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Repair Firm Welcome Booklet & Reference Guide

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We are pleased to welcome you as a partner in ournational repair network. itel is changing the culture of howadjusters settle furniture and cabinet losses, to think“repair” rather than “replace”. We provide adjusters with anefficient, cost-effective program providing an alternative toconstantly replacing damaged furniture and cabinets.As a partner on our network, we will work together to buildour businesses in the insurance property claims market.Our commitment to you is that we will market to nationaland regional carriers with the expectation that they sendus claims involving furniture, cabinets, and any damagedwood items. Your commitment to itel is that you willprovide the highest level of customer service andcraftsmanship that you displayed during the credentialingprocess.All of us at itel look forward to working with you as wecontinue to expand our national resource for qualityfurniture and cabinet restoration.We are so happy to have you on theitel Wood Restoration Network!Meet the TeamWho to ContactWood Restoration PortalAdvisory Board CommitteeWood Restoration NewsletterTRA MeetingsAssignment TypesMember Savings ProgramReferral ProgramSocial MediaPolicies & ProceduresThe BasicsOur CommunityThe Next LevelDocument IndexVideo Library

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LeadershipMaile CordonDirector ofNetworkDevelopmentBoogie TateVice PresidentStrategicBusiness DevKatie HedlundDirector ofOperationsCarli TurnerOperationsProgram ManagerPeter DubinTechnical RepairAnalyst ManagerNetwork DevelopmentKady MoseleyNetwork Relations& TrainingCoordinatorKara LynnNetwork RelationsCoordinatorOlivia EwingCredentialingAdministratorTammy ShankRecruitingSpecialist

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Onsite Project CoordinatorThe Onsite Project Coordinator (PC) is responsible for the WorkOrder up to the Awaiting Authorization stage. You will receive yournew Work Orders from the PC to schedule the onsite inspections. You will be working with the PC up until the point theadjuster/policyholder receives and approves the repairable estimate.Technical Repair AnalystThe Technical Repair Analyst (TRA) reviews virtual inspections andphoto evaluations for completeness and accuracy. The TRAs prepareeach Photo, Mobile, and Virtual Evaluation. They also review everyonsite inspection estimate received from a Repair Firm.Restoration CoordinatorThe Restoration Coordinator (RC) is responsible for sending repair firms approvalto begin repairs, approving and scheduling repair firm deposit payments,monitoring the start of your repairs, keeping the adjuster/policyholder updatedon repair progress, ensuring the target delivery date is being tracked andconfirmed in a timely manner, and scheduling final balances to be paid uponreceipt of final after photos and a signed Certificate of Satisfaction (COS).ExpeditorThe Expeditor performs service support functions including newassignment input, qualification, and distribution to the appropriateoperations team and team members. They also monitor and answerall phone calls into the main call line, identify priority calls, emails,alerts, and assignments.

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The Wood Restoration Member Portal iswhere EVERYTHING happens. It's theplace for the Ops team and our networkRepair Firms to communicate and checkon Work Orders, Upload Estimates, checkon Payments, updates within thecompany, and to collaborate with yourfellow network Repair Firms.Connection, Engagement, CollaborationWood Restoration PortalQuarterly newsletter emailed directly toevery Repair Firm active on the networkwithin the month of each new Quarter.Provides insight on the company, excitingnetwork news, spotlights, recognition, tipsand important reminders.Wood Restoration NewsletterA committee of network Repair Firms thatprovide Renovar management withfeedback and suggestions on our managedrepair program. Held on the third Tuesdayof each month, led and moderated by ourDirector of Network Development andfeatured guest.Advisory Board CommitteeTRA Estimator Huddle meetings areopen to all of our Repair Firms byrequest. Want to learn more about ourestimating process, pricing, or get to seeour TRA's smiling faces? for aninvitation.TRA Estimator Huddles

