Boise School Board Sets Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Bond ElectionToReinvest In Neighborhood Schools & CommunitiesBoise, ID -- 11/15/16 -- The Boise School Board of Trustees has voted unanimously toapprove a Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Bond election. If approved by voters, the bond will allowthe District to reinvest in our local schools and community without raising the current taxrate.As a result of considerable community input and engagement, Board members on Monday,November 14, 2016 approved a $172.5 million bond election to fund a 10-year EducationalFacilities Master Plan. Several parents and patrons testified in support of the bond."This bond allows us to reinvest in strong neighborhood schools without raising the tax rate,"said Melissa Goode, a parent of three Boise school students. It's accountable and addressescritical facility problems now so they don't cost taxpayers more later."The bond would put more than $155 million into 22 major capital projects, including buildingsix new schools on their current sites, a new school in the Harris Ranch area, as well asexpansion of the District's Professional-Technical center to offer Electrical, Plumbing andHeating-Air Conditioning job training classes."I don't know how we can continue to educate our kids without investing more into thefacilities and the things that they have," said Marty Cullen, owner of A1 Plumbing and PerfectAir. "We also have a skills gap in the trades. I believe this bond will address these issues."One of the schools to be rebuilt is Amity Elementary. Built in 1979, the school's design,including sod on the side and roof has created serious structural issues."Any time the weather turns and starts to rain or snow the roof leaks throughout the building
causing Amity to become unseasonably humid," said Tessa Jones, whose children attendAmity. "In addition to the roof leaking, when I drop off my kids after a heavy rain the parkinglot is flooded to the point that they need to be carried out of the car to avoid the deepwater."Parents from Pierce Park Elementary and Valley View Elementary also provided supportivetestimony.Click on the following video images to hear from the five people who testified to the schoolboard. Marty CullenOwnerA-1 PlumbingBoiseTessa JonesParentAmityElementarySchoolSarah HarrisParentPierce ParkElementarySchoolAmy LindenbergParentValley ViewElementarySchoolMelissa GoodeVolunteerFriends of BoiseSchoolsFurther information regarding the Tuesday, March 14, 2017 bond election will be posted onthe District's web site: www.boiseschools.orgNews Media Contact:Dan HollarPublic Affairs AdministratorBoise School District (208) www.boiseschools.orgBoise School District | 8169 W. Victory Rd., Boise, Idaho 83709 | 208.854.4000 ww.boiseschools.orgSTAY CONNECTED: