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Recruitment Brochure

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SO MUCH MORE THAN CAMPBehind All the Fun...Camp is Serious Businessthat Builds a Solid Resume!The most respected and trustedsummer camp program in the Southwith over 30 business operations inLouisiana, Alabama, Georgia,Kentucky, and we are expandingeach summer.oKidcam is considered a privatepartner for public and privateoperations that don’t have thecapacity, funding, knowledge orinterest to operate their own youthprograms. These spaces includepremier resort destinations, city andstate parks, sports and recreationcenters, universities, swim clubs,churches and schools. oWe employ over 400 people ages15+ every summer.oWe welcome over 3,000 camperseach summer.WORK ATCAMPLEARN MOREThere has never been a bettertime to work at Kidcam Camp.Phone877-4KIDCAMEmailRockstar@KidcamCamps.comWebsitewww.KidcamCamps.comKidcam Camps was founded in 1974 and isheadquartered near New Orleans, Louisiana. WHO IS KIDCAM?Our mission is to bring the spirit of summer tolife by creating memorable moments and lastingrelationships all through the power of camp.OUR MISSIONKidcam is one of the most respected andtrusted summer camp programs in theSouth. We plan for summer year-round withover 30 day camp operations in Louisiana,Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, and Tennesseebased in public & private parks, sports &recreation facilities, churches, school &universities.SO MUCH MORE THAN CAMPINSPIRING GREATNESSWe employ over people ages 15+ and welcome campers every summer.4004,000+

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01030504066 REASONS TOWORK AT KIDCAMThe people! They are who helpmake the memories, bring on thesmiles & help you to be better!Gain life skills all while enjoyingrewarding work and doing more ofthe programs you love, whilecreating memorable moments.LEADERSHIPis learned in a real-life context asyou supervise others, engaging indecision-making & behaviormanagement all while having fun.NETWORKINGWe will work with you to link andconnect you to a network ofalumni, internships and future jobopportunities in a variety ofcareers.BUILD A RESUMECamp is a serious business thatcultivates critical skills that aredeveloped and practiced at camp.02Build your resume while havingfun! We will cultivate endless skillsneeded for the “real world”, and you will be given opportunitiesfor personal & professional growth. Flexibility. No nights or weekends,and we will work with you on aschedule that allows you to stillparticipate in other extra-curricularactivities. Grow with us! We will work withyou to find opportunities to domore of what you love, no matterwhere you want to go through ourvast network of parents & pastemployees.Shine bright at the highest level.Yes! We know you! And we want tohelp you to be the very best versionof yourself. Whatever it takes tofulfill your goals. Working atis a REAL job!CAMPINTERNSHIPSWe will work with you to create aninternship or volunteer programthat will meet your school'sacademic requirements.

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01030504066 REASONS TOWORK AT KIDCAMThe people! They are who helpmake the memories, bring on thesmiles & help you to be better!Gain life skills all while enjoyingrewarding work and doing more ofthe programs you love, whilecreating memorable moments.LEADERSHIPis learned in a real-life context asyou supervise others, engaging indecision-making & behaviormanagement all while having fun.NETWORKINGWe will work with you to link andconnect you to a network ofalumni, internships and future jobopportunities in a variety ofcareers.BUILD A RESUMECamp is a serious business thatcultivates critical skills that aredeveloped and practiced at camp.02Build your resume while havingfun! We will cultivate endless skillsneeded for the “real world”, and you will be given opportunitiesfor personal & professional growth. Flexibility. No nights or weekends,and we will work with you on aschedule that allows you to stillparticipate in other extra-curricularactivities. Grow with us! We will work withyou to find opportunities to domore of what you love, no matterwhere you want to go through ourvast network of parents & pastemployees.Shine bright at the highest level.Yes! We know you! And we want tohelp you to be the very best versionof yourself. Whatever it takes tofulfill your goals. Working atis a REAL job!CAMPINTERNSHIPSWe will work with you to create aninternship or volunteer programthat will meet your school'sacademic requirements.

