RBi g St ep t o Ki nder g ar t enReadyStart Ready. Stay Ready.
Contents040614 Childcare Tri-ShareREADY 0310 12 Helper: PNCHelper: DeNooyer Chevrolet Reach Out and Read West MIReady for School helps find solut ions for kids and families by identifying and supporting their helpers.. One real time example is The Michigan Tri-Share pilot program which is helping both employers and employees? child care challenges. Ottawa County employers who are looking to recruit and ret ain talent, should consider joining Ready for School?s momentum in connecting employers with the opportunity. In this READY issue, you will learn more about the pilot program, why investing in early childhood matters, and a child's experience in kindergarten readiness. Enjoy the stories, the connection, and learning about the needs and opportunities. Helper: Jess De La Rozafrom Bill BadranSenior Development OfficerNote 08 Kindergarten Readiness ImpactMost know me as Bill Badran, owner of BandA Tech Solutions, an IT and Digital Marketing Management firm that served ?For Impact Organizat ions? like Ready for School. In 2013, as a new entrepreneur, I presented the model at the Lakeshore Non-Profit Alliance 'Next' event and it gained traction. Embedding IT Managers in organizations as if they were on their payroll allowed me to understand and connect staff habits to technology needs. As a Solutions Innovator and Cyber Security Instructor, my passion was a catalyst for creative, real-time solutions. I'm proud to have developed a team of helpers for for-profit and nonprofit organizations. BandA Tech found ways to help retain employees. No matt er the issue, we were on the front line by setting up remote work and providing clear cyber training. In the fall of 2021, I brought my business management and networking talent to Ready for School as the Development team lead.
Ready 04READY 04TRI-SHARE:SOLVING CHILDCARE CRISISSince its beginning, Ready for School has convened people around collaborative action and community-based solutions for kindergarten readiness. Right now child care access and affordability need solutions.Employers and employees are struggling with the lack of affordable quality child care. Lakeshore Advantage recently conducted an analysis to demonstrate the severity of the economic impact of child care and found that if each of the region?s top three industries lost 10 employees due By Donna Lowry, MDto child care shortages, it would result in a total of $3,519,258 in lost earnings and a $415,946 decline in taxes on Production and Imports (TPI). We have a child care crisis. Solut ions are needed now. Ottawa County employers have an exciting, innovative opportunity, the Michigan Tri-Share Child Care Pilot. The Tri-Share Child Care program supports employee retention and attraction. Tri-Share presents a unique opportunity to provide Ottawa County with a competitive edge in talent retention and attraction.We can all agree that kids today are the leaders of tomorrow. This reality is foundat ional to Ready for School?s genesis. Why focus on kindergarten readiness? The data are clear, kids who start school ready are twice as likely to have skills that will lead t o success in high school and beyond.Photo by: Vitolda KleinPhoto by hermoney.com/connect/motherhood/work-full-time-and-be-a-mom/
Ready 05READY 05What is Tri-Share?:- Child care expenses are shared by the employer, the employee, and the State of Michigan, with each contributing 1/3 of the cost, approximately $3,500 over a year (employers specify the number of employees and a time frame if other than 12 mos).- The program is open to all employers headquartered in the Goodwill Hub West Michigan region (Ottawa, Muskegon, Newago, Lake, Oceana, Mason) with Ready for School leading in Ottawa County. Employee income eligibility is based upon household size and annualized income, approximately $75,000 for a family of four.Benefits t o Employers:- Helps with employee recruitment and retention- Removes a significant barrier to employment- Develops and strengthens the talent pipeline- Provides opportunities for tax creditsBenefits t o Working Parent s:- Provides financial relief by reducing out-of-pocket child care costs- Eases the burden of finding available openings at licensed child care providers- Improves work-life-family balance by providing child care solutions- Removes a barrier to seeking and/or maintaining employmentNext St eps:- Share this information with HR leaders- If you are a business owner, seriously consider early adoption of this program as part of your benefits package- If you are in need of affordable child care, share this opportunity with your employer- Contact me with your interest, Donna Lowry, MD at Ready for SchoolAs part of solutions finding, this opportunity is a game-changer for Ottawa County employers and employees. Photo by: The Standing Desk?We know child care is a crisis in our communities.?Interested in joining Ready for School to find child care solutions? Join our newly forming child care work group, contact dlowry@readyforschool.org
Author: Jared LeysDeNooyer Chevrolet is proud to be part of a communit y that is built upon a philanthropic mindset. As a business that int eracts with the community on a daily basis, they m ake it their aim to give back as much as possible. Especially in the area of education and youth development.?Education is our passion as a family,? said Dom DeNooyer, leader at DeNooyer Chevrolet. He described that early education is one of their top priorities when it comes to making a difference in the community.?Invest early, and you have huge returns,? he went on to say. In his experience, the sooner you can make an impact in the life of a child, the better the outcomes. While each child has the same potential to achieve great things, the earlier we can step in on behalf of their education goes a long way to helping them in their first years and beyond.Dom also explained why DeNooyer Chevrolet is very glad to partner with Ready for School?and why other businesses should too.INVESTING EARLY MATTERSREADY 06
?Ready for School is an organization that tries to [reach] every child that needs it,? he said. ?We really believe that you find organizations that do well. You invest in them and let them [make] the success.?Ready for School is grateful for the continued support of our programs provided by DeNooyer Chevrolet. You can find out more about them at denooyerchevy.com.If you would like to find out more about Ready for School or how to support our mission to prepare children for success, please visit readyforschool.org.Building RelationshipsREADY 07"Education is our passion as a family."