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Types ofAssignmentsPhotos of damaged furniture, cabinets,and/or architectural millwork aresubmitted via email, website claimsubmission, or the itelNOW Mobileapp. Our TRAs, experienced craftsmenand women themselves, review thedetailed damage photos and completean in-house, professional estimate.These estimates are already approvedbefore being sent to a Network RepairFirm as a Restoration Job Review. P H O T O E V A L U A T I O NSimilar to the Photo Evaluation, ourTRAs will set up a date and time toreview the damaged item(s) with thehomeowner and/or adjuster over aLivegenic video call, taking snaps forreference. The TRA uses theinformation and photos obtainedduring the virtual inspection to createan in-house, professional estimate.These estimates are already approvedbefore being sent to a Network RepairFirm as a Restoration Job Review. V I R T U A L I N S P E C T I O N

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This is the type of inspection andestimate most Repair Firmsunfamiliar with insurance claims arealready completing on a daily basis. An assigned Repair Firm isdispatched to the loss site to inspectand photograph the damageditem(s), determine how they will beproperly restored, and create adetailed estimate. The Repair Firm will then enter theirEstimate into the Member Portal. Once submitted, our expert TRAs willreview the photos and repair scopefor accuracy before obtainingadjuster approval for our Repair Firmto begin work.Even if the items are damagedbeyond your ability to repair, we stillneed a report explaining why and avalue assessment as thatprofessional assessment is a keyRenovar service. Furniture pieces, inparticular, may be family heirloomsthat are irreplaceable. Thehomeowner might still pay thedifference between the "replacementcost" and the "restoration cost."O N S I T E E V A L U A T I O NOnsite Cabinet InspectionWhat We Need & WhyOnsite Furniture InspectionWhat We Need & Why

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If at any time during a photo, virtual,or onsite assignment further damageis discovered, please cease work andnotify your Assignment Ownerimmediately. You will take photos ofthe additional damage and draft arepair scope just like the onsiteinspection process. You will thensubmit the supplemental estimateusing the Member Portal.The supplemental estimate will haveto go to the TRA team for review andback to the adjuster for approvalbefore work can resume. Onceapproved, you can finish the agreedupon work. If the Assignment iscancelled due to the adjuster orhomeowners' decision (repair vs.replacement, etc.), you will still bepaid for your estimate.Now, if you need to pull morecabinets or remove a furniture pieceto make sure there isn't more work tobe repaired and to create an accuratesupplemental estimate, do so. Makesure to keep your Assignment Ownerupdated so they can keep theadjuster and/or homeownerinformed.S U P P L E M E N T A LCabinet Supplemental Video

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C O M M O N N O T R E P A I R A B L ER E A S O N S : C A B I N E T SFor those that have been on the network for sometime, and even some of our newer firms, it’s come toour attention that you might not know that anestimate can be provided as “not repairable.” However, we still need measurements, a repairscope, and a repair cost in most cases. Our TRAteam has compiled a document to guide our cabinetnetwork in these cases:Cabinets - Common Not Repairable ReasonsPlease see the training videos titled “Onsite CabinetInspection Review: What We Need and Why,” and“Onsite Furniture Inspection: What We Need and Why”in the Video Library on the last page of this booklet.

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The Next Levelitel has partnered with Savings4Members,UNITS, and BP Amoco to provide extrabenefits and savings directly to ourNetwork members. Save more and earnmore from every drop of gas you pump,every box you ship, every card you swipe,and everything in-between. Prevent claims(such as damaged and/or missing items)in the moving and storage industry andeverything in between.From the independent businesses in ournetwork to the big businesses trading onWall Street - every business has overhead.That's a fact.But while it's small and medium-sizedindependent businesses that contribute toa majority of North America's economy -the reality is that businesses like yoursspend a larger percentage of sales onoperating costs than large corporate competitors. That problem isthe first our partnerships solve: Scale. Increasing sales is one way to increaseprofitability, but reducing operating costsis fast and permanent. And by building anetwork of over 1.1 million independentbusinesses, Savings4Members gives youdirect access to the scale to do exactlythat.You're an expert at what you do, not atcost reduction. So by negotiating onbehalf of this entire extended network,Savings4Members has locked-in exclusivepricing from national vendors innumerous categories of overhead. Whencombined with a Savings Page to easilytap-in to cost cutting opportunities and aSavings Team that handles the details foryou, it's easy to make permanent cuts thatreally add-up.

