Our Trusted Partnerss
Section 1HarnessesLife-vests Litters & Rescue BasketsQuick SpliceEmergency BreathingSystemsStrobes & FlaresSection 2FinsBootsKnivesGlovesWaterproof TorchesSection 3BagsHelmets HeadsetsWetsuitsDrysuitsSection 4Axnes WirelessCommunications Systems All Elements Protectionspecializes in best in breedprotective, survival, rescue& communicationsequipment for military &civilian SAR operations. Our extensive rangeincludes LifesavingSystems Corporation,Axnes Wireless IntercomSystems, Kong, FourthElement, Apollo, Sord,Scubapro, Opscore, andmany more. allelementsprotection.cominfo@allelementsprotection.comSection 5Uniforms FR GarmentsBoots
Lifesaving Systems has been serving the world’sSearch & Rescue (SAR) responders within theAviation and Marine sectors for 40 years. Specializing in providing rescue, safety, andsurvival equipment not only for SAR responders,but also for industry professionals and operatorsworking in the maritime and aviationenvironments. Clients include all branches of theUS Military, militaries, police and fire departments,& both international and USA domestic civilianhelicopter operators & rescue agencies.
Available as a stand alone full body harness or with the life vest integrated,the Triton is the most flexible harness/lifevest system on the market. Designed for search and rescue, emergency service operations or anyonewanting a extremely hard wearing, low profile life-vest & harnesscombination, the Triton system is the ideal solution for a all round rescueharness that operate across all environments. Harness & Life VestsDesigned to allow operators to enterthe water, action the cylinder, deflate,inspect repack and replace the cylinder,the Triton has the highest history of useof any lifest in rescue operations.With a history that is hard to beat theTriton Harness Series is a tough, yetlight-weight harness with the lowestprofile in the water and lowest bodycoverage on the market thus reducingbody heat mapping significantly. Available in a range of designs andconfigurations to meet your operationneeds.
The Triton II with QLR & Lifevest, is the latestversion of the Triton Rescue Harness. WithMOLLE panels on the waist belt & life-vest,along with restraint strap attachment pointson the hips, the Triton with QLR is the mostadvanced harness on the market today.Numerous MOLLE pockets are available toallow the user to customize the neededconfiguration for the mission. TSO C167, 13G & 85B certifiedTriton with QLR & Life-vestQuad Lok RelaseTriton HarnessThe Quad Lok Release is made from atitanium body with a stainless steel outercover, this is the first certified system on themarket that is designed for Human ExternalCargo operations. Dual action first stagebuttons & first stage cover protect the secondstage buttons, providing the release underload capability the industry has beensearching for. Designed so that a customercan buy a sizing set of harnesses and multipleuse QLR's to reduce costs. TSO C167 certified with the Triton harness.The stand alone Triton Harness is available inboth the traditional direct connection designwith the Tallon equipment hook, or availableas the base to the Triton with QLR. Designed for companies that do not need alife vest or want to operate the system withthe Triton PAX or Osprey lifevest systems forover-water operations. TSO C167 Certified
The TRITON Survivor is based on the TRITONHarness, just modified for use on survivors.The same (TSO Approved) harness that keepsyou safe, now keeps them safe during arescue. A red back cover delineates a clearinside and outside to the harness that allowsit to go on like a jacket. There are 5,000 lbrated handles on the back for securing andtransferring the survivors from the hoist andinto the airframe, and retro and othermaterials added for visibility.Unlike AVED devices – which weigh more andcost more – Survivors ride upright in thisdevice which reduces the effects of rotorwash and makes the ride more comfortablefor everyone. With two hoisting positions,from the waist or chest, you have options touse the device for the recovery of survivors,or the delivery of personnel to the scenedepending on their level of training.TSO C167, 13G & 85B certifiedTriton Survior
Osprey Life-vest The Low Profile Flotation Collar is just 6mmover the collar bone, eliminating interferencewith helmets common with other collars. The harness system is arguably the mostcomfortable and has the lowest profile of anyvest type design on the market reducing bodysurface area contact and heat mapping. LIghtweight with a 2 yearly service schedule.the Osprey system is TSO 13G & 85B certified. It is doubtful that any inflatable bladderdesign has seen as much in-water action asthe LSC TRITON. The flotation vest provides35 lbs of buoyancy via manually inflated C02.The folding pattern and snap closure create acomfortable low-profile fitting around theneck. A MOLE PALS System allows for theattachment of pockets for storage of auxiliarysurvival equipment. Supplied with LRSStrobe, TSO 13G and 85B CertifedTriton PAXOsprey HarnessThe Osprey MOLLE Vest & Harnessincorporates all the features of the #745-Mwith the addition of an integrated liftingharness and stow-able rear tetherattachment. Intended for aircrew or tacticalpersonnel who may require deployment orrecovery by helicopter hoist. Currentlyundergoing certification under both TSO C167& 13G.
