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RCS Progress Report

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Progress Report 2022-24

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From the Head of School...................................................1Our Mission & Philosophy.................................................2A Message from Betsy Duff...............................................3Who We Serve....................................................................4Continuing The Radcliffe Way..........................................5Financial Overview.............................................................6Leaving No Child Indoors..................................................9Why We Give to Radcliffe................................................10FY24 Keepers of the Creek..............................................11FY24 Donor List................................................................13FY23 Keepers of the Creek..............................................16FY23 Donor List................................................................182024 Run for Radcliffe.....................................................212024 Remembrance Day..................................................22Table of ContentsRADCLIFFE CREEK SCHOOL | 201 TALBOT BLVD | CHESTERTOWN, MD 21620

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Dear Radcliffe Friends and Supporters,As I reflect on my first two years here, I am filled with deep gratitude for theunwavering support from our donors and foundations. Your generosity hasempowered Radcliffe Creek to truly live out our motto: Discover. Create.Thrive.In a time of unprecedented challenges facing young learners, yourcontributions have been the backbone of our resilience and growth. With yourhelp, we've continued to provide an inclusive, nurturing environment whereevery student can explore the world around them, spark their creativity, andthrive academically and personally. You have enabled us to enhance ourprograms and facilities, support our dedicated faculty, and ensure that eachchild who needs Radcliffe receives the individualized attention they deserve.Your belief in our mission has allowed us to expand our reach, making itpossible for more students to discover their unique strengths, create their ownpaths, and thrive in a community that has celebrated diverse learning for over28 years. From the Head of SchoolThe impact of your support is evidentin the smiles of our students, theconfidence that grows each day, andthe vibrant community we arebuilding together.Thank you for being an integral partof Radcliffe Creek's journey.Together, we are shaping the futureof these students, one discovery at atime.In partnership,Peter ThayerHead of School1

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Our Mission & PhilosophyRadcliffe Creek School empowers children in a dynamic environment thatcelebrates unique learning.Professional AssociationsOur PhilosophyEvery day, our School’s mission comes alive throughan extraordinary instructional approach our teacherscall “The Radcliffe Way.” This educational method issteeped in the science of reading and informed bydecades of research that proves all students—butmost especially children with a neurodivergence—benefit from hands-on teaching techniques thatengage all their senses. RCS’ average class size of five students is essentialto providing our individualized services, and it is alsoa key element setting us apart from traditionalclassrooms averaging more than 20 students in aroom. Small classes allow our expert faculty tocustomize instruction to each learner, ensuring everystudent finds success.Combining multisensory strategies inside of theclassroom with immersive learning experiences in thegreat outdoors through our new No Child Left IndoorsInitiative, Radcliffe Creek is able to engage everystudent. Through a myriad of active learningstrategies, our teachers bring learning to life for ourstudents, who often have so much fun, they forgetthey are learning. That’s The Radcliffe Way.2

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Dear Radcliffe community,On behalf of the Board of Trustees,thank you for your ongoing support ofthe critically important mission ofRadcliffe Creek School. This report highlights Radcliffe’sfinancial health, sustained over the lasttwo years by a focus on carefulalignment of resources, optimization oflong-term assets, expansion ofdevelopment initiatives, as well asinvestment in technological efficienciesand our facilities. Our top line revenuesand expenses remained steady andbalanced during this period. But, moreimportantly, a 44% year-over-yearincrease in gifts and investmentsprovided much-needed financialflexibility. With this support, Radcliffewas able to reach more students, recruitoutstanding teachers, and mindfullyaddress the needs of our aging building.Under Peter Thayer’s leadership, the2024-2025 school year is unfolding withstrong enrollment and an even strongersense of community. There is wonderfulmomentum and excitement at RadcliffeCreek School, and we welcome yourcontinued engagement and partnershipin its bright future! With gratitude,Betsy DuffPresident, Board of TrusteesBetsy Duff, PresidentBrennan Starkey P’14, VPDr. Edwin Oliver, SecretaryRobert Ditmars, Treasurer Dr. Alan AustenHolly ParkerMarcus Startzel P’23Darran Tilghman P’27Pelayo Coll P’26Lexi Welch ’10A Message from Betsy DuffBoard of Trustees3

