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QuadWMI Yearbook - 2021: Thank You, Board Edition

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It's not so muchwhere you go, butwhat you do thereand who you do itwith.Willie Tichenor

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Thank You, QuadW Foundation Board!

In 2008, Johnny Peters brought you the idea of what is now the QuadW Missional Internship. Amazingly, you were willing to take a chance on us, to trust strangers who had a vague plan of bringing young adults to Mobile, Alabama, and place them in struggling communities to serve alongside churches and nonprofits. Then, you gave us the opportunity to make this a national, and, now, an international program. 

Because of your support, the story of Willie Tichenor and his passion for missions has been told in places across the United States, in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, and in Tarime, Tanzania. That story has been carried around the globe as interns share their experience with others. Because of you, hundreds of young adults have experienced the same kind of transformation that Willie experienced. In the process, they've helped transform scores of partnering organizations, and deeply impacted thousands of lives. 

This year, we wanted you to hear from others who've been changed by your generosity. We hope you'll enjoy this "Thank You" video, a glimpse into what is a profound, life-changing experience for everyone involved.

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Welcome to Avondale Samaritan PlaceNorth Alabama Quad W interns 2021

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AprilBrooksDesiree'JessieMadiSadieQuad WBirmingham2021

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kansas city.

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kansas city.

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nuevo laredo.

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pine bluff.

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Reflection by Sarah Schweppe,Reading, PAAJobWellDone.How do we define success?For us Reading, PA interns that have beenworking and serving here for the past sevenweeks, we define success in the little things ofevery day. Whether that may be because oneof our kids at summer camp at CityLightrecites all of the Fruit of the Spirit (and alsosings the song we memorized along with it)or if only one kid participates in the Biblelesson, that is success. When we can laughand joke with each other despite beingoverwhelmed and flustered with the amountof work we have to do, that is success. Evenwhen the kids are going crazy and we feel asthough we have lost complete control, that issuccess. When all we feel like what we do allday is discipline the kids, but one of themcomes up at the end of the day and gives youa hug goodbye, that is success. If wemeasured success by the amount of kidscoming through our doors in the morning, orby how many were praying to Jesus everyday,we would lose our purpose in serving and alsowaiting on God's timing. It is the work of theHoly Spirit that is driving our work. We are the vessels, He is the one moldinghearts and minds towards more of a Christ-minded like figure. Even when we feel asthough we have not gotten through to ourkids at all, that is when we see God work, thatis when He teaches our team that it is Histiming that matters, we just have to bewilling to continue doing His work andremaining faithful. I think that is something Ihave had to learn a lot about this summer.being patient even in the times that we feelas though we have done nothing. When all Ifeel is frustration and exhaustion that is whenI see God's unending grace extended to myweak, lifeless body to help me keep goingand to face another day of service. Not only is the work we do physicallyexhausting, it is also mentally exhausting, butthey work we are doing through the power ofGod is unlike anything else you will do in yourlife. When you are on mission for God and areopen to the possibilities He has laid in front ofyou, the options and open doors are endless.So even in these moments of frustration andexhaustion, I choose to rejoice in the hopeand joy that I have found in Christ, and I willcontinue to fight the good fight because meand my teammates believe that there is abright future ahead for all of our kids atCityLight, a bright future for their families, abright future for the kids at Vacation BibleSchool, and a bright future for Reading, PAbecause God is in control and He has alreadywon.As we enter this last week of serving here inReading, my heart is heavy knowing that I willbe returning home and returning to schoolsoon and no longer be able to be here day today serving alongside my new best friendsand seeing my kids at CityLight almost everyday of the week. However, I have peace andjoy knowing that even though we may notalways see the victories and success from thisside of heaven, God knows and has seen it all.As I continue to process through everythingthat has influenced me and changed me thissummer it is by far too much to recall and isoverwhelming. The amount of molding Godhas done on my heart, the continuedtransformation that continues to grow anddeepen my faith, I pray that I take that backto my home, back to my college and neverlose sight of God's faithfulness in the desert,that I never lose sight of the victory wealready have in Him, that I never lose sight ofHis power and grace towards each of Hischildren to carry on the task of going andmaking disciples, to go and share the Gospelof Jesus Christ with every nation, tribe, andtongue. For me, success is waking up every day, goingto summer camp at CityLight, working withthe kids, and then leaving to go back to ourhome at the end of every day. Each day wechoose to go, work, and remain open to whatGod would have us do for the day. What ablessing! I pray that by reading this you willalso be able to sense the urgency of thismission as believers, wherever God haschosen to place you right now. Be open thepossibilities and out of your comfort zonedecisions you may have to take. You life willnever be he same but it will be so much moreenriched and purposeful because you arepursuing God and a deeper relationship withHim, this is our purpose and that is wheresuccess is found. Thank you all for your continued prayers andsupport for me and my team as we enter ourlast week; also prayers towards all of the otherQuadW teams as they finish up their work forthe summer! Your Sister in Christ,Sarah Schweppe

