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Dance Kids Report Cards

Page 1

Collect them all! See what’s next! 01. Step Touch02. Step Together Step03. Rebound04. Three Step Turn05. I Don't Know06. Raise the Roof07. Push the Floor Down08. Shine the Ceiling09. Shine the Floor10. Squish Your Knees11. Squish Your Foot12. I'm Cute Put it Down13. Pick Up Buckets14. Rainbows15. Ten Fingers16. Punch Side17. Shopping Carts18. Cross Open19. One Knee, Both Knees20. Circles on the Ceiling 11. Walking on Demi-point12. Bend and Jump13. Bounces14. Marches15. Pony Steps on Demi-point16. Skips17. Pony Trots18. Rhythm19. Pony Gallops20. Gallops w/a Skipping Rope❏ Level 1 - Pink Hip Hop Curriculum01. Running in a Circle02. Exercise for Feet03. Curling and Stretching04. Sensitive Hands05. Sharp Hands06. Running en Diagonale07. Demi Pliés08. Rises09. Point and Close10. Walking with Stretch Feet❏ Level 1 - Pink Ballet CurriculumStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date

Page 2

Collect them all! See what’s next! ❏ Level 1 - Blue Hip Hop Curriculum01. Rolley Polley02. Scoops03. Grab it - Put it Down04. Kick Front Back Front 05. Slide Shaky, Shaky 06. Rock it Out07. Shoulder Brush08. Side Jumps09. Step on Bugs10. Do the Bird11. Flap Your Wings12. Pump 'Em Up13. Puppets14. Point Jumps15. Muscles16. Hammer Time17. Big Circles18. Search 19. Chicken Head20. Hippies01. Skips02. Exercise for Feet03. Exercise for Legs 04. Exercise for Hands05. Exercise for Arm Extensions06. 1st Port De Bras07. 2nd Port De Bras08. Run and Pause09. Swaying10. Demi-Pliés11. Point and Close12. Step Close Step Point13. Knee Lifts14. Sautés15. Sautés and Echappé Sautés16. Gallops and Spring Points 17. Exercise for Eye Focus18. Rhythm in 2/4 Time19. Rhythm in 3/4 Time20. Curtsy ❏ Level 1 - Blue Ballet CurriculumStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date

Page 3

Collect them all! See what’s next! ❏ Level 1 - Orange Hip Hop Curriculum01. Freeze Dance 02. Pancake 03. Step Touch 04. Step Together Step 05. Step Turn Step06. Red Light Green Light 07. Across the Floor A: Pencil Turn 08. Across the Floor B: Sit Spin09. Across the Floor C: Jump back, jump front 10. Across the Floor D: Bounce, bounce, clap, clap01. Exercise for Feet02. Curling and Stretching03. Skips with Change of Direction 04. Port De Bras05. Plies06. Tendus 07. Sautés and échappé Sautés 08. Sideways Gallops 09. Eye Focus 10. Grand Jete❏ Level 1 - Orange Ballet CurriculumStart Date:__________________________________________With love from your dance teacher,__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date

Page 4

Collect them all! See what’s next! ❏ Level 1 - Lilac Hip Hop Curriculum01. Push Scoot02. Elbows03. V Claps04. Crickets05. Crack a Stick06. Play the Drums07. Crazy Hair08. Stop Rock09. Wobble10. Batter Up11. Peek-a-Boo12. Lawn Mower 13. Surprise14. Grease Lightening15. Squishy16. Bang Bang17. Play Soccer18. Four Corners 19. Slide - I Luv Myself20. Loop-Dee-Loo 01. Legs and Feet "A"02. Legs and Feet "B"03. Fingers and Hands "A" 04. Fingers and Hands "B"05. Walks "A"06. Walks "B"07. Run and Balance "A"08. Run and Balance "B"09. Bounce and Jump "A"10. Bounce and Jump "B"11. Bend and Spin "A"12. Bend and Spin "B"13. Picked Up Gallops "A"14. Picked Up Gallops "B"15. Claps and Jumps "A"16. Claps and Jumps "B"17. Skips "A"18. Skips "B"19. Cool Down "A"20. Cool Down "B" ❏ Level 1 - Lilac Ballet CurriculumStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date