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Financial Aid SummaryTuition in 2023-24 school year- $31,920 In the 2023-24 school year, our 57 students came from eight counties acrosstwo states. Who We ServeRadcliffe Creek students came from Kent, QueenAnne’s, Caroline, Talbot, Anne Arundel and PrinceGeorge’s Counties in Maryland, as well as Kentand Sussex Counties in Delaware. Approximately, 70 percent of Radcliffe Creek students received financial aidduring the last school year. RCS provided over $467,000 in aid to families in need.Our expert faculty teachstudents with diagnosesincluding:DyslexiaDyscalculiaDysgraphiaSensory Processing DisorderADHDASDAnxietyDepression4

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Continuing The Radcliffe WayTeacher and Math Department Head Jen KochA Q&A with Jen KochHow long have you worked atRCS and in what capacity? This is my third year! I joined RCSas a Discovery teacher andswitched to teach Math. I am in anew role as Math DepartmentHead. I am also the yearbookadvisor.What training have you receivedto help teach kids with learningdifferences? I was trained in Bowman’s Orton-Gillingham Plus, a multisensoryphonics technique for remedialreading instruction. I was alsotrained in OnCloudNineVisualizing and Verbalizing forMath, which stimulates the abilityto image and verbalize theconcepts underlying mathprocesses. Which interventions/methodsdo you use to help students inthe classroom?1) I like to build in riddles andrebus puzzles for both my abstractand concrete thinkers.2) I offer flexible seating forstudents to work bothindependently and collaboratively.3) I use humor whenever possible.4) I am the index card queen! Sometimes,I post them around the school for ascavenger hunt. Other times, students willanswer flash cards each time they shoot abasketball or throw a football. When youfactor in learning styles, presenting aconcept in various ways is going to helpyou reach each student.How do you structure a typical class?It depends! We have spent time in thekitchen to deepen our understanding offractions by doubling or tripling a recipe tomake things like mini pizzas, smoothiesand slime. When combining like terms andlearning the steps to solve multi-variableequations, students have color-coded thelike terms on paper and used algebra tilesto bring their equation to life—literallycombining the like terms by manipulatingthe color-coded dry-erase tiles.5

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Financial Overview2022-2023 Revenue 62022-2023 Expenses

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Financial Overview Cont’d2023-2024 Revenue7

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82023-2024 ExpensesFinancial Overview Cont’d

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Leaving No Child IndoorsA student journals next to aquatic gardensIn 2023, RCS debuted a brand newprogram called the No Child LeftIndoors (NCLI) initiative, thanks to agenerous grant from the Robert F.Schumann Foundation.The Radcliffe Way is based uponcreating a learning environment sointeractive that students, while deeplyimmersed in Radcliffe’s hands-on,multi-sensory lessons, become soexcited, they forget they are learning.There is no better classroom toengage all of the senses than ourOutdoor Learning Blooms at RCSMaryland. Students studied history onthe battlefields in Gettysburg and touredlocal farms in Kent County. Theycleaned up the beach in Betterton,canoed on the Sassafras River andventured to Port Isobel Island on aneducational overnight experience.As a part of NCLI, upgrades were madeon the school campus to help RCSbecome a greener school. During EarthWeek, the entire school communitycame together to mulch the school’splay areas, garden beds, and wetlandtrails. On Radcliffe’s campus, this newinitiative has taken lessons beyond thefour walls of the classroom to the hub ofoutdoor learning on campus—thenewly-built outdoor classroom. In thisspace, teachers have led nature-inspired art lessons, taught a firemaking workshop and worked withstudents to plant trees and garden bedsin its surroundings, creating a moreinspiring place to learn.Gathering in the new outdoor classroomnatural world, where students can tastethe salt of the ocean on their lips whilehearing about local ecosystems or buildtents while camping with peers topractice important social skills.In the 2023-24 school year, each studentwas offered a field experience in natureeach trimester during day and overnighttrips to places across the Chesapeakewatershed, from Cape Henlopen StatePark in Delaware to the Harriet TubmanMuseum and Nature Trail in Cambridge, 9

