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Reparations & Health Brochure

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Sign up to stay engagedVisit or scan the code belowto let us know how you commit to making Reparationsa reality!Engage with Elected OfficialsWrite letters, make phone cal ls or meet with yourlocal, state and federal representatives to expressyour support for Reparations for Black Americandescendants of persons enslaved in the US. Urge themto support reparatory justice legislation and toparticipate in relevant discussions. Find yourrepresentatives: eventsAttend events like, listening sessions, marches andtown hall meetings walks hosted by CABWHP & CJEC,to mobilize community members. To find upcomingevents visit legacy of U.S. chattel slavery and racialdiscrimination has resulted in debilitatingeconomic, educational, and health hardshipsthat are uniquely experienced by BlackAmericans. By addressing the impacts of slaveryand the systematic racism that stemmed from it,reparatory justice can support the improvementof health and wellness for Black Americandescendants of persons enslaved in the UnitedStates.Healing & TraumaRecoveryReparatory justice for Black Americans recognizesthat slavery and the systemic racism anddiscrimination that has permeated American culturesince, have caused profound trauma andpsychological harm. Acknowledging and addressingthis trauma through Reparations and reparatoryjustice initiatives centered around resources, repair, and restoration will create healing and recovery.The intersection of initiativesaimed at achieving healthequity and Reparations fordescendants of enslavedBlack Americans in the U.S.Reparatory justice can support efforts toempower communities and build healthequity by providing the resources, wellness,advancement and security that has beenwithheld from Black Americans, forgenerations.Addressing slaveryas a SocialDeterminant ofHealthLineage to Slavery in America and its residualeffects are social determinants of health. Historicalinjustices, including American slavery, have oftenresulted in persistent social inequalities anddisparities, which too often, affect health outcomes.Reparatory justice for Black American descendantsof persons enslaved in the United Statesacknowledges that racism and slavery as socialdeterminants of health. Reparatory justice must address these underlying social determinants ofhealth by addressing economic disparities,educational inequalities, housing instabilities andlimited access to quality healthcare. Dismantlingsystemic barriers and providing resources throughreparatory justice can help create more equitablehealth services and outcomes for Black adults,children and communities.Liberation, HealthRestoration &ReparationsCALIFORNIA BLACK WOMEN'S HEALTH PROJECTcabwhp.orgCOALITION FOR A JUST & EQUITABLE CALIFORNIAcjec-official.orgTake actionCalifornia Black Women's Health (310)412-1828cjecofficial@gmail.comwellwoman@cabwhp.orgCoalition for a Just and Equitable California@cjecofficial@cabwhp

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California Black Women's Health Project(CABWHP) is the only statewide, non-profitorganization that is solely committed to improving the health of California's 1.2 millionBlack women and girls through advocacy,education, outreach and policy. We focus onempowering Black women to take personalresponsibility for our own health and toadvocate for changes in policies thatnegatively affect Black women's health status.About California BlackWomen's Health ProjectSupporting the health & wellness of Black women& girls, from preconception to agingAbout The Coalition fora Just and EquitableCalifornia Building strong public and community support inCalifornia for California Reparations and makingsure California creates and enacts strongReparations legislationThe Coalition for a Just and Equitable California(CJEC) is California's first and only grassroots,statewide organization born to achieveReparations and Reparative Justice forBlack/African-American descendants of personsenslaved in the U.S. (American Freedmen) living inCalifornia.cjec-official.orgcabwhp.orgReducing HealthDisparitiesBlack communities have historically beendisadvantaged and often face significant healthinjustices and disparities. Health disparities andinjustices in the Black community includeinequitable access to quality healthcare andhealth outcomes, including significantly higherrates of chronic diseases like diabetes andhypertension, limited mental health resources,Black youth having the highest and rising rates ofself-harm and a devastating maternal mortalitydisparity, where Black people experience amortality rate three to four times higher than thatof white people. Reparatory justice initiatives fordescendants of enslaved or free Black personsliving in the U.S. before the year 1900 can helprectify these and other disparities by focusing ontailored and affirming interventions andresources for Black communities. This includesincreasing access to quality healthcare,nutritious food, safe housing and professionaland educational opportunities. By addressing theroot causes of health disparities, reparatoryjustice can contribute to improving healthoutcomes and achieving health equity.Mobilizing &Empowering ourCommunitiesReparatory justice involves communityengagement and participation in decision-making processes. By involving communities indesigning and implementing solutions, reparatoryjustice activism can help Black Americans andBlack communities foster a sense of agency,advocacy and collaborative activism. Engagedand empowered communities are betterpositioned to advocate for their health needs andaddress health disparities effectively.CALIFORNIA BLACK WOMEN'S HEALTH PROJECTcabwhp.orgCOALITION FOR A JUST & EQUITABLE CALIFORNIAcjec-official.orgThe legacy of U.S. chattel slavery and thesubsequent injustices stemming from itrequires a collaborative approach todismantling systemic racism and harms.Assembly Bill 3121 (AB 3121) was enacted onSept. 