The Triton II with Molle Rescue Harness, is amodern rescue harness made with Mollepanels on the hips and life-vest. TSO C167,13G & 85B certified making this one of themost versatile harnesses on the market.Quick release buckles and full corrosion freehardware are standard on all LSC harnesses,making them a long lasting harness that hasbeen in use with the US Coast Guard for over25 years. Triton II Molle with Life-vestQuad Lok BeltQuick Splice KitA simple restraint belt that has been updatedto gain certification to ATSO C1001. Featuresa 5″ wide inner belt with two outer Mil-Specnylon webbing waist belts. Each waist belt issecured with double locking buckles,providing the extra level of safety needed inthe aviation environment. The quick-adjusting,single tether strap located in the center backof the belt has a stainless steel safety hook,available in standard and large sizes. The wedge style Quick Splice is designed forin flight replacement of the hoist hook shouldthe cable become damaged, broken orentangled. Allowing crew members to cut thecable and secure a replacement hook tocontinue with the mission. A thumbscrewpre-loads the wedge against the cable. As theload increases, the internal forces securingthe cable get tighter and tighter for a positivecable grip. The Quick Splice is availableseparately or as an Emergency HookReplacement Kit with attached D-LOK hook,cable cutters and case.
Constructed of MIL-SPEC webbing andstainless steel hardware. Designed to beplaced under the arms and around theback. Rescue personnel can slide the Stropover the head of the survivor and into place ina single quick motion. The friction buckle isslid down the strop and attached to anadjustable safety strap. Approved by CASAunder ATSO-C1003.NSN 4240-01-545-6722.214 Quick StropQuick Strop SAP214 Hypo Strap214-SAP Quick Strop provides more supportin the seat and has a sling with straps thatdistribute weight more evenly for morecomfort and less compression of the chestthan the conventional strop. It also utilizes asingle V-Ring for attachment to the hoisthook. A secondary safety hook is installednear the hook attachment V-Ring. This designallows the Quick Strop to be used without aover the head technique for applications oropening the winch hook. Designed to be used in conjunction with our#214 (series) Quick Strops to provide supportunder a victim’s legs to effect a morehorizontal recovery position. Some rescueunits use a double-strop system in cases ofsuspected mild hypothermia, at only 340grams, this device easily stows in your kit baguntil needed, and is out of the way when itisn’t. For use directly on the hoist hook orattached to a carabiner and onto the hook.Not designed as a recovery strop, only to beused to support the legs. Rescue Strops
The Medevac I litter is engineered to withstand the conditions encounteredin remote operations, such as in-water rescue, submarine/shipboardrescue, mountain rescue, and other restricted areas requiring a versatile,narrow, and low-profile litter. The integrated flotation is designed to self-right and float with the patient’shead slightly reclined to provide maximum freeboard. Includes a stowagecase with backpack harness for easy transport & two carrying harnesses toallow personnel free use of their hands while carrying litter and patient.Tubular stainless steel or lightweight titanium frame & skid construction. Fast action, sliding couplers secure the two halves of the litter and arelocked in place within seconds. The Medevac litter may be hoisted ineither vertical or horizontal positions for manuoevoring within vessels andonly horizonitally to aircraft. MEDEVAC I LITTERS
The Medevac II is a modern Stokes-type litter constructed for long life in themarine environment and is available in two models; a rigid frame (404series) or break-apart frame (406 series). The 406 series is secured via screw-couplers with self-aligning pins tosecure the top tubes firmly together. This coupler system is the strongestin use on any stretcher today. When assembled, the Medevac IIA Break-Apart is as robust as the rigid Medevac II. Both the Medevac II & IIA littersare offered with polished Type 304 Stainless Steel and lightweight Titaniumframes. Float kits are designed over water operations withthe newly designed face shield providing headprotection from undercarriage and skids duringentry to the cabin, this also provides an increasedlevel of comfort for the casualty during extricationby reducing the down wash on the face. MEDEVAC II LITTERS
Rescue BasketsThe US Coast Guard estimate that 85% of all hoist rescues are carried outby the basket, with a simple and robust design and history of use that cannot be beaten the rescue basket is the safest way to extricate a person tothe helicopter. All components are non-corrosive and require minimal maintenance forextended service life. Inherent flotation provides positive self-righting andreserve buoyancy. Float covers are printed with safety pictorials and havehigh-intensity retroreflective markings. The 495L has a lowered lifting eye and the 499 is a rigid design, at AEP werecommend the 495 standard, as this has the most clearance for entry andcompact design for in cabin storage. The 495L was made for the modernHuey airframe and the internal hoist. Dimensions: 115cm Long, 65cm Wide, 25cm High when stowed, 105cmHigh when assembled, Weight 17.5kg.