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Why We Give to Radcliffe Brent and Lucy Fuchs P’28 and their familyWhat drew your family toRadcliffe Creek School?This is our fifth school year. We hadalways felt that our daughter, Sadie,learned differently and neededsmaller classrooms and more one-on-one help. One of our friends, who hadfound Radcliffe because her son wasdiagnosed with dyslexia,recommended the school. It was onour radar and after the pandemic wasover, we knew it was time to makethe move. What impact has RCS had onyou and your family?Oh, it’s been tremendous! We’ve metsome people through Radcliffe thatfeel like family. We have a team ofpeople, including Sadie’s teachersand pretty much everyone atRadcliffe, who are “Team Sadie” andwant the best for her. BeforeRadcliffe, “Team Sadie” was just herfamily, but now that team hasexpanded. Why do you donate to RCS?We really believe in Radcliffe’smission. We believe that every childwho is struggling academically shouldhave the opportunity to attend aschool like Radcliffe. If there was one thing you wishother parents knew about RadcliffeCreek School, what would that be?It took a while for us to see ourdaughter’s progress and, at first, we werefrustrated by that. No transition is evereasy though and nothing happensovernight. Within a year or two, however,we saw big changes. We’re certain that inour last few years here, she will continueto grow in leaps and bounds. Do you have anything else youwould like to share?We are so grateful that in such a small,rural community there is a school aswonderful as Radcliffe Creek that meetsour child’s needs! A Chat with Brent & Lucy Fuchs10

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Lightship Leaders ($25,000+)AnonymousCape Foundation of MarylandReade W. and Mary P. Corr Fund of the Mid Shore Community FoundationJean S. Griffith EstateDoug and Gay Lane Robert F. Schumann FoundationBarbara L. Thomas FoundationSchooner Society ($10,000+)David A. Bramble Foundation, Inc.Reynolds / Cristiano Fund of the Mid-Shore Community FoundationMrs. Michael TottenSkipjack Circle (5,000+)Sheila BarryJames and Elizabeth DuffQueen Anne's County Mental Health Committee, Inc.Henry F. Sears FoundationCaptain’s Club ($2,500+)The Alan and Emily Joiner Charitable Gift FundDonald and Darby HewesKathleen KerriganChris and Lynn MaxwellBrennan and Pat StarkeyPeter and Francie ThayerRadcliffe Creek School remains grateful to the Keepers of the Creek, our$1,000+ donor society who sustains our school through their annual gifts. FISCAL YEAR 2024 SUPPORTERSRadcliffe Creek School cares deeply about recognizing all donors properly. We apologize ifthere are any errors. Please contact Director of Advancement Carolyn Thompson with updates, so we can keep our records current. 11

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Anthony, Judge & Ware, LLCDavid A. Bramble, Inc.Christopher and Peggy CaswellMargaret J. CaswellCole Ventures, Inc.The Coll FamilyThe Denver FoundationRobert and Allison DitmarsDixon GroupRobert FordiThe Fordi FamilyJames and Erin GillespieThanks to all of the donors who support Radcliffe Creek School’s critical mission.Keepers of the Creek ($1,000+)Samuel and Barbara HeckHeritage Financial Consultants, LLCKent Cultural AllianceRobert and Barbara McDormanMerriewold TrustMesa Associates, Inc.Edwin OliverFrank B. Rhodes & Susan Newton-RhodesBarbara SmithMarcus and Michele StartzelStephen and Marie ThomasBrian and Carolyn ThompsonRicka White and Darran TilghmanSloop Sustainers ($500+)Cedarhurst FarmsCrow Vineyard and Winery, LLCDavis, Moore, Shearon, & AssociatesFleetwood Insurance GroupThe Gunston SchoolWilliam and Lavinia HallHarbour Capital Advisors, LLCJeff Davis Post #18Kent County Health Department-Clinical ServicesKent School, Inc.Paul A. and Lauren M. LittlefieldLlandaff Family TrustLynn W. & Timothy W. Peters FamilyFoundationMargot Shriver Family Fund12

