delivering exceptional results, we pave the way to your success and ours. We are passionate about crafting unique and engaging experiences that leave a lasting impressions.We are proud of the unmatched creative expertise and technical skill we provide our clients. We build unique identities and curated content, that keep your messaging and audience in mind.Every brand has a unique story to tell. We are here to help you tell it.HAMIMAGINE BETTER MEDIAMEDIAGROUP
dolphIN W I TH T H E O L D - I N W I TH T H E N E W Video storytelling is a powerful tool that resonates with audiences on a deep level.Video engages people at a primal level. It cuts through the noise and captures attention. Whether it’s a product demo, brand story, or customer testimonial, our video productions are crafted to hold your viewers attention.We know that a well-crafted video positions brands as credible authorities. They build trust among employees, customers, investors, and other stakeholders. A compelling video can enhance a brand’s reputation.Visual storytelling is effective. Videos convey complex ideas in a matter of seconds. People increasingly prefer video content. Over 70% of individuals reported happier moods and reduced stress while watching videos, especially explainer videos, testimonials, and educational content that influence buying decisions.Our productions are aimed to be immersive, powerful, and effective in driving engagement. We bring ideas and brand personalities to life, by leaving a lasting impression on your viewers.
Stephanie TiangcoPresident / ProducerStephanie Tiangco is an Emmy Award-winning mediaprofessional with over 20 years of experience in theindustry. She is the co-founder of Heavy Air Media Group,which provides innovative solutions for clients acrossdifferent sectors and industries, ranging fromEntertainment, Commercial, Education, Civic, and Non-profit. She has amassed a range of skills from her years ofexperience, from graphic design, web design, script writing,event design and branding. Her client list is diverse, ranging from artist such as CloGreen, Missy Elliott, Rob Zombie and Annie Lenox aswell as brands like Tiffany, Chloe, Lanvin, Escada, BagliaMishka, Condé Nast, Sea World Resorts, Disney, BMW,and many more. Her creative vision is trusted by a widerage of organizations such as The Everglades Foundation,Miami Foundation, ISPE, Environmental Defense Fund,The City of Miami-Dade. She is an Emmy Award winningwriter and producer. Stephanie’s greatest asset is her abilityto truly understand her clients needs and meet their metricsand goals, by creating visually engaging experiences thatleave lasting impressions.Javier Carrión is a founder and co-owner of Heavy AirMedia Group, a premier media production companyrenowned for crafting captivating stories across variousmedia platforms. His early career was as a studio andtouring musician, working with artists like BrianMcKnight, Jon Secada, Barbra Streisand, Barry Gib, RickyMartin, Jennifer Lopez, Mark Anthony and Shakira toname just a few. His work as an in-demand mixing engineer garneredhim 2 Grammy awards and countless grammynominations. He then expanded his talents to include videoproduction. His ability to craft compelling stories, quickly made him in-demand among a diverse range of clients, including leadingbrands like Coca Cola, Sea World, and Disney, and non-profit organizations such as ISPE, The EvergladesFoundation, Miami Foundation, Lotus House andEnvironmental Defense Fund. This work earned him 3 Emmy Awards and 4 Emmy Nominations. Javier ispassionate about finding and telling compelling stories, and prides himself on making his client’s message resonate with the widest audience possible. Javier CarrionDirector / FounderMichael's journey began with a development deal with MTV Networks, Michael's talents then caught the attention of Plum TV,which led to his involvement in launching the luxury-focused channel in Miami Beach. His exceptional leadership skills enabledhim to assemble a team of award-winning professionals and spearhead the production of innovative and engaging televisionseries. His remarkable work extended too partnerships with prestigious brands such as National Polo Club, Mercedes Benz, ArtBasel and more, where he showcased his unrivaled ability to create compelling television series and paid content.He is a also a multi Emmy Award and Telly Award-Winning Producer, which has solidified his position as a visionary in the field.Micheal HonablueProducer
M A R Y L A N D | N E W Y O R K | F L O R I D ACivic Consulting Group is made up of individuals with extensive experience inproject management, government relations, economic development andcommunications who are passionate about the agencies they represent and publicservice. P E R T I N E N T A R E A S O F E X P E R T I S E project managementeconomic developmentsmall business developmentstakeholder engagementplacemakinginter-governmental agency coordinationnon-profit managementrelationship buildingstrategic planning communications CREATIVESOLUTIONS TOUNIQUE CHALLENGES
C I V I C C O N S U L T I N G G R O U P Gemma Torcivia, JD, MBA President – Civic Consulting GroupGemma Torcivia is the founder and president of Civic Consulting Group. Gemma has servedgovernments, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and private clients in variouscapacities for nineteen years. As an attorney and former government administrator with real-worldexperience leading business and government organizations, she brings a wealth of knowledge inassisting agencies with innovative concepts and solutions. She is the Founder and President of CCG,and is committed to ensuring that CCG's clients and their constituents receive responsive, high-quality, cost-effective service. As president of Civic Consulting Group, Gemma provides direct support, project management,strategic planning, government relations, and relationship management for clients in the public andprivate sectors; negotiates and manages multi-million dollar contracts for city governments for public-private partnerships, development, and transit; provides public facing communications and projectsupport for clients; and develops campaigns to secure capital for clients’ development andconstruction projects. CCG is also experienced at managing federal grants with extensive experiencewith the Federal Transit Administration. TG