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2021SnapshotsBirmingham, ALMy experience with the QuadW missional internship this year was a challenging butI'm thankful for it. God used the different environment to teach me more aboutHimself and myself, as well as providing context for what it means to "do mission." Icame out of the internship with a fuller vision of what ministry looks like and adesire to dive deeper into missions and use the talents that God has given me to lovemy neighbors well. I was also exposed to a lot of different worldviews whichchallenged me and forced me to hold onto what I know about God through Hisword. I am thankful for this opportunity and all that I have learned from it. - Jessie HiebertThe unmet expectations of this internship forced me to lean into God's faithfulnessand the fact that he is most reliable. Although everything did not work outaccording to what I anticipated, I'm grateful for the lesson of learning to beadaptable. - Desiree LucasWe were able to do a lot of good here in Birmingham, and I appreciate theopportunity to both serve and learn with Quad W this summer. - Brooks HoyleQuadW has been one of the most challenging experiences I’ve been through, but I’mcertain God put me here for a reason! I can’t wait to see where I will use what I’velearned here as I move on to my next adventure. There is a lot of beauty in thegrowth that happens in the times where you least expect it! I’m thankful that I stuckwith it and have been able to meet so many people serving the Lord and living outthe gospel in their communities. It’s been a really special and once in a lifetimeexperience! - Sadie Wiswall Birmingham was difficult. And beautiful. And challenging. And stretching. Andexciting. And refining. Though all of it, I am leaving a different person then as I cameeight weeks ago. I have gained a greater awareness to the diversity in our country:not only racially, but socio-economically as well. I am so looking forward to takingthis experience with me and applying it to my college life, and I plan to do that bystarting conversations that might seem taboo. From homelessness, low-income,racial reconciliation, mental health, justice, the true character of God, and more, Ihave learned more than I could have ever imagined during my time in Birmingham. - Madi Buldra

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2021SnapshotsColumbus, OHI want to say that this internship has truly changed my life. I have seen God move inways these past 2 months that I never seen in my 20 years of living. It is nowabundantly clear that He is there, whether I feel like it or not. For as amazing as it hasbeen, I am afraid that the more I learn about Him, the more I will be heldaccountable both to Him and to the universal church. Responsibility scares me, andso does commitment. I remember reading in James 4 that teachers will be judgedmore severely; and I feel like it is beginning to apply more and more. That being said,this is the beginning of me taking my faith seriously, and I should take it a day at atime. I want to thank my leaders and my fellow brother and sister interns for givingme the resources that I need to follow and seek God for a lifetime. - Maxwell ValentineThis internship was very challenging, but challenging in a good and positive way. Ilearned many valuable lessons and grew in various areas in my life. - Esteban ArrangoThis internship is definitely a good opportunity to help me grow my faith and shapemy heart. It stretched me both physically and spiritually, but most importantly, itmade me realize why following Jesus is lifetime task and long suffering. All things I'vedone in this summer has taught me the importance of discipleship and community. - Zoey ZhangI had a good time during this internship and learned a lot from my leaders and fellowinterns about God - Sean BraunPushed to change. - Landon Holland