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EZ-Level has now teamed up with itel to help give you even more of anadvantage over your competition. Starting immediately, itel repair firms willreceive a discounted price on the EZ-Level system which is below the currentcontractor rate. EZ-Level is proud to partner with the itel to help you be moreefficient and achieve perfect results on your cabinet installs in minutes. If youare not familiar with EZ-Level, check out our website ( andread the Google reviews from real customers (which consist of DIY’ers and Pros).E Z - L E V E L P R E C I S I O N L E V E L I N GS Y S T E M S P E C I A L P R I C I N G F O RI T E L R E P A I R F I R M S Call or email Dwayne Summers with any questions: 800-726-5550|dwayne@ez-level.comWhat is EZ-Level?EZ-Level eliminates the need forshims under a cabinet.Takes the stress and frustration outof leveling cabinets.More efficient installation whichsaves time and money.Perfect results in minutes, not hours.EZ-Levels never move which protectsthe countertop.Cabinets are off the groundprotecting them from small waterleaks. Franchise Price:Retail $16.95/set. Dealer/Bulk pricing$11.90/set.The new itel Repair Firm price willbe $11.50/set.How to enroll:Current customersEmail or call us with yourcompany information customersEmail or call with your companyand company information will set you up in the systemand email you the invite to finishyour account set up. How to order:Log into your account You will see “Wholesale Catalog”at top of pageSelect needed items for cart.Choose shipping methodPlace orderOrders received before noon easterntime will ship the same day. Call ifafter 12 PM EST to request same dayshipping.If for any reason you are havingissues logging in, place your orderand we will refund the differenceon the next business day (oursystem makes us wait).

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BP offers Business Solutions and PlusCredit Cards with fleet managementand volume based-discounts on fuel. These cards are accepted at 7000+truck stops and 165,000+ FuelMerchants. You'll get 10¢ off pergallon for the first 6 months, thensavings is tiered based off gallonusage.Accepted at nearly all U.S. retailfuel merchantsPurchasing controls - you cancontrol which days and hours youremployees can use this card topurchase fuelData managementEmployees can earn Fuel Rewardson their personal fuel purchasesNO FEES!itel has partnered with BP/Amoco to providemore fuel savings solutions to our Repair FirmsBP Overview PresentationYou can set card controls and uselimits, view receipts so you can stopworrying about them being lost, andpull reports 24/7. Security and fraudcontrols require a driver ID andodometer before being allowed topurchase fuel. Please reach out to ourFleet Consultant, AJ, with anyquestions, concerns or to get set up!AJ Jwayyed | Fleet Consultantaj.jwayyed@fleetcor.com919.500.0770BP also offers BPme Rewards to allcustomers without applying for acredit card. Register to save 5¢ pergallon for your first month, and spendat least $100 in fuel each calendarmonth to keep that savings going.

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Refer your friendsNetwork Development has beenattending woodworking and insuranceevents and one thing's for certain,woodworkers and other contractorstalk to each other!Do you have a friend down the road ora few hours away who does the repairsthat you can't? Do you have acolleague across the country that youcatch up with at industry events? Know an apprentice taking over for aretiring woodworker? Send them ourway!Renovar offers a $300 referral bonusfor each firm that becomes trainedand remains active on the Networkfor at least 90 days.Have questions? Call the NetworkDevelopment team at 887.884.9446,Option 5.Want to refer a friend? Email theircompany name, first and last name,email address and phone number or click the button below.SUBMIT A REFERRAL

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SocialMediaSOCIAL MEDIA RELEASE Complete the Social MediaRelease form.1. Email logos and before &after shots tosales@itelinc.com2. Follow us on Facebook andLinkedIn to see your post!3.Client testimonialsBefore & After photosShop videos and reelsHow-to videosAwardsPublicationsMember SpotlightInterested in being featured?ExamplesW E W A N T T OS H O W Y O U O F F !