30, 2020 and established the Task Forceto Study and Develop Reparation Proposals forAfrican Americans.The task force engaged with the Ralph J.Bunche Center at UCLA to facilitate thecollection and documentation of importantcommunity perspectives (e.g. communitylistening sessions, statewide surveys)On June 29, 2023 the task force released thefull final California Reparations Report, over1,000 pages which offer a comprehensive lookat the ways descendants of enslaved Blackpeople have been impacted for centuriesthrough racial terror, politicaldisenfranchisement, health inequities,unequal housing and educationalopportunities.Access the final CA Reparations Report by or scanning the code belowCALIFORNIA BLACK WOMEN'S HEALTH PROJECTcabwhp.orgCOALITION FOR A JUST & EQUITABLE CALIFORNIAcjec-official.orgwhere are we now?The African American story in the United States is marked by repeatedfailed promises to right the wrongs of the past both distant and recentand failure to acknowledge and take responsibility for the structuralracism that perpetuated these harms.

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California Black Women's Health Project(CABWHP) is the only statewide, non-profitorganization that is solely committed to improving the health of California's 1.2 millionBlack women and girls through advocacy,education, outreach and policy. We focus onempowering Black women to take personalresponsibility for our own health and toadvocate for changes in policies thatnegatively affect Black women's health status.About California BlackWomen's Health ProjectSupporting the health & wellness of Black women& girls, from preconception to agingAbout The Coalition fora Just and EquitableCalifornia Building strong public and community support inCalifornia for California Reparations and makingsure California creates and enacts strongReparations legislationThe Coalition for a Just and Equitable California(CJEC) is California's first and only grassroots,statewide organization born to achieveReparations and Reparative Justice forBlack/African-American descendants of personsenslaved in the U.S. (American Freedmen) living inCalifornia.cjec-official.orgcabwhp.orgReducing HealthDisparitiesBlack communities have historically beendisadvantaged and often face significant healthinjustices and disparities. Health disparities andinjustices in the Black community includeinequitable access to quality healthcare andhealth outcomes, including significantly higherrates of chronic diseases like diabetes andhypertension, limited mental health resources,Black youth having the highest and rising rates ofself-harm and a devastating maternal mortalitydisparity, where Black people experience amortality rate three to four times higher than thatof white people. Reparatory justice initiatives fordescendants of enslaved or free Black personsliving in the U.S. before the year 1900 can helprectify these and other disparities by focusing ontailored and affirming interventions andresources for Black communities. This includesincreasing access to quality healthcare,nutritious food, safe housing and professionaland educational opportunities. By addressing theroot causes of health disparities, reparatoryjustice can contribute to improving healthoutcomes and achieving health equity.Mobilizing &Empowering ourCommunitiesReparatory justice involves communityengagement and participation in decision-making processes. By involving communities indesigning and implementing solutions, reparatoryjustice activism can help Black Americans andBlack communities foster a sense of agency,advocacy and collaborative activism. Engagedand empowered communities are betterpositioned to advocate for their health needs andaddress health disparities effectively.CALIFORNIA BLACK WOMEN'S HEALTH PROJECTcabwhp.orgCOALITION FOR A JUST & EQUITABLE CALIFORNIAcjec-official.orgThe legacy of U.S. chattel slavery and thesubsequent injustices stemming from itrequires a collaborative approach todismantling systemic racism and harms.Assembly Bill 3121 (AB 3121) was enacted onSept. 30, 2020 and established the Task Forceto Study and Develop Reparation Proposals forAfrican Americans.The task force engaged with the Ralph J.Bunche Center at UCLA to facilitate thecollection and documentation of importantcommunity perspectives (e.g. communitylistening sessions, statewide surveys)On June 29, 2023 the task force released thefull final California Reparations Report, over1,000 pages which offer a comprehensive lookat the ways descendants of enslaved Blackpeople have been impacted for centuriesthrough racial terror, politicaldisenfranchisement, health inequities,unequal housing and educationalopportunities.Access the final CA Reparations Report by or scanning the code belowCALIFORNIA BLACK WOMEN'S HEALTH PROJECTcabwhp.orgCOALITION FOR A JUST & EQUITABLE CALIFORNIAcjec-official.orgwhere are we now?The African American story in the United States is marked by repeatedfailed promises to right the wrongs of the past both distant and recentand failure to acknowledge and take responsibility for the structuralracism that perpetuated these harms.

