Shirley R., Financical Secretary, Santa Anna TX"When we changed to CSA, it changed a lot for me as far as accounting time being cut. I would spend an hour and a half on payroll with QuickBooks. Now with CSA, I havepayroll for my Utility, Street, Police, and General Fund done in 30 mins. Reconciling 14bank statements for the City can be done within a day's time instead of a week. Therehave been times when I reconcile the bank statements and get my financial reports forCity Council meetings that start at five done all in one day. Not once have I called thatthe Support Staff either walked me through what I needed or connected with me andshowed me what needed to be done to fix my mistakes. Not only am I the FinancialSecretary, but I also serve as the Municipal Court Judge. With CSA efficiency and easyto use features I am able to do both duties ."Avis, Finance Director, St. Martinville LA"With CenterPoint, we can process all of our work in probably half the time, allowing us tospend more time reviewing and auditing. Everything is user-friendly, and I love how we canmanipulate the reports for auditors and the council. I appreciated that the support staffwho helped install and train me were CPAs. They understand the fund accounting processand make the conversion much easier because they speak the same language. Everyoneat CSA is extremely patient with us. I recommend CenterPoint Fund Accounting if you lookat new fund accounting software." Carl R., Finance Director, City of Gravette AR"The simplicity of the software, coupled with the exceptional customer service provided bythe CSA team, leads to a pleasant outcome. This software allows you to design the reportsyou need to support your internal and external customers. The simplicity of the reportsmakes them easy to understand even for the non-accounting person, which saves you theimportant commodity...TIME."Kimberly, Recorder/Treasurer, Cave Springs, AR"The City of Cave Springs was using QuickBooks, and our legislative audiotr statedthat it is not a municipal accounting software and that we need to consider looking atCenterPoint. The reports, transaction search, and BLANK check stock printer is adeal-breaker for her. Without a doubt, CSA is one of the best teams I have workedwith. It does not matter which team member you get at CSA; they are all willing to helpno matter how small the question is."REFERRALS800-264-4465 WWW.CSASOFTWARE S O L U T I O N S . C OMThese cities are saving valuable time...