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retreat brochure

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T R A C Y C R O S S L E Y . C O MIf you're interested in including TracyCrossley in your next company retreat,please send us a message. You can alsovisit our business site, or meet over Zoomand discuss details of your retreat goals.CONTACT US"Blown away by Tracy’s teaching, andilluminating well-being, connection andstrategies that have shown a positiveuptick in company teamwork andrevenue." -AlexandraShe has been working withbusiness leaders fordecades as their elitepsychic advisor andbehavioral expert helpingthem to transform andelevate their consciousnessand business to the nextlevel.Embody your loftiestaspirations for you and yourbusiness. With Tracy as ateacher and speaker yourretreat attendees will leavetransformed.Seamlessly blendingtraditional business acumenwith deep psychic insights,offering a rare andsophisticated perspective.Your attendees will enjoy theexperience while learningtheir deeper motivations sothat they propel forwardwhile getting unstuck.INTUITIVE REINVENTION INC. SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE +TRANSFORMATIONALMETHODS TO UP-LEVELYOU AND YOUR TEAM T H E K E Y T O A S U C C E S S F U LR E T R E A TPhone: +818-279-1735Social: @tracylcrossleyEmail: business@tracycrossley.comWebsite: business.tracycrossley.comL E T ' S K E E P I N T O U C HA D E L I C I O U S E X P E R I E N C E F O R T H EC O N N O I S S E U R O F P E R S O N A L A N DS P I R I T U A L D E V E L O P M E N T ABOUT TRACYCROSSLEYMore than a Spiritual Teacher + Executive Coach

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TRANSCENDANTPATHWAYSMastery at it's finestELEVATETransformation at it's finestTRUSTED ADVISORPersonal accessElevate Your Business And IndividualMastery: Unveiling Profound InsightsExperience interactive sessions with Tracy.A variety of tools are available frommeditative releases to ESP exercises ingrowing + trusting intuition. For more transformation the focus is onrelational dynamic training and shiftingnegative beliefs.Each training is designed and orientated to capture yourglorious retreat environment. Catered to your distinctiveneeds with the business in mind. The camaraderie, insightsand motivation toward peak states of consciousness willforever change the success of your business. Tracy had lead many of her own retreats and taught at avariety of retreats over the years. She designs thematerial for each one with the end result in mind. Hermeticulous attention to what brings quantum changerapidly along with her finesse in delivery make for acaptivating and fun time for your attendees. Access toTracy because she is in high demand is limited tooffering her exclusive programs including retreats. Allow us to Craft a BespokeProgram TailoredExclusively For The Purposeof Your Retreat, TheEvolution of You and YourEnterprise.G E T R E A D Y T O T R A N S C E N D T H EN O R M , I L L U M I N A T I N G U N S E E NA V E N U E S F R O M A N E WP E R S P E C T I V E !

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TRANSCENDANTPATHWAYSMastery at it's finestELEVATETransformation at it's finestTRUSTED ADVISORPersonal accessElevate Your Business And IndividualMastery: Unveiling Profound InsightsExperience interactive sessions with Tracy.A variety of tools are available frommeditative releases to ESP exercises ingrowing + trusting intuition. For more transformation the focus is onrelational dynamic training and shiftingnegative beliefs.Each training is designed and orientated to capture yourglorious retreat environment. Catered to your distinctiveneeds with the business in mind. The camaraderie, insightsand motivation toward peak states of consciousness willforever change the success of your business. Tracy had lead many of her own retreats and taught at avariety of retreats over the years. She designs thematerial for each one with the end result in mind. Hermeticulous attention to what brings quantum changerapidly along with her finesse in delivery make for acaptivating and fun time for your attendees. Access toTracy because she is in high demand is limited tooffering her exclusive programs including retreats. Allow us to Craft a BespokeProgram TailoredExclusively For The Purposeof Your Retreat, TheEvolution of You and YourEnterprise.G E T R E A D Y T O T R A N S C E N D T H EN O R M , I L L U M I N A T I N G U N S E E NA V E N U E S F R O M A N E WP E R S P E C T I V E !

