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QI Week 2024

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MONDAYQI Café: Defining theproblem:What tools can you use to drilldown and identify theproblem.#QIWEEK2024Overview of Happier WorkingLives with NHS Elect:Find out how theHWL’s programme can helpsupport to build happier,healthier teams. US!Creating a QI Movementby Anita DehavillandRead the full blog...2

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Working in partnership withpeople with lived experienceto improve values basedquality outcomes and patientsafety aligned with NHSImpact.Emma WalkerAnthony O'ConnorTUESDAY#QIWEEK2024NQIWEEK2024Preceptorship and QualityImprovement:Find out how we support ourpreceptees to undertake animprovement initiative andhear from preceptees aboutthe amazing initiatives theyhave implemented.RLNMaking the most of yourstaff survey data:Barometers:Learn how to create easy,but impressive looking datavisualisations with your NHSStaff Survey data includingeffective benchmarking!Using NHS Impact themes asan example.QI Café: People Participation Want to involve patients inwhat you are doing, comealong and see how to makea start N3

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WEDNESDAY#QIWEEK2024Incorporating Co-productioninto Quality:In Oxleas we have spent the lastyear co-developing new rolesand training programmes withinQuality for those with LivedExperience, to better representthe patient and carer voicewithin the work that we do. Thissession focuses on promoting theimportance of incorporating co-production into qualityprogrammes, including projectsand assurance reviews, andprovide ideas and tools tosupport others to implementwithin their areas. N Programmes in PracticeHosted by Greater ManchesterMental Health NHS FoundationTrust - GMMH’s journey throughthe MHA QI National Collaborative.NQI Leaders - Why the Networkis Key: Panel Q&A on how peernetwork has supported acoaching-based approach toQI Leadership.LRQI Café: 15sec’s 30minsQI Café: 15sec’s 30mins Come and find out about theCome and find out about theconcept, what can do you doconcept, what can do you donow that will save someonenow that will save someoneelse or you time later.else or you time later.NQ&A with Kirsty & StephRead the full blog...4

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THURSDAY#QIWEEK2024 Becoming a LearningOrganisationDr Lesley Stevens Director of Improvement &EngagementLRQI Café:How do I know QI isrequired? NEvidence for QI: Meet Kerry our KnowledgeSpecialist and find out how theycan support you withimprovementNPatients: A Driving Forcefor Changeby Ranj and AchikaRead the full blog...5

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NKeynote with the NationalClinical Director forImprovement, NHS EnglandWith Dr Amar Shah, MBEFRIDAY#QIWEEK2024 Healthcare UniversityNHS FT Series of podcasts 1- Improving Together 2- Experience applyingQuality Improvement (QI)methodologies in a projectaimed at reducingcontractures. 3- Workforce Wellbeing Lead.Kerry shares her wealth ofexperience in using QImethodologies to empowerHealth and WellbeingChampions to drivemeaningful change andinfluence the wellbeingstrategy. 4- Empowering Change: AWard Manager’s Journey withQuality ImprovementNQI is Not an Island: BuildingBridges and Common Groundfor Improvementby Colin BarnesRead the full blog...6

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