Page 5

Collect them all! See what’s next! ❏ Level 1 - Green Hip Hop Curriculum01. Teeter Totter02. Genie Clap03. Fire Cracker04. Cheerleader05. Bounce Bounce Out Clap06. Hey Over There07. Dancing Feet08. Twisty09. Read Your Book10. Puppet Knees11. Safe12. What What13. Window Wipe14. Shoo Fly15. Diva Fever16. Come on Over17. Heart Beat18. Hot Hot 19. X Jump20. Karate Chop01. Legs and Feet "A"02. Legs and Feet "B"03. Arms and Head "A" 04. Arms and Head "B"05. Bend and Run "A"06. Bend and Run "B"07. Transfer of Weight "A"08. Transfer of Weight "B"09. Marches "A"10. Marches "B"11. Jumps "A"12. Jumps "B"13. Hops, Jumps, and Springs "A"14. Hops, Jumps, and Springs "B"15. Gallops and Skips "A"16. Gallops and Skips "B"17. Run and Leap "A"18. Run and Leap "B"19. Cool Down "A"20. Cool Down "B" ❏ Level 1 - Green Ballet CurriculumStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date

Page 6

Collect them all! See what’s next! ❏ Level 1 - Yellow Hip Hop Curriculum01. Sweep-the-Floor02. Motorcycle 03. Robot04. High Five05. Boxer06. Run07. Flick08. Cowboy09. Stir the Soup10. Pony❏ 01. Freeze Dance❏ 02. Warm-Up❏ 03. Marching ❏ 04. Butterflies❏ 05. Exercise for Feet❏ 06. Exercise for Stretching ❏ 07. Soft Hands❏ 08. Sharp Hands❏ 09. Gallops in a Circle❏ 10. Gallops in a Circle with Scarf❏ Level 1 - Yellow Ballet CurriculumStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date

Page 7

Collect them all! See what’s next! 01. Knee Knock02. Grapevine03. Bow & Arrow 04. Check Mark 05. Dribble06. Walk the dog07. Drive the Car08. Egypt09. Half Moons10. Shoulder Rock11. Surf12. Tick-Tock13. Exercise for Pas de Bourées 14. Exercise for Pirouettes 15. Exercise for the Stall 16. Exercise for the Coffee Grinder17. Practice Combo #118. Practice Combo #219. Practice Combo #320. Practice Combo #411. Demi Pliés in 3rd 12. Transfer of Weight13. Swaying and Spinning14. Sautés15. Sautés and Echappé Sautés 16. Spring Points and Petits Jétés17. Soubrasautes18. Soubrasautes and Gallops 19. Skips and Pony Gallops20. Exercise for PinwheelLevel 2 - Pink Hip Hop Curriculum01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasLevel 2 - Pink Ballet CurriculumStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date

Page 8

Collect them all! See what’s next! 01. Cool Dude Walks02. Rocking Horse03. Airplane04. Chicken Wings05. Puppet Hips06. Upper Cut07. Bongo08. Kong09. Tunnel10. Cross Spin11. Building Blocks 12. Zip it up13. Exercise for Pas de Bourées 14. Exercise for Pirouettes 15. Exercise for Kick it Up16. Exercise for Back Spin17. Practice Combo #118. Practice Combo #219. Practice Combo #320. Practice Combo #411. Exercise for Relaxation12. 1st Port de Bras13. 2nd Port de Bras14. Tendus with Transfer of Weight15. Sways with Arm Circles16. Sautés17. Echappé Sautés 18. Skip Change of Step19. Gallops with Attitude 20. Step Hop Forward and Back Level 2 - Blue Hip Hop Curriculum01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st, 2nd and 3rd03. Battement Tendus 04. Battement Tendus Derrière05. Battement Glissés06. Battement Fondus07. Grands Battement Devant 08. Grands Battement à la Second 09. Grands Battement Derrière 10. RisesLevel 2 - Blue Ballet CurriculumStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date

Page 9

Collect them all! See what’s next! 01.Sweep the Floor 02. Motorcycle03. Robot04. High-Five05. Boxer06. Flick07. Cowboy08. Run09. Stir the Soup10. PonyLevel 2 - Orange Hip Hop CurriculumStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date01.Exercise for Feet02. Tendus03. Pliés04. Rettrés and grand battements 05. Relevés 06. Adage (Balances, sashays and triplets)07. Transfer of Weight and echappes 08. Gallops and coupes09. Grand Jetes10. Pirouttes❏ Level 2 - Orange Ballet Curriculum

