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Quick Guide to Special Education

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©Misbah Bramonth at What is an IEP? An IEP is an Individualized Education Plan. It is a legally binding agreement that details a child’s goals and services needed for the child to meet their educational needs. How Do I Request an IEP? The first step to obtaining an IEP is to request your child be evaluated for special education services. When requesting an evaluation, do so in writing. A simple email or written statement with the following information:  Date of request  Child’s full name  Your name and relationship to the child  Your contact information  State that you are requesting your child be evaluated for special education services  State the reasons your child may need special education services. Who Do I Send My Evaluation Request to? The request for an IEP evaluation should be sent to the following people  The head of the Special Education Department  Principal of the school your child attends.  School Psychologist How Long Does the School Have to Evaluate my Child? Per the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA) the school has 60 days to evaluate a child. This may vary by state; however, 60 days is the maximum amount of time in which the child should be evaluated. 20 U.S.C. 1414. For school-initiated evaluations the school has 60 days from the date the parent signs the consent form for an evaluation.

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What Happens After an IEP Evaluation After the evaluation the school will share the results of the evaluation and their findings. To determine if your child qualifies for an IEP the evaluation team will answer two questions: (1) does the child have a disability and ( 2) does the child need specially designed instruction because of that disability. If the answer is yes to both questions than the school has 30 days to set up a meeting to develop an IEP. If the school determines that your child is not eligible for special education services, they must provide reasons for the denial in writing and a copy of your procedural safeguards. What are my Options if the School Denies an Evaluation or I Disagree with Part or All of the Evaluation? If your child is denied special education services, you have several options. 1. Contact an Advocacy Clinic. 2. Request an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) at the public expense. 3. File for mediation or due process. Do All Children with a Disability Receive an IEP? No. Not all children with disabilities qualify for an IEP. A child must meet one or more of the criteria for disability under IDEA and need specialized instructions because of that disability. 34 CFR § 300.8

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How Do I Request a 504 Plan What is a 504 Plan A 504 is from Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 a federal civil rights act for people with disabilities 504 is for children and adults within the K12 school system college or place of employment To request a 504 Plan document your child s disabilities and doctor s letters or notes with diagnosis Send a written request with reasons why you are requesting a 504 Plan What is a 504 Evaluation What is the difference between a 504 and an IEP An IEP provides a child with a disability as set by IDEA with specialized educational instructions and related services An IEP is for children with disabilities in the K 12 school system The evaluation for a 504 Plan may vary by State or School It may be a review of all documents a parent provides a full comprehensive evaluation as done for an IEP or something in between www kid2kidtutorils com A 504 Plan provides accommodations for children with disabilities to ensure they receive a fair and appropriate education FAPE Example a child with ADHD may get extended time on tests or assignments Misbah Bramonth at Kid2KidTutorials com School officials should pull from various sources to determine eligibility for a 504 Plan Some documents can be medical doctors note along with the medical diagnosis include aptitude and achievement tests teacher recommendations physical condition social and cultural background and adaptive behavior https www2 ed gov about office s list ocr 504faq html

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Who Do I Send My Evaluation Request to The request for an evaluation should be sent to the following people The head of the Special Education Department or Section 504 Coordinator Principal of the school your child attends School Psychologist How Long Does the School Have to Evaluate my Child Per Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 there is no set timeline The Office of Civil Rights states a reasonable amount of time Individual States may have their own timeline What Happens After an Evaluation The school will contact the parent and review the results of the evaluation The school will either provide a 504 Plan or determine the child is not eligible To be protected under Section 504 a student must be determined to 1 have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities or 2 have a record of such an impairment or 3 be regarded as having such an impairment https www2 ed gov about office s list ocr 504faq html What are my Options if the School Denies an Evaluation If a 504 Plan is denied the parent guardian can request a due process hearing or contact the Office of Civil Rights https www2 ed gov about office s list ocr index html 504 FAQ s https www2 ed gov about office s list ocr 504faq html Do All Children with a Disability Receive a 504 Plan No To qualify for a 504 Plan a disability must substantially limit one or more major life activities such as but not limited to breathing walking seeing hearing speaking and learning