Restorative Practices: Resources for ImplementationThe NIRN Stages of Implementation provide a framework of overlapping stages that describe how planned change can be facilitatedand sustainedAdapted from NIRN Active Implementation Hub
CONTENTSHow to use this Booklet...3 RP Implementation Guides...4 RP Tools for Implementation...5 RP Tools for Practice...6 RP Tools for Virtual Practice...7 RP Readiness Tools...8 RP Alignment Resources...9 RP Parent/Family Info...10 IIRP Resources...11 RP Examples from the Field...12 RP Video Resources...13 RP Research and Add'l Reading...14 RP Book Recommendations...15 AcknowledgmentThe WISH Center would like toacknowledge the important work of theRestorative Practices Connections teamof Christine Kleiman and Carol Bahrkefor the original collection of theseresources in the RP ConnectionsMatrix.Restorative Practices: Resources for Implementation
How To Use This BookletHow To Use This BookletReview potentialresources by categoryAnalyze and selectwhat fits to your needsActively use resources tosupport your goalsWe hope these resources can support schools and districts in implementing Restorative Practices. The WISH Centerdoes not specifically endorse any particular resource included, and we welcome suggested additions to this booklet.
Stages of Implementation ScienceConnectionsRESOURCEDESCRIPTIONExplorationInstallationInitialImplementationFullImplementationEquitySELe-MLSSTSSThe Tool Kit Before the Tool Kit:Centering Adaptive & RelationalElements of RP for ImplementationSuccessImplementation focused onAdaptive and RelationalElements of implementationMinnesota Department ofEducation RP ImplementationResourcesSuccinct implementationguidance aligned specifically withNIRN stages of implementation,with a focus on equity.Comprehensive RP Whole SchoolImplementation Guide SanFransisco School DistrictLong-term implementation of RPat SFSDOakland Unified School DistrictWhole School Restorative JusticeImplementation Guide Long-term implementation in alarge urban district (see esp. p.38 Re-entry Support Circles)Oakland Unified School DistrictElementary RJ ToolkitToolkit specifically designed forelementary implementationRestorative Practice ResourceProject, Ontario Canada 2017Comprehensive RP Guide fromOntario, Canada RP Implementation Guides
Stages of Implementation ScienceConnectionsRESOURCEDESCRIPTIONExplorationInstallationInitialImplementationFullImplementationEquitySELe-MLSSTSSWISH RP Implementation ScienceAction Plan and a simplified version RPImplementation Sci Action PlanTwo implementation action plan templates based on NIRN Stagesof Implementation12 Indicators of Restorative PracticesImplementation: Checklists forAdministratorsLook-fors for implementationteams from Anne Gregory, PhD.Rutgers UniversityAssessment Tool for RestorativePractice Stages of Implementation From Restorative PracticesResource Project, Ontario CanadaVenn Diagram Problem Solving Circlevs. Formal ConferencingUpdated version, WISH 2022Circles for the Adult CommunityPractical guide for using circleprocess with adults in the schoolcommunity.Virtual Grief Circles: The Circle WayIdeas forcreating center, using ritual andother practices, tips for hosts andguardians, and a samplevirtual grief circle session flowRP Tools for Implementation
Stages of Implementation ScienceConnectionsRESOURCEDESCRIPTIONExplorationInstallationInitialImplementationFullImplementationEquitySELe-MLSSTSSA Reflective Process forWorking Through ComplexRestorative PracticeDilemmas in SchoolsA process for practitioners to unpack andproblem solve challenges in restorativepractices from CISELS/WestEd, 2022RP Tools for Practice
Stages of Implementation ScienceConnectionsRESOURCEDESCRIPTIONExplorationInstallationInitialImplementationFullImplementationEquitySELe-MLSSTSSVirtual Circle Templates forClassrooms/MeetingsDigital tools to help with virtual circlesToolkit for TransformingSchool Discipline in Remoteand Blended Learning DuringCOVID-19Transforming School DisciplineCollaborative, 2020Hosting Guide for VirtualGrief Circles from The CircleWayA guide for virtual circles supporting griefand healing from Tools for Virtual Practice
Stages of Implementation ScienceConnectionsRESOURCEDESCRIPTIONExplorationInstallationInitialImplementationFullImplementationEquitySELe-MLSSTSSRestorative Practices StaffReadiness SurveyRP Connections survey of readiness toimplement Restorative Practices school-wide.WISH Formal ConferencingReflection ToolWISH version of resource created by RPConnectionsRP Readiness Tools
Stages of Implementation ScienceConnectionsRESOURCEDESCRIPTIONExplorationInstallationInitialImplementationFullImplementationEquitySELe-MLSSTSSCASEL: Restorative Practices andSEL AlignmentPart of CASEL Schoolwide Guideto SEL, written in partnership withIIRP, 2020Creating coherent safe andsupportive environments throughSEL, trauma informed practices, andrestorative practices alignment10 min video of Webinar SELCenter, WESTEd, April 2020The Role of Restorative Practices inTrauma Informed SchoolsPathways to RestorativeCommunities ArticleRP Alignment ResourcesCASEL: Restorative Practices andSEL AlignmentEmbedding Restorative PracticesWithin a PBIS Framework to SupportStudent SuccessNecessary steps to integratingPBIS and Restorative PracticesAn Introduction to RestorativePractices Restorative Practices Multi-tieredSystems of Support
