A Message from the International DirectorIntl. Director of Return Ministries Baruch Hashem & Blessings, Dean Bye2“In those days and in that time,” says the Lord, “The children of Israel shall come, they and the children ofJudah together; with continual weeping they shall come, andseek the Lord their God. They shall ask the way to Zion, with their faces towardit, saying, ‘Come and let us join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual covenant that will not be forgotten.’” Jer. 50:4-5WHEW – What a year! We end 2023 with the sound of enemy warfare ringing inour ears and the sure command of God to be Watchmen for the House of Israel.The justice side of God is calling our beloved Israel to deal with their century’s oldenemies and to set the captives free. Our great God knew what was coming andcaused the Israel 62 Fast to be birthed in May and out of that came 12,000 prayerhubs that are now on rotating Global Esther Fasts. As in Esther and Mordecai’sday, God ordained that prayer and fasting would move mountains and we arepositioning ourselves to be mountain-movers for the sake of His holy name. Herein North America, Return Ministries’ teams continue to walk in the mandate tobring a greater revelation of the mystery of the Gospel, so that the greater body ofChrist is awakened to God’s end-time scenario which focuses on Aliyah andMessiah Yeshua’s return to Jerusalem as King.The Great Commission of Matthew 18:18-20 is inextricably linked to God’s promisein Ezekiel 36:23 – That when the Jewish people return to the land and hallow Hisname, He will release to the nations the knowledge of Himself as Lord. Aliyah is sokey! And it’s our calling to help you walk in yours – to carry God’s sons anddaughters home. We cannot ignore God’s clear instruction to bless His Jewishfamily with love and support as He calls them home to Israel.
Return Ministries encourages Jews and Christians to work together to fulfill God'splans and purposes for Israel and the Nations according to the Word of God. Pray and Facilitate Intercession for AliyahAwaken the Church around the globe to seek the God of Israel, their Defender, tofulfill His Word by restoring His people both physically and spiritually to their land. Teach Christians God's Purposes for Israel and the Jewish PeopleWe teach the revelation of the mystery so that Christian communities can willinglystep into their God-ordained destiny as it relates to God’s heart for Israel.Raise Support for Olim (Jewish Immigrants) We offer relationship, financial assistance and prayer support to North AmericanJewry making Aliyah to Israel. We also connect them with our Aliyah Return Center(ARC) in the Galilee who offer help to many who face challenges settling in the land. We are a Bible-believing, prophecy-fulfilling ministry built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and His redemptive love. Our focus:Assisting Christians to return to their Judeo/Christian roots so as to fulfill our God-ordained destinyAssisting the Jewish people to return and be restored to their God-given inheritance in IsraelAll in preparation for the return of the Jewish Messiah "The Lord will have compassion on Jacob; once again He will choose Israel and willsettle them in their own land. Foreigners will join them and unite with the descendantsof Jacob. Nations will take them and bring them to their own place. . ." Isaiah 14: 1-2What We DoMission3Vision of Return Ministries
From The Aliyah Desk4Contact us: info@return.co.il - return.co.il/project-return DETAILS SEE PG 14The nations of the world are at a tipping point as Godjudges nations for how they esteem - or not, His belovedJews still scattered in the Diaspora. The Word of God isclear; we who have been shown mercy to receivesalvation through the shed blood of God’s Son, are toshow mercy to those who were blinded – for a time.This is a Romans 11 time in history and it’s our watch.For the past 18 years, I have been privileged to be a ‘Matchmaker,’ linking North American Jews making Aliyah with members of the Christian community in Canada and the USA. One of the tangible ways you can show mercy to God’sscattered Jewish children is to assist them in their Aliyah – immigration to Israel,by helping them through prayer, encouragement and finances to becomeestablished in the land. There are seven million Jews still in North America alone!God says He will bring them all home, and we are the carriers! Isaiah 49:22 “We are not fleeing something but going towards something. Although it isfrightening to watch the USA plummet into godless socialism, the country and thewest as a whole, is destroying itself. While things are far from perfect in theMiddle East, Israel is our future; the USA is our past. God’s promises are for Israel.”Testimony of a Jewish man from NY making Aliyah in February – with your help:
