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Redox Ltd Company Brochure 2023

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01Mission, Vision, Values CEO's Message Directors & Executive Team Our Founder Timeline Locations Sales Performance Our Products Quality Assurance Logistics Environmental, Social & Governance Our People Digitalisation Our Greatest Asset Offices 01CONTENTS020304050607091119212325272834

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02OUR MISSIONOURVALUESLEADERSHIPINTEGRITYHARD WORKKNOWLEDGESERVICEHEALTH & SAFETYWe’re entrepreneurial and embracecontinuous improvement.We form open and honestrelationships based on trust.We relentlessly pursue our goals.We know and understand ourmarkets.We operate with a sense ofurgency and discipline.We’re focused on the safety of ouremployees and our communities.To provide industry with quality affordable rawmaterials, delivered through personalisedservice.To develop a network of customers and suppliers,where together we create mutual enduringvalue. OUR VISION02

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CEO'S MESSAGEAs we approach our 60th anniversary in2025, it’s a perfect time to reflect onRedox’s journey and celebrate themilestones we’ve achieved together.From navigating global crises like the oilshock of the 1970s and the fall of theBerlin Wall to more recent events like theGFC, COVID-19, and ongoing supply chaindisruptions, Redox has continuallyproven its strength and adaptability.Through it all, we haven’t just survived;we’ve thrived.What truly sets Redox apart is the unwaveringtrust our customers place in us, particularlyduring uncertain times. Our ability to provideconsistent value, backed by a strategicproduct portfolio and world-classpartnerships, has solidified our reputation inthe market. This year, we saw growth involume sold and profit despite challengingmarket conditions and the backdrop of globalprice deflation. This highlights the success ofour focus on expanding smaller transactions,tightly managing costs, and collaborating withthe best manufacturers globally.Our financial health continues to be strong,placing us among the leading globalcompanies in our industry. At Redox, ourrelentless dedication to executing our strategyand providing exceptional value to ourcustomers is what drives our growth.Looking ahead, we’re not slowing down. With arobust balance sheet and ample cashreserves, we’re actively pursuing opportunitiesfor organic growth and strategic acquisitions.In 2024, we welcomed two outstandingbusinesses—Optigen Ingredients and ElementRaw Materials—into the Redox family. Optigenenhances our nutraceutical product offerings,while Element opens doors to new customersin specialty plastics. We also acquired Oleum, a top Australiandistributor of surfactants and specialtychemicals. These acquisitions strengthen ourportfolio and give our clients unparalleledaccess to world-class products, supported byone of the most experienced sales teams inthe industry.Our North American division also had astandout year, with expanded productofferings, new customer wins, and greatermarket presence. By year-end, we’ll be activein 35 states, with new offices in Arizona, Ohio,and our newly established entity in Canada.Innovation is at the heart of our growthstrategy. We continue to invest indigitalisation, especially through our in-houseCRM/ERP platform, Redebiz. This tool is agame-changer for us, allowing us tostreamline operations and enhance customersatisfaction. We’re constantly improvingRedebiz to ensure we stay ahead of thecompetition and provide even greater value toour clients.As we head into 2025 and our 60th year, Iwant to extend a heartfelt thank you to ourmanufacturers, customers, shareholders, andthe dedicated Redox team. Your hard work,trust, and support are the foundation of oursuccess.Here’s to another year of growth, innovation,and shared success as we celebrate thisincredible milestone together.Sincerely,Raimond ConelianoCEO & Managing Director03

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Ian H CampbellNon-Executive ChairRichard ConelianoChief OperatingOfficerKen PerrinsIndustry GroupManagerKim YapChief FinancialOfficerNick OsmoCEO & GeneralManager, NorthAmericaErika JasarevicGeneral Counsel & Company SecretaryRaimond ConelianoCEO & ManagingDirectorMary VerschuerNon-ExecutiveDirectorRenato ConelianoExecutive Director &Marketing DirectorGarry WaylingNon-ExecutiveDirectorDIRECTORSEXECUTIVEMANAGEMENT TEAM04

