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Raymore Peculiar Public Schools

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Raymore PeculiarPublic Schools Market Value Assets

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Starting with the class of 2027, all students will be required to earn atleast one Market Value Asset (MVA) for graduation. A market valueasset is defined as an experience that prepares students for futurelearning and/or employment; it is a cornerstone experience thatprepares a student for future learning and/or employment. MVAs areauthentic previews of the world of work or post-secondary education.While the professional and academic worlds are ever-changing, theoutgrowths students develop when the work on authentic projectswith real employers and mentors are durable enough to benefit themthroughout their lives. A market value asset will typically fall into oneof four categories: work experiences such as internships and clientconnected projects, college credit, industry recognized credentialsand entrepreneurial experiences. Students will also have theopportunity to build their own with prior approval.What is a MarketValue Asset?WorkExperiencesCollegeCreditIndustryCredentialsEntrepreneurshipBuild YourOwnCourseEmbedded

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By earning a Market Value Asset, students can have experiencesbeyond what is shown on a transcript. These real-world experiencescan help students acquire skills that create a more seamless transitionfrom school to post-secondary education and/or the workplace.In the Raymore-Peculiar School District, the goal is to have eachstudent leave with the enduring skills outline in the Portrait of aRayPec Graduate (seen below). This compass was designed by thedistrict’s Innovation Committee which consisted of educators as wellas business and community members. Team members agreed thatthese were the skills students needed in the future. We are, therefore,dedicated to providing the type of learning that builds these skills.Why is a Market ValueAsset Valuable?

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Panther Teacher Academy is designed for students who are interested inentering the teaching profession. It is open to juniors and seniors. Studentsare placed with a mentor teacher and assist with tutoring, small groupinstruction, whole group instruction while also learning how to preparelessons and units of study. Students will spend an average of three days aweek in the classroom environment. Students also have the opportunity toearn dual credit through a local university.WorkExperiencesPanther Teacher AcademyThe LEAD Center InternshipsThe LEAD Center offers a variety of hands-onprogramming that allows students to focus onspecific career areas that can lead to placement inan internship. Students are eligible for thiscoursework in the 11th and 12th grade.Current programs include:Electrical StudiesCarpentryHVACHeavy Equipment Operating EngineersMachiningStudents must successfully complete the coursework and complete at least 120hours of time in an internship to earn an MVA.

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Cass Career Center is a public, non-for-profit careerand technical school located in the HarrisonvilleSchool District. CCC offers ten secondary programsto students that can lead to real-world workexperiences and possible internships. The programsare for students in the 11th and 12th grades and focuson high quality courses and real-world experiences.For more information, students can click on this link:CCC WorkExperiencesSummit Technology Academy (STA) is a sharedcampus of junior and senior students whoattend half-day programs. It is a career-focusedacademy designed to prepare students fortomorrow’s professional workforce. It offersnine different programs and up to twenty-threedifferent courses. Students can earn IRCs anddual credit. In addition, many programs offerinternship and client connected projectopportunities. The Academy is located in Lee’sSummit. More information can be found byclicking on this link: STA Cass Career CenterSummit Technology Academy

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Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS)programs are nationally recognized, innovative highschool programs. Students fast forward into theirfuture and are fully immersed in a professional culture,solving real world problems, using industry standardtools and are mentored by actual employers, all whilereceiving high school and college credit. CAPS is anexample of how business, community and publiceducation can partner to produce personalizedlearning experiences that educate the workforce oftomorrow, especially in high skill, high demand jobs.CAPS programs do not have pre-requisites, as long as,students are on track for graduation. Most studentscan acquire work experience through CAPScoursework.Current CAPS programs include:Animal Health SciencesTechnology SolutionsTurf Management & HorticultureBusiness Innovation & CreationWorkExperiencesSouthland CAPS