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Sloop Sustainers ($500+) Cont’dMolly's Place, LLCThe Peoples BankRosin Creek Collaborative, LLC.Ford and Marilee SchumannShore HVAC, Inc.Shore United BankHillary SottekSunrise Solar, Inc.ThinkBig Networks, LLCTidewater TraderVNA of Maryland ChestertownWashington CollegeWye River Upper SchoolYHB CPAS & ConsultantsLog Canoe League ($100+)Temitayo Aderoba and Yinka AdunolaWilliam and Patricia AverillJanine BabcockElizabeth BabylonEliot and Megan BamfordJohn and Margaret BarilarPhil Jones and Jillian BibleThe Book Plate, LLCElaine Mackie BowmanPaul and Bernadette BowmanNancy ByrneTyler & Deb Campbell Family Charitable FundCharles T. Capute, LLCKenneth CaswellChesapeake Bank & Trust CompanyKevin and Deborah ConnerSheila CooperAntonia CoradettiCohee Education Group, LLCCountry Builders, Inc.Norman Davidson and Debbie Cohee-WrightKurt and Angela DillDuke Law, LLCBrian and Rachel DurmBrent and Lucy FuchsWilliam and Joanne GhioRobert and Debbie GlebeRobert and Robyn GreenSarah HerbertJonathan and Robbin HillGordon and Sherry HollingsworthJane HollyBernadette HolmesJoseph L. HoltBrandon Hoy and Brook SchumannMurray HoyHoward and Kathleen HughesDavid and Cheryl HurdMary S. HurleyPaula HutskoWilliam and Susan IngersollJBK Hardware, Inc.Robert and Lynn JarrellKevin and Susanne JohnsonPeter and Tandy JonesMark and Nancy KernerJody KnowlesAlice Fay LenoxLaurie and John Lewis Family FundSusan Lukiewski13

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Sloop Sustainers ($500+) Cont’dMolly's Place, LLCThe Peoples BankRosin Creek Collaborative, LLC.Ford and Marilee SchumannShore HVAC, Inc.Shore United BankHillary SottekSunrise Solar, Inc.ThinkBig Networks, LLCTidewater TraderVNA of Maryland ChestertownWashington CollegeWye Mills Mechanical, LLCWye River Upper SchoolYHB CPAS & ConsultantsLog Canoe League ($100+) Cont’dJeanne McCloskeyMichael and Bonnie MessixRichard and Margaret OliverColin Orr and Mala MisraPhilip and Jeannette ParishRyan and Allison PrellJerome and Linda ProchaskaDaniel A. and Shelley Kay RossCharles RitinskiEric and Arraminta SchraderDavid SchumannJean-Jacques and Jacquelynn SimonMarjorie SuasteguiSian Hengeveld and Elizabeth TannahillBenjamin and Darran TilghmanRobin UnruhLynn H. and Ann M. WidenerJohn and Judith WillockSusan WillockThomas and Lelia WrightJoshua Winger and Lindsay Wright-WingerKarl and Erin ZierfussSkiff Stewards (Up to $99)Erin AlexanderEmily ArmstrongMonica BellPatricia BezekStefanie BorsariSkip and Catherine BushbySusan CasasAlex and Jenna ChengTheresa CollinsDavid and Barbara DevineBeth DunnAndrew FifickMegan FitzgeraldSara GagalskiBrian GallagherDavid and Kelly GioffreLee and Megan GlenThe Goetz Family Living TrustTravis and Becca GsellMunir and Laura HaddadRachelle HammillE. Anne Hart and Sharon L. BradyCaitlin HawthorneJoseph and Kelly HegartyKaren HouseKelly HurdBenjamin and Jane JoinerAllison JonesDouglas KayJoAnn Suchinsky KayJohn P. Knud-HansenAnthony KochJacqueline LeightTim LoefflerJames and Malorie MartinezMichael and Deanna McMullenAnthony and Diane MohanGary and Beverly OrdersRichard Owen and Paula WordttPaul and Leslie QuirionVirgil Patrick and Eugenia Randolph, IVTim and Lesley ReidyJulie ShoreNicholas Singleton14

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Skiff Stewards (Up to $99) Cont’dErin SingletonChristopher and Elaina SmithGregory and Camille SmithRebecca Smith-EmoryAlex and Amanda SpryRichard and Marian StoltzfusGeorge and Rhys ThomasWilliam and Katie ThomasonPatrick and Sandy TonkerPeter WapnerIra and Marcy WeisbergCarol WilliamsBeth WrightThank you for being a part of ourtransformational community!15