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Collect them all! See what’s next! 01. Knee Knock02. Grapevine03. Bow & Arrow 04. Check Mark 05. Dribble06. Walk the dog07. Drive the Car08. Egypt09. Half Moons10. Shoulder Rock11. Surf12. Tick-Tock13. Exercise for Pas de Bourées 14. Exercise for Pirouettes 15. Exercise for the Stall 16. Exercise for the Coffee Grinder17. Practice Combo #118. Practice Combo #219. Practice Combo #320. Practice Combo #411. Demi Pliés in 3rd 12. Transfer of Weight13. Swaying and Spinning14. Sautés15. Sautés and Echappé Sautés 16. Spring Points and Petits Jétés17. Soubrasautes18. Soubrasautes and Gallops 19. Skips and Pony Gallops20. Exercise for PinwheelLevel 2 - Lilac Hip Hop Curriculum01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasLevel 2 - Lilac Ballet CurriculumStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date

Page 11

Collect them all! See what’s next! 01. Knee Knock02. Grapevine03. Bow & Arrow 04. Check Mark 05. Dribble06. Walk the dog07. Drive the Car08. Egypt09. Half Moons10. Shoulder Rock11. Surf12. Tick-Tock13. Exercise for Pas de Bourées 14. Exercise for Pirouettes 15. Exercise for the Stall 16. Exercise for the Coffee Grinder17. Practice Combo #118. Practice Combo #219. Practice Combo #320. Practice Combo #411. Demi Pliés in 3rd 12. Transfer of Weight13. Swaying and Spinning14. Sautés15. Sautés and Echappé Sautés 16. Spring Points and Petits Jétés17. Soubrasautes18. Soubrasautes and Gallops 19. Skips and Pony Gallops20. Exercise for PinwheelLevel 2 - Green Hip Hop Curriculum01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasLevel 2 - Green Ballet CurriculumStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date

Page 12

Collect them all! See what’s next! 01. Knee Knock02. Grapevine03. Bow & Arrow 04. Check Mark 05. Dribble06. Walk the dog07. Drive the Car08. Egypt09. Half Moons10. Shoulder RockLevel 2 - Yellow Hip Hop CurriculumStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,__________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date01. Exercise for Feet02. Curling and Stretching03. Skips with Change of Direction 04. Port De Bras05. Plies06. Tendus 07. Sautés and échappé Sautés 08. Sideways Gallops 09. Eye Focus 10. Grand Jete❏ Level 2 - Yellow Ballet Curriculum

Page 13

Collect them all! See what’s next! __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1Tap 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1Musical Theatre01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1Hip Hop 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1ContemporaryStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,

Page 14

Collect them all! See what’s next! __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1Tap 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1Musical Theatre01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1Hip Hop 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1ContemporaryStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,

Page 15

Collect them all! See what’s next! __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1Tap 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1Musical Theatre01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1Hip Hop 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1ContemporaryStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,

Page 16

Collect them all! See what’s next! __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1Tap 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1Musical Theatre01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1Hip Hop 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 1ContemporaryStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,

Page 17

Collect them all! See what’s next! __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 Tap 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 Musical Theatre01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 Hip Hop 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 ContemporaryStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,

Page 18

Collect them all! See what’s next! __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 Tap 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 Musical Theatre01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 Hip Hop 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 ContemporaryStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,

Page 19

Collect them all! See what’s next! __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 Tap 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 Musical Theatre01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 Hip Hop 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 ContemporaryStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,

Page 20

Collect them all! See what’s next! __________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Signature________________Date01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 Tap 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 Musical Theatre01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 Hip Hop 01. Exercise for Feet 02. Demi Pliés in 1st and 2nd 03. Divided Battement Tendus 04. Port de Bras05. Exercise for Relaxation06. Floor Exercise 07. Exercise for Poise08. Run and Pause With Rise09. 1st Port de Bras10. 2nd Port de BrasChoreo 2 ContemporaryStart Date:___________________________With love from your dance teacher,