Kong designs and manufactures equipment specifically forthe purposes of sport, technical climbing, caving,canyoning, industrial, rescue and tactical military/policeoperations. Kong's core business is safety and rescue,originating in the 1830's, Kong has been at the forefront ofmountaineering techniques, manufacturing of climbingand rescue equipment for almost 200 years.
Rescue harness, rope access and positioning, situationswhere light weight and freedom of movement are primarycharacteristics. All buckles are made of stainless steel AISI316 to ensure maximum resistance in corrosiveenvironments.Wide, breathable and padded leg loops for maximumcomfort of use. Ergonomic waist belt with light structurefor the best fit and comfort. Yellow fluro finishing for thebest visibility during operational phase.EN 12277/C, EN 361, EN 358, EN 12277/A, EN 813, UIAATarget Pro Turbo
Rescue helicopter bag designed to beused either with a spine board and/orwith vacuum mattress.Modular design allows for increasedflexibility, supplied in a hoist-able andbackpack-able bag. Manufactured with tear-proof nylonand Cordura®Weight: kg 4Everest Kit Bag
Kong have a range of anti-rotationdevices to suit many operationalstyles, needs & purposes
Two handles for connection to thehelicopter hoist hook with differentattachment points, identified by acolor code, to determine thecorrect positioning angle.Internal cradle with fireproofpadding covered with breathable,removable and washable mesh. Transparent upper pocket forpositioning and carriage of medical apparatus, external slot for connecting anyanti-rotation system.Kong Res-Cot
Overhead cargo points for the AW139 & AW169airframes, provided with flight manualsupplements.Kong X-One & X-Two
The original Helicopter Underwater EscapeDevice, the HEED 3 systems are robust,reliable and simple. With remote chargingsystems available, including hand pumpoptions, the HEED3 is the ideal system forremote operations. An annual dip inspectionis carried out by the operator and a 5 yearlyoffsite breakdown service make the HEED3 isthe obvious choice in Emergency BreathingSystems. Emergency Breathing SystemsSimple rugged design utilises the same timeproven technology found in typical regulatorsused by SCUBA Divers around the world. Thealways-on, breathe on demand, balancedsingle stage regulator is easy to use, maintainand service. Weighting just 700grams, with1.7cu ft providing approx 32 breaths on thesurface with a breathing rate of 1.5L/min. HEED 3 - 175 SeriesDesigned with a hose and second stage theHEED 200 Series has an on off valve, highquality braided hose in either 20 or 27 inchlengths, the balanced downstream secondstage, is easy to use, maintain and service.Weighting 900 grams, with 2.0cu ft providingapprox 38 breaths on the surface with abreathing rate of 1.5L/min. HEED 3 - 200 Series
High Pressure Portable Air Compressor is anelectrically powered unit, simple operationand auto shutoff design. The portablecompressor provides an alternative todecanting from regular dive cylinders or handpumping.Scuba Tank Refill YokeAttach to a dive cylinder to decantand equalise pressures acrosscylinders or fits to a divingcompressorHEED 3 hand pump is a bicycle style pumpthat can tolerate pressures up to 3000 psi.Dry-Pac HEED desiccant only to be used withhand pump. Apollo Emergency Breathing SystemSimple Emergency Breathing System, madefrom high quality diving components slightlarger in physical size than HEED 3 systems.Able to be serviced at any Apollo approveddiving shop. Length of cylinder/first stage: 270mmWeight when full of air: 1.6kgCylinder volume: 0.22 litres, 207 BarCylinder diameter: 50mmAir supply: Approximately 30 breaths at thesurface, based on 1.5L per minute.Apollo yoke adaptor for filling. HEED 3 Refilling Options
The smallest and lightest Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) on the market,waterproof to 15m, with an operational life of over 24 hours, a 7 yearbattery life and 7 year warranty. The Ocean Signal PLB features 66 channelGPS receiver that operates on the global Cospas Sarsat system that doesnot require any ongoing subscriptions. Rescue Me 406MHz PLBSignaling Equipment
