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Reiki Presence

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By Rev. Kathleen Shyptycki A Journey of Healing, Wisdom, and Love for ChildrenColoring BookReiki

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Copyright NoticeCopyright © 2023 by True Nature Awakening IncAll rights reserved. This Book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisherexcept for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Printed in the United States First Printing, 2023Kathleen Shyptycki (True Nature Awakening Inc) Desert Edge CA© Copyright True Nature Awakening 2023 | All Rights Reserved

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Introduction to the Book:Welcome to a journey of healing, wisdom, and love specially craftedfor children. I am deeply grateful to share with you the "ReikiColoring Book," a creation inspired by a profound passion fornurturing the spiritual health and wellness of all beings. At an earlyage, some children exhibit an innate desire to learn and share ReikiPresence with others. This book provides gentle guidelines,delightful imagery, and a creative outlet for their exploration.As a dedicated advocate for the transformative power of positiveenergy, I am inspired to empower young minds to uncover theirinner strength, kindness, and the joy of sharing love with the world.Through engaging storytelling, interactive activities, and the simpleact of coloring, this book aspires not only to entertain but to instillvalues of mindfulness, gratitude, and self-love in our little ones. Asyou and your child embark on this journey through the pages, mayyou discover joy, inspiration, and a profound connection to themagical world within.A special hug and thank you to my little friend Eleanor, and hermama Jodi, who inspired this book into creation. Deep love andgratitude that we have had the pleasure of sharing this life’s journeytogether. With love and light,Kathleen

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Section TwoAttuning to Reiki PresenceSection OneIntroductionSection SixReiki Self Time To Teachers, Facilitators, and Parents:Hi, I am “L,” your guide throughout the pages of this very specialcoloring book. The book is designed in sixsections, which can bepresented one at a time or all at once. Feel free to adapt andcustomize the content based on what suits your situation best. Mostimportantly, have joyful and wondrous adventures as you journeythrough these pages.Reiki Presence Light SwitchSection ThreeSection FourReiki Presence& Other Special Friends Section SixSharing Reiki Presence Family and Friends"Thank you for exploring our digital version! If you'd like to experiencethe full magic of the 'Reiki Coloring Book' in a tangible form, scan the QR code to purchase the printed edition on Amazon. Bring theenchanting journey of healing, wisdom, and love into your hands." Click Camera for Bonus Video

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A Special MessageGreetings! Within the pages of this unique book, you will beintroduced to a special companion known as Reiki Presence. Thisincredible friend has always been with you, residing quietly withinthe depths of your heart center. As we awaken and acknowledge itscomforting Presence, we discover that, when we ask, it willinglylends its support in numerous ways.Throughout the sections of this book, you will embark on anexploration of the various ways Reiki Presence can be a profoundsource of assistance in your life. I firmly believe that, as you readand engage with the content, Reiki Presence will graduallytransform into one of your most cherished friends.Embedded within these pages are the sacred Reiki symbols for thefirst level of traditional Reiki. As you delve into the material andimmerse yourself in its teachings, you will find yourself attuned tothe profound healing wonders that Reiki Presence offers.Upon completing this transformative journey, you are warmlyinvited to explore the upcoming Vibrational Language book,specifically designed for adults. In this next adventure, you willdiscover additional insights and practices to enhance yourconnection to the vibrational energies that surround us. May your exploration of Reiki Presence and the VibrationalLanguage book bring you healing, joy, and a deep connection to theboundless energies within and around you.

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1IntroductionA Journey of Healing, Wisdom, and Love for Children

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2Hello there! My name is, "L," just like the letter 'L.' I am thrilled tobe with you today, and I can't wait to take you on a spectacularjourney to meet some very wonderous friends of mine. They arebrimming with kindness, love, joy, and wisdom. They have alwaysresided deep within each of us, in our heart center, our inner home.They have been awaiting your heart felt invitation look forward tobecoming of your most cherished friend.To begin our journey letme introduce a very special unicorn, named Imagination.

