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Research Notes Digital Edition March 2025

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Message Library Newsletter

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NAME ADDRESSE-MAILPHONEWEBSITEMondayTues, Weds, ThursFridaySaturdaySundayLibrary hoursContactsNameMegan ChannellNaphtali FarisZack NeumanSienna HensonEmailmchannell@kcai.edunfaris@kcai.eduzneuman@kcai.edushenson@kcai.eduJob Title Library Director Assistant Director Visual & Archival Resources Assistant Libary Assistant

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Welcome to Jannes Library’sBRAND NEWnewsletter...Research NotesEvery month we’ll share updates from thelibrary as well as upcoming programing fromthe community, interesting finds from thearchive, and highlights from our collection.

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planting seeds... some things I’ve got marinating in my brain...SUBSTACK: IArtLibrariesSUBSTACK: Midnight Scholar Societyloose._.change._.designINSTAGRAM:currently clicking on...inspiration can come from anywhere...The New York Times: SIGN UP HERE!KCAI: FREE Online Subscription!

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Zack NeumanVisual & ArchivalResources AssistantNOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUNDThis postcard (left and above) was sent to 1,6000 artists worldwide.Courtesy of the KCAI ArchiveA guest views works on display as partof A Pictorial History of the World.Courtesy of the KCAI Archive

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Fifty years ago! A Pictorial History of the World premiered at theKemper Gallery at the Kansas City Art Institute. Invitations weresent to 1,600 artists worldwide, inviting them to contribute oneor more pages in any two-dimensional medium for an exhibition andaccompanying book. By the end, over 1,200 entries from more than300 artists across 32 countries had been received.The submissions included drawings, prints, collages, Xerox andoffset prints, photography, "language art," reprocessedinvitations, conceptual and political statements, and more. Eachpiece was displayed suspended from small metal clips in horizontalrows, with the original envelope hung behind the artwork.The exhibition aimed to support and document artists using mail asa creative medium, fostering what mail and correspondence artistscall "the eternal network." It sought to unite diverse artiststhrough a shared theme and format while establishing new artisticconnections. By making these often-overlooked works accessible tothe Art Institute community, the exhibition provided a platformfor engagement and recognition. The items from this exhibition arekept in binders in the KCAI Archive, and this tradition is echoedin the Mail Art Exhibition hosted by the KCAI Underground ArtStore which occurs annually.Guests view works on display as part ofA Pictorial History of the World.Courtesy of the KCAI ArchivePieces sent through the mail hang onthe walls of the exhibition space.Courtesy of the KCAI Archive

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American Light: The Luminist Movement, 1850-1875Thomas ColeThe Hudson River and its paintersAlbert Bierstadt: Painter of the American WestCharmed Places: Hudson River Artists and their houses, studios, and vistashudson river schoolnoteworthy; and on display~ march 2025 display ~ SPRING HAS SPRUNG art with the landGarden, Park, Community, Farm The Foxfire BooksGrowing Herbs and Plants for DyeingPioneering with WildflowersGreen Guide for ArtistsTrashformationsField to Palettesienna henson,library assistant

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wilbur niewaldcollaborative displaygardening & flowersThe indoor gardenerFlower arrangements in colorJapanese IkebanaFlowers: a guide for your gardenTerrariumsCacti and other SucculentsFoliage house plantsFlora ExoticaRight Plant, Right PlaceL’Art des fleurs en EuropeLeafing through flowersRe-arrangementsart of the landLandscape Painting NowEllsworth Kelly: Tablet 1948-1973Monet’s years at GivernyThe Agapanthus triptychAlex Katz: flowers and landcapesTo honor what would have beenWilbur Niewald’s 100th Birthday,Jannes Library has providedarchival material to accompanythe photobook and postcards thatwere a result of Chelsea Perry’s‘Alternative Exhibitions’ course,held during Fall Foundation 2024.The book is now a part of thepermanent collection.

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MF Doom, Rap’sMasked IconoclastKCPLMarch 136-7pmRecreationalMeditationKCPL3/8 to 4/510-11amWeave andBreatheJoCoMarch 145:30-8pmTai Chi TuesdaysKCKPL11am-12pmBroke-ologyKCPLMarch 12 1-2pmMindful MendingCircleKCPLMarch 810am-12pmThe Writers BlocKCKPLMarch 177-9pmStorytelling NightJoCoMarch 206:30-7:30pmBook GroupJannes LibraryMarch 255:30-7:30pmLive and LocalKC Musician’sShowcaseKCPLMarch 276-7pmFairy Tale TeaPartyJoCoMarch 2212:30-2:30pmFourth FridayOpen Mic NightJoCoMarch 286:30-7:30pmKCKPL = Kansas City Kansas Public Library KCPL = Kansas City Public LibraryJoCo = Johnson County Library*Public library programs may require advanced registration. Please checklinks for each program.Book Group @ Jannes LibraryTuesday, March 25, 5:30-7:30pmCome unwind with us and enjoy some casual crafts and lightreading. Bring your journal and your book. Everyone iswelcome! March Craft: Build a Book NookWant to see what’s going on at KCAI? Check the KCAI Central Calendar HERE

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Library Hours:Monday 8am-9pmTuesday 8am-9pmWednesday 8am-9pmThursday 8am-9pmFriday 8am-9pmSaturday CLOSEDSunday