?We really saw a difference after the summer program,? said Jessica De La Rosa about her son Jaden?s experience at our summer Kindergarten Readiness Camp. She spoke at the most recent Ready for School Annual Breakfast and later shared more with us about her son?s story.?For him to have a routine, it helps,? she said. The camp is a four-week, half-day program for incoming kindergarten students in the Holland, Zeeland, and Hamilton areas. ?It?s like orientation for a new job.?Author: Jared LeysREADY 08She went on to describe how seeing her son grow and thrive provided a great relief to her. It lifted a burden off her shoulders?the stress of seeing her son struggle in some ways. Instead, she sees Jaden thrive after learning more about the process of doing things, how to make friends, and many more vital skills that will stick with him for the rest of his life. More than a CampThe transition to kindergarten is a big step and many students struggle with it if they have little or no preschool experience. This is why the Readiness Camp exists. It provides children with a boost of confidence heading into their first years of school. Jessica said that all parents should consider the camp if they have a chance.IT'S A ROUTINEJaden is on the autism spectrum and was struggling to learn some skills crucial for succeeding in school. Jessica explained how the Kindergarten Readiness Camp made a big difference in providing the space and opportunity for Jaden to learn these skills.
READY 09We wish Jessica and Jaden all the best as they cont inue their education journey and we thank them for sharing their story with us. If you would like to know more about the Kindergart en Readiness Camp, please visit readyforschool.org/summer.As Jessica said in her closing remarks at the Annual Breakfast about the program and her son: ?It was a great experience and I?m happy that he?s still loving school now.?
READY 11Evaluation Team: Ottawa County Performance Improvement Evaluation TeamKINDERGARTENREADINESSCAMP
?We want to help every kid reach their potential,? says Sean Welsh, the Regional President at PNC Bank. As a long time supporter of Ready for School, PNC knows the importance of investing in early education.Looking Ahead?Ready for School has consistently used the same measurement for what it means to be ready for school. It makes a direct impact for us to know that they are moving the needle.? And while these gracious words about Ready for School are great to hear, it?s even better to hear that a partner is also thrilled for the future of the Ready for School programs: ?I get excited because every year they move the goal higher.? By: Jared LeysREADY 13PNC has been an excellent corporate sponsor and we are grateful for their wonderful support. Community leaders like Sean and companies like PNC not only help make our work possible, but they also serve as an example of how easy it can be for anyone with passion for early education to turn their time and resources into great outcomes for young children.?They?re a great partner to have,? said Mr. Welsh about working with Ready for School. He is also looking forward to PNC?s continued partnership with Ready for School when it comes to paving the way in early education.The minute you want to learn...passion for early education.Sean Welsh, Regional President at PNC Bank.For PNC, being a supporter of early education means their employees have the opportunity to support nonprofit work that impacts their own communities. This goes a long way toward helping PNC?s employees feel like they are part of something that goes beyond the four walls of their business. This enthusiasm for supporting Ready for School comes from seeing an immediate impact and knowing that the impact is long lasting.?When we make this investment, it?s the right thing to do,? Sean added. He speaks of the fact that every child is born with the same potential and the more it can be nurtured, the better the outcomes that can be achieved by each and every child. Sean leads PNC with a clear passion for the education of young children and the work that is being done at Ready for School.Ready for School thanks PNC Bank for their partnership and looks forward to working with them to change the lives of young children in our region.?The kids get really excited when someone comes to read a book with them,? Sean said, speaking of the Reach Out and Read program. It?s small moments like these that can change the life of a young child. ?The minute you want to learn, you?re going to learn.?