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Imagination, began to speak,” Hi, I am Imagination. It is so verynice to meet you. 'L' and I have taken many wonderful journeys,and I'm thrilled to have you join us on our next adventure. I wouldlove to guide you on the very special journey to your inner home,where our good friend Reiki Presence lives. Before we start, let'spractice with some inner pictures, to strengthen our connection”. 3

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Imagination then asked, “L” would you be so kind and share someof your gratitude and appreciation fairy dust so we may begin ourjourney.” “Surely I am very happy to do so” “L” replied with a flit and flutterof her balancing wand. Imagination continued, “Are you ready to be a great visionary?Close your eyes, take a few slow deep breaths.... When you begin tofeel a sparkle of gratitude and appreciation, you will be ready toactivate your inner vision. Think of something that you are gratefulfor. Got it? Now create an inner picture the most beautiful apple”. Can you see its brilliant color? 4

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5Now, create an inner picture of you holding the apple in your hand.Can you feel how heavy it is?

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6Next take a bite of this apple. Can you hear the crunch.... taste the sweetness.... and smell the aroma.....? What a wonderful apple you created, indeed! Great job! Imagination continued, “You have used your subtle senses very well.I could see, feel, taste, smell and hear the crunch of your apples.Very good indeed!

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“With a shake of her balancing wand and a flutter of her wings, “L”spoke again “Imagination, has done a very nice job, helping usstrengthen our inner vision. Practicing always brings so much joyand curiosity. 7Let me share a wondrous secret– you are an extraordinary andwonderful being! You have so many talents and gifts awaitingwithin you awaiting your discover. Do you know withImaginations’, help it is possible touch the colors of a rainbow orhear the whispers of a gentle breeze?

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Onion layersOur layers8“We are a mixture of layers. Similar to the layers of an onion. Youhave a body with parts you can touch, like your arms and legs, andother parts you can not touch, like feelings and thoughts. Let meintroduce you to your layers”. "Are you ready for the most enchanting journey within yourself?Picture it as an exciting treasure hunt where we'll uncover theamazing treasures within."

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The Physical LayerYour physical body helps you stay strong and healthy. Wecan touch it, just like we touch our favorite toys.9

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9The Energetic Layer This is the power within you that helps you run, jump, andplay. We can feel this layer, like the batteries in your toys.Sometimes we have lots of energy, and other times, weneed to be recharged. When our body moves, it helps allour inner parts feel better.

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9Your mind layer is a combination of thoughts and feelings.It's like a super smart computer helping you think, learn,and feel all the emotions in your heart center.The Mind LayerThoughts & Emotions

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9 The Wisdom LayerImagine this layer as your own personal superhero sense,like an enchanting alarm that tingles or whispers whensomething important is about to happen. It's like having awise owl friend inside you who helps you make the bestdecisions. You might feel it as a hunch, gut feeling, or evena magical flutter when something feels just right.

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The Bliss Layer A layer of pure happiness, like the warm, fuzzy feelingwhen everything is working together in harmony. A placewe feel everything is just as it IS, and it brings great peaceand joy. This is Reiki Presence's favorite place to reside, andReiki loves to share this abundance of joy and lovewhenever asked. 13

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So you see “L” concluded, “You're an amazing mix ofphysical and non-physical wonders with five layers thatmake you incredible! Each layer plays a part in making youuniquely awesome”. 14

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Section TwoWelcoming Reiki Presence15

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16Good Day my friends, I am so happy to be with you again.Our friend, Imagination is joining us today. Are your readyto take your journey to you inner home and to welcomeReiki Presence?

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Attuning to Reiki Presence“L” invites all to find a quiet place to sit or lay down. Areyou all very comfortable? she asked, “Once you are, closeyour eyes and take a few deep breaths. Let me share someof my special traveling stardust upon your head andImagination we guide you from here.”17

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18Inner Home Imagination begins to gently speak, “Lets go to the centerof your chest, the heart center and the place we call ourinner home.”

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“Your inner home may look and feel similar to yourphysical home, that you live now. It may have windows,doors, furniture, and you may even find your favorite toy. Can you see the door of your inner home?”19Inner Home

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“Lets gently open the door and step inside. Look aroundand find the most comfortable place to sit or lay down.20

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“Now that you have found place to rest. Begin to enjoya couple of slow, deep breaths... Notice how your bodybegins to soften, into the surface you are resting upon.Now, gently rest your hands over your heart center.Open your inner senses of feeling and seeing. You willbegin to sense a comforting glow rising within. It mayfeel like a warm hug.” Imagination continues to guide.21When you are ready to...invite Reiki Presence into yourawareness.... , ”Hi there Reiki Presence, I am delighted tomeet you. I would so enjoy for us to get acquainted, playand soon become the most cherished of friends”. Now, saidImagination, open your inner vision, feeling and hearing.Await Reiki Presences gentle whispers.

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"How lovely," Reiki Presence affectionately spoke in thelanguage of light. The radiance of its Loving Presence,began to spread ever so gently, filling up the heart centeruntil overflowed with the most spectacular love and lighteverywhere. 22

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23It was as if you could feel its gentle whisperscommunicating, “May the rays of light be felt from the topof your head down to your fingertips and toes. Soon, tobecome a radiant mist sharing vibrant healing colors andwarm tingles, a kin to the most gracious and joyful hug.”.

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Imagination began to feel like doing a happy unicorndance over a rainbow.24

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“The feeling whispers of light continued, ”Now that youhave invited me to visit you, know that you can alwaysjourney to your heart center again, again. I am always readyto share Loving Presence and guide you when needed. I amyour special inner friend, always ready to lift your spiritsand aide in your healing. After we have 30 visits, you arewelcome to share me with your friends and family, but youmust ask permission first”.For now lets rest for a little while and enjoy this wondrousexperience in each others company. When you feel readyopen your eyes with a nice deep breath, and “ L” will sharesome of my suggestions for our next visit”. 25

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Sharing Reiki Presence for the first time,(right after attuning)“L” gently fluttered into the healing space. “ That was awondrous journey indeed!” Reiki Presence has informedme that it is very importance to share its Loving Presence,with someone right now. So if you have a family member,a friend or a stuff animal with you, ask if you can shareReiki Presence for the first time. 26

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Sharing Reiki Presence:Sharing Reiki Presence is so easy, now that you have meetone another. All you need to do is think of your heartcenter where Reiki Presence resides, and ask Reiki to shareits Loving Presence. You can share in two ways – by touching and non-touching.Reiki Presence with Touch: Ask for permission from your parents, teacher, orguide. Then the person you want to share with.Gently lay your hands anywhere on the body exceptthe area covered by a swimsuit. Reiki Presence will turn on and go where it's needed.When done, take your hands off, shake them off, and say,"Thank you, We are done sharing." Ask your partner ifthey'd like to share their experience, and you can sharewith them too.Yes touchNo touchNo touchNo touchYes touchYes touchYes touch27

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Reiki Presence without Touch: Ask for permission. Sit or stand close to the person. Place the palms of your hands over their body withouttouching. Reiki Presence will go where it's needed. When done, take your hands off, shake them off, and say,"Thank you, We are done sharing."Ask your partner if they'd like to share their experience,and you can share with them too.28

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29Reiki Presence communicates uniquely to each individual.It's quite delightful to listen to everyone share theirexperiences, as each one is truly wondrous.

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30A Promise of Ever-Present LoveFrom now on, Reiki Presence will go wherever you go.Whether you're aware or not, it's ever-present, showeringyou with love and offering assistance whenever you need.

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Reiki Presence Light SwitchSection Three31

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The Reiki Presence Light SwitchReiki Presence has great wisdom; it knows when to turn onand off, just like a light switch. When we return to our heartcenter, and feel gratitude and appreciation, the light switchautomatically turns on. 32

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and maybe out our your heart center or all aroundyour body. You may feel joyful warm tingles coming our of you hands, 33

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Then Reiki Presence naturally travels to all the spaces where its love and healing are most needed. 34

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35When Reiki Presence is done sharing it naturally switchesoff. OFF

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OFF When you feel ready or sense completion; In your heart,express gratitude with a simple "Thank you for letting meshare with you." Say in your heart, "I am done," and theReiki Presence light switches off.Reiki Presence returns to your heart center watching overyou and until the next time you are ready to share. 36

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Section FourReiki Presence& Other Special Friends 37

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Reiki Presence may bring new special friends for you tomeet – your divine and sacred specialists. When theyappear, they bring wisdom, love, and guidance. 38

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They want you to be comfortable.These loving guides desire your comfort above all. Yourinner home is a safe space of your creation, and they willalways honor your wishes.You can always ask them to stay or go.39

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Should you desire, ask them kindly to stay. Or if you prefer them not to appear in your imaginationthey will always help quietly in the background. Their purpose is to serve, support, and align with your comfort and needs.39

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Your divine and sacred specialists are also within your heartcenter, sharing love and guiding you. They have so muchlove and wisdom, growing like a flowering heart within you.When you remember their Loving Presence every day, ithelps you in every way.Their love never leaves us. 40

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Sharing Reiki Presence with Family and FriendsSection Five40