The RescueME EDF1 electronic distress flare offers users asafe and long-lasting solution to visual signalling in anemergency. The light output is a beam of over 30°throughout the full 360° azimuth. Light is also distributedthroughout the hemisphere above the unit to ensurevisibility from the air.Unlike single use pyrotechnic flares the RescueME EDF1can be used repeatedly in any of its four modes, ensuringcontinued visibility is maintained over a longer period. Theunit is both safe to store and operate while alsoeliminating any worries associated with disposal.The compact size and rugged design means the rescueMEEDF1 is the perfect safety product for a grab bag, life raftor hiker’s backpack.Ocean Signal EDF1The M100 and M100X MSLD (Maritime SurvivorLocating Device) from Ocean Signal has beendesigned to meet the needs of the professionalmarine market and its offshore workers. Once activated the M100 and M100X willtransmit an alert to all AIS receivers and AISenabled plotters in the vicinity. The M100 andM100X also transmit a 121.5 MHz homing signalin addition to the AIS. The integrated 66 channelGPS ensures a position update is provided everyminute via AIS. The M100X is designed to meetthe European ATEX directive and IECEx approvalfor use in zone 2 explosive atmospheres.Ocean Signal M100 & M100X
LSC Long Range Strobes - 640 & 641641 LRS - TSO 85B Can be set for water activation640 LRS is designed for manual activation onlyWith 60 flashes a minute for over 18 Hours theLSC range of strobes are highly effective andsimple to use. 7-Degree Spot Reflector for Long Range SignalingAA Alkaline or Lithium Battery10-Minute (LRS) Auto Revert Back to Signal StrobeTether Cord to Secure Light in Equipment PocketHigh Visibility Orange CaseU.S. Coast Guard Approval: 161.112/109/0Developed for SAR personnel, the Tri-Sirius features amulti-position switch giving the user three operatingmodes:Flashing White Strobe: The standard whiteemergency signal common to all Sirius Strobes.Flashing Blue Strobe: Differentiates theswimmer from other marker lights in the area.Green Work Lamp: Provides broad green hueis of low intensity to reduce adverse effects on theoperator’s night vision.LSC Tri-Sirius Strobe - 643 LSC Mil Tac Strobe - 642A military/tactical personal strobe light offers the userthe choice of a flashing covert IR signal or visibleflashing bright white signal. The default IR modeprevents inadvertent white flash during critical covertoperations. The user must cycle the main switchthree (3) times within five (5) seconds to activate thewhite signal light, with IR LED’s that emit IR wavelengthonly there is no no chance of white light leakage.
Section 2Essential Rescue Swimmer PPE
The Bio Fin Ranger is designed to bepartnered with almost any military oremergency services boot on the market, dueto the larger foot pocket and spring retentionstrap. The overall size the Bio Fin Ranger Prois short and with a soft compound rubberconstruction is highly suited to the rescueswimmer role. Must be worn with boots dueto the soze of the foot pocket. Bio Fin Ranger ProBio Fin ProDa FinsThe Bio Fin Pro is a longer version of the BioFin Ranger, with with a smaller foot pocketallowing traditional dive booties. The Bio Fin Pro is a popular fin used byrescue swimmers due to it high propulsionand flexible design providing very low fatiguefor power output, highly recommended. Theonly disadvantage is that the longer bladesare a little cumbersome when in the cabin. The Da Fins are a shorter, high propulsion fin,used by ocean lifeguards and highly suited toturbulent waters. The short blade designresults in high propulsion, these are ourrecommended fins for surf zone rescues. The only disadvantage is that foot protectioncan not be worn with the Dafin range due tothe snug fit design. If you can sneak two setsof fins into your kit bag, the Da Fins are theideal partner to a larger ocean fin. Fins
Simple wrap around design, fin savers arehighly recommended for all water rescueroles. Should your fin slip off it is simply retainedaround the ankle and prevents a lost finbecoming an issue during a rescue. Da Fin - Fin SaversSlipstream Monoprene Fin by OMSSAR Shredder FinAn original military style fin made from strongrubber producing a powerful fin that requirescontinual training due to the weight and bladestrength. High quality used by militaryswimmers the world over. Available with spring or rubber straps.Suitable to be worn with the ATB Pro Boots.The U.S. Divers SAR Shredder Fin are a shortbut stiff fin made from rubber boot with ahard polymer blade. The fin pocket fits waterrescue and dive booties, features include:• Securing ankle strap• Quick release buckles•Short blade ideal for moving around inconfined areas• Stiff blade that requires continual use intraining environments and the pool to avoidankle fatigue.