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The RayPec School District has many opportunities for students toparticipate on site in the form of district internships. Students may applyfor internship opportunities in the areas of finance, media, and buildingsand grounds. Students will work with district employees and learn job-specific skills as well as enhance their professional skills. Students will alsohave the opportunity to work on real school district projects.WorkExperiencesStarting in the Fall of 2025Career Exploration Internships are an opportunity for students to explore acareer field in which they are interested when the district does not offer acourse that provides an internship in that field. Students must have tkanecoursework aligned to the area of interest (example: a student interestedin interior design must have take multiple RPHS interior design courses).Students will work with the Senior Office to research and attain theinternship. Internships may or may not be paid. Prior to the internship,students will complete a course that focuses on professional skills. Students must be in the 12th grade to participate in this program andcomplete at least 120 hours of time in an internship to earn an MVA.District InternshipsCareer Exploration Internships (Pilot)

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By earning nine or more hours of cumulative college-level credit a studentcan earn an MVA. Students may earn the college credit MVA in thefollowing ways:Successfully completing an Advanced Placement exam by earning ascore of a 3 or higher (which will qualify for a minimum of 3 collegecredit hours).Successfully completing dual credit coursework with a C or higher. Thiscoursework can be through in-person coursework at RPHS or virtualcoursework through Launch.Successfully completing dual enrollment coursework with a C or higher.This coursework can be taken virtually at RPHS or on an MCC campus.College CreditAdvanced Placement/DualCredit/Dual Enrollment

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Enterprise & Design (E&D) is a microschool housed at the LEAD Center.Students who participate in E&D have multiple opportunities to earn andMVA through a variety of Client-Connected Projects.Students will learn about and incorporate the design thinking process tosolve authentic, real-world problems for their clients. Clients may includebusiness partners, industry leaders, not-for profits or civic/communitybased organizations. Students learn how to work in teams, manage theirschedules, communicate needs and develop professional skills whileearning course credit. Students will participate in a winter and springshowcase as a part of the experience.CourseEmbedded CCPsStudents enrolled in English IV will work on a team to complete a year-long Client Connected Project. Successful completion of the project andparticipation in DRIVE night will lead to an MVA. Students will learn aboutand incorporate the design thinking process to solve authentic, real-worldproblems for clients in the KC Metro area. Students will work in teams,manage schedules, improve communication skills and developprofessional skills while earning an English credit.Enterprise & DesignEnglish IV

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At RPHS, teachers and students can seek approval for classroom Client-Connected Projects that require collaboration and work with outsideorganizations and/or businesses to meet the requirements of an MVA.Students will learn and incorporate the design thinking process as a part ofthe work and solve real-world, authentic problems for their clients.Students will work in teams, manage schedules, improve communicationskills and develop professional skills while earning a high school credit.CourseEmbedded CCPsStudents enrolled in the Raymore-Peculiar Academy will work on interest-driven projects throughout the school year. Successful completion of theproject and participation in the spring showcase will lead to an MVA. Students will gain insight into their topic through research, site-visits andcollaboration with subject-area experts. Course Specific ProjectsRaymore Peculiar Academy

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Summit Technology Academy (STA) is a shared campus of junior andsenior students who attend half-day programs. It is a career-focusedacademy designed to prepare students for tomorrow’s professionalworkforce. It offers nine different programs and up to twenty-threedifferent courses. Many programs offer course-embedded clientconnected project opportunities. The Academy is located in Lee’sSummit. More information can be found by clicking on this link: STA CourseEmbedded CCPsCenter for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) programs are nationallyrecognized, innovative high school programs. Students fast forward intotheir future and are fully immersed in a professional culture, solving realworld problems, using industry standard tools and are mentored by actualemployers, all while receiving high school and college credit. CAPS programs do not have pre-requisites, as long as, students are ontrack for graduation. Most students can acquire work experience throughCAPS coursework. Most students receive credit for a course-embedded project through CAPS programming.Current CAPS programs include:Animal Health SciencesTechnology SolutionsTurf Management & HorticultureBusiness Innovation & CreationSummit Technology AcademySouthland CAPS