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TRANSCENDANTPATHWAYSMastery at it's finestELEVATETransformation at it's finestTRUSTED ADVISORPersonal accessElevate Your Business And IndividualMastery: Unveiling Profound InsightsExperience interactive sessions with Tracy.A variety of tools are available frommeditative releases to ESP exercises ingrowing + trusting intuition. For more transformation the focus is onrelational dynamic training and shiftingnegative beliefs.Each training is designed and orientated to capture yourglorious retreat environment. Catered to your distinctiveneeds with the business in mind. The camaraderie, insightsand motivation toward peak states of consciousness willforever change the success of your business. Tracy had lead many of her own retreats and taught at avariety of retreats over the years. She designs thematerial for each one with the end result in mind. Hermeticulous attention to what brings quantum changerapidly along with her finesse in delivery make for acaptivating and fun time for your attendees. Access toTracy because she is in high demand is limited tooffering her exclusive programs including retreats. Allow us to Craft a BespokeProgram TailoredExclusively For The Purposeof Your Retreat, TheEvolution of You and YourEnterprise.G E T R E A D Y T O T R A N S C E N D T H EN O R M , I L L U M I N A T I N G U N S E E NA V E N U E S F R O M A N E WP E R S P E C T I V E !

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T R A C Y C R O S S L E Y . C O MIf you're interested in including TracyCrossley in your next company retreat,please send us a message. You can alsovisit our business site, or meet over Zoomand discuss details of your retreat goals.CONTACT US"Blown away by Tracy’s teaching, andilluminating well-being, connection andstrategies that have shown a positiveuptick in company teamwork andrevenue." -AlexandraShe has been working withbusiness leaders fordecades as their elitepsychic advisor andbehavioral expert helpingthem to transform andelevate their consciousnessand business to the nextlevel.Embody your loftiestaspirations for you and yourbusiness. With Tracy as ateacher and speaker yourretreat attendees will leavetransformed.Seamlessly blendingtraditional business acumenwith deep psychic insights,offering a rare andsophisticated perspective.Your attendees will enjoy theexperience while learningtheir deeper motivations sothat they propel forwardwhile getting unstuck.INTUITIVE REINVENTION INC. SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE +TRANSFORMATIONALMETHODS TO UP-LEVELYOU AND YOUR TEAM T H E K E Y T O A S U C C E S S F U LR E T R E A TPhone: +818-279-1735Social: @tracylcrossleyEmail: business@tracycrossley.comWebsite: business.tracycrossley.comL E T ' S K E E P I N T O U C HA D E L I C I O U S E X P E R I E N C E F O R T H EC O N N O I S S E U R O F P E R S O N A L A N DS P I R I T U A L D E V E L O P M E N T ABOUT TRACYCROSSLEYMore than a Spiritual Teacher + Executive Coach

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T R A C Y C R O S S L E Y . C O MIf you're interested in including TracyCrossley in your next company retreat,please send us a message. You can alsovisit our business site, or meet over Zoomand discuss details of your retreat goals.CONTACT US"Blown away by Tracy’s teaching, andilluminating well-being, connection andstrategies that have shown a positiveuptick in company teamwork andrevenue." -AlexandraShe has been working withbusiness leaders fordecades as their elitepsychic advisor andbehavioral expert helpingthem to transform andelevate their consciousnessand business to the nextlevel.Embody your loftiestaspirations for you and yourbusiness. With Tracy as ateacher and speaker yourretreat attendees will leavetransformed.Seamlessly blendingtraditional business acumenwith deep psychic insights,offering a rare andsophisticated perspective.Your attendees will enjoy theexperience while learningtheir deeper motivations sothat they propel forwardwhile getting unstuck.INTUITIVE REINVENTION INC. SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE +TRANSFORMATIONALMETHODS TO UP-LEVELYOU AND YOUR TEAM T H E K E Y T O A S U C C E S S F U LR E T R E A TPhone: +818-279-1735Social: @tracylcrossleyEmail: business@tracycrossley.comWebsite: business.tracycrossley.comL E T ' S K E E P I N T O U C HA D E L I C I O U S E X P E R I E N C E F O R T H EC O N N O I S S E U R O F P E R S O N A L A N DS P I R I T U A L D E V E L O P M E N T ABOUT TRACYCROSSLEYMore than a Spiritual Teacher + Executive Coach