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Lightship Leaders ($25,000+)AnonymousBarbara L. Thomas FoundationDoug and Gay Lane Charitable FoundationRobert F. Schumann FoundationSchooner Society ($10,000+)David A. Bramble Foundation, Inc.Ferree Funds of the Mid-Shore Community FoundationArthur H. Kudner, Jr. Fund of the Mid-Shore Community FoundationReynolds/Cristiano Fund of the Mid-Shore Community FoundationRobert L. Fessler and Patricia J. FesslerFoundationSkipjack Circle (5,000+)Sheila BarryDonald and Darby HewesMid-Shore Health Improvement CoalitionCaptain’s Club ($2,500+)Robert and Allison DitmarsJames and Betsy DuffRichard and Lynn FleetwoodFrank Rhodes and Susan Newton-RhodesBrennan and Pat StarkeyThe Denver FoundationWomen and Girls Fund of the Mid-ShoreCommunity FoundationRadcliffe Creek School remains grateful to the Keepers of the Creek, our$1,000+ donor society who sustains our school through their annual gifts. FISCAL YEAR 2023 SUPPORTERSRadcliffe Creek School cares deeply about recognizing all donors properly. We apologize if thereare any errors. Please contact Director of Advancement Carolyn Thompson with any updates, so we may keep our records current. 16

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Anthony, Judge & Ware, LLCAlan and Yvette AustenBenchworksDavid C. BrambleCole Ventures, Inc.AnonymousDavid A. Bramble, Inc.Dixon GroupBenjamin and Karen Dize IIIDollar General Literacy FoundationTim and Jill DoyleFriel FoundationHenry F. Sears FoundationHeritage Financial Consultants, LLCDouglas HewesThanks to all of the donors who support Radcliffe Creek School’s critical mission.Keepers of the Creek ($1,000+)Jeff Davis Post #18Susanne JohnsonJames and Molly JudgeKathleen KerriganJamie HurleyThe Merriewold Fund of the Mid-ShoreCommunity FoundationMid-Shore Community FoundationShore United BankSoroptimist International of Kent & QueenAnne's Counties, MDMarcus and Michel StartzelPeter and Francie ThayerVNA of Maryland, ChestertownPatricia WaringHorace WoodSloop Sustainers ($500+)Accounting Strategies Group, LLCBrampton InnCedarhurst FarmsPelayo and Donna CollSheila CooperCorley Roofing & Sheet Metal Co., Inc.Roy and Judy CrowDavis, Moore, Shearon & AssociatesKurt and Angela DillFleetwood Insurance GroupBrent and Lucy FuchsJames and Erin Gillespie17

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Sloop Sustainers ($500+) Cont’dWilliam and Lavinia HallHarbour Capital Advisors, LLCLlandaff Family TrustSherry HollingsworthAnn HuessenerJBK Hardware, Inc.Kent School, Inc.Ralph KirchnerTony and Lauren LittlefieldLynn W. & Timothy W. Peters Family FoundationMolly’s Place, LLCLog Canoe League ($100+)Temitayo Aderoba and Yinka AdunolaEliot and Megan BamfordBrian and Dawn BarrettRichard and Melanie BerntsenPaul and Bernadette BowmanElaine Mackie BowmanElizabeth BrownJ. Tyler and Debby CampbellCharles P. Capute and Beth SpurryChesapeake Bank & Trust CompanyKevin and Deborah ConnerBenjamin and Gretchen CoppageJohn and Terri CorleyJames and Clara DainingNorman Davidson and Debbie Cohee-WrightRobert and Elizabeth CallahanEcho Hill Camp, Inc.Michael Petroski and Carolyn EckRobert and Barbara EnglJohn and Janet EriksonThomas and Barbara GaleWilliam and Joanne GhioKatie GilmanRyan and Allison PrellRosin Creek Collaborative, LLCDan and Shelley RossEric and Arraminta SchraderR. Ford and Marilee SchumannStefanie Borsari Consulting, LLCThe Gunston SchoolThe People’s BankTidewater TraderLew and Daniela Van WambekeW. Paul Starkey FoundationWye River Upper SchoolRobert and Debbie GlebeRichard GoodallRB and Robyn GreenEugene GreggoGeorge HaggertyHarvey and Louisa Zendt Charitable FundJonathan and Robbin HillJoseph L. HoltJack and Robin Holt, Jr.Howard and Kathleen HughesDavid and Cheryl HurdWilliam S. IngersollLouis and Christine JalladeAnthony KochJohn and Laurie LewisAlice Fay LenoxCharles LernerCheryl LonerganNicole LueckeKeith LuthardtJess Lutz and Ashley RoederRobert and Barbara McDormanMichael Messix18