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COMMUNICATION Communication is a key to our success. You will find thatwe are a part of a larger effort that is built around severalprograms within the insurance industry made up ofgeneral contractors, mitigation companies, flooringprograms, and the cabinet and furniture program that weprovide. Always communicate with the other contractorswhenever necessary to ensure good workingrelationships and a smooth, easy to understand processfor the policyholder and adjuster. This is particularlyimportant and relevant for cabinet claims. It is as important, if not more so, that you communicateyour status to RENOVAR along the way, particularly atcritical junctures during the process. This helps to avoidsurprises for us when adjuster or Policyholders call inwith questions or updates and it prevents us from havingto bother you during your busy day to ask where you areon the job. The best method of communication with RENOVAR isthrough the Portal via Chatter. It gives us a record ofactivity and helps us keep the phones open for adjustersand policyholders.

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Key Junctures for Updates: Appointments Pickups and deliveries Start and estimated completion dates Problems or issues with general contractors, other thirdparties, and/or policyholders Delays Communicating with general contractors andmitigation companies In some instances, it will be important that you keep thegeneral contractors (GC) and mitigation companies advisedof your schedule so they may incorporate your workschedule in with theirs. We will provide you with the GC ormitigation company’s contact information so you maycommunicate directly with them. Please copy in yourProject Coordinator whenever you email the GC ormitigation company. Communicating with Public Adjusters A public adjuster (PA) works directly for the policyholder,they do not represent the insurance carrier. They are paid acommission based on the size of the loss and the PAhandles the entire claim for the policyholder. If we indicatethat a PA is on the claim, you must schedule everythingthrough the PA rather than have any contact with thepolicyholder. Do not discuss or divulge any informationregarding the reparability of items or any repair prices to thePA. If they have questions or request any information,instruct them to call RENOVAR.

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PHOTOS Photos are always required with every estimate. Be sure toattach a photo of the front of the house in the Work Ordersince many carriers require this as part of their programpackage. Take “Before” photos of the overall furniture pieces, orentire kitchen, and close-ups of the damaged areas. Youmust upload the photos in the Portal to each line item. Be sure to focus on any preexisting damage in theevent we must dispute any claims that you caused thedamage. Adjusters will support our disputes if theyhave clear evidence but will side with the policyholderevery time if we do not. Submit “After” photos of the completed job in the WorkOrder and add all after photos there, not next to each item.These are helpful to showcase the work you have providedand may also be used to defend against any claims foradditional damage to the piece(s) after they are delivered. Many adjusters and programs we participate in will notpay the invoice without after photos so please takegood after photos that are clear and in focus. Also, besure to clearly show the restored area in your afterphotos. We want to brag about your phenomenalcapabilities and photos tell the story better than anywords will.

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ESTIMATING FROM PHOTOS We have a Photo Evaluation Program whereby we will provideadjusters with an estimate based on photos of the damage. Thisprogram has been a huge success as it has greatly reduced therequirement for onsite inspections, eliminating wasted timeinspecting jobs we will never get. We ask our firms to provide aprice guide for their services to use when doing a photoevaluation in their area. **NOTE: If you receive approval to proceed with repairs on aphoto evaluation and find additional damage that was not visiblein the photos or in the original estimate, contact your PCimmediately. DO NOT change any prices in the original photoestimate in the Portal. SUPPLEMENTALS AND REVISIONS There are instances when additional damage is discovered whenstarting work on a Photo Evaluation, after the estimate has beensubmitted, or even after some work is delivered. Inform your PCthat you wish to submit a supplemental estimate so they mayinform the adjuster. The PC will determine if we need to set up anew Work Order for the Supplement. Enter the supplement items with photos of the damage beforeany work is completed. Be sure to identify each item as asupplemental by selecting “Supplemental” from the “Type” dropdown list. We will provide you with a revised Vendor WorkAuthorization to proceed. No work will be authorized, or anypayments issued without a supplemental estimate and photos.