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2021SnapshotsDallas, TXIt was very challenging but very eye opening at the same time. I made some goodfriends near the end I’m glad that some of us could get over the hump. - Ethan Phillippe Working in East Dallas this summer has been such a privilege. This community hastaught me so much about love, missional living, and true compassion towards ourneighbor. With its hardships, this experience continued to challenge and grow me innew ways. I am so grateful for this summer of service! - Emma OstermannIt was a really good experience and i learned a lot about myself and people during it!Im definitely leaving with a new perspective about what it means to please God byserving others! - Kelsey Bestawrous This summer I had the privilege of serving kids in East Dallas through summer sportscamps. One child we worked with, Joaquin, had Down’s syndrome and wasnonverbal. I had never worked with a child like this before and was nervous tointeract with him in fear I would mess up and unintentionally make himuncomfortable. My fellow intern Halle was quick to step up and make him feelcomfortable. She played with him, talked to him, and loved so well without fear andwithout reservation. Her interactions showed me how to love him well too and setthe best example I could have ever asked for. The interactions I witnessed betweenHalle and Joaquin showed me the most beautiful picture of Jesus I have ever seenand I am constantly reminded of His mercy and grace when I think about thesemoments I experienced this summer. - Claire LagardeIt was very rewarding to work in the East Dallas community. I am from Dallas and Ihad the opportunity to see a different side of the city that I have never experienced. - Halle MillerIt was a great experience overall, it had its ups and downs, which is understandableand inevitable, but I thank God for His revelation through out the experience. - Abimbola Akerele

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2021SnapshotsElkhart, INGods plan for your life can always radically change. This internship has taught me tolet go of control in my life’s direction.- Olivia Bastin God was moving in Elkhart this summer! Kids were engaged like never before and itwas a huge blessing to see the amount of fruit that came from that! - Chase StonerThis was such a great experience. I think there were a few kinks to work out here andthere but only with minor details. Overall the internship owed very well and I felt that Icould ask any of the staff members anything without worry. - Caroline Kitchen I think the QuadW internship is so essential and helpful for Christians and learningabout vocation and community. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have donethe internship three times. - Tyler Litwiller This summer was a culmination of all the hard work that we did during the schoolyear with Lifeline. It was truly great. A lot of fruit was to be had this summer in the livesof our kids. - Elijah Carter This is something that everyone should experience. If you have a great love for our Lordand enjoy working with children this is where to need to be. The way you can see Godmoving within these children day by day wanting to know more about who God is andhow Jesus plays a role in our lives is truly amazing. And embrace the community you have. That’s what really brings this all together. Thefriendships made here are ones I will hold dearly.Everyone that I worked with justbrought me so much joy. Thankful for this internship. - Jorge Saavedra

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2021SnapshotsElkhart, INThis internship was great. The Lord taught me a lot through this year and forevergrateful that I got to experience it. - Kenton Schiele I’m just so blessed to be a part of this. My eyes were opened to the community aroundme and the needs that they have. This program runs so smoothly and made it a joy tobe there. - Anna ChildsThis was an incredible opportunity! I learned so much about the Lord and how to lovepeople who are different from me well.- Casey SillimanI really enjoyed my time here. - Timiesha KnowlesI have thoroughly enjoyed this internship. It has been the best opportunity and I am sothankful. Lifeline is a great organization that truly cares for us and their kids. I wouldrecommend everyone to look into Lifeline and support their ministry. - Sierra TwiggThis summer, my heart has been TRANSFORMED! Working with these amazing internshave encouraged me to rejoin community. Altruistically rejoin Christian community.When I first came to the intern house in June, my life was not in the best place. Myheart was thorny and not much love was flowing from me. Being here surrounded bylove, real love, has inspired me to continue loving without limit. I thank you foropening my eyes to love, community, and brotherhood. - Ashton McKenzieI loved the internship this summer. The other interns, the staff, and the job site were allso much fun and I can honestly say that I’ve grown as a result of the internship. - Trevor Williams

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2021SnapshotsHuntsville, ALI really appreciated this summer. It has been rewarding and an enjoyable experience. I started the QuadW Missional Internship in 2018, and this is my 3rd time completingthe internship. Each experience has awarded me the opportunity to grow with Christ, to understandministry much more, and to be more involved with community development muchmore. I learned to take new opportunities even when I lack the confidence. I learned to appreciate the communities that provide support to differentorganizations and aide the community.I have learned to network more often, and to appreciate the little things in life.I have loved working with the youth, seeing their joyful faces each morning and seeingGod work in and through them. I have enjoyed leading Bible study/class with them,interacting with them and getting to know their personalities. Through them and those I worked with throughout the summer, I have seen God takesomething small and make into something spectacular. Not just through Willie's storyand legacy to where QuadW is currently, but also in the different work sites my fellowcolleagues have worked at and where I have served at. I have appreciated the breadth of knowledge from all that we have fellowshipped withand the opportunities to grow through the curriculum. Most important, I have come to appreciate how one small child's legacy turned into alifelong changing work for so many of young adults throughout the summer. Thank you for all you have done. God Bless.- Jalishia Ashworth

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2021SnapshotsHuntsville, ALAll I want to say is thank you for this opportunity to explore everything.- Tzuchen Tseng I enjoyed every single part of my time serving at my worksites. I appreciated to havebeen able to serve to several different places : First Stop, 305 , Harvest youth club andAsbury farm house. I want to thank every person who contributed a part to make mytime at Huntsville memorable. Thanks to Adlene for a great guidance and support inevery single step away.- Diane Kabanyana I am so glad I decided to do this as I learned and grew so much- Julia Jackson This has been a great experience for me. I have learned a lot as well as grownspiritually.- Lexi Malone The snapshot of my time in Huntsville is being able to build relationships by assuringmyself that was comfortable in uncomfortable situation. For instance, Quadw helpme to understand that in life you will have to pivot when things do not go a planned.- Logan O'Handley

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2021SnapshotsKansas City, KSOne of the most memorable moments was when this little boyassembled a long line of Jenga blocks as dominoes and then askedhis mom to start the chain reaction. It was a communal experiencewatching the blocks fall and cheering at the completion. Family,achievement, and community melded in this memory.- Shula Hui

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2021SnapshotsMobile, ALThe 2021 internship was incredibly informative, not only in ministerial work but alsoinformative about life and my own personal walk with Christ. Both in the joyfulmoments and the frustrating, I learned about people and their experiences andstruggles and how we are all deeply connected in community. I learned aboutcommunication and how important it is to speak the Truth in truth. I learned aboutcurrent conditions of the human experience and how we can rely on each other andwork with one another to make a good difference. I learned that life in Christ calls usall in different moments and teaches us everything we must know for our ownpersonal walk with Him, but we must choose to let Him in our hearts.- Bridget Morrow I thought that this internship was very interesting. I started this also in my letter aboutthis internship, but I liked the spiritual growth that I experienced through thisinternship.This summer has been a crash course in how to work with unruly children!- Mauryce Thomas My spiritual journey this summer has led me to begin my process of conversion toJudaism.- Flora Brooke It was a good experience. Honestly, I don't think that I should've applied as a collegefreshman. This would've been great on my resume/application to graduate school.However, because the internship happened early in my secondary educational career,I don't think it's acceptable to add to my resume. There were both good and bad moments, more good than bad. I enjoyed teachingstudents at Dwell and the Boys and Girls Club. I was not too fond of the little time wespent with Crawford UMC, but I guess it was due to Covid guidelines and restrictions. Like I said before, it was a good experience. Now would I do this again; I'm stillpondering the decision. - Joshua Wright

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2021SnapshotsNuevo Laredo, MXParticipating in the first QuadW in Nuevo Laredo was an experience I’ll never forget.Simply being in a completely new context, away from everything that was familiar,and serving and doing God’s working day in and day out, required a lot ofperseverance. Yet despite challenges, God worked tremendously in and through eachone of us as a team. I grew in my own walk with God and learned so much from myteam as we journeyed together, from the church hosted us with love, and from thosewe served and shared God’s love with - from grandparents to little children. Though Iwent down knowing I wanted to bless others, I came back equally, if not more,blessed by God.- Emmanuelle Kim Fue una gran bendición el poder participar y trabajar en ella.- Vìctor Manuel Canales Tor Through the program I was able to see God work in my life and in others lives, see thatGod has a purpose for each person and uses us because for Him there is nothingimpossible.- Nancy Zaret Martinez AbregoJesus is amazing!- Joshua SuhA humbling, life-changing experience!- Marisol RiveraFue de mucha bendición para mí vida vivir está pasantía, creo que es un internadomisionero muy completo y dónde Dios habla y capacita a sus hijos, por medio de lapalabra de Dios, alabanza, oración y sobre todo viviendo en comunidad. Pude sentírcomo Dios se movió en estos dos meses en mis hermanos y en la comunidad en laque estuvimos sirviendo!- Abraham Gonzàlez