Inspiring Aliyah Testimonies5My husband and I have five sons, ranging in age from 11 years to 10 months old(baby not pictured). With the current antisemitic wave in America, we felt it wasthe right time to move our family to Israel. We are excited to raise our kids in thisbeautiful country surrounded by our people. We look forward to our kidsspeaking Hebrew and hope our family will be aDor, Elise & Familyto Israel. With funds provided by our ProjectReturn sponsors, we brought items fromAmerica that gave our children a sense ofcomfort as we settled into our new home inIsrael. Thank you all.My wife Zahava and I, and our three children,embarked on a life-changing journey this pastAugust. Our decision to move to Israel wasdeeply rooted in our personal connection tohistory and the dreams of our ancestors. Mygrandparents, courageous Holocaust survivorsfrom Poland, harbored a lifelong dream ofrelocating to Israel, yet the tragic circumstancesof the time deprived them and their family ofthis opportunity. Beyond the personal significance, our decision to move to Israel is rooted in adeep spiritual belief. Israel is God’s promised land, a beacon of hope andredemption for our people. By joining the vibrant tapestry of Israeli society, weplay a part in the divine plan unfolding throughout history. We are aware thatchallenges and adjustments lie ahead. However, the profound sense of purpose,the honor of preserving our heritage, and the opportunity to contribute to thecontinued story of the Jewish people far outweigh any uncertainties. Together,we will embrace the history, fulfill the dreams, and play our part in moving thearc of history towards redemption.Itamar, Zahavah & Family
Once Jews have made their Aliyah, a challenging transition period begins asthey settle in the land of Israel. This provides opportunity for Christians to againparticipate in fulfilling the prophetic Word of God by bringing comfort andserving God's people in the land. (Isaiah 14:1-2; 40:1). The ARC has helpedthousands with loving encouragement, lodging, food, clothing and much more. To partner with us please visit: aliyahreturncenter.comChaim Malespin, Co-Founder & Director, with his wife Deanna and familyIn 2013, through the foundationalpartnership of Return Ministries, theAliyah Return Center (ARC) wasestablished in the Galilee, to practicallyhelp new Jewish immigrants settle inIsrael. We prepare a place and helpnew Israelis take their first steps in theland. ARC's vision is to build bridgesand encourage Jews and Christians towork together to fulfill God's plans forIsrael and the Nations, througheducation, infrastructure, development,innovation, and Aliyah aid.Who We AreThe Need6
Lone soldier building in Tiberias Emergency Aid Initiative With the outbreak of war in Israel on October 7th, 2023 wehave been able to raise funds to equip soldiers and securityteams with the necessary tactical gear for their protection. Supporting young soldiers who have come to serve on their own with their family living abroad.Hebrew school and night schoolHelping immigrants learn the language and skills they need for building a new lifein Israel. Community building events for new immigrantsThese events bring people together to celebrate holidays and meet new friends. Rimon and Levricha distribution centers Helping support needy immigrants and holocaust survivors with clothing, foodvouchers, and furniture. Support for evacuee familiesProviding children’s Hanukkah gifts, food vouchers, and supplies for families who’shomes and communities are under threat. Our new building in Tiberias (20 Year lease) this “Lighthouse operations headquarters building will- afterrenovations, be able accommodate more offices, community events, lone soldiers,distribution, more new immigrant free temporary housing, visitors from abroad,more membership program housing, and on the top floor a “museum of theGalileans”. And more!7
Altar of PrayerWatchmen for the House of IsraelAOPPrayer, Intercession and Worship before the Father History records thatbefore every move of God, altars of prayer were restored. Let us not miss whatGod is doing as His covenant promises are being fulfilled - to return thescattered house of Israel to their land. Together, we have the privilege to pray inthe greatest exodus in history. God is bringing nations together to ignite thisAliyah through travailing intercession and prayer before the Lord.The Altar of Prayer (AOP) has been dedicated to the Lord for the sole purposeof praying in agreement with the Word and heart of the Father for His Jewishpeople. AOP brings Christians together with the common goal of praying for thereturn and restoration of the Jewish people to their homeland as the Lord hasprophesied in Scripture. If you were part of the Isaiah 62 Fast you may havefound your role in the redemptive plan of God that is unfolding before our eyes.Continue this call to pray by joining us today! To learn more and register visit: altarofprayer.com
FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS, we call the Global Church to take a stand and not besilent against all the evil that is coming against the Jews everywhere. Like Esther,we must fast and pray to go before the King! May we gain His favor so as to defeatthe spirit of Amalek in our generation. (Exodus 17:16)100 Million IntercessorsFrom May 7th - 28th 2023, Return Ministries partnered with the International Houseof Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC) to mobilize 100 Million Intercessors for Israel.Originally this was planned to be prayer for Israel within the IHOPKC family but itwasn’t long until this small initiative turned into a global movement inviting nationsto fast and pray for Israel for 21 days! In a time of war...The battle over the land is raging and all Israeli’s — those who live in and outside thenation of Israel are affected. Now is the time for the Global Church to mobilize 100MILLION intercessors to pray for the restoration of Israel."For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews willarise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And whoknows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”Esther 4:149
Return Ministries USAReturn Ministries USA has been growing since the day it was birthed in 2022.Currently we are establishing a discipleship base and training center in SweetSprings, Missouri. It's located in the home of Armored Outreach, which is a ministrythat took over the Sweet Springs High School when it was closed due to a new highschool being built. It includes dorms for men & women, a renovated gym,classroom, a studio, coffee shop, apartments and hotel rooms. This will be the baseof operations for upcoming Sing Together tours that will take place across the US in2024.Sing TogetherSong is powerful. When Isaiah 62 Fast was over many asked ‘now what?” The answer: Sing. God is calling His Jewish people home through song. ReturnMinistries is understanding, through Isaiah 19, the singing will, in large, come fromAfrica to North America to help bring the over six millions Jews back to Israel. The voice of your watchmen—they lift up their voice; together they singfor joy; for eye to eye they see the return of the LORD to Zion. Is. 52:8As antisemitism grows so does the interest inNorth American Jews to make their Aliyah. Wesee this a big opportunity to tour in 2024throughout NA with African singers to awaken theChurch to help our Jewish family home. Becauseof the magnitude of this tour we need yoursupport. 10
We are also planning to train our coreteam in RTF, Restoring the Foundations,an innner healing and deliveranceministry, to purify and cleanse our heartsprior to this new work. We plan tobecome trainers ourselves so that we canbring this type of ministry to the discipleswho will come through the program atSweet Springs.Restoring The FoundationsShabbat $ Feasts CelebrationsAs far as our work in Kansas City, we continue to host Shabbat dinners and Feasts,at our Shiloh Base. Every Shabbat God brings new people into our midst who’venever celebrated Shabbat or the feasts, and yet, they are quite curious to learnmore!11
Return Ministries Objectives for 2024Return Ministries teaches a Great Commission of making disciples of allnations that embraces the return and restoration of the Israel. As we areliving in the greatest exodus, the need grows to teach this message tobody of Christ. These are the four keys to journey with God’s heart forIsrael and Aliyah. SHILOH | Kansas City12
Return/Shuva Membershipe-Noam13
Assist North American Jews making Aliyah with the cost of their move toIsrael. Give all or any amount toward this goal: Become a Project Return Sponsor Help Jews Get Home & Stay Home Single - $1500 USD ($2000 CDN) Couple - $2000 USD ($2700 CDN) Family - $2500 USD ($3300 CDN)Fine details of program at: www.return.co.il/project-return“For the Lord will have compassion on Jacob and will again choose Israel,and will set them in their own land, and sojourners will join them and willattach themselves to the house of Jacob. And the peoples will take themand bring them to their place.”Isaiah 14:1,2b14
Give Monthly or One-Time Visit our websites or call to set up monthly contributions To donate to the Aliyah Return Centre: Cheque to Return Ministries (see back for address)Web: return.co.il/ways-to-give E-Transfer (Canada): donate2rm@gmail.comWebsite: return.co.il/donateBank Transfer: inquire at: info@return.co.il Your financial gifts in 2024 enable Return Ministries to fulfill theGentiles' God-given call to bless Israel and His returning family by:Assisting more Jews to make Aliyah home to IsraelBlessing new Israelis in the Galilee Continuing to mobilize One Million Intercessors for Israel Equipping the Church with the Aliyah messageWays To Give to Return Ministries Donate to Return Ministries Today15"We are so grateful that there are organizations like ReturnMinistries that assist Jewish people moving home." Hadassah - made Aliyah in 2021aliyahreturncenter.com
Subscribe to Stay Connected: return.co.ilPhone: +1 (519) 684-7198E-mail: info@return.co.ilWebsite: return.co.ilAliyah Return Center in Israelinfo@aliyahreturncenter.comWebsite: aliyahreturncenter.com"I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will assuredly plant them in thisland, with all My heart and with all My soul."Jeremiah 32:41"Thus says the Lord GOD: “Behold, I will lift up My hand to the nations,and raise My signal to the peoples; and they shall bring your sons in theirarms, and your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders." Isaiah 49:22Canadian Mailing AddressP.O. Box 419Plattsville, ONCanada N0J 1S0USA Mailing AddressP.O. Box 481591Kansas City, MO64148Phone: +1 (302) 312-0803Returnministriesusa7@gmail.comWebsite: return.co.il