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Roland, already a successfulbusinessperson when he arrived inAustralia, founded Redox in 1965 witha focus on distributing chemicalproducts from Eastern Europe.Through hard work and persistence, heturned it into a thriving global business,leveraging his extensive contacts andlanguage skills to build a network thatdelivered affordable, high-quality products.Known for his relentless work ethic andkeen sense for opportunities, Roland ledRedox for 50 years, earning a reputationfor exceptional service.By the 1980s, Redox had diversified itssourcing worldwide, particularly in Asia,and steadily expanded its storage anddistribution network across Australia. In1994, the company established operationsin New Zealand, growing to threebranches across both islands. Bulkimportation in the late 1990s furtherboosted its competitiveness and marketshare.Redox expanded into Malaysia in 2011,acquiring Bribros and Deltrex the followingyear to enhance its capabilities. Thecompany introduced the 'Redebiz' CRMand ERP system to manage its growingoperations. In 2015, Redox entered theU.S. market, setting up offices in key cities,and in 2023, the company was listed onthe Australian Securities Exchange (ASX),providing capital for continued growth.After Roland’s retirement in 2015 andpassing in 2017, his legacy lives onthrough the Coneliano family, whocontinue to drive Redox’s success andexpansion.05OUR FOUNDER

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20241965199420051986Redox, founded by Roland Coneliano in North Sydney, started as C&K IndustrialTraders, importing Eastern European chemicals for local distributors.Redox established a Melbourne office in a terrace house to serve Victoriancustomers.Phenomenal growth in sales funded a move into New Zealand, with an officeestablished in Auckland, to provide suppliers with a familiar partner in the market.Completed, it features a three-story office for sales and administration staff and atwo-story transport office for warehouse and support staff.Opened a new office in Malaysia and expanded our portfolio by acquiring Bribros,strengthening our plastics and rubber capabilities, as well as Deltrex, furtherenhancing our offerings with custom blending services.Redox entered the US market by opening a sales office in California, handling allNorth American inquiries. Further expansion in the US with new offices in Dallas and Houston, TX.In FY23, Redox achieved record sales of $1.26 billion, opened offices in Seattle andAtlanta, listed on the ASX on July 3, 2023. Acquired specialty plastics distributorElement Raw Materials Ltd and Optigen IngredientsEstablished an entity in Vancouver Canada and acquired Oleum boosting oursurfactants and specialty chemicals profiles in Australia.2022202320152012C&K INDUSTRIAL TRADERS ESTABLISHEDMELBOURNE OFFICEAUCKLAND OFFICE OPENSCORPORATE HQ & NSW DISTRIBUTION CENTERMALAYSIA OPENS & DELTREX, BRIBROS ACQUIRED REDOX ENTERS THE USAFURTHER US EXPANSIONPUBLIC LISTING & SALES RECORDACQUISITION & NORTH AMERICA EXPANSIONTIMELINE06

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Sydney CorporateHead OfficeBrisbaneSales OfficeSydney ManufacturingMelbourneManufacturingAdelaideSales OfficeMelbourneSales OfficePerthSales Office08AucklandNew ZealandChristchurchNew Zealand Hawke's BayNew ZealandKuala LumpurMalaysiaLakewood CAUnited StatesPleasanton CAUnited StatesDallas TXUnited StatesSeattle WAUnited StatesHouston TXUnited StatesAtlanta GAUnited StatesSaltilloMexicoVancouverCALondonUKSingaporeSGPhoenix AZUnited StatesOhioUnited States

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33rdLargest Distributor Globally**15thLargest Distributor in APAC**SALESPERFORMANCE$2024 sales revenue***ICIS Top 100 Chemical Distributors 2024 calendar year revenue09197019801990 2000 201020201.14B

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WE KNOW &UNDERSTAND THEMARKETS WEOPERATE IN.Our extensive experience in the markets we serve has given us a profound understanding of their needsand demands. With over 1000 products in our range, we offer a wide selection of grades and packagingoptions to provide you with the competitive advantage necessary to excel in your industry. Trust us to deliver the highest quality products that will set you apart from the competition and driveyour success.10