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2021SnapshotsPine Bluff, ARGod placed me here for a reason, and I have learned the meaning of meeting thepeople I have came into contact with.- Ronni KnoxI want to say that it was an amazing experience overall. Sure we had our ups anddowns but we overcame every challenge we faced. It was definitely an eye opener andit showed me things about myself that I never knew.- Kason WithersI really enjoyed the internship. Partnering with the boys and girls club really helped melearn how to become a leader. Our site director was AMAZING. She made sure we hadeverything and that our mental stable was sane.- Dai'Sha Curlin It taught me a lot of patience and grace but I feel that what we were doing could’vewent a lot smoother if some things were set in stone or communicated better. Workingwith kids isn’t easy, but it gets more frustrating when management isn’t managing totheir best abilities.- Alexia MiltonThis internship taught me a lot of myself. I saw things about me , I never knew existed.Changed my life.- Kaitlyn Peterson

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2021SnapshotsReading, PAI was inspired while spending my summer as a QuadW intern because of the greatimpact it made on my life. This internship allowed me to see from differentperspectives and allowed me to grow in areas of my life that I didn’t even knowneeded growth in. I made great friendships and relationships with the children I wasprivileged to serve and consider myself one of the most blessed individuals in theworld for being part of the experience.- Jessica RamìrezThis internship was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had. I am sothankful I was able to participate in this amazing program.- Molly GavettFor the past eight weeks I have been living and serving here in the very heart ofReading, PA and this place and the people that are apart of this community havebecome apart of who I am. I cannot express enough that amazing work God hasdone in the hearts of the kids at the summer camp we have been running atCityLight Ministries, as well as the work He has done in our hearts as interns. I am sothankful to have had this opportunity and I can’t wait to come back.- Sarah SchweppeI am so lucky to have had an amazing summer with the other interns and the kids atCity Light. I have learnt so much from everyone I met and it was truly anunforgettable experience. I will really miss it.- Naomi ObiohaIt was an amazing time full of good memories and a lot of growth- Moises Ramirez Gomez

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2021SnapshotsTampa, FLThis internship has been amazing my summer was very eyeopening. The reason I say that is because back home I always didmissional work back home , but I never lived in the community itwas more of come & go missions. My workplace was Created whichis a place were they focus straight on prostitution & getting womenin the business off the street. Created humbled me in ways I neverthought I could be humbled. It was definitely a life changingexperience. As I was being a teacher I was student as well. I lovehow I was able to see my standards are not high at all & I need tokeep it that way because we you lower them you open the door tobe treated like nothing. Moving right along, two things that mademe angry were number one how we would go about conflict in thecommunity as a whole even though we are God’s children. Thesecond thing that made me angry was the women that werecoming in for helping , but relapsing the next day. Things that madme sad were when I went on street outreach and saw all thesewomen just selling themselves. Also I was sad because at somepoint I was missing my family. Things that made me happy werehow I’m not leaving as the same Christian I came. Also mycommunity & job has thank me for my wisdom , leadership skills,and impact I have made on them. Overall this internship haschanged me for the better.- Christiana Barnes This internship has been a rewarding experience for me. I learned asmuch from my community as I did from the people I served. Livingin a community is not always fun because we are all different andhave different personalities, but I am grateful that we all made itthrough. - Rachel Nkonge

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2021SnapshotsHearing from interns intheir own, unedited words.It was definitely two of the hardest months of my life, but also twoof the most rewarding. I’m confident that I am leaving here withmemories and friendships that will last a lifetime!- Isabelle ArmourThrough the QuadW Missional Internship I have been exposed tonew ways of living, many diverse people groups, and experiencedreal world problems that are happening in our country today. i havebeen pushed outside of my comfort zone and given a space to growin a way that is so unlike most people today! without this experienceI wouldn’t be able to come back home saying I am a differentperson!- Lydia NicholasI am grateful to be part of the experience. The internship was a eyeopener to my spiritual life. I enjoyed the beatitudes. I love to workwith the kids and I’m happy I was impactful. The curriculum wasnew to be but I learnt so many things that are beneficial to myspiritual life. Living in the community with people I later got toknow was awesome. It was indeed an amazing experience for me.- Oreoluwa LadojaIt was a great experience that has completely changed mespiritually, physically, socially, and emotionally.- Augustine Ezirim I have learned so many things and I am very grateful that I came.- Laura Nkonge