Common OBJECTIONS and how to address them FROM SCENARIO 1 2 5 Years Close F I Manager Customer If the manufacturer gave you the option of having coverage for the first 2 5 years or the second 2 5 years when it s more likely to break down which would you choose My factory warranty is good enough F I Manager I understand how you feel Mr Ms Customer I have had other customers that have felt the same way but after some exploration of the benefits many of them reconsidered To see if this might be beneficial to you do you mind if I ask you a few questions Customer Customer They d have to be some of the best in the world F I Manager I would agree And would you say they use the BEST parts available Customer Without a doubt Customer I couldn t agree more That is the logical choice Would you like your payment due in 30 days or 45 days F I Manager So you have cars that cost 500 000 or more built and maintained by the best mechanics in the world using the best parts available and driven by the best drivers in the world Other than crashes what do you think causes so many of those cars to never finish the race Alright go ahead Customer Customer Mechanical failure F I Manager 45 days is better Why do you think the manufacturer limits the warranty on your new vehicle to only 3 years 36 000 miles F I Manager F I Manager Right so wouldn t you agree that if one of THOSE cars can have a mechanical failure yours could too The second 2 5 years F I Manager So does that mean you d like to purchase the plan If yes please circle and sign the payment Customer Sure Because the vehicle is less likely to experience a mechanical breakdown during that time SCENARIO 2 NASCAR F I Manager I couldn t agree with you more Would you like your payment due in 30 or 45 days Customer Customer 30 days F I Manager I m buying a quality vehicle so I don t need a VSC F I Manager So does this mean you would like to purchase the plan If yes please circle and sign the payment Customer That s exactly right There s less risk of having a mechanical breakdown within that period of time Mr Ms Customer you indicated that you re planning to keep this vehicle for about five years and drive it around 20 000 miles is that correct Customer Yes that s correct F I Manager When do you think it is more likely for your vehicle to have a mechanical failure In the first 2 5 years or the last 2 5 years of your ownership of this car Customer I d think during the last 2 5 years F I Manager That s logical and I d agree it would most likely be in the second half of the period of ownership Write out the close as you are speaking F I Manager I understand how you feel Mr Ms Customer I have had other customers that have felt the same way but after some exploration of the benefits many of them reconsidered To see if this might be beneficial to you do you mind if I ask you a few questions SCENARIO 3 Reduce to Ridiculous Customer Customer Yes I have I understand how you feel Mr Ms Customer I have had other customers that have felt the same way but after some exploration of the benefits many of them reconsidered To see if this might be beneficial to you do you mind if I ask you a few questions F I Manager What do you think one of those race cars costs Customer No go ahead Customer I don t know maybe 500 000 or more F I Manager Go ahead F I Manager Have you ever watched a NASCAR race F I Manager I d guess that s probably pretty close With a car costing that much how good do you think the mechanics are who build and maintain it Customer It costs too much F I Manager When you get home at the end of the day do you like to relax have a cold drink maybe watch a little TV
Customer Yeah F I Manager What s your drink of choice Customer Soda This close can be done with any beverage not just soda F I Manager You seem to be budget minded Is there a column in your budget for your car payment Customer Yes F I Manager SCENARIO 4 ONE BAD DAY Contract to give you peace of mind for the one bad day Customer Customer I m buying a quality vehicle I hadn t thought about it that way F I Manager F I Manager I understand how you feel Mr Ms Customer I have had other customers that have felt the same way but after some exploration of the benefits many of them reconsidered To see if this might be beneficial to you do you mind if I ask you a few questions So does that mean you would like to purchase the plan Would you like your payment due in 30 or 45 days If yes please circle and sign the payment Customer Sure go ahead F I Manager Is there another column for that One cold drink a day after work If your vehicle were in for repairs just one day in the next five years would you consider that good service Nod your head Customer Customer No Yes F I Manager Take out a sheet a paper write this out You will lose the customer if you try to do it verbally Of course not because it s an insignificant amount So if you were really thirsty today and you had two sodas would you skip one tomorrow because you went over your drink budget Customer No I wouldn t F I Manager Wouldn t you agree this level of protection is worth going over your budget Customer Yes F I Manager I couldn t agree with you more Would you like your payments due in 30 days or 45 days Customer 30 days F I Manager So does that mean you would like to purchase the plan If yes please circle and sign the payment F I Manager Let s look at what one day could cost Did you have a chance to visit our Service Department Customer No Yes F I Manager Well we have a board back there that tells you our labor rate which is ________ per hour If you multiply that by 8 hours what you get is ________ Our service records tell us for every dollar you spend in labor you ll spend a dollar in parts which gives you ________ in parts correct Customer Yes F I Manager A rental vehicle is ________ per day Towing is ________ for a grand total of ________ That is what one day could cost Consider if you have had two bad days or more Wouldn t it make sense to have the Extended Service NOTES Use repair orders as visual evidence to support your numbers Utilize graph Write this as you are speaking Let s look at what one day could cost you Labor ____ per hour X 8 hours _________ Parts Rental __________ Towing __________ Total __________ __________
SCENARIO 5 MY OWN MECHANIC F I Manager 400 payment plus a 100 deductible Customer So if s a bad deal for Joe would you agree it would be great deal for you Customer Customer F I Manager I have my own mechanic F I Manager I understand how you feel Mr Ms Customer I have had other customers that have felt the same way but after some exploration of the benefits many of them reconsidered To see if this might be beneficial to you do you mind if I ask you a few questions Customer No go ahead F I Manager Where do you have your vehicle serviced Who takes care of it for you Customer Joe s Auto Shop Yes it d be a great deal for me F I Manager I couldn t agree with you more Would you like your payment due in 30 days or 45 days 45 days F I Manager F I Manager Does that mean you d like to purchase the plan If yes please circle and sign the payment Does that mean you d like to purchase the plan If yes please circle and sign the payment SCENARIO 6 BUDGET VS REALITY When you leave here talk to Joe Tell him you re going to give him 30 a month for the next 5 years In exchange here s what Joe has to do for you If your car breaks down due to the failure of a covered component he must repair it If the care is not drivable he is responsible for towing it to his shop Joe must also pay for the parts and labor minus your deductible He must also provide you with a rental car If you re on a trip over 100 miles from home and your car breaks down due to the failure of a covered component and must be kept in the shop overnight Joe is responsible for towing your car providing you with a rental and pay for your accommodations and food up to 100 a day for 3 days In addition he has to pay for all covered parts and labor minus your deductible No matter how many times a covered item breaks Joe must repair it up the maximum limit I can t afford it At only 1 800 total payments I d say Joe wouldn t make that deal Customer 45 days Customer Customer I couldn t agree with you more That is an easier payment to make Would you like your payment due in 30 days or 45 days Customer F I Manager What do you think Joe would say about that deal The 400 payment F I Manager I understand how you feel Mr Ms Customer I have had other customers that have felt the same way but after some exploration of the benefits many of them reconsidered To see if this might be beneficial to you do you mind if I ask you a few questions Customer No go ahead F I Manager I know you budgeted for a payment of 375 per month and the payment with the service contract is 400 per month is that correct Customer Yes F I Manager Okay let s say you had a breakdown after the manufacturer s warranty expired and you had to make a sudden repair that cost you 1 000 Which payment would easier for you to make a 375 payment PLUS a 1 000 repair bill or a 375 400 1 000 Deductible 100 1 375 500