Law, PLLC, FL | Managing Partner: TG Law is a civil practice firm emphasizing local government law, business and corporatematters, land use, employment law, community redevelopment agencies, administrative law and legislative issues, and litigationin federal and state trial courts and before administrative agencies. The firm provides county, state, and federal grant support forFlorida local governments. Gemma heads the firm’s government relations division. City of Delray Beach, FL | Economic Development Director: Gemma was the director for the City of Delray Beach’s economicdevelopment response to COVID-19 and provided resources and support for area businesses during COVID-19. She served as amember of the Executive Leadership Team and provided critical guidance for emergency management operations. She alsoprovided grant support and assistance to the Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency.Homestead Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), Homestead, FL | Executive Director: Directed the Homestead CRA,managed five employees and a $2.5 million annual budget. Managed contract negotiations and project plans for over $75 millionof capital projects. Negotiated a $60 million public private partnership to develop a multi-modal transit development, includingworking with bond counsel on a $30 million taxable municipal bond. Project manager for New Market Tax Credits, includingsecuring funding and developing contracts. Negotiated with property owners and engaged in property acquisition for publicprojects, including working on eminent domains, closings, and implementing federal takings requirements.City of Homestead, FL | Economic Development Manager : Designed the City’s five-year economic development plan and builtpolitical will and community support for implementation. Served as a team member on $55 million of capital projects that werecompleted on time and on budget. Drafted and presented agenda items, resolutions and ordinances for planning and zoningboard meetings, historic preservation meetings and City Council meetings. COMMUNITY AFFILIATIONS Associate Member, Palm Beach County League of CitiesMember, PBC Chapter, Florida Association for Women Lawyers (FAWL)"Member of Board of Directors, Palm Beach County Human Rights Council (HRC)Member of Governmental and Public Policy Advocacy Committee and Advertising Committee, Florida Bar
C I V I C C O N S U L T I N G G R O U P Enrico (Rick) Ammirato Government and Nonprofit Executive LeaderRick Ammirato is a proven government and nonprofit executive with extensive project management, government relations, constituent relations, municipal government, and economic development experience. Principal - Civic Consulting GroupCivic Consulting Group (CCG) is a multi-disciplinary firm offering strategic consulting services to local governments, nonprofits, educational institutions, and the private sector. We provide services in the fields of economic development, project management, land-use, business solutions, government relations and crisis communications. CCG is a team of seasoned professionals working in government administration, public relations, law, education, and government relations. We have insight into managing projects from the perspective of those that answer to the public and numerous stakeholders with divergent needs. CCG tailors its services to the specific needs of their clients, offering creative solutions to their unique goals.President - FMCA Consulting, LLC, Bethesda, MDFMCA Consulting provides consulting services to public, private, and nonprofit organizations in the areas of projectmanagement, board development, operations, government relations, strategic planning, crisis communications, andconstituent relations.Executive Director - DC Business Improvement Districts Council, Washington, District of ColumbiaThe DC BID Council is the association of DC’s Eleven Business Improvement Districts. The BID Council works collaboratively to address issues that cut across BID boundaries to foster a vibrant and healthy city and thriving neighborhood economies.Implemented the boards strategic goals around districtwide issues such as economic development, homelessness, parks and public space funding, gun violence prevention, and “return to office.” Updated the organizations governing documents such as bylaws, conflict of interest policy, and procurement policies. Executive Director - Bethesda Urban Partnership, Inc, (BUP) Bethesda, MDWorked closely with the Board of Directors to formulate and implement strategic goals with respect to services and programs. Implemented the policies and priorities of the Board of Directors by coordinating BUP’s staff to achieve desired results. Successfully navigated BUP’s five-year reauthorization by the Montgomery County Council.Assistant City Manager - City of Homestead, Homestead, FLHIGHLIGHTS20 years of municipal government and nonprofit experienceSecured $25 million in Miami Dade County Transportation funds for Homestead Station ProjectRepresented local government at county, state, and federal levels
C I V I C C O N S U L T I N G G R O U P Josh Padgett PrincipalJosh Padgett is a Principal at CCG, leading our multimedia division. Josh has extensive experience with municipalgovernment communications, messaging and content creation. He has worked on successful special electioncampaigns and bond referendums. Additionally, Josh has been producing monthly news shows for cities that provide a professional platform to showcasethe accomplishments of its staff and elected officials. Across multiple cities his live emergency coverage during theCOVID-19 pandemic and Hurricanes Irma and Dorian received over 2.5 million views. Josh has also provided planningfor crisis communications as well as real time crisis communications services. This work across multiple cities andmunicipalities has earned over 40 national and international awards. As a Virginia native and current Virginia resident, Josh is immersed in Virginia’s unique outdoor and equestrianenthusiast culture. He fondly recalls spending idyllic summers with his family exploring Virginia’s many recreationdestinations and riding horseback. Josh went on to graduate from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in NewYork City and has worked in Los Angeles and South Florida in television both behind and in front of the camera.