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01030504066 REASONS TOWORK AT KIDCAMThe people! They are who helpmake the memories, bring on thesmiles & help you to be better!Gain life skills all while enjoyingrewarding work and doing more ofthe programs you love, whilecreating memorable moments.LEADERSHIPis learned in a real-life context asyou supervise others, engaging indecision-making & behaviormanagement all while having fun.NETWORKINGWe will work with you to link andconnect you to a network ofalumni, internships and future jobopportunities in a variety ofcareers.BUILD A RESUMECamp is a serious business thatcultivates critical skills that aredeveloped and practiced at camp.02Build your resume while havingfun! We will cultivate endless skillsneeded for the “real world”, and you will be given opportunitiesfor personal & professional growth. Flexibility. No nights or weekends,and we will work with you on aschedule that allows you to stillparticipate in other extra-curricularactivities. Grow with us! We will work withyou to find opportunities to domore of what you love, no matterwhere you want to go through ourvast network of parents & pastemployees.Shine bright at the highest level.Yes! We know you! And we want tohelp you to be the very best versionof yourself. Whatever it takes tofulfill your goals. Working atis a REAL job!CAMPINTERNSHIPSWe will work with you to create aninternship or volunteer programthat will meet your school'sacademic requirements.

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SO MUCH MORE THAN CAMPBehind All the Fun...Camp is Serious Businessthat Builds a Solid Resume!The most respected and trustedsummer camp program in the Southwith over 30 business operations inLouisiana, Alabama, Georgia,Kentucky, and we are expandingeach summer.oKidcam is considered a privatepartner for public and privateoperations that don’t have thecapacity, funding, knowledge orinterest to operate their own youthprograms. These spaces includepremier resort destinations, city andstate parks, sports and recreationcenters, universities, swim clubs,churches and schools. oWe employ over 400 people ages15+ every summer.oWe welcome over 3,000 camperseach summer.WORK ATCAMPLEARN MOREThere has never been a bettertime to work at Kidcam Camp.Phone877-4KIDCAMEmailRockstar@KidcamCamps.comWebsitewww.KidcamCamps.comKidcam Camps was founded in 1974 and isheadquartered near New Orleans, Louisiana. WHO IS KIDCAM?Our mission is to bring the spirit of summer tolife by creating memorable moments and lastingrelationships all through the power of camp.OUR MISSIONKidcam is one of the most respected andtrusted summer camp programs in theSouth. We plan for summer year-round withover 30 day camp operations in Louisiana,Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, and Tennesseebased in public & private parks, sports &recreation facilities, churches, school &universities.SO MUCH MORE THAN CAMPINSPIRING GREATNESSWe employ over people ages 15+ and welcome campers every summer.4004,000+

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SO MUCH MORE THAN CAMPBehind All the Fun...Camp is Serious Businessthat Builds a Solid Resume!The most respected and trustedsummer camp program in the Southwith over 30 business operations inLouisiana, Alabama, Georgia,Kentucky, and we are expandingeach summer.oKidcam is considered a privatepartner for public and privateoperations that don’t have thecapacity, funding, knowledge orinterest to operate their own youthprograms. These spaces includepremier resort destinations, city andstate parks, sports and recreationcenters, universities, swim clubs,churches and schools. oWe employ over 400 people ages15+ every summer.oWe welcome over 3,000 camperseach summer.WORK ATCAMPLEARN MOREThere has never been a bettertime to work at Kidcam Camp.Phone877-4KIDCAMEmailRockstar@KidcamCamps.comWebsitewww.KidcamCamps.comKidcam Camps was founded in 1974 and isheadquartered near New Orleans, Louisiana. WHO IS KIDCAM?Our mission is to bring the spirit of summer tolife by creating memorable moments and lastingrelationships all through the power of camp.OUR MISSIONKidcam is one of the most respected andtrusted summer camp programs in theSouth. We plan for summer year-round withover 30 day camp operations in Louisiana,Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, and Tennesseebased in public & private parks, sports &recreation facilities, churches, school &universities.SO MUCH MORE THAN CAMPINSPIRING GREATNESSWe employ over people ages 15+ and welcome campers every summer.4004,000+