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INSPECTIONS Inspection base pay, within defined coverage area: $200 Additional pricing: Outside of defined coverage area $2/mile Over 10-line items (furniture) $7/each additional line item Renovar pays $200 base for an inspection within a firm’s definedcoverage area. The inspection fee is waived for select carriers if thework is authorized. In these cases, the $200 is then applied towardthe work when a claim is converted into an assignment. You will benotified of these select carriers and if this applies to your specificWork Order. Outside of the standard coverage area, Renovar pays an additional$2/mile, both ways. Renovar pays you $7 for each furniture set over 10 sets or line items. A set is defined as a matching group. Examples: 1) Dining set is the table with the matching chairs, or 2) Bed set consisting of a headboard, footboard, rails, and canopy, or 3) Entertainment center, etc. Additional fees are provided but must be approved by Renovar first. If the insured does not show up for the scheduled time (note: confirmthe appt. via email) you will be paid a $200 missed appointment fee. Please make sure you inform your assignment owner as we mustapprove rescheduling with the adjuster. If the insured can only meet after hours, you may be able to get anadditional $200 after-hours pre-approved fee. This is on a case-by-case basis and must first be approved byRenovar. This fee is also waived if the work is authorized forselect Carriers. Check with your assignment owner regardingthese select Carriers.

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INVOICES Inspection Payments Firms that submit their completed onsite inspection report,photos, and estimate within 48 hours of the inspectionthrough our Member Portal are paid their fee by following payperiod (completed weekly). NOTE: Inspection fee is waived by select carriers. Please askyour Renovar assignment owner before submitting yourestimate. Inspection payments submitted after the 2-day window will bepaid within net 30 days from the date the estimate issubmitted for review on the Work Order. To be paid for Onsite Inspections, the report must becomplete with: Inspection Report, Photos, Estimate. If you are assigned an onsite inspection, you must physicallyvisit the job site to complete an estimate. It is neverappropriate to conduct a photo or virtual inspection on yourown in lieu of an actual onsite inspection. If there is no damage present, be sure to take photos anddocument the items you inspected to confirm there is nodamage. This will prevent unnecessary additional trips toresolve miscommunication between the Policyholders andadjusters. If the damage is not repairable, you will be asked to explainthe reason it cannot be restored to pre-loss condition.

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PRE-EXISTING DAMAGES – WARNING If you do not state in your estimate and on the receipt that there ispre-existing damage to an item, you could be held liable for thatdamage. Adjusters will always side with the policyholder shouldthey claim damages were caused by you but will dispute theirclaim if we provide documentation and photos confirming thedamages were pre-existing. PAYMENTS FOR REPAIRS Paid within net 30 days. We do not wait to be paid to pay you. We must have the signed COS and clear after photos toprocess your payment. If you take payment on behalf of Renovar at delivery: Signed COS, 1.Clear After Photos, 2.Upload to portal and check the “COS” box, by your End ofBusiness on Thursdays, then: 3.Your final, full payment will be acknowledged byAccounting the next day, Friday, to be scheduled andprocessed by Wednesday the following week. If you DO NOT take payment on behalf of Renovar at delivery: Signed COS, 1.Clear after photos, 2.Upload to the portal, and check the “COS” box, then: 3.Your Restoration Coordinator will schedule your fullpayment to be paid within net 30 days of delivery date. Restoration Coordinators are only notified that your documentshave been uploaded and submitted IF you check the “COS” boxon the Work Order. If not checked, your payment may be delayedby their manual Work Order review process. Fund availability depends on weekends, holidays, and yourbanking institution.

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WARRANTY FUND 1% of each Sold Job will be held in the Warranty FundReserve. DEPOSITS On jobs of $5,000 or more Renovar pays you in a three-checkpayment system: 1/3 deposit upon confirmed pickup of items and youracceptance of the Vendor Work Authorization (VWA); To help cover any initial expenses, initial pick-upcharges, and cost of materials. 1/3 when work is complete, clear after photos uploadedwith signed COS, and “COS” box checked on the WorkOrder; Final 1/3 payment within net 30 days from date thesigned COS and clear after photos are uploaded andreceived by Renovar. If you take payment on behalf of Renovar at delivery, yourfinal 2/3 payment will be scheduled all at once. Please see your Renovar assignment owner for instructionson how to submit storage fees for approval and payment. ACH PAYMENTS Payments are made by Automated Clearing House (ACH)Electronic Deposit. This is a convenient and faster way toreceive your payment. This eliminates checks being lost in themail.