Similar in design to the original ConverseChuck Taylors, made from high abrasion quickdrying 1000D Cordura, with a high qualityrubber sole providing high grip when wet. Designed to be worn with socks which makesthe Altama Maritime Assault Boot ideal fortropical environments. Altama Maritime Assault BootRock Hopper BootiesAmphibian Boots Fourth Element Rock Hopper are a simplebootie with a high quality sole for operatorswho do not need bigger boots or are in hotterclimates. •Simple foot pocket style bootie• Heel reinforcement• 3mm stretch neoprene and rubberconstructionThe 5mm neoprene and rubber boot with asolid underfoot and toe cap ideal for coldenvironments or where swimmers wantadditional underfoot protection• Ergonomic foot bed• Heel and arch support• Underfoot cushioning• Heavy duty side zip• Fin strap retainerRescue Swimmer Boots
The ATB Pro is a 3mm soft super stretchneoprene lace up boot that is ideal forintermediate and cold waters with theadvantage of the full lace system. Instep drain mesh allowing water to escape,not suited to hot climets• Tactical Rubber lugged jungle type sole• Reinforced high-abrasion resistant toe andheelATB Pro Lace Up BootNRS 5mm Lace up BootIdeal for Cold waters the NRS boots are madefrom a 5 mm neoprene sock with lace upsynthetic upper. Reinforced heal lug forretention of fins, with a heavy duty soleproviding good grip on varied terrain. Our warmest and toughest water boot in therange, the NRS boot will keep your feet warmin cold water.
Simple yet high quality dive mask with rubberstrap.Silicone face seal with Tempered Glass Comfortable and fit over the Gath Helmetseasily. Apollo SV2 Dive MaskSea Vision 2000High quality dive mask, issued to US GoadGuard Rescue Swimmers. Strong rubber strap with cyalume stickretention loop above eyes. Dive MasksScubapro Mask & Odin StrapsThe odin strap system allows the range of Scubapro dive masks to be paredwith the Opscore helmets. The odin straps feature adjustable elastic strapsthat integrate with the Opscore rails, able to be top or rear rail mounted. Providing a much needed solution for in water rescue swimmer operations.
A high visibility glove with leather palm that ishighly suited to the down the wire role, withtouch screen index fingers and thumbs. Providing good dexterity and comfortable fit,the Ringers Gloves are highly suited to bothover land and in water operations.Riggers GlovesLSC Winch Operator and Line Handling GlovesLSC Winch Operator & Line handling GlovesDesigned to be worn as an over glove with openfinger tips and reinforced palms. The hoist operators glove has an extrareinforcement for hoist operators a simple andeffective over glove, available in a left or rightsingle gloveLine handling gloves come as a pair and hasmore dexterity due to only 2 layers of leather. GlovesFeaturing a positively buoyant ridge and soft siliconemouth-piece and body, the float snorkel is the beston the market for those swimmers wanting a simple,indestructible snorkel that does not have a purgevalve. Fourth Element Float SnorkelFeaturing a comfortable silicone mouth pieceand easy purge system, the dry flex snorkel istough to beat and our best selling snorkel.Dry Flex SnorkelSnorkles
• Point or blunt tip • Available in never rust titanium or 420stainless steel • Mini design that can be attached to the harness or life vest• Available with retention strap to ensuresecurity of knifeSQR KnifeLSC Titanium Rescue KnifeHook Knife with Molle PouchOur most popular knife due to the simpledesign and never rust titanium blade. Featuring a blunt tip, fixed blade with a line, cutter & serrated edge. Available with a Molle PouchA simple low profile stainless steel hook knifewith a molle pouchDesigned to fit to any Molle vest and is presstud secured for easy access when needed. Available in black or Multicam (shown)Knives
Section 3Bags, Helmets, Wetsuits,Drysuits
The Argo Backpack and Duffel Bags are madefrom 420D Waterproof PVC with weldedseams providing waterproof construction andsimple role down and clip securing makingthese a waterproof design. The most popularin our range due to price and simplicity forrescue swimmer kit bags the Argo bags wontlet you down. ARGO Backpack & Duffel BagDuffle BagsSUB HEADING 18 PTAvailable in 60, 90 & 120 liter size, the FourthElement duffle bags are made from heavy-duty PVC, with high quality clasps and buckles. Featuring double-lined, hard-wearing baseand padded rucksack carry straps withInternal mesh pocket in lid. These traditionalstyle duffel bags are the most suitable in ourrange for securing larger bulky items or lots ofkit in an easy to move bag that will last a longtime. Bags & PacksAEP can supply the full range of FourthElements products, if there is something inthe range you like, please don't hesitate toreach out.
Ideal small pack for rescue operations and asa down the wire personal kit bag. Theexpandable pocket holds a tactical or climbinghelmet with insertable back protector andcamelbak options, this is a small bag thatdelivers a large advantage in a rescueoperation. Light weight 500D Cordura construction withan internal hydration bladder sleeve, smalladmin pouch with Velcro closure inside andcovered in Molle allowing customisation andsecurity of extra small kit items. Theminimalistic approach for a streamline designis fastly becoming a replacement for atraditional helmet bag for all flight crews.Hydration Helmet CarrierStrike packOriginally designed for 24 to 48 hour militaryoperations the Strike pack is highly flexibleand suitable for the SAR environment. 2 xinternal mesh pockets & a removable internalMolle panel providing ultimate flexibility &user options. Featuring a hoistable attachment point andopenings for Hydration Packs, the Strike Packis ideal for overnight kit bags or evencontaining medical equipment in a compactmanner. Both the Hydration helmet Carrier andStrike Kit Bag are available in a range ofcolours and bespoke design options.