Stages of Implementation ScienceConnectionsRESOURCEDESCRIPTIONExplorationInstallationInitialImplementationFullImplementationEquitySELe-MLSSTSSRestorative Practices atHome: Resources for ParentsExamples provided by the state of TexasRestorative Practices andDiscipline Parent HandbookSample parent handbook fromrestorativepractices.orgFamily Conflict is Normal: Itsthe Repair that MattersGreater Good Science Center, UCBerkeley, 2020RP Parent/Family Information
Stages of Implementation ScienceConnectionsRESOURCEDESCRIPTIONExplorationInstallationInitialImplementationFullImplementationEquitySELe-MLSSTSSRestoring Community in aDisconnected WorldFoundational article by Ted Wachtel, 1999Defining RestorativeFoundational article by Ted Wachtel, 2016IIRP School Resources:Articles and VideosExamples of practice and tools for schoolsInternational Institute for RestorativePractices Resources
Stages of Implementation ScienceConnectionsRESOURCEDESCRIPTIONExplorationInstallationInitialImplementationFullImplementationEquitySELe-MLSSTSSRestorative PractitionersPanel: Insights from TheToolkit Before the ToolkitRecorded panel focused on takeawaysfrom The Toolkit Before the Toolkit.Includes Jill Gurtner from MiddletonCross Plains (51 minutes)Implementation Plan ChapelHill-Carroboro City SchoolsBrief (10 page)sample implementation planRestorative Practices: TheKey Actions of SchoolLeaders for EffectiveImplementationYouTube recording of presentation byDr. Amy Starzecki and Kristin Regas fromSuperior School District 4/14/23Restorative Practices: TheKey Actions of SchoolLeaders for EffectiveImplementationSlides shared by Dr. Amy Starzecki andKristin Regas from the Superior SchoolDistrict 4/14/23RP Examples from the Field
Stages of Implementation ScienceConnectionsRESOURCEDESCRIPTIONExplorationInstallationInitialImplementationFullImplementationEquitySELe-MLSSTSSWhat Is RestorativePractices?International Institute of RestorativePracticesRestorative Practices inSchools Have Power toTransform CommunitiesLiz Knapp, EducatorRepairing our schoolsthrough restorative justiceJean KlasovskyStudents Leading aRestorative Conflict CircleOakland Unified School DistrictRestorative Practices:Community BuildingWisconsin Department of Public InstructionRP Content CircleElementaryWisconsin Department of Public InstructionRP Content Circle HighSchoolWisconsin Department of Public InstructionDeveloping CircleAgreements High SchoolWisconsin Department of Public InstructionNew Student Circle HighSchoolWisconsin Department of Public InstructionRP Video Resources
Stages of Implementation ScienceConnectionsRESOURCEDESCRIPTIONExplorationInstallationInitialImplementationFullImplementationEquitySELe-MLSSTSSBuilding a positive schoolclimate through restorativepracticesDescribes some research and offersimplementation advice. Klevan, S. (2021). LearningPolicy Institute. Practices: FosteringHealthy Relationships &Promoting Positive Discipline inSchools:Guide for EducatorsBroad overview of RP from the Schott Foundation,2014An Introduction to RestorativePracticesOverview, implementation and alignment. National Center for School Safety, U of Mich,August, 2022Compassion Resilience ToolkitAdult SEL, community building practice andresources to help educators to bring compassionresilience into their work. Circle process used.Restorative Justice in USSchools: A Literature ReviewResearch review WestEd, 2019Restorative Practices in SchoolsResearchResearch review, connections to SEL and TSS. Minnesota Department of EducationThe Starts and Stumbles ofRestorative Justice in Education:Where Do We Go from Here?Accumulating evidence of effectiveness, advice onpolicy and strategic implementation. AnneGregory, Rutgers University Katherine R. Evans,Eastern Mennonite University, 2020Research Abstract: ThePromise of RestorativePracticesAbstract only reporting on high-implementersuccess in high schools. Anne Gregory, KathleenClawson, Alycia Davis & Jennifer Gerewitz (2016) RP Research and Add'l Readings
RESOURCEThe Restorative Practices Handbook: For Teachers, Disciplinarians and Administrators By Bob Costello, Joshua & Ted Wachtel (IIRP recommendedbook for Introduction to RP training).Restorative Circles in Schools: A Practical Guide for Educators by Bob Costello, Joshua & Ted Wachtel (recommended book by IIRP for EffectiveCircles training).Restorative Justice Conferencing, Real Justice & The conferencing handbook by Ted & Ben Wachtel and Terry O'Connell (recommended by IIRP forFormal Conference Training)Circle Forward: Building a Restorative School Community Carolyn Boyes-Watson, Ph.D., and Kay Pranis, 2020Hacking School Discipline Nathan Maynard, Brad WeinsteinIntentional Classroom Engagement 2020 Craig W Adamson, PhD, IIRPFrom a Single Pebble: Barron County Restorative Justice Program 2020 by Mary Hoeft and Monika AudetteBetter than Carrots or Sticks: Restorative Practices for Positive Classroom Management 2015 by Dominique Smith and Douglas Fisher Safer Saner Schools: Restoring a culture of community in learning environments 2008 Ted Wachtel and Laura MirskyCircle in the Square: Building Community and Repairing Harm in School 2012 Nancy RiestenbergCreating Restorative Schools: Setting Schools Up for Success 2018 Martha A. Brown, PhDRP Book Recommendations