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Repair FirmPolicies &ProceduresSALES TAX There are a few states that do not impose any general,statewide sales tax, whether on goods or services. Every oneof the other states taxes a different set of services, making itdifficult for service businesses to understand which states’laws require them to tax their services. Making it more difficultis that no two states tax exactly the same specific services. What does this mean for your business? This means that as a business entity you are responsible forpaying any federal, state, or local taxes that are applicable toyour business. You may want to check with your accountantfor more information. You should also be including applicable taxes in your workorders, estimates for repairs, and supplementals so they will beincluded in the payments Renovar sends to you. Our TRA teamalready adds applicable taxes to their completed photo/virtualestimates. Click the button below to view and download the most up todate version of our Repair Firm Policies & Proceduresdocument:

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Document IndexClick the underlined text to preview and/or downloadWHO TO CONTACT AT ITELSpreadsheet of relevant contacts at Renovar, updatedroutinely.Insurance Agent Information and Authorization FormThis form allows our Network Relations team to reach outto your insurance agent on your behalf at onboarding andwhen your policy expires to obtain updated Certificates ofInsurance (COIs) so that you don't have to obtain themyourself or worry about risking a compliance suspension.Below are the example COIs sent to your insurance agent: Tier 1 Certificate of Insurance Example Tier 2 Certificate of Insurance Example24/48 Assignment ProcessSocial Media ReleaseAllows Renovar to co-brand with your company on ourSocial Media Channels.If you complete this, please also send at least one logo fileand any Renovar before and after photos you might havesaved!

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Repair Firm Service Level CommitmentsPrint page two to have important assignment timelines on hand.Renovar Inspection ReviewThis will be attached to your Work Order and you will have theCustomer initial and sign during your onsite inspection.Furniture Inspection & Photo ChecklistCabinet Inspection & Photo ChecklistDetailed checklists used to complete onsite cabinet and furnitureinspections. These are attached to your Work Orders but you can also print outblanks to have handy!Member Portal Photo Upload TipsInstructions on uploading photos in Salesforce portal.How to change your smartphone's settings so that images arecompatible with our estimate engine.A video walk-through on uploading photos.Services Provided Checklist - CabinetsServices Provided Checklist - FurnitureFillable checklists that can be updated and provided to NetworkDevelopment if you add or remove service capabilities.We may ask for updated checklists periodically, please return themASAP if requested!Document IndexClick the underlined text to preview and/or download

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Common Not Repairable Reasons - CabinetsReasons assignments may not be repairable and why westill require an estimate.Document IndexClick the underlined text to preview and/or downloadFast Track Detach Preliminary GuidelinesPreliminary guidelines for the Repair Firm Network on howto approach Fast Track Detach Work Orders and enteringEstimatesFast Track Detach - Best PracticesFast Track Detach - TipsBest practices and tips for the best Fast Track Detachexperience for you, the customer, and the adjuster.Fast Track Detach - Cabinet Inspection ChecklistDetailed checklist used to complete a Fast Track Detach,as well as how to compile the necessary information for aninspection and estimate during the detach.

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Video LibraryBefore receiving Work Orders, you will first want to view the videos applicable toyour service capabilities below. Once you have received a Work Order, Kady willreach out to schedule a live meeting to assist you with next steps.*If you have any issues accessing these videos please contact NetworkDevelopment at or call 877.884.9446,Option 5 for immediate assistance.Portal Introduction VideoCabinet Supplemental VideoInspection Reports DueOnsite Cabinet InspectionWhat We Need & WhyOnsite Furniture InspectionWhat We Need & WhyTo view these videos, click each button.How to Enter a CabinetEstimate TrainingHow to Enter a FurnitureEstimate TrainingHandling Onsite InspectionRequestsHow to ChatterVideo TrainingAccepting a VWA & EnteringDelivery ProjectionsCompleting Repairs, Delivery,& Receiving Balance Payments