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Sloop Sustainers ($500+) Cont’dMolly's Place, LLCThe Peoples BankRosin Creek Collaborative, LLC.Ford and Marilee SchumannShore HVAC, Inc.Shore United BankHillary SottekSunrise Solar, Inc.Log Canoe League ($100+) Cont’dBob MontenegroKaty MorrellGary OrdersPam Shriver FundPhilip and Jeanette ParishRobert PayneTimothy and Lynn PetersTerry Rabinowitz and Nancy McCloyLinda ReishPeter RiceChristine RichardsonNick SingletonErin SingletonBarbara SmithSkiff Stewards (Up to $99)Acme MarketsKelsey AburnIvo AlvianiJohn and Margaret BarilarHilary BessetteRebecca BestStephanie BluskStefanie BorsariMichael BoylanJack BuckleySkip and Catherine BushbyAlexandra CaswellCohee Education Group, LLCPamela CroghanElizabeth CunninghamTom CurryJoshua DowerPam DukeGregory SmithJohn SpryKay SweezeyThe BookplateBrian and Carolyn ThompsonBenjamin and Darran TilghmanAdeline TryonVanessa WernerAnn WidenerJohn WillockThomas C. WrightYMCA of the ChesapeakeKarl and Erin ZierfussDiane DukeJamie EllerEric Fitch and Jen KochMegan FitzgeraldChristopher and Kim FrymarkRegina GalerKevin GilchrestDavid and Kelly GioffrePaul GlennMark HansenE. Anne Hart and Sharon L. BradyCaitlin HawthorneAllan HillKelly HurdErin JacobsonBen and Jane JoinerPhil Jones and Jillian BibleMarjorie Jordan19

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Skiff Stewards (Up to $99) Cont’dDouglas KayJoAnn Suchinsky KayNancy KernerKirby KyleJohn P. Knud-HansenGeorge KochGeorgia LittlefieldKevin LynchErik LyonAmy MaceyJohn and Eleanor MageeKatie MapleJames and Malorie MartinezJames MillerCharles MorrellRick and Kim NistlerColin Orr and Mala MisraRichard Owen and Paula WordttEric PaniereBryn PontiEugenia RandolphAlice ReynoldsRachel RossEric RubinKelly ScheltsBrayden SingletonChristopher SmithRobert SmithKatie ThomasonSimone VagnoniMary WillardWilson Taylor BuildersChristian WrightYMCA Kent County20

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The 2024 Run for RadcliffeThanks to all the sponsors and participants who made the Run a success!SAVE THE DATE NOW FOR 2025! SATURDAY, MAY 24, 202521

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Remembrance Day 2024Our most recent graduates walkedacross the RCS stage and into the nextchapter of their academic careers onJune 7th during Radcliffe Creek School’sRemembrance Day.Head of School Peter Thayer welcomedthe Class of 2024 into the growingnumber of RCS alumni, which now totalsover 200 students. Members of thegraduating class spoke about their timeat Radcliffe Creek and reflected on theimpact their teachers made on them. Six award winners took the stage to receiverecognition for their efforts.RCS alumnus, Max Ruehrmund ’05,spoke about his journey from RCS to theBlue Ridge School in Virginia, and then toWashington College, before earning aMaster’s degree in Environmental EarthScience from James Cook University inAustralia. He currently serves as ascientist and boat captain at the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) monitoring the water quality inthe Chesapeake Bay. Radcliffe Creek wishes the Class of 2024well on their journeys to The GunstonSchool, Wye River Upper School, andQueen Anne’s County High School. Acommon theme emerged between thespeaker’s remarks, the studentreflections and the stories told during theawards presentations—RCS is a specialplace that changes the lives andtrajectories of our learners.“My time at Radcliffe trulyset the building blocks forthe career I have today andtaught me how to focus onmy fundamental strengths.”~ Max Ruehrmund ’05 22