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VitaminsFeed phosphatesAmino acidsHUMAN HEALTH & NUTRITIONANIMAL HEALTH& NUTRITIONFood is more than just fuel, it can surprise and delightthe senses, carry on family traditions and culturalheritage, and a shared meal with loved ones can forgememories that last a lifetime. At Redox, we believe that being healthy is crucial forhappiness and productivity, and it's an essential part ofwho we are. We constantly monitor changes inregulatory standards to deliver competitively priced,high-quality, and innovative products to theNutraceutical and Pharmaceutical sectors.Vegetable proteinsSweetenersVitamins & MineralsAcidity regulatorsNatural colours Functional IingredientsTrace elementsMineralsOur Animal Health and Nutrition team is committed tomeeting the needs of the essential industry, withexperienced Animal Nutritionists available to offertechnical support. We serve as a connection between the world's leadingingredient manufacturers and stock feed producersworldwide, offering a diverse range of products crucialto the health and wellness of animals in the ruminant,monogastric, pet food (both wet and dry), aquaculture,and veterinary health markets.11

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FlocculantspH adjustersFilter mediaCROP PRODUCTION& PROTECTIONWATERCAREAccording to estimates, the global population will reach9 billion by 2050, with 90 percent of this growthexpected to occur in Africa and Asia. As a result, Redox acknowledges that supporting farmproductivity and ensuring food security will be amongthe major challenges of the future. Redox remainscommitted to enhancing the supply chain and hasestablished essential partnerships in Crop Nutrition,Crop Protection and Horticulture, aimed at addingvalue to these sectors.As the most valuable resource required for sustaininglife, water demands our utmost care and attention.Maximizing its efficient and effective use for optimalbenefit is one of the greatest challenges we face. At our company, we recognize the importance of safeand clean water. That's why we offer top-quality waterreagents for both potable drinking water and wastewater treatment.Fertilisers for horticulture, field & foliar applications.PH adjusters, surfactants & biocidesGrowth mediums for horticulture & potting soilsFungicides, pre & post emergent herbicidesScale inhibitorsFluoridation additivesCoagulants12

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EmollientsEmulsifiersHumectantsPERSONALCAREHOUSEHOLDCARERedox offers a fresh approach to meeting the needs ofcustomers in the dynamic Personal Care marketthrough our dedicated team of specialists. Our wide variety of innovative commodity and specialty ingredients are perfect for formulating products such as shampoos and sunscreens.With our extensive experience in supplying to thedetergent industry, we know how important it is tooffer competitive pricing without sacrificing quality. Weensure that our clients' products are top performers intheir respective markets. Our high-quality materials are used by detergentmanufacturers for Industrial, Institutional, andConsumer markets. Our clients cater to various sectors, ranging fromautomotive washes, laundry, and dishwashing to hardsurface cleaners, hospitals, food manufacturing, dairycleaners, and much more.SunscreensSurfactantsThickeners13

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PLASTICS, RUBBER & FOAMSurfactantsAcidsChrome sulphate & masking agentsPolymers – PP, HDPE,LDPE, LLDPE, PET,PolystyreneTEXTILES& LEATHERRedox is a well-established and reputable distributorthat specializes in providing high-quality plastics,rubber, and foam products. We have a team of experts who are dedicated tounderstanding our customers' needs and finding theright solutions for them. Our extensive range ofproducts is suited for various industries andapplications.As Shakespeare famously said, "Clothes make theman," and at Redox, we understand the importance ofdelivering high-quality products that enable the world'stextile and leather producers to remain competitive. Our portfolio of specialty and commodity chemicals isused in every stage of hide processing and textilemanufacturing, providing our customers with acomprehensive range of products to choose from. Inaddition to offering top-notch products, we alsoprovide expert advice on their applications. Our rangeof products and services include:Engineering plasticsIsocyanatesPolyolsFluoropolymersWaste water treatmentSodium Sulphide/ hydrosulphide1614

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MINING, OIL & GASNatural mineral resources have built themodern world, from forging the first tools tothe invention of efficient batteries forsmartphones.Our experience in mining chemicals,reagents and processing aids give us theknowledge to help our clients achieveefficiencies and cost savings needed intoday’s competitive marketplace, fromflotation agents to cyanide destruction,Redox has reagents and products for yourapplication. METALSRedox is a leading supplier of chemicals to themetals industry, helping to shape everydayproducts from extraordinary processes. Our presence in the steel, refractory, smelter,galvanising, electroplating and other metalsindustry sectors give us the knowledge to helpour clients achieve efficiency and cost savings intoday’s competitive marketplace. Whether it’s a commodity item like ZincAmmonium Chloride for your flux bath orspecialised additives to reduce splatter andexplosion, Redox has you covered.15

