2BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comManausVISITBRASIL.COMIt’s the AmazonIt’s spectacularfor youIt’s
1BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comDear auDience,The Innito Brazilian Film Festival is one of the longest-running and most signicant cultural events in the cities of Miami, Miami Beach, and New York. The festival has been held for 28 consecutive years. It has created numerous business opportunities, boosted the economies of participating cities, and celebrated the rich diversity and creativity of Brazi-lian audiovisual content. The excitement of organi-zing this festival for so many years is matched only by the satisfaction of seeing Brazilian cinema gain recognition both in Brazil and globally.The history of the Festival is intertwined with the history of Brazilian cinema itself, which has faced challenges and triumphed over the years. One of the recent achievements to be celebrated is the approval of the Lei de Cota de Telas, (Screen Quota Law), which guarantees reserved space for the pre-sence of national cinema in theaters on the Brazi-lian commercial circuit, meaning more visibility and opportunities for our lms to be seen by audiences in their own country. The sector has undergone sig-nicant transformation over the past 28 years, inclu-ding a shift in how we watch movies. The arrival of streaming platforms, the majority of which are fo-reign, has become the primary means of accessing content globally. Brazil, a country with continental dimensions, is the second largest consumer of l-ms and series via streaming, with 31 million hou-seholds registered. In light of this transformation, numerous countries have already regulated stre-aming; however, Brazil has yet to do so. We have two bills in the House of Representatives and the Senate, respectively, proposing taxing major Inter-national streaming services to help promote natio-nal productions. This regulation aims to protect our independent productions and uphold copyright for Brazilian creators and producers.The Innito Brazilian Film Festival continues to play an active role in all the transformations oc-curring in our sector, making history along the way. In this issue, we pay tribute to Renata Al-meida Magalhães, an iconic gure in the Brazi-lian market who represents our organization in all its dimensions. We are presenting concerts by Larissa Luz and Alcione at SummerStage in Central Park, New York, and Fernanda Abreu at the Miami Beach Bandshell. Additionally, 105 lms will be shown in New York, and Miami with in-person and virtual screenings available at inff.online for the entire United States, from Puerto Rico to Alaska.We are a platform dedicated to celebrating and valuing Brazilian audiovisual content in all its diversity, where stories, emotions, and unique experiences are shared with the audience. Attending the Innito’s festivals represents a unique opportunity to view a lm. The magic of a giant screen in a darkened room, meeting up with friends, discussing the lm’s themes, and socializing with directors and actors is now enhanced by the availability of numerous options on home screens.The Innito Brazilian Film Festival, now ne-aring its third decade, stands as a symbol of both resilience and renewal. It serves as a con-duit for connecting people, and cultures, and bringing out the best that cinematographic art has to offer.enjoy! Innito Brazilian Film Festival is on its way to 30 years. Are you coming?AdriAnA L. dutrA, CLáudiA dutrA, ViViAne B. SpineLLi Directors of Innito Brazilian Film FestivalWELCOME1BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.com
2BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comIn 2024, the year in which Brazil and the United States celebrate 200 years of diplomatic relations, the Innito Brazilian Film Festival will be present in New York for another year of its history. Innito is a key project for promoting contemporary Brazilian cinema abroad: an initiative of strategic importance for strengthening Brazil’s cultural identity, promoting our national lm industry and encouraging artistic exchanges between Brazil and the United States. The pioneering spirit of the festival’s organizers, who created the project decades ago, has enabled Brazilian audiovisual productions to reach North American audiences. Also noteworthy is the resilience of the Innito organizers, who have managed to adapt to technological changes, to the evolution of consumer habits and to the constant nancial and logistical challenges of carrying out a large-scale cultural project. The promotion of Brazilian cinema in New York highlights the visibility of national production in one of the CONSuLATE LETTERmost important cultural centers in the world. By presenting lms that portray Brazil’s cultural, social and geographic diversity, it contributes for the understanding of Brazil in a more authentic way, beyond stereotypes. With an extensive network of lm professionals, Innito puts Brazilian cinema in the spotlight of international distributors, producers and investors, which can generate new business opportunities for the Brazilian lm industry. It is with great pleasure that the Consulate General of Brazil in New York is a partner in another edition of the Innito Film Festival, a very successful initiative throughout its history, which has presented and should continue to present - the best of Brazilian cinema to international audiences. Sincerely,New York, August 5, 2024
3BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comINDEX020406101315212631 32 40 41Consulate LetterDirectors and FoundersInnito AmbassadorsLocationsKick off partyConcerts and Film Screenings at Summerstage in Central ParkFilm Screenings at Herbert Von King Cultural Arts Center in BrooklynMajestic PrincessInnito Towards 30 yearsCuratorsThanksSponsors
4BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comDiRECTORS AND FOuNDERSADRIANA L. DuTRA As a curator, lmmaker, screenwriter, and producer, her recent works include: reality shows Na Barraca em Busca do Amor (2024), High Esteem (2nd & 3rd seasons, 2024), High Esteem (1st season, 2023). full-length documentaries such as Society of Fear (2022), A Journey Thru Rio’s Street Parade (2019), Transtime (2018 Smoking I Wait (2015), Mulheres da Maré (2014). Documentary TV series include: Option America (2017), Slab Option (2016), Sons Brasilis (2019), Transgente (2016), among many others. She is the director and founder of the Innito Group (1995) and the Innito Foundation in the US (1995). In 2020, she founded the streaming platform www.inff.online, which offers screenings and festivals with Brazilian content available to the national and international markets.Adriana was a member of the 2019 Oscar Committee in Brazil; Netix Award Jury; Goya Award Committee, 2018; Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival Jury; Cuiabá Film Festival Jury and is a Director of the Festivals Forum.CLáuDIA DuTRA Producer and one of the directors and co-founders of the Innito Group. She has been working in the audiovisual and cultural industry for 30 years and is one of the creators and producers responsible for important cultural events and all marketing and advertising campaigns, such as the Innito Festival Circuit, Cine Pedal Brasil, Noites do Rio, Viena, Cidade dos Sonhos, 15 x Austria, Cine Verão do Rio, Cine Itinerante, Conexão Samba, among many others.
5BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comIn the audiovisual eld, she is both a producer and approves the executive production and production direction of several series and lms, among them; Fumando Espero, Quanto Tempo o Tempo Tem, Quero Botar Meu Bloco, Opção Laje, Deu Verde, Sons Brasilis, among her most recent works are the realities Alta Estima and Na Barraca em Busca do Amor, the feature lm Sociedade do Medo, among many others.She served as a juror at the São Paulo (SP) and Goiânia short lm festival and was awarded for her contributions at the CINE Pernambuco (PE) and São Luís do Maranhão Festivals.She is a founding member of the Forum of Festivals and has participated in the CBC, Congresso Brasileiro de Cinema ( Brazilian Congress of Cinema) and the Brazilian Film Academy. In 2018, she founded the Mulheres Mix platform, where she acts as a director, presenter, and content creator. Cláudia is also one of the founders and creators of the platform www.inff.online.VIVIANE B. SPINELLIGraduated from Santa Úrsula University in Rio de Janeiro with a degree in Urbanism and Architecture in 1992. She is one of the founders and the US executive director of Innito. She manages and produces the company’s events with the Brazilian Film Festival and the Inff.online platform as the forerunner.Viviane directed and produced the short Pioneers and the musical documentary Orchestra on the Road. She was the assistant director of the documentary Smoking I Wait, executive producer of the documentary Transtime, and the US producer of the TV Series Option America and feature documentary Society of Fear. In 2018 Viviane received the Brazilian Government and Ministry of External Relations highest honor, the Order of Rio Branco. In 2023 she was part of the feature lm Jury of the 21st edition of Cinemato - Film and Video Festival in Cuiabá, MT.
6BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comINFFINITO AMBASSADORSLiLiANA KAWASE was born in Bahia and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She holds a degree in engineering and a lifelong passion for cinema. Currently residing in Lisbon, she is a partner in Titanio Films, a production company specializing in creating lms, documentaries, and television series. In addition to her work in lm production, she has been curating and judging lm festivals.LAuRA FERNANDES holds a master’s degree in psychology, she worked as a producer for various musical bands and artists. She also worked with production at Globotec, tv globo. Laura was the creator and owner of Doc-Video Produções for over a decade.She is the director and founder of Minas Production, an audiovisual content production company headquartered in Miami.A heartfelt thank you goes out to these powerful women for their invaluable support and contribution. Your belief in our mission has a profound impact on the growth and success of the festival.RENATA GARCIA holds a Law Degree from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, LLMs in Corporate Law from the Universidade Candido Mendes, Brazil, LLM in Banking from IBMEC, Sao Paulo, LLM in International Law from Catholic University of Leuven and Certication of Global Philanthropy from NYU. Renata is dedicated to philanthropy, focusing on arts, education and cultural initiatives through The Garcia Family Foundation.
10BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comVENuESTHE coPacaBaNa NYc625 west 51st, New York, NY 10019HERBERT VoN KING cULTURaL aRTS cENTER670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11216FESTIVaL BoaT PaRTYPIER 36 - 299 South St, NY 10002SUmmERSTaGE IN cENTRaL PaRKRumsey Playeld, NY 10021ELEcTRIc LEmoN NY RooFToP33 Hudson Yards, 24th Floor, New York, NY 1000110BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.com
14BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comby Gloria Albuesby Maria MayaSynoPSiSMany years after the death of the Brazilian writer Teresa Albues in New York, her sister Gloria, living in the interior of Brazil, received a box containing Tereza’s belongings. From that point on, this intimate and poetic lm essay develops the affective relationship between the two sisters and the author’s existential and literary trajectory.caST & creDiTSProducer: Felipe Albues - Director: Gloria Albues - Screenplay: Gloria Albues - Cinematography: Luzo Reis - Rated: GSynoPSiSThe tumultuous world of young Willian, a nine-year-old whose innocence is shattered amidst the relentless storm of domestic aggression. Born into a volatile household, Willian’s tender years are marred by the brutal reality of constant conict. In the gripping short lm “Routine”, we are thrust into the harrowing journey of a child forced to endure the chilling presence of domestic violence.caST & creDiTSProducer: Maria Maya - Director: Maria Maya Screenplay: Daniel Porto - Cinematography: Maria Maya - Cast: Renata Batista, Cininha de Paula, Noah Batista Marcus - Rated: GALBUESASRoUTInEDocumentary I 19 min I 2024Drama I 5 min I 2024
16BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comFILm ScREENING aT SUmmERSTaGE IN cENTRaL PaRK free admISSIONGERSon KInG comBoby David Obadia and Belisário FrancaDocumentary I 78 min I 2023SynoPSiSMeet Gerson King Combo, the ‘Brazilian James Brown’, as he shares his life and art in this revealing documentary showcasing his magnetic showmanship.caST & creDiTSProducer: Belisário Franca - Director: David Obadia e Belisario Franca - Screenplay: David Obadia e Maurício Eiras - Cinematography: David Obadia Cast: Elza Soares, Seu Jorge, Leci Brandão, Zezé Mota, Marcelo D2, Dj Marlboro, Mr Catra, Alcione, Afrika Banbaataa, Dom Filó, Fernanda Abreu, Rappin’ Hood, Marcelo Yuka, Thaíde, Lady Zu, Jair de Oliveira, Serjão Loroza, Carlos Dafé - Rated: PG-13aUGUST 22Nd – THUrSdaY - 6Pm
17BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comCONCerT bYLaRISSa LUZSinger, songwriter, presenter, curator, producer, activist, actress and entrepreneur: these are just some of the personas that coexist within Larissa Luz. Pondering a powerful discourse of empowerment, ancestry and Afrofuturism, a native of Salvador understands that the possibilities of expression and existence are multiple and complex.The messages can be disseminated through various channels, including albums such as Território Conquistado (2016), which was nominated for a Latin Grammy, Trovão (2019), and her most recent EP Deusa Dulov (2021), which was acclaimed at Brazil’s largest music festivals (Lollapalooza, Rock in Rio, Meca Inhotim and Afropunk Bahia). Larissa has also made a name for herself on the Brazilian stage in 2018 when she played Elza Soares in the celebrated and award-winning musical “Elza.” Since then, she has continued her brilliant and consistent trajectory in Brazilian audiovisual acting in productions by Amazon and Globo Filmes. As host of “Saia Justa” for two seasons, Larissa stood out for delivering captivating, condent speeches and offering insightful reections. Additionally, her discourse from 2021 and 2022, as a curator, is noteworthy. Being responsible for the line-up of the Brazilian edition of Afropunk, one of the world’s leading black culture events. The plurality and consistency of the messages incorporated in the singer’s career have also led to partnerships with brands such as AVON, Nike, Hering and Bradesco Bank. With a restless ambition to pursue what is next to come, Larissa Luz embodies the spirit of Angela Davis’s famous quote: “When black women move, the whole structure of society moves with them.”aUG 22ND - THURSDaY | 7:20 Pm17
18BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comCONCerT bYaLcIoNEaUG 22ND - THURSDaY | 8:30 PmOwner of an unmistakable voice, a striking personality and unparalleled swing, Alcione is one of the most prestigious Brazilian artists both in Brazil and abroad. She is unique, emblematic and has a special charisma that has won her a legion of fans throughout her career of more than 50 years.Born in São Luís do Maranhão, she is the fourth of nine children born to João Carlos and Felipa. She graduated as an elementary school teacher in her hometown, however, in 1967, she relocated to Rio de Janeiro. Marrom, a nickname she has had from the onset of her artistic career, has a glorious curriculum that includes performances at the most prominent stages in Brazil and internationally, with performances in over 30 countries.Her recording career spanned the period from 1972 until 2023. She has received 26 Gold Discs, 7 Platinum Discs, 2 of which are Double Platinum, 3 Gold DVDs, and 1 Platinum DVD. Her collection also includes hundreds of important MPB (Brazilian Popular Music) awards, such as the Brazilian Music Award, of which she has won twenty-one out of the twenty-nine editions. In 2003, Marrom was awarded the Latin Grammy for Best Samba Album category and received the Best Popular Singer Award at the Brazilian Academy of Letters.Never giving up facing challenges, she 18BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.com
19BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comis applauded and admired for an impeccable biography, a solid career and countless hits, such as: Não Deixe O Samba Morrer, Sufoco, Gostoso Veneno, Menino Sem Juízo, Nem Morta, Garoto Maroto, Estranha Loucura, Meu Vício é Você, Ou Ela Ou Eu, Além da Cama, A Loba, Mulher Ideal, Você Me vira a Cabeça and Meu Ébano. In 2020, prior to the onset of the pandemic, she toured Europe: Zurich (Switzerland), Stuttgart (Germany), Paris (France), Milan (Italy), Ovar and Lisbon (Portugal). During the months of social isolation, she did a series of lives, that collectively had millions of views. After four years, the transition from “Eu Sou a Marrom” to “Tijolo Por Tijolo” included an unreleased released CD and the release of the award-winning documentary “O Samba é Primo do Jazz,” (in partnership with Documenta Filmes).In 2022, she recorded an audiovisual project alluding to the 50th anniversary of her recording career on the stage of the Municipal Theater in Rio de Janeiro and toured Europe again: London (England), Lisbon, Porto, Águeda and Madeira Island (Portugal).On Marrom´s birthday, November 21st, the “Alcione Medal” was launched, the highest commendation of cultural merit in the state of Rio de Janeiro in honor of samba. Instituted by Governor Cláudio Castro and the State Secretary of Culture and Creative Economy, Danielle Barros. December was a month of notable achievements for Marrom, as she, not only performed another season of shows at Casa 70 in Luanda, Angola, but also graced the cover of Vogue magazine.The year 2023 was also very special for its signicance, as it was designated as the theme of the Brazilian Music Prize (Alcione Year) and she was announced as the storyline for the 2024 Carnival of Estação Primeira de Mangueira, with the theme “A Negra Voz do Amanhã”! (The Black Voice of Tomorrow).An artist adored by audiences from all walks of life, age groups, social and intellectual classes, Alcione has already made her name on numerous pages of the history of our best popular music. Her work, eclectic and devoid of musical prejudices, nds an unfailing connection with the people (she’s damn proud to be a popular singer!). For all of the above and so many other qualities - musical and personal - Alcione is a distinguished and emblematic name. A valiant artist, a warrior, known for her authenticity, competence and unique trajectory. And, taking advantage of one of her most famous catchphrases (yes, she also has a vast repertoire in this regard) “Alcione is not and will never be just anyone”.19BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.com
21BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comAuG 23RD - 24ThFILM ScreenInGS In BrooKLynBIOCENTRICS3 PMby Fernanda Heinz Figueiredo and Ataliba Benaim dOCuMentArYGREAT SERTÃO5:30 PMby Guel ArraesFeAture FILMMY NAME IS GAL4 PMby Dandara Ferreira and Lô PolitiFeAture FILMFree AdMISSIOn FREE ADMISSION Free AdMISSIOnhERBERT VON KING CuLTuRAL ARTS CENTER670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11216AuG23RDAuG23RDAuG24ThBLACK RIO! BLACK POWER!2 PMby Emílio DomingosdOCuMentArYAuG24Th21BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.com
22BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comFILm ScREENINGS IN BRooKLYNfree admISSIONBIocEnTRIcSby Fernanda Heinz Figueiredo and Ataliba Benaim Documentary I 108 min I 2023SynoPSiSHow would you reinvent a part of the world following the principles of nature? The lm addresses these and other questions through the lens of biologist Janine Benyus. who proposes technological and social innovations inspired by the Earth’s experience over billions of years.caST & creDiTSProducer: Camila Gaglianone, Jorge Saad JafetDirector: Fernanda Heinz Figueiredo, Ataliba BenaimScreenplay: Ataliba Benaim, Jorge Saad JafetCinematography: David VêluzRated: GHERBERT Von KInG cULTURAL ARTS cEnTER670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11216aUGUST 23rd - frIdaY - 3 Pm
23BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comHERBERT Von KInG cULTURAL ARTS cEnTER670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11216GREAT SERTÃoby Guel ArraesDrama I 114 min I 2024SynoPSiSIn a gigantic Brazilian periphery community called “Grande Sertão”, the ght between cops and thugs has taken on the air of a real war, bringing up the issues common to the epic genre: loyalty, life and death, love, and courage.caST & creDiTSProducer: Adriana König, Carol Scalice, Luciano SalimDirector: Guel ArraesScreenplay: Guel Arraes, Jorge FurtadoCinematography: Gustavo HadbaCast: Caio Blat, Luisa Arraes, Rodrigo Lombardi, Luis Miranda, Eduardo Sterblitch, Luellem de CastroRated: NC-17aUGUST 23rd - frIdaY - 5:30 PmFILm ScREENINGS IN BRooKLYNfree admISSION
24BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comBLAcK RIo! BLAcK PoWER!by Emílio DomingosDocumentary I 75 min I 2023SynoPSiSThe lm portrays Rio de Janeiro’s soul music scene in the 70s as an armation of the black youth community’s identity, political and racial power, and through Dom Filo’s history, one of the movement’s leaders, reclaims its impact in Brazilian music, black movement and society.caST & creDiTSProducer: Leticia Monte, Lula Buarque de HollandaDirector: Emílio DomingosScreenplay: Emílio DomingosCinematography: Leo Bittencourt, Rita Albano - Dafb Cast: Dom Filó, Agenor Neto, Carlos Dafé, Carlos Alberto Medeiros, Virgilane Dutra, Salvador Gomes, DJ Nennén, Neia Souza, José Reinaldo Marques, Rômulo Costa, Marquinhos de Oswaldo Cruz - Rated: GaUGUST 24TH - SaTUrdaY - 2PmFILm ScREENINGS IN BRooKLYNfree admISSION
25BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.commY nAmE IS GALby Dandara Ferreira and Lô Politi Drama I 88 min I 2023SynoPSiSThe movie tells the story of singer Gal Costa’s transformation from a shy aspirant to one of the greatest names in Brazilian Popular Music. We follow her formative years in which she would hang out with legendary artists such as Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil and Maria Bethânia. caST & creDiTSProducer: Marcio Fracarolli, André Fracarolli, Veronica Stumpf, Lô PolitiDirector: Dandara Ferreira, Lô PolitiScreenplay: Lô Politi, Maíra Bühler, Mirna NogueiraCinematography: Pedro SoteroCast: Sophie Charlotte, Rodrigo Lelis, Sonia Maria, Dan Ferreira, Lavínia Castelari, Luis LobiancoRated: PG-13aUGUST 24TH - SaTUrdaY - 4 PmFILm ScREENINGS IN BRooKLYNfree admISSION
27BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comthe best ofbrazilian cinemawith you all time!Watch the 28th InffinitoBrazilian Film Festival atNews, backstage, cupons and much more!
28BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comBrazilian Press is proud to be the media support for the
30BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comDTLBACCOUNTING TA X FINANCEClaudia NascimentoMaximize seus lucros, minimize seusimpostos e transforme sua vida financeira!Deseja agregar valor aos seus clientes?Torne-se nosso parceiro.(305) 776-4780Especialista em Tributaçãoe Consultoria FinanceiraContadoraCode e me chameno WhatsApp!Escaneie o QRinfo@dtlbiz.com
31BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comInnito is a Brazilian production company and an American foundation founded and led by three women: Adriana L. Dutra, Claudia Dutra, and Viviane B. Spinelli.Together, they founded the Innito Brazilian Film Festival, a pioneer in the exhibition of Brazilian audiovisual content abroad. The festi-val serves as a natural showcase for training, reection, promotion, cultural exchange, diver-sity, political and sectoral coordination, artistic recognition, social actions, employment and in-come generation, as well as a business environ-ment, given that the festival sector is a vibrant cultural segment with extraordinary economic and social potential.The Innito Brazilian Film Festival has already been held in 14 cities: Miami - New York - Van-couver - Barcelona - Madrid - London - Rome - Frascatti - Milan - Bogotá - Montevideo - Buenos Aires - Shanghai and Canudos, in Brazil. More than 2,700 lms were screened, including featu-re lms, documentaries, animation and series, with the presence of more than 3.000 Brazilian professionals.In 2026, the Innito Festival Circuit will celebra-te its 30th anniversary with the 30th edition of the Innito Brazilian Film Festival - Miami, an ocial event of the American government, whe-re it all began.The Festival is one of the longest-running and most signicant cultural events in Miami, Mia-mi Beach, and New York. The excitement of holding this festival continues to grow and each MIAMI CELEBRATES ThE 100Th EDITION OF INFFINITO CIRCuIT FESTIVALSyear the growth and recognition of Brazilian cinema increases both in Brazil and internatio-nallyThe Innito Brazilian Film Festival actively par-ticipates in all the transformations occurring in our sector, making history along the way. Atten-ding the Innito Festivals is more than a spe-cial way to watch a movie. Meeting with friends, discussing the movie´s themes, and engaging with directors and actors is now an even more fantastic experience with so many options on the home screen.The Innito Brazilian Film Festival, which is approaching its 30th anniversary, will honor Renata Almeida Magalhães for her contribution to Brazilian cinema and Marcello Coltro - an important executive in the sector and a partner since the Festival’s 2nd edition. With 107 Brazilian lms in virtual and in-person screenings, and concerts by Alcione, Larissa Luz, and Fernanda Abreu, the 28th edition of the Innito Brazilian Film Festival celebrates Brazilian culture in all its vigor.LonG LiVe BraZiLian cineMa!LONG LiVE INFFiNiTO! ONWARDS TO 30 YEARS!So many emotions.AdriAnA L. dutrA, CLáudiA dutrA, ViViAne B. SpineLLi Founders & Directors*In MeMOrY OF MAriA InêS dAL BOrGO And GLOriA JOHnSOn FOr tHeir dediCAtiOn in prOMOtinG BrAziLiAn CuLture in MiAMi.
32BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comCuRATORSADRIANA L. DuTRA As a curator, lmmaker, screenwriter, and producer, her recent works include: reality shows Na Barraca em Busca do Amor (2024), High Esteem (2nd & 3rd seasons, 2024), High Esteem (1st season, 2023). full-length documentaries such as Society of Fear (2022), A Journey Thru Rio’s Street Parade (2019), Transtime (2018 Smoking I Wait (2015), Mulheres da Maré (2014). Documentary TV series include: Option America (2017), Slab Option VIVIANE B. SPINELLI graduated from Santa Úrsula University in Rio de Janeiro with a degree in Urbanism and Architecture in 1992. She is one of the founders and the US executive director of Innito. She manages and produces the company’s events with the Brazilian Film Festival and the Inff.online platform as the forerunners.Viviane directed and produced the short Pioneers and the musical documentary Orchestra on the (2016), Sons Brasilis (2019), Transgente (2016), among many others. She is the director and founder of the Innito Group (1995) and the Innito Foundation in the US (1995). In 2020, she founded the streaming platform www.inff.online, which offers screenings and festivals with Brazilian content available to the national and international markets.Adriana was a member of the 2019 Oscar Committee in Brazil; Netix Award Jury; Goya Award Committee, 2018; Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival Jury; Cuiabá Film Festival Jury and is a Director of the Festivals Forum.Road. She was the assistant director of the documentary Smoking I Wait, executive producer of the documentary Transtime, and the US producer of the TV Series Option America and feature documentary Society of Fear. In 2018 she received the Brazilian Government and Ministry of External Relations highest honor, the Order of Rio Branco. In 2023 she was part of the feature lm Jury of the 21st edition of Cinemato - Film and Video Festival in Cuiabá, MT.-new yorK ScreeninGS FeaTure FiLMS: Adriana L. Dutra, Laura Fernandes, Liliana Kawase e Ricardo Cota-new yorK ScreeninGS ShorT FiLMS: Viviane B. Spinelli
33BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comRICARDO COTA has been a lm critic for over 30 years, contributing to various media outlets, including newspapers, radio, and television. A member of the International Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI), he has served as a juror and correspondent at lm festivals in Brazil and abroad, such as Cuba, Miami, Mexico, Cannes, and Berlin. From 2015 to 2020, he held the position of Curator of the Cinematheque at the Museum of Modern Art LAuRA FERNANDES holds a master’s degree in psychology, she worked as a producer for various musical bands and artists. She also worked with production at Globotec, tv globo. Laura was the creator and owner of Doc-Video Produções for over a decade.She is the director and founder of Minas Production, an audiovisual content production company headquartered in Miami.LiLiANA KAWASE was born in Bahia and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She holds a degree in engineering and a lifelong passion for cinema. Currently residing in Lisbon, she is a partner in Titanio Films, a production company that specializes in the creation of lms, documentaries, and television series. In addition to her work in lm production, she has been curating and judging lm festivals.(MAM). In this role, he was instrumental in revitalizing the space with a program focused primarily on Brazilian cinema, while also promoting international events, such as the trip to Brazil by director of photography Vittorio Storaro, winner of three Oscars in 2018. He held the role of Curator for the 53rd and 54th editions of the Brasília Brazilian Film Festival. Currently, curator for the Rio Film Festival and the Innito Film Festival, held in Miami and New York. Recently, he has published his inaugural work as a ction writer, entitled “Até o Último Filme.”
34BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comBrazilian Times is proud to be the media support for the
37BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comGloboplay is proud to be the media sponsor for the
38BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comDIRECTORS & FOuNDERSAdriana L. DutraCláudia DutraViviane B. SpinelliBOARD MEMBERSClaudia AmbossEloisa LopezJohn MaassLuiz Paulo SouzaNeuza Farache Tanira FerreiraStella HolmesCuRATORSAdriana L. DutraLaura FernandesLiliana Kawase Ricardo CotaViviane B. SpinelliPRODuCTION COORDINATORThiago GuimarãesPRODuCTIONMari Magalhães Mikhaela RichePRODuCTION ASSISTANTNatalia GuedesFlávio Moraes ART CREATION Alma Salgada INFFINITO STAFF 2024 NEW YORK38BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.com
39BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comART & DESIGN Felipe NogueiraGabriel PenidoSOCIAL MEDIAMiguel PenidoPROMOTIONNick Lucianni- Conquest Marketing PROMOTION ASSISTANTGabriela Gasparini PRESS RELATIONS Cristina Rio Branco - Palavra Assessoria CONTENT TRANSLATIONAlessandra PekelmanOFFICIAL DJMarcela BiondoADMINISTRATIVEAdriana RibeiroFINANCIAL Leandro SalomãoACCOuNTANTSCláudia Nascimento - USRogério Moreira – BrazilWEB DEVELOPMENTNerd Etcetera Mateus TavaresThiago BuenoGabriel Tavares39BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.com
40BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.com40BRAZILIANFILMFESTIVAL.comThANK YOu NEW YORK – 2024FESTIVAL SuPPORTERSAmbassador Adalnio Senna Ganem Consul General of Brazil in New York Marcelo FreixoThiago OliveiraChristiano Braga Kátia Bittencourt Joaquim EstevamJuliene GuedesMonique LemosAmadeu MaiaClaudia NascimentoEdirson Paiva Jr Erika ElliottFlávio Morais Karina Melo Katherine Arcos Letitia GuilloryMarcela BiondoMary PolemarhakisNatalia GuedesNicholas LucianniPatricia VittorazziPatrick LimaPriscila SantanaRaphael Alvarez Ricardo CotaRoger Costa Rosa RodriguezRuben CabreraSilvio de SouzaVictoria Fedorova Yunie MojicaAll the staff and volunteers for their hard work and dedication.To all the producers, distributors, directors and actors that allowed us to showcase their work and talent at this year’s festival. God, Our Lady of Aparecida, Saint George, Saint Rita of Cássia, all the saints, Iemanjá and the forces of good.