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California Black Women's Health Project(CABWHP) is the only statewide, non-profitorganization that is solely committed to improving the health of California's 1.2 millionBlack women and girls through advocacy,education, outreach and policy. We focus onempowering Black women to take personalresponsibility for our own health and toadvocate for changes in policies thatnegatively affect Black women's health status.About California BlackWomen's Health ProjectSupporting the health & wellness of Black women& girls, from preconception to agingAbout The Coalition fora Just and EquitableCalifornia Building strong public and community support inCalifornia for California Reparations and makingsure California creates and enacts strongReparations legislationThe Coalition for a Just and Equitable California(CJEC) is California's first and only grassroots,statewide organization born to achieveReparations and Reparative Justice forBlack/African-American descendants of personsenslaved in the U.S. (American Freedmen) living inCalifornia.cjec-official.orgcabwhp.orgReducing HealthDisparitiesBlack communities have historically beendisadvantaged and often face significant healthinjustices and disparities. Health disparities andinjustices in the Black community includeinequitable access to quality healthcare andhealth outcomes, including significantly higherrates of chronic diseases like diabetes andhypertension, limited mental health resources,Black youth having the highest and rising rates ofself-harm and a devastating maternal mortalitydisparity, where Black people experience amortality rate three to four times higher than thatof white people. Reparatory justice initiatives fordescendants of enslaved or free Black personsliving in the U.S. before the year 1900 can helprectify these and other disparities by focusing ontailored and affirming interventions andresources for Black communities. This includesincreasing access to quality healthcare,nutritious food, safe housing and professionaland educational opportunities. By addressing theroot causes of health disparities, reparatoryjustice can contribute to improving healthoutcomes and achieving health equity.Mobilizing &Empowering ourCommunitiesReparatory justice involves communityengagement and participation in decision-making processes. By involving communities indesigning and implementing solutions, reparatoryjustice activism can help Black Americans andBlack communities foster a sense of agency,advocacy and collaborative activism. Engagedand empowered communities are betterpositioned to advocate for their health needs andaddress health disparities effectively.CALIFORNIA BLACK WOMEN'S HEALTH PROJECTcabwhp.orgCOALITION FOR A JUST & EQUITABLE CALIFORNIAcjec-official.orgThe legacy of U.S. chattel slavery and thesubsequent injustices stemming from itrequires a collaborative approach todismantling systemic racism and harms.Assembly Bill 3121 (AB 3121) was enacted onSept. 30, 2020 and established the Task Forceto Study and Develop Reparation Proposals forAfrican Americans.The task force engaged with the Ralph J.Bunche Center at UCLA to facilitate thecollection and documentation of importantcommunity perspectives (e.g. communitylistening sessions, statewide surveys)On June 29, 2023 the task force released thefull final California Reparations Report, over1,000 pages which offer a comprehensive lookat the ways descendants of enslaved Blackpeople have been impacted for centuriesthrough racial terror, politicaldisenfranchisement, health inequities,unequal housing and educationalopportunities.Access the final CA Reparations Report by or scanning the code belowCALIFORNIA BLACK WOMEN'S HEALTH PROJECTcabwhp.orgCOALITION FOR A JUST & EQUITABLE CALIFORNIAcjec-official.orgwhere are we now?The African American story in the United States is marked by repeatedfailed promises to right the wrongs of the past both distant and recentand failure to acknowledge and take responsibility for the structuralracism that perpetuated these harms.

