Opportunitiesand Updates For 2025 and beyond
NLWI Leadership Team for Zambia Mission ‘24, representing 6 nations
On behalf of our Board of Directors, thank you for joining us aswe celebrate 8 years of ministry. In 2016 God moved on ourhearts to form a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, and the rest isHis story!You are our friends and ministry partners. Please let us know ifour staff can assist you in any way during your stay. Our hopeand prayer is that you are refreshed, encouraged, and inspiredby our ministry plans and opportunities.Dr. Randy NorrisVice President Next Level Worship InternationalNext Level Worship International, Inc.Welcome
Pastors in Pakistan graduate from our online training course
“HE. WE. THEY. haschanged myprayer life, morethan I ever thoughta book on prayercould do.” —Terri“Before Next Level Worship, myunderstanding of worship was verylimited. I attribute a lot of myjourney of becoming an effectiveworship leader to Next LevelWorship.” —ChrisMy personal times of worshipAND the times I get to inviteothers to the throne roomhave been reenergized by theteaching of this organization.Being part of their mission isone of my greatest joys." —Kaitlin “We love the onlinepraise times when ourfamily and studentsgather with believersaround the world.” —Marcos“WorshipLife is thebest study our churchhas done in 25 years.NLW resources aresecond to none inimpact.” —Pastor Clay“9 out of 10 people inWyoming are lost. Next Level Worship ishelping revive ourchurches in trueworship and witness.”—Pastor Johannes“I keep returning onmission trips with NLWIbecause I see theLord’s hand on NLWI. Ilove that it invests inpeople, partners withlocal churches, andoffers it all for God’sglory.” —Paige50,000+ Trained
“Months later, they’re still talkingabout the impact of Dwayne’steaching at our national leadershipconference. We’re excited tocontinue our partnership withNLWI to impact Germany.” —Pastor Johannes“Though I led worship, I did notknow much about it until Godconnected me to Next LevelWorship International. I nowfully understand what worshipmeans, and I am sharing thatteaching with thousandsacross Zambia.” —Lucy“Learning about the 3 directionsof worship—inward, upward andoutward—is something I'venever thought of before.Worship is not just somethingwe do at church. We canworship in our personal times, atwork and home.” —LeoIt's really a blessing to knowNLWI and to be a part of ourglobal community. As a nation,we are blessed to get to attendthe ReFOCUS Conference andother NLWI events online to trainour leaders and churches inBangladesh.” —Aporna“I see Next LevelWorship as helping tobring revival to ourchurches in Scotland.” —Pastor Davidin 20 Countries
Dwayne speaks at an NLW Conference in Wyoming
US & GlobalReVive RetreatsReVive Retreats are unique weekend events for worship teams and leaders, to bringthem back to a heart of worship and an inner fire to lead their churches in biblical,life-changing worship. To launch and promote these vital retreats across America,we need $20,000. We also have an immediate need for our first ReVive this Fall.MissionsNLW International receives many invitations to lead conferences within the UnitedStates. Already, we’ve trained leaders in Wyoming, Massachusetts, Colorado,Vermont, New Mexico, and more. We’re planning for Montana, Wyoming and Bostonin the near future. We go into areas where there is little to no training opportunities.To help keep up with the needs, we pray for $60,000 to expand this department.Streams OnlineStreams Deep Community is our own platform, built and managed by NLWI staff.Streams seeks to bring our massive global community together in fellowship andaccountability. Streams connects church leaders around the globe, helping themgrow in their personal leadership and worship and providing them with curatedresources. $50,000 is needed to launch Streams and propel it to global success.Total needed for US/Global: $130,000
Ethiopian leaders receive HE. WE. THEY. books printed in their language
AfricaIntensive Leadership schools & Worship Bible SchoolsIntensive Schools bring pastors together with their worship director and children’sdirector for a full week of training and engagement. These weeks are life- andchurch-changing. Key leaders have told us they help bring spiritual renewal to theircountries. We also teach thousands of children in surrounding villages about theGospel and worship. We need $45,000 to expand into new countries and regions.Teen lifecampsImagine hundreds of high-school students gathered for 5 days of exciting campwhere they learn how to worship God in their everyday lives. They also get to explore job opportunities though vocational workshops led by godly businessleaders. We need $25,000 of investment to get this evangelistic idea off the ground. HE. WE. THEY. Prayer CampaignsOne of the most powerful resources we have is our Bible study on the Lord’sPrayer. This resource is changing churches and Christians from the inside out. Ithas been translated into multiple languages. We have invitations to share thisresource in many places. $100,000 would allow us to print books and distributethem to pastors across Kenya and Ethiopia in their local languages.Total needed for Africa: $170,000
Releasing the German translation of HE. WE. THEY. in Germany
Europe & AsiaAsia Training TourWe’ve been working online for years now with key church leaders in several Asiancountries. We feel it’s time to put boots on the ground in some of these areas. Weneed $10,000 for a training tour of multiple nations. $30,000 more is needed toinvest in church leaders in these nations with vital resources and coaching.Asia TV ProgramFor the past 3.5 years, Dwayne has taught a weekly television program in Asia. Thisprogram is translated into Urdu and broadcast in both Urdu and English across 100countries via satellite. Over 11 million people watch the show, and thousands havebeen saved and changed through it. $25,000 is needed for continued broadcasting.Germany & ScotlandThe most recent continent to open up for NLWI is Europe. In 2023, Dwayne and histeam helped lead a conference in Germany of close to 500 church leaders. We’venow been invited to spiritually dark East Germany to lead conferences and teachstudents. We’re also going to Scotland to train discouraged pastors and worshipleaders in July, 2025. $70,000 will help us expand with a Europe/Asia Director.Total needed for Europe/Asia: $125,000
Teaching kids about true worship and the Gospel using our NLW curriculum“NLW International exists to help peopleknow God and love and worship Him intheir everyday lives. Our vision is toresource churches and leaders, no mattertheir location in the world or theireconomic situation. This is why NLWI is anon-profit, charitable organization.”—Dwayne Moore
RelationalAt the heart of NLWI we love people and want to build long-lasting friendships and partnerships with fellow believers. Weteach our global team that individuals matter to God and to us.ResourcingDisciplingDwayne’s books and teaching videos have been downloaded inover 80 countries and translated into several languages. Ourresources focus on worship, prayer and godly leadership.We take the Great Commission seriously: Our passion is to helpform lifelong disciples. Our mentorship program has helpedraise up hundreds of strong leader-servants for the Kingdom.We believe true worship includes being a witness. Christians arecalled to share our faith and be Jesus’ light to the world. Thus,we share the Gospel often and teach leaders how to evangelize.EvangelizingWho We Are
nextlevelworship.comThank you forpartnering with us!Scan code to donate
Next Level Worship International thrives because of long-lasting partnershipswith donors who believe in what we’re doing and want to be part of our missionand impact around the world. Your participation in NLW International representsan investment sure to return a fruitful harvest. NLW International exists to helppeople know God and love and worship Him in their everyday lives. Pleaseconsider your role in blessing countless individuals through your support of NextLevel Worship International.Pledge SheetI/We will pray for NLW International.I/We will pledge financially to NLWI in 2024/2025:Name(s):Address:City:State: Zip:Phone:Email:$100,000 $1,000,000$25,000$10,000$250,000$500,000$50,000Other $I/We commit to fulfilling this 2-year pledge:ImmediatelyYear EndQuarterly2024ImmediatelyYear EndQuarterly2025NLW International will receive these funds:OnlineMailed CheckDonor FundACH$5,000