At AEP we work closely with dry suit manufactures designing and supplyingbespoke and off the shelf suits for search and rescue & military operations. With a highly flexible design approach we ensure that the customersreceive dry suits that are going to operate in the environment encountered. Material range from Trilaminate to Nomex Goretex and FR base design, inboth high visibility and covert designs with the ability to configure Molle,pockets and reflective striping according to the customers needs. Having supplied dry suits to many customers globally AEP have theknowledige and experence to meet your needs. Fourth Element Dry Suits
All Elements Protection works closely with local manufactures to produce abespoke range of wetsuits to meet the needs of the rescue swimmer. Wehave the ability to supply a range from 2mm to 5mm in one and two piecedesign. For tropical environments we recommend a two piece design made from2mm Neoprene pants & Lycra top, with a 2mm Neoprene vest and 2mmNeoprene long sleeve top. For operations in cold waters such as southern Australia and New Zealandwe recommend a 5mm one piece design with additional thermal vests &hoods. This concept allows swimmers to layer depending on theenvironmental conditions of the day and operating area. With experiencesupplying wetsuits from northern Australia to Southern Tasmania and eventhrough to the Faroe Islands off Norway, AEP are able to design a solutionto meet the operational conditions expected.WetsuitsFeatures include:Protection around seat, knees and elbows Various material thickness and styles Open and closed cell Neoprene & lycra Front zip for thermal regulation when inaircraft for long periods of timeHighly visible contrasting coloursOne or two piece design, two piece allowscrews to partially dress to manage heatfatigue on long searches
Opscore AMP HeadsetAll Elements Protection recommends the Opscore AMP headset range forSAR operations both over land and in the water. Opscore offers the onlywaterproof helmet & headset solution on the market that has beendesigned and tested extensively for in water operations. With a largenumber of accessories including, wireless CEP for dual layer hearingprotection, dive masks, strobes, lights and NVG compatible systems theAMP system is a stand out solution. When connected to the Axnes MP50 system, the AMP provides full ICS tothe rescue swimmer through all phases of flight. Available as a stand aloneheadset or fitted to an Opscore helmet via the rail mount system, the AMPis highly suited to the search and rescue industry. HeadsetsAxnes Thorat Microphone & Ear Bud SystemThe Axnes Throat Mic System utilises a carbon level waterproof throatmicrophone and high quality ear buds with Comply foam ear tips for thebest possible noise attenuation in a simple system, designed to fit under aGath type helmets. Good quality and simple.
AEP stock a wide range of water rescue andclimbing style helmets to meet customersspecific needs. From the Gath brand forsimple water operations through to Petzl andKong varieties for remote area applications.Available with and without eye and earprotection to meet operational needs. Gath - Petzel - Kong Opscore RangeOpscore have a range of lightweight tactical style helmets available highlysuited to the rescue and emergency services role. The FAST Bump is EN 1385certified with the Carbon variations being designed for environments wherehigh impact and blunt force trauma risk mitigation is needed. Shown in tacticlcamoflage, the range includs, black, tan & red colours. Opscore have a widerange of accessories to match their helmets.Helmets
PNG Mission Wireless Intercom SystemsAxnes PNG Wireless Intercom Systems, keeping the rescueswimmer in the communications loop throughout themission, from engine start to engine stop with fully waterproof headset options.
Operational ModesIntercom, Direct & Local ModesConnects to all major wired intercomsystemsProvides robust connection & rangeboth inside and outside the platformClear CommunicationFull duplex, adaptive noise cancelling,echo cancelling & non-interruptedVOX with repeater hub technologythat allows for transmission oninstalled role radiosGroup Intercom TechnologyGroup & intercom loops withsimultaneous multiple groupattendance on a single frequencyAdvanced FeaturesNVG Class BGPS tracking with FLIR & Trakkaintegration capabilitiesAIS SART Tx capabilitiesThe Axens PNG is a highly adaptable full mission wirelessintercom system designed for small team operations no matter what the role, platform or mission.