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DyesGreasesViscosity modifiersFillersPigmentsSolventsPhotoinitiatorsSURFACE COATINGSIt’s a competitive landscape out there, everyone islooking for an advantage whether it be the latesttechnology for their new paints, a great value solventfor their hero brand lacquer or an innovative packagingsolution to streamline their production process.As an integral supplier of raw materials used in theSurface Coating industry, including:LUBRICANTSOur team of lubricant specialists are innovating to create abrighter, more efficient future.Redox provides key products to service the lubricant andautomotive industry with a leading position in the DieselExhaust Fluid market and is a prominent supplier of specialtycomponents, packages and finished products including:Fire resistant phosphate esterbased hydraulic oilsBase oils including poly alphaolefins (PAO), esters andpolybutenes (PIB) modifiersOxides PhosphatesAminesAcidsGlycols & resins16

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GlassBricksConcrete17BUILDING &CONSTRUCTIONThe built environment is key to the way we live oureveryday lives, it makes sense that the materials andtechnologies employed are ever changing to cope. Redox products are utilised in the manufacture andtreatment of:InsulationTimberFiberglass & MoreWEUNDERSTANDYOUR NEEDS.

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18At Redox, our experienced team offers technical support forvarious industries. We help customers choose optimal materials toimprove product quality and performance. We provide guidance onlegislative developments and ensure products are sourced safely.Our strong relationships with universities and industry presenceallow us to offer expertise on innovations and market trends.Furthermore, Redox guarantees products are sourced from safeand reliable partners. Our holistic and customised approach, withonsite visits, ensures you receive the best results.

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19QUALITYASSURANCERedox has established strong dynamic relationships with its clients and suppliers due to itscommitment to quality assurance, food safety and regulatory affairs.As an ISO 9001, HACCPVER:2003 and FSSC 22000 certified company, constant review and managementthrough auditing and testing our processes ensures we maintain best business practices, while acting inaccordance with the relevant industry standards. This assurance is also achieved through our commitment to:The Responsible Care Programadministered by Chemistry Australia, whichsees us tackle a wide range of issuesincluding Environmental Protection,Employee Health and Safety, Storage andTransport Safety, Manufacturing ProcessSafety, Product Stewardship, IndustryTransparency and Engagement.Constant correspondence with supplierson manufacturing and treatmentprocesses required by the strict importregulations imposed by Biosecurity in bothAustralia, New Zealand and Malaysia.Continuing efforts with authorities and theAustralian Criminal IntelligenceCommission to crackdown on the chemicalmanufacture of illegal drugs.Procuring the Codex HACCP and FSSC22000 Food Safety Management SystemCertifications to allow for the warehousingand supply of specialty ingredients forfood and beverage related industries.Membership of the Roundtable onSustainable Palm Oil (RSPO),demonstrating steps towards commitmentto sustainable palm oil.Membership of SEDEX and EcoVadisplatforms monitoring and improving ourethical sourcing and sustainability of supplychains.Membership with Alliance for ChemicalDistribution (ACD), reaffirming ourcommitment to the health, safety, andsecurity of our employees, communities,and the environment.Implemented and maintains a Feed SafetyManagement System including GoodManufacturing Practice (GMP) incompliance with FAMI-QS Code of Practice.

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LOGISTICSWe employ more than 130 people directly involved in the supplychain, and an additional support network of over 200 others.The logistics team efficiently engages in duties such as shippingdocumentation, customs, brokerage, complete inter-portfunctions and warehouse management to ensure customerpeace of mind and satisfaction.Redox was accredited as an Australian Trusted Trader (ATT) bythe Australian Government in 2019. The ATT scheme recognisescompliant trade practices and a secure international supplychain. The ATT program reduces red tape for accredited TrustedTraders at the border and expedites the flow of cargo in and outof Australia. As a Trusted Trader this mean more peace of mindfor Redox customers when purchasing, with faster supply andcustoms processing of our imported commodity and specialtyingredients.The Redox logistics department coordinates the movement ofover 23,000 shipping containers annually, and synchronisestheir activity with over eleven various shipping lines and agents.We pride ourselves on our sixty specialised storage sites thatare strategically situated near inter modal container transfernodes for efficient delivery.Redox implements the road and rail movement of more than577,000 tonnes per year via semi-trailers, bulk road tankers anda fleet of rigid vehicles. Our Redebiz system monitors the movement of over 45,000units on hire on any given day, and manage an additional 60,000premium quality, nonreturnable pallets per year.Redox has maintained an impeccable track record inlogistics. Our in-house supply chain solutions are capableof costing and monitoring the movement of productswith ease using an economy of scale and a broad range ofactivity.21