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When we are filled with up with so much love that Reiki Presence brings, we naturally want to share it. We can share with pets, plants, food, our family, our friends, and even our stuffies. 41

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Before sharing Reiki Presence with someone, do three things:Ask your heart center if it feels good to share ReikiPresence Ask your parents if you can share. Ask your friend: "May I share Reiki with you, can Itouch you?" Listen to their response Sharing Reiki Presence with Others42

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Go to your heart center, feel gratitude and appreciate, feelfor the light of Reiki Presences to switch on.43

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Listen to your heart as you take slow, deep breaths. Askwithin if there's a specific place to lay your hands or if Reikiis to be shared without touch. Your divine and sacredspecialist is with you; you are never alone when sharingReiki Presence.44

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OFF When you feel ready or sense completion; In your heart,express gratitude with a simple "Thank you for letting meshare with you." Say in your heart, "I am done," and theReiki Presence light switches off.Reiki Presence returns to your heart center watching overyou and until the next time you are ready to share. 45

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We can share Reiki Presence with our stuffies or that of afriends. Reiki Presence stays within the stuffy, and whensomeone wants Reiki Presence they can hold the stuffy andfeel its love. 46

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Ask your partner if they want to share anything or you canshare with them. 47

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48After you share Reiki Presence with someone, You may feellike you want to shake hands, wash your hands in coldwater or sit by a tree.

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Section SixReiki Self Time 50

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When we remember remember Reiki Presenceeveryday it helps us with everything in every way. 51

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Reiki Self Time is special. Its a gift you give to yourself. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, Maybe in your bedroom, maybe outside by a tree, in themountains, or the by beach. Then let your imaginationguide you to your heart center. 52

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53When we allow gratitude and appreciation to flow Reiki Presence turns on.

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Listen to your heart as you take slow, deep breaths. Askwithin if there's a specific place to lay your hands or if Reikiis to be shared without touch. Follow your inner guidance,by placing your hands on different parts of you body orjust think about a location where you feel Reiki Presence isneeded. 54

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Reiki Presence will always go right where it is needed.When you feel complete, give thanks to Reiki Presence, bysaying quietly, “ ”Thank you for sharing, we are done now” Reiki Presence then rests in your heart center alwayssending love to you and others in a very quiet way. Like asecret friend who always wants the best for you. OFF56

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When we go about our dayReiki Presence is in your heart wherever you go and with all the things you do. 57

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Sometimes when we feel bad, sad or just not so good, and we forget our inner home, Reiki Presence and all its Love.In these times our special friends and Reiki Presence still keep therepromise and never go away. Always sending us great big waves ofhugs. 58

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For as soon as we put our hands on our heart center or think about our heart center Reiki Presence ~ Loving Presence are there to guide and help us, however we need. 59

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Reiki PrayerJust for today I will completely love myselfJust for today I will be kind to myself and othersJust for today I will be grateful and feelappreciationJust for today I will always do my best Just for today I will be Loving Presence

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Things we might want to share with our parents and ask for there help 60

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Things to Share with Parents:Follow these simple steps to embrace the wonders of ReikiPresence:Heart Connection:Every day, find a quiet moment to connect with your heart.Gently place your hands on your heart and take a few deepbreaths. Feel the warmth and love within.30-Days Self Reiki Time:Share and experience Reiki Presence yourself for 30 days.There are weekly charts to record your sharing times at theend of the section. When you have completed 30 Self ReikiTimes, you'll receive a beautiful Unicorn Reiki Certificate.(That your parents can sign)Remember Love:As you touch your heart, think about love. Imagine a warm,glowing light surrounding you. Let this love fill your heartand soul, carrying it with you throughout the day.Self-Reiki Time:Before sharing Reiki Presence with others, spend a fewmoments giving yourself some love. Close your eyes, take adeep breath, and let the positive energy flow through yourhands, connecting with your own heart.Family and Pet Sharing:Ask permission before sharing Reiki Presence. Giveyourself some Reiki Self time, and once your heart is filledwith love and light, share with those you are guided toshare with.Remember, Reiki Presence is a beautiful gift you can giveto yourself and others. Let the love flow, and watch theLove unfold61

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Has satisfactorily completed 30 days of Reiki Self TimeShe promises connect with her heart, follow its guidanceand that of her divine and sacred specialists as she shares Reiki Presence

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The following pages are for journaling or coloring.

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