The MP30 is designed forland & platform-basedscenarios. Targetedapplications include EMS,law enforcement, cargo &armored vehicles. Unlikethe MP50, the MP30 is notdesigned to be submersiblein seawater, but thanks toits full rugged metal housingit can be used even in heavyrain, snow & mud. TheMP30 can be installed witha Bluetooth module,providing connection totablet or smartphone.The MP50 is a designed formaritime operations withSAR, CSAR and SpecialOperations in mind. Thewireless handheldtransceiver is submersibledown to 3m/9ft of seawater. The MP50 operates a dualband marine VHF radio & AISSART transmission. TheMP50 is the best choice forwater or amphibiousoperations. PNG MP50 & MP30 HandestsProviding the full duplex, digitally secure, robust UHF linkto the base station
The CP50 aviation approvedcontrol panel enablescontrol of the channels, setup, GPS data display &other features.The CP50 is connected tothe BST50 base station via adedicated CAN bus. PNG Base StationsProviding full situational awareness throughout themissionThe BST50 aviationapproved base station isconnected to an intercombox at a headset or userposition. It acts as theinterface between theexisting intercom system &wireless crew handsets.The BST30 & BST35 aremobile versions of the PNGbase station, which can beoperated as a standalonebase or connected to anexisting intercom system. The BST30 is powered via 11to 33VDC connection. TheBST35 contains a lithium ion10 hour internal battery. The BST6X family isdesigned specifically formilitary operations allowinga mounted or dismountedteam to have clear, robust &effective wirelesscommunications whilstinside & outside anyplatform, vehicle, airframeof vessel.
Developed & produced in Norway, Axnesspecializes in supplying advanced, highlydurable, wireless intercom systems that areactively deployed in demanding & harshenvironments on various platforms such asaircraft, ground vehicles & vessels globally. Withover 2000 operationally deployed systems,Axnes are trusted as approved suppliers toseveral leading aviation OEM's, includingAirbus, Leonardo, Sikorsky & Bell Textron inboth rotary & fixed wing platforms. Robust Trusted DesignThe PNG provides constant, continualcommunication between team members via adigitally secure UHF link. The base stationdirectly integrates to onboard internalcommunications systems via a headset or userposition, this integration allows the wirelesshandsets to receive all communications bothinternally & externally of the platform. The Wireless Advantage
The PNG handsets are designed to allowcustomer to utilise existing headsets, typicallywired for US Nato aviation pinouts, thehandsets automatically range across dynamic,electric, high impedance & low impedanceheadsets. Configurations & adaptations areeasily achieved through connection leads orsimple configuration changes. Intelligent Headset IntegrationPolyconnect System InstallationThe Polyconnect software system allows usersto manage integration with any hardwiredintercom system, providing a wirelessexpansion to a limitless number of handsets. Future proof development allows integrationacross a range of platforms via CAN Businterface & a highly adaptable designphilosophy. Axnes holds EASA Part 21-G & Part 145approvals along with AS9100 & ISO 9001certifications. Our products are AES 256 securewith advanced military encryption options forour police & military customers.Aviation Certified - Digitally Secure
Platform mounted, 20G rated, DC power chargers accepts a wide voltagesupply range, from 10 to 33VDC that can be mounted in severalconfiguration settings, available for both MP50 and MP30 handsetsDesk-top chargers accept universal power supply from 100 to 250VAC, 50or 60Hz, and power cords for any national standard
Founded & headquartered in Norway Axnes havebeen producing best in breed wireless intercomsystems for global customers to the highlydemanding standards required of the helicoptersearch & rescue industry for over 25 years. With significant numbers of operationally deployedsystems, Axnes have been trusted to provide theworld leaders of search & rescue operations withreliable, robust, crystal clear communications inthe worlds most challenging environments &demanding roles. System References include:AirbusBell TextronLeonardoSikorskyMultiple Nato military assetsGlobal footprint for both helicopter and fixed wingoperations The Axnes PNG is the full mission wirelessintercom system trusted globally for over 25 years.Over 25 years of Wireless IntercomOperations
All Elements Protection & Rig Equipment have partnered to high quality delivermission critical garments to the Australian & New Zealand industrySpecialist Flight Suit Range
Rig Equipment is a family business, based in theUnited Kingdom have been delivering specialist FRgarments to EN & ISO standards for over 15 years.Driven by a passion to progress and developsolutions for emergency services, Rig Equipment isa leader in innovation and design. Traditionaluniforms have been re-invented to address thegrowing demands and the challenges faced bythe emergency units they support and supply.All garments are manufactured by highlyexperienced personnel at the company’smanufacturing base in the UK. All specialistmaterials and components are sourced from theUnited Kingdom, Germany, France, Belgium andSpain.AEP supply Rig Equipment to the Australian andNew Zealand markets in both custom and off theshelf designs.