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SEP 2024ENVIRONMENTAL,SOCIAL &GOVERNANCE Redox proudly operates in-keeping withour family values, respecting ourprivileged place in the businessenvironment and our communities.It is our policy to provide equal employmentopportunities to all persons, with hiringdecisions guided by selection criteria,individual merit and qualifications and freefrom discrimination based on race, colour,nationality, religion, gender, age, sexual-orientation or disability. We are committed to fair employmentpractices and pride ourselves on providing awork environment free of harassment, bullyingand discrimination. Redox offers health and well-beingprogrammes for employees in the form ofconfidential and personalised counsellingservices addressing issues such as depression,anxiety and financial distress. Redox strives to support a healthy work-lifebalance through a hybrid work environmentthat accommodates individual needs andcircumstances. We rely on recognisedbenchmarking and diagnostic tools to evaluateperformance on a regular basis to enhanceour processes and performance objectives. Redox ensures there is open communicationbetween all levels of the business, which ishighlighted through regular meetings,newsletters and a casual workplace culture promoted through social activities and events. We understand the importance of sourcingour products from ethical and sociallyresponsible suppliers ensuring labour rights,health and safety, the environment andbusiness ethics are uncompromised andcentral to our business dealings. As such, Redox has memberships withrelevant ethical organisations including:Sedex, Roundtable on Sustainable PalmOil (RSPO) The National Association of ChemicalDistributors (NACD). This ensures that weinteract within ethical supply chains andenables Redox to demonstrate leadershipas a responsible business inside themarket.The Australian Packaging CovenantOrganisation (APCO) which is agovernment-supported initiative designedto reduce the environmental impact ofpackaging in Australia. APCO is a not-for-profit organization that works withbusinesses, government, and industry topromote sustainable packaging andreduce waste. 23

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2021 Redox decided to establish aphilanthropic relationship with Médecins SansFrontières in support of the urgent work theydo around the world. Our support will allowMédecins Sans Frontières teams to react toemergencies as they occur and give highquality care to those who need it most. This isthe beginning of a relationship and we areexcited to continue working with MédecinsSans Frontières through regular donations andfundraising programs. Médecins Sans Frontières is an internationalhumanitarian organization that deliversimpartial medical aid to people affected byarmed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition,natural disasters, and exclusion from healthcare in more than 72 countries. Médecins Sans Frontières have provided andcontinue to provide urgent short and long-term COVID-19 responses in dozens ofcountries.“We recognize that we must work in new waysto address the unprecedented challenges theworld is facing,” said Sales Manager & DirectorRaimond Coneliano. “Redox is delighted andproud to be putting our commitment intoaction and by supporting the dedicated teamat Médecins Sans Frontières, we hope to makea fundamental difference to lives across theglobe.”In 2022 Redox made another commitment,this time to support the work of R U OK, anorganisation dedicated to improving mentalhealth and suicide prevention in Australia. R U OK provides vital services to those whoneed it most, and we are honoured to be ableto help them in their work. This amazing organization provides invaluablesupport not just for mental health but alsosocial wellbeing - from giving individuals toolstowards addressing potential issues beforeproblems arise or engaging with communitiesso people know what resources are availablewhen it really matters. We look forward to continuing our support ofR U OK in the future. 24In 2017, Redox commenced a long-termproject to progressively fit its Australian siteswith solar generation systems. Redox has since completed projects to fit outsix of its seven Australian sites withphotovoltaic solar generation systems, with thelast one being completed in May 2023. Redox’s total generation capacity is now600kW across those six 2023 Redox commenced the transition tozero-emission vehicles and began theinstallation of electric car charginginfrastructure at it’s sites.