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The LEAD Center offers a variety of hands-on programming and curriculumthat prepares students to earn industry-recognized credentials (IRCs). Somecommon credentials earned include OSHA-10, OSHA-7100, and NCCERCore. Other credentials are course-specific such as the mill or lathecertification in the machining program. Students are eligible for thiscoursework in the 11th and 12th grade. Current programs include:Electrical StudiesCarpentryHVACHeavy Equipment Operating EngineersMachiningStudents must successfully complete the coursework and pass the credentialassessment(s) to earn an MVA.IndustryCredentialsThe Missouri Seal of Biliteracy is an award granted to students who haveattained proficiency in English and at least one other language prior tohigh school graduation. To earn a Seal of Biliteracy, students must:score proficient or advanced on the ELA EOC;have a 3.0 gpa;score intermediate mid or higher on each domain of Stamp test;complete all required English credit for graduation; andhave demonstrated social-cultural competence through a projectassessed by a teacher of the Modern Language department at RPHS.The Seal of Biliteracy has been endorsed by multiple businesses anduniversities in Missouri.LEAD Center IRC’sSeal of Biliteracy

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RPHS offers two drone courses: EduDrone andAdvanced Drones. The courses teach studentshow to safely fly a drone and provide amplehours of practice. During the Advanced Dronecourse, students have the opportunity to earn theFAA’s Small UAS Rule (Part 107) certification.This certificate demonstrates that a student has aclear understanding of the regulations, operatingrequirements, and procedures for safely flyingdrones. IndustryCredentialsWorkKeys is an industry assessment created by ACT. Students who earnqualifying scores (4 or higher) in at least three areas can earn the NationalCareer Readiness Certificate (NCRC). These areas include: workplacedocuments, graphic literacy and applied math. Starting in the fall of 2024,the WorkKeys assessment will be given to all students as a part of the in-person RPHS personal finance course. For more specific information, clickon this link: ACT WorkKeys .Drone CertificationWorkKeys

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Cass Career Center is a public, non-for-profit career and technical schoollocated in the Harrisonville School District. CCC offers ten secondaryprograms to students that can lead to industry-recognized credentials (IRCs)in areas of nursing, automotive, agriculture and fire science. The programsare for students in the 11th and 12th grades and focus on high quality coursesand real-world experiences. For more information, students can click on thislink: CCC IndustryCredentialsSummit Technology Academy (STA) is a shared campus of junior andsenior students who attend half-day programs. It is a career-focusedacademy designed to prepare students for tomorrow’s professionalworkforce. It offers nine different programs and up to twenty-threedifferent courses. Students can earn IRCs in a variety of these programs,including FAA, OSHAHLT, BLS and CompTia The Academy is located inLee’s Summit. More information can be found by clicking on this link: STA Cass Career CenterSummit Technology Academy

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Entrepreneurial experiences can develop in several different ways. Studentswho wish to start their own business pitch their initial idea and then arematched with a subject-area expert who can guide them through thebusiness-creation process. Students can also identify a compelling social ormarket problem and research how to best solve the issue. These students willalso be matched with a subject-area experts. In both situations, students willanalyze, research, ideate, prototype and implement solutions. Regularreflection is also a part of the process. Entrepreneurial experiences are anoption for second year Enterprise & Design students. Students must displaytheir learning during the winter and spring showcases as a part of earning anMVA.EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurial Experiences

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Students can propose their own project or experience and submit it forconsideration as a qualifying MVA. Projects/experiences must include thefollowing:regular work with a business client and/or subject area expert in thecommunity who is not a relative or family friend;a sustained effort over time, including at least 50 hours of student work (ifan internship, 120 hours);a resume-worthy experience;students creating an action plan through the design-thinking process tocreate a solution to a real-world problem;a ‘pitch’ component where students present in front of a panel of businessand/or community members;a reflection component throughout the project that culminates in the endand is anchored in the component of a Portrait of a RayPec Graduate.Build YourOwn MVAStudent Created ExperienceCustomized MVA (SpecialServices)Customized MVA’s are designed with students as a part of their post-secondarytransition plans. A student’s IEP team must approve these experiences to counttowards a student’s MVA attainment.Experience can include:Career and community work experiences tied to IEP goalsVocational rehabilitation experiencesWork opportunities in the school settingSpecialized internshipsFood handlers certification

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Our Mission:Preparing Each Student fora Successful andMeaningful Life.Raymore PeculiarHigh School