S t a n d a r d sRig Equipment produce garments to a wide range of standardsdepending upon user applications and customers operationalrequirements.Some of our common standards include:EN ISO 11611EN ISO 11612 EN ISO 15025EN ISO 1149EN ISO 15797
GB Dynamic RangeThe GB Dynamic pants are tailored for operational SAR and Medicalcrews moving around the cabin with features such as; Raised rear waist line with stretch panel Crye or standard foam insert kneepad optionsDual zip thigh pockets with lay flat bafflesVelcro closures on the lower leg pockets with lay flay baffles Designed to be paired with either the GB Dynamic Shirt or FS2Corporate Top.Pants RearPants FrontCrye Kneepadfitment
Simple Collar and Raglan Sleeves allow for easy fitwhen combined with the lightweight torso material. Developed on the back of military and policingapplications, these tops are becoming increasinglypopular in any role requiring heat mitigation, alayering approach and increased comfort. G B D y n a m i c S h i r tThe GB Dynamic Shirt consists of Nomex sleeves andcollar, with comfortable T-Shirt material core to provide layering options.
Lay flat baffledpocket with checklist scribble pad &pen pocketsLower leg insideseam zips High wear kneepads withremovablepadding andCrye Knee padoptionsLay flat baffled pocketon thighAvailable in a range of colours, Red, Orange, Green, Navy, Black(and more) to meet operational needs. D y n a m i c D e s i g nO p t i o n sVelcro & zip closure atwaist for increasedcomfort and flexibility
Shear pocket with kevlar reinforcementVelcro tabs behindthe knees forcomfort Stretch paneling withraised rear waistdesigned to hold on thewaist when bending andmoving on-sceneRemovable braces withbelt loopsBaffled lower legpockets with withclosure to preventkneeling on zips Our bespoke design philosophy is to work with customers tounderstand the roles performed, equipment carried,environmental conditions faced, visibility considerations. This ensures we supply a professional, comfortable andpractical uniform, that will enable crews to undertake theroles as safely as possible.
FS2Flight SuitThe FS2 corporate flight suit consistsof a comfortable elastic waist, buttonfly and belt loops. Baffled pocketswith 2 way zips in the thighs andvelcro closures on the lower legpockets, make the FS2 trouser aprofessional garment that isoperationally suited to customerswho do not want knee pads oradditional features of the GBDynamic range. The top is designed with Raglansleeves that fall off the shoulders andlarge chest pockets. Velcro hookpanels on both sleeves and chest forpatches. FS2 Jacket RearFS2 Jacket FrontFS2 Trousers Front
AEP stock a range of traditional one piece flight suits. Options include:Dual zip down chest pocketsfor ease of accessUpper arm pen pocketPleated back for comfortAdjustable Velcro® closurecuffsStandard hip, thigh & lowerleg pockets.Velcro® flap ankle closureMultiple Off the Shelf colourranges available. O n e P i e c e F l i g h t S u i t
L A Y E R I N GP R I N C I P L E SAppropriate layering either retains heat or allows it toescape from the body. By allowing operators tolayer up and down as environmental conditionsdictate, companies maintain a professionalappearance whilst staff can manage the heat andcold as it affects each individual.The GB Dynamic Top is suited to hot humid weather,layering with a vest or even a thermal shirt providescomfort in cooler weather. The lined bomber jackets& fire resistant rain wear provides warmth in harshwinters and more extreme conditions. Our range includes:T-ShirtsMerino ThermalsHot weather ShirtsTraditional Flight JackteTraditional Trousers Dynamic TrousersVest Bomber jacketRain WearIn addition to clothing, appropriate footwear allowscrew to remain comfortable and focused on the taskat hand. Warm, leather gortex lined boots for winterand lighter shoes for summer months provide thermalregulation across all seasons.
Merino ThermalsAustralian Made Merino Thermalsin 230gsm to provide suitablelayering approach to manage boththe warm confides of the cabinand the colder temperatures onthe ground. Unisex standardsizing in short sleeve crew neckand long sleeve crew or open zipneck.
V e s t sIdeally suited to flying operations where the cockpit can be warm with thedoors closed and cold with the doors open. Made from Rip-stop Nomex outer, with quilted inner lining to maintain bodyheat, with simple chest and hand pockets. A vest is a highly flexible uniformaddition to managing environmental conditions.Available in a range of colours and designs.
Our range of rain wear is designed as a three in onesolution, with a zip in zip out quilted lining to allowcrews to manage heat and cold in addition to wetweather. Highly suited across the range of environmentalextremes, from Scotland or Norway in winter, towarmer climates in Australia with the lining removed ina summer rain storm. Available in bespoke designs. R a i n W e a r w i t h Z i p i n Z i p o u t l i n i n g
P u b l i c O r d e r &S p e c i a l i s t P o l i c i n gR o l e sWith a specific range of public order and policinggarments available, we are more than capable ofassisting operational needs. Rig Equipment have aspecific line of kit meeting the stringent standardswithin these operations. Reach out directly for more information. Not available to general public.