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OUR PEOPLEWORK, HEALTH &SAFETY25At Redox, our people are our greatestasset. We have a diverse global workforceand take pride in our ability to achievegreat things together.Amid rapid growth and a changing economy,Redox continues to push boundaries,adjusting our thinking, processes, and team.With over 400 employees worldwide, 2024marks a new record. In the past year, we'vefocused on:This year, Redox conducted an employeeengagement survey, which strongly affirmedour culture and the foundations that makeRedox a great place to work. The outstandingresults earned us a 'Great Place to Work'certification, while also revealing areas forimprovement that we are committed toaddressing.As we strive for excellence, our top 5priorities are:Our Safety Management System ensures aproductive workplace by minimising hazards,complying with WHS laws, and industrystandards. Our WHS officers and safetyrepresentatives continuously review workprocesses, with strong support from theexecutive team. This includes timely hazardidentification and responsible producthandling through our Product Stewardshippolicy.Redox is committed to improving safetysystems to ensure all employees return homesafely. Our proactive approach has led toincreased WHS representation, fasterincident reporting, successful external audits,and fewer hours lost to injuries.At Redox, employees drive their own success,reflecting their hard work and dedication, withan average tenure of 9 years. To supportgrowth, we've established a 12-monthgraduate program, offering pathways to thechemical industry for university graduates. In2024, we engaged over 5,000 students atcareer fairs, and over 80% of programgraduates have advanced within the company.Our community efforts include inviting localhigh school students, especially young women,to explore STEM careers at Redox. We've alsoexpanded our corporate social responsibilitywith a paid volunteer day, encouragingemployees to give back to their chosencharities, including:Building our talent Pipeline Remuneration and Rewards Internal Training System Learning Programs Safety & RTW Wellbeing Support Career Progression Overall Continuous Improvement Diversity and Inclusion: Ensure everyonefeels welcome and processes are freefrom bias.Securing the right Talent: Every employeecontributes to our success.Employer Brand: Build recognition in thecommunity.Closing the gender gap: Promote equalopportunity and representation.Safety Standards: Ensure all employeesreturn home safely and strengthen oursafety culture.Animal Welfare League Clean up Australia Lifeline Infants Home

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For a small business, flexibility is key. Theability to react quickly to the needs ofcustomers and suppliers, and adapt tochanging market dynamics has long beenthe competitive advantage of the smalland the nimble. This is true in chemicaldistribution as it is in any domain. On theother hand, advantages accruing to largeplayers are well known.The ability to attract the best talent anddevelop systemised processes are but a few.Economies of scale and market power aremore important in our industry than most.How to maintain that agility & flexibility atscale eventually becomes a key challenge toany growing business.At Redox our solution to this problem hasbeen our approach to digitalisation. Whereasmost our size are forced down the path ofrigid systems that stifle new ideas andentrepreneurship, Redox has over many yearsdeveloped business information systems tosuit our needs and those of our partners aswe evolve together. Described by others asintegrated Customer RelationshipManagement (CRM) and Enterprise ResourcePlanning (ERP) software, ‘Redebiz’ is just thename we’ve given to the application purposebuilt to help us run every facet of ourbusiness.Redebiz has enabled Redox to seamlesslyshare information throughout our growingteam, making sure decision making is swiftand decisive. It allows customers to receivethe myriad of specifications, certificates ofanalysis, Safety Data Sheets, food safetyinformation and certifications automatically.Vital market information like up to date importstatistics, competitor pricing, and more iscollected and shared with our supplierpartners to give them the clearest picture ofthe market for their products. While ourRedebiz CRM component allows ourrepresentatives to better understand theneeds of our clients and provide them withexceptional service.Working across a diverse collection ofindustries, geographies, regulatoryenvironments with access to thousands ofproducts and thousands of customers withunique requirements, is a difficult challengeRedebiz was developed to meet. It helpsmanagers of all facets of the business,providing efficiencies and controls that allowus to fulfil our obligations in full and on time.Redebiz has been a truly innovative strategythat has enabled Redox to become asignificant player in global chemicaldistribution and yet maintain the dynamicsand agility of a start-up.27"Digitalisation has been a large focus withinRedox culminating with the development ofRedebiz"