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Sign up to stay engagedVisit or scan the code belowto let us know how you commit to making Reparationsa reality!Engage with Elected OfficialsWrite letters, make phone cal ls or meet with yourlocal, state and federal representatives to expressyour support for Reparations for Black Americandescendants of persons enslaved in the US. Urge themto support reparatory justice legislation and toparticipate in relevant discussions. Find yourrepresentatives: eventsAttend events like, listening sessions, marches andtown hall meetings walks hosted by CABWHP & CJEC,to mobilize community members. To find upcomingevents visit legacy of U.S. chattel slavery and racialdiscrimination has resulted in debilitatingeconomic, educational, and health hardshipsthat are uniquely experienced by BlackAmericans. By addressing the impacts of slaveryand the systematic racism that stemmed from it,reparatory justice can support the improvementof health and wellness for Black Americandescendants of persons enslaved in the UnitedStates.Healing & TraumaRecoveryReparatory justice for Black Americans recognizesthat slavery and the systemic racism anddiscrimination that has permeated American culturesince, have caused profound trauma andpsychological harm. Acknowledging and addressingthis trauma through Reparations and reparatoryjustice initiatives centered around resources, repair, and restoration will create healing and recovery.The intersection of initiativesaimed at achieving healthequity and Reparations fordescendants of enslavedBlack Americans in the U.S.Reparatory justice can support efforts toempower communities and build healthequity by providing the resources, wellness,advancement and security that has beenwithheld from Black Americans, forgenerations.Addressing slaveryas a SocialDeterminant ofHealthLineage to Slavery in America and its residualeffects are social determinants of health. Historicalinjustices, including American slavery, have oftenresulted in persistent social inequalities anddisparities, which too often, affect health outcomes.Reparatory justice for Black American descendantsof persons enslaved in the United Statesacknowledges that racism and slavery as socialdeterminants of health. Reparatory justice must address these underlying social determinants ofhealth by addressing economic disparities,educational inequalities, housing instabilities andlimited access to quality healthcare. Dismantlingsystemic barriers and providing resources throughreparatory justice can help create more equitablehealth services and outcomes for Black adults,children and communities.Liberation, HealthRestoration &ReparationsCALIFORNIA BLACK WOMEN'S HEALTH PROJECTcabwhp.orgCOALITION FOR A JUST & EQUITABLE CALIFORNIAcjec-official.orgTake actionCalifornia Black Women's Health (310)412-1828cjecofficial@gmail.comwellwoman@cabwhp.orgCoalition for a Just and Equitable California@cjecofficial@cabwhp

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Sign up to stay engagedVisit or scan the code belowto let us know how you commit to making Reparationsa reality!Engage with Elected OfficialsWrite letters, make phone cal ls or meet with yourlocal, state and federal representatives to expressyour support for Reparations for Black Americandescendants of persons enslaved in the US. Urge themto support reparatory justice legislation and toparticipate in relevant discussions. Find yourrepresentatives: eventsAttend events like, listening sessions, marches andtown hall meetings walks hosted by CABWHP & CJEC,to mobilize community members. To find upcomingevents visit legacy of U.S. chattel slavery and racialdiscrimination has resulted in debilitatingeconomic, educational, and health hardshipsthat are uniquely experienced by BlackAmericans. By addressing the impacts of slaveryand the systematic racism that stemmed from it,reparatory justice can support the improvementof health and wellness for Black Americandescendants of persons enslaved in the UnitedStates.Healing & TraumaRecoveryReparatory justice for Black Americans recognizesthat slavery and the systemic racism anddiscrimination that has permeated American culturesince, have caused profound trauma andpsychological harm. Acknowledging and addressingthis trauma through Reparations and reparatoryjustice initiatives centered around resources, repair, and restoration will create healing and recovery.The intersection of initiativesaimed at achieving healthequity and Reparations fordescendants of enslavedBlack Americans in the U.S.Reparatory justice can support efforts toempower communities and build healthequity by providing the resources, wellness,advancement and security that has beenwithheld from Black Americans, forgenerations.Addressing slaveryas a SocialDeterminant ofHealthLineage to Slavery in America and its residualeffects are social determinants of health. Historicalinjustices, including American slavery, have oftenresulted in persistent social inequalities anddisparities, which too often, affect health outcomes.Reparatory justice for Black American descendantsof persons enslaved in the United Statesacknowledges that racism and slavery as socialdeterminants of health. Reparatory justice must address these underlying social determinants ofhealth by addressing economic disparities,educational inequalities, housing instabilities andlimited access to quality healthcare. Dismantlingsystemic barriers and providing resources throughreparatory justice can help create more equitablehealth services and outcomes for Black adults,children and communities.Liberation, HealthRestoration &ReparationsCALIFORNIA BLACK WOMEN'S HEALTH PROJECTcabwhp.orgCOALITION FOR A JUST & EQUITABLE CALIFORNIAcjec-official.orgTake actionCalifornia Black Women's Health (310)412-1828cjecofficial@gmail.comwellwoman@cabwhp.orgCoalition for a Just and Equitable California@cjecofficial@cabwhp