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OFFICES SYDNEYCorporate Head OfficeNSW Distribution Centre2 Swettenham RoadMinto, NSW 2566AustraliaT: +61 2 9733 3000F: +61 2 9733 3111E: info@redox.comAUCKLAND11 Mayo RoadWiri, Auckland 2104New ZealandT: +64 9 250 6222F: +64 9 250 6226E: auckland@redox.comDALLAS 18383 Preston RoadSuite 240Dallas, Texas 75252United States of AmericaT: +1 424 675 3200F: +1 424 675 3211ATLANTA 3350 Riverwood PkwySuite 1900Atlanta GA 30339United States of AmericaT: +1 424 675 3200F: +1 424 675 3211SINGAPORE,Republic of SingaporeVANCOUVER,CanadaCHRISTCHURCH66 Carmen RoadHei HeiChristchurch 8042New ZealandT: +64 3 357 8360F: +64 3 357 8364E: christchurch@redox.comHAWKE’S BAYUnit 1, 27 Napier RoadHavelock North 4201New ZealandT: +64 6 873 8870F: +64 6 873 8871E: hawkesbay@redox.comKUALA LUMPURSuite 13A.03 Menara SummitPersiaran Kewajipan USJ147600 UEP Subang JayaSelangor MalaysiaT: +603 5614 2111F: +603 5103 2097E: kualalumpur@redox.comLOS ANGELES3960 Paramount BoulevardSuite 107Lakewood, CA, 90712United States of AmericaT: +1 424 675 3200F: +1 424 675 3211E: losangeles@redox.comPLEASANTON7901 Stoneridge DrPleasanton, CA 94588United States of AmericaT: +1 424 675 3200F: +1 424 675 3211PLASTICS DIVISIONMELBOURNE7-11 Burr CourtLaverton North, VIC 3026AustraliaT: +61 3 9699 6888F: +61 3 9699 2244E: plastics@redox.comBRISBANE776 Boundary RoadRichlands, QLD 4077AustraliaT: +61 7 3268 1555F: +61 7 3268 1150E: brisbane@redox.comADELAIDE178-180 Cavan RoadDry Creek SA 5094AustraliaT: +61 8 8349 5299F: +61 8 8349 4014 E: adelaide@redox.comPERTH27 Howson WayBibra Lake, WA 6163AustraliaT: +61 8 9418 8222F: +61 8 9418 8204E: perth@redox.comSYDNEYMANUFACTURING144 Gilba RoadGirraween, NSW 2145AustraliaT: +61 2 9733 3000F: +61 2 9733 3111MELBOURNE26-30 Gilbertson RoadLaverton North, VIC 3026AustraliaT: +61 3 9369 3355F: +61 3 9369 3733E:melbourne@redox.comSALTILLO,MexicoPHOENIX,United StatesOHIO,United StatesLONDON,United KingdomSEATTLE11900 N.E 1st StreetSuite 300, Building GBellevueWashington, 98005United States of AmericaT: +1 424 675 3200F: +1 424 675 321134

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As the use of the products described in this document isoutside the control of Redox Ltd, we make no representationor warranty concerning the suitability or fitness of thoseproducts for any purpose. It is your sole responsibility toensure that the products will have the qualities and attributesthat will make them fit for any purpose required of them,even if that purpose is made known to us at any time. Thisincludes responsibility on your part to conduct in a timelymanner all appropriate tests and quality checks on theproducts and any goods made from them. We disclaim anyliability if any products are not suitable or fit for any suchpurpose. The sale and delivery by us of any of the productsdescribed in this document is subject to our Standard Termsand Conditions of Sale, a copy of which is available from ourwebsite or on request.ABN 92 000 762 345The Redox logo is a registered Trademark of Redox the use of the products described in this document is outside the control of Redox Ltd, we make no representation or warranty concerning thesuitability or fitness of those products for any purpose. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the products will have the qualities and attributesthat will make them fit for any purpose required of them, even if that purpose is made known to us at any time. This includes responsibility on yourpart to conduct in a timely manner all appropriate tests and quality checks on the products and any goods made from them. We disclaim any liability ifany products are not suitable or fit for any such purpose. The sale and delivery by us of any of the products described in this document is subject toour Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, a copy of which is available from our website or on request.ABN 92 000 762 345The Redox logo is a registered Trademark of Redox