WHAT IS THE CUB? Where can the cub® be usedThe cub® can be used at home, in hospitals or in abirth centre. Lightweight and portable the cub® can be moved to wherever it is needed quicklyand easily, helping to maintain an upright positionfor birth wherever you are.Who can use the cub®The cub® can be used by anyone planning tohave a vaginal birth using more upright positionsduring labour. This includes those using epiduralpain relief, those having continuous monitoring,and those that have pelvic girdle or lower backpain in pregnancy. Please be advised by aregistered healthcare professional during labour,as they will have a fuller picture of what may beappropriate for you at that time.ABOUT THE CUB®Who should not use the cub®Those that have been advised against its use PartnersChildrenVisitorsStaff in healthcare facilities when they need a comfy seat The cub® is a versatile modern interpretation of the traditional birthingstool and the widely used gym ball. Its patented, distinctive designenables a range of intuitive, natural, upright positions during childbirthand can be used to alleviate discomfort stemming from pelvic girdle orlower back pain during pregnancy. It provides a safe, stable, lightweight,adaptable, comfortable, easy-to-clean, and storable solution that can bereused and then recycled. Designed by a midwife and loved bythousands of mothers worldwide.
Make sure that your cub has reached room temperatureprior to inflationINSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR CUB® INFLATION Unpack the cub® and unfold. Locate the two safety inflation valves at theback of the cub®Insert the nozzle of the inflation pump intothe black section of the valve. Inflate eachchamber of the cub® until it is firm totouch. To deflateSimply remove the black section by pulling onthe clear tab on the valves and allow the air toexpel. Press the clear section back into theblack section and push the whole valvedown into the body of the cub® .Thecub® 's double section valves are aSAFETY feature of the product.Once fully inflated and during use, thevalves must be pushed in firmly. Yourcub® is now ready to use.
USING YOUR CUB® SAFELYThe cub® is not designed for any other use except as acomfortable positioning support by those that are pregnant.The cub® is not a child’s toy or a general exercise aid.The cub® should not ever be used as a flotation deviceThe cub® should never be used as a seat or support of anykind for infants or small children.What is the cub® not designed for?The cub® will need theair topped up if it is leftinflated for more than24 hours.The cub® is plastic. Thismeans it will becomesofter and stretch inwarm environments,and during use.The cub® is an inflatableand as such can bepunctured or damagedif misused.The cub® is not apermanent piece ofequipment and it shouldbe replaced regularlywith continued use.Things to remember whenusing The cub®The cub® recommendedweight limit for users is120kg (265lbs)The cub® is natural latexFreeThe cub® is phthalate andPCB free and complieswith EN 71-1, 2,3.The cub® is fire retardantwith a rating of: UL 94 V-0The cub® can be recycledThe cub® is manufacturedin an ISO 9001:2008certificated factoryEvery cub® is inflated for24 hours prior to packing.cub® Additional Information
Antibacterial spray or wipes,Sporicidal spray or wipes or aDiluted hypochlorite (bleach) solution.Rinse off all visible surface contamination with clean wateruntil it looks clean on every surface; pay attention to seam,valve and base areas.Dry the cub® with a clean disposable cloth, e.g. householdkitchen paper towel.Spray or wipe the cub® with a selected cleanser from theabove recommended products.Allow the cub® to air dry completely.Deflate and store the cub®. Cleaning your cub®We recommend chemical cleaning the cub® using one of thefollowing cleaners:Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as gloves andaprons, should be worn where appropriate during cleaning.Clean whilst the cub® is inflatedDo not deflate and store the cub® if it is still wet.Do not store in very warm or very cold environments as this candegrade the material.CLEANING YOUR CUB®THE CUB® SHOULD BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY BETWEEN USES.
The cub® should only be inflated when it is at room temperatureand not from being cold. All plastics are sensitive to temperaturechanges. Inflating before the product is at room temp may causecracking or ripping that will cause air leakage during use.Do not allow anyone to "play" with The cub®. It is not a toy. Thisincludes: partners, carers, children, pets and visitors.Do not ever allow more than one person to sit on the cub® at anyone time.The cub® requires regular cleaning & inspection to remain ingood condition. When not in use, the cub® should be storeddeflated.Keep away from sources of heat, uneven surfaces, and sharpobjects.CARING FOR YOUR CUB®The cub® is a semi disposable product, however, if cared forproperly, it will be suitable for multiple uses.Proper care includes: CARING FOR YOUR CUB®
HOSPITAL OR BIRTH CENTRE CLEANING GUIDESuitable cleaning products to use with the cub®Antibacterial spray or wipes, Haz Tabs, Chlor-Clean, ActichlorPlus, Sporicidal spray or wipes* Hypochlorite. *This includesMilton® sterilisation fluid. Milton Fluid is made of an aqueoussolution of sodium hypochlorite and 16.5% sodium chloride. TheMilton Fluid that is available to buy is 2% sodium hypochlorite. PPM concentrations are as follows:For blood contamination:1 part Milton 2% to 2 parts water provides a 10,000ppm cleaningsolutionFor body fluid contamination that is not blood stained:1 part Milton 2% to 20 parts water provides a 1OOOppm cleaningsolution.We recommend that a clean, disposable incontinence sheet orpad is placed onto the cub® if the user is sitting on it and hasany PV loss that may come into direct contact with the cub®. The cub® should be thoroughly cleaned between users usingthe process below.Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and apronsshould be worn during the cleaning process.The cleaning process for the cub®Clean whilst the cub® is inflatedRinse off all visible surface contamination with clean water until itlooks clean on every surface; pay attention to seam, valve andbase areas.Dry the cub® with a clean disposable cloth, such as a householdtowel.Spray or wipe the cub® with a selected cleanser from the aboverecommended products and Allow the cub® to air dry completelybefore further use.Deflate and store the cub®.
THE BRANDResearch has shown that adopting upright positions during labourand birth can have many advantages for both mother and baby. These are just some of those potential benefits. Research referencesfor them can be found on our website cubmama.comUPRIGHT POSITIONS DURING BIRTH The chance of your baby becoming distressed (a slow orvery fast heart rate) during labour when you are uprightis decreased by 54%Being upright during labour and birth can increase theavailable space within the pelvis (as opposed to semisitting/laying on your back) by up to 30%. Giving morespace for baby to be born.Your chance of needing a cut in your perineum(episiotomy) to help baby be born is reduced by 21%Your chance of needing medical assistance e.g. forceps orVentous (suction cup) is reduced by 23% if you are in anupright position during birth.The chance of needing to have an emergencyCaesarean section can be reduced by 29% if you aremobile and more upright during labour.Some studies have shown that instinctive movementand position change in labour is as effective as anOxytocin (Pitocin) drip in stimulating stronger andmore frequent contractions. The length of the early and middle parts of yourlabour can be significantly shorter when adopting anupright position. The average length of time taken to push yourbaby out is shorter in an upright position. You will have less chance of needing stitches for a tear inyour perineum and less swelling in an upright positionduring birth. Standing, all fours kneeling and side laying areshown to be the positions least likely to result in perinealtrauma.
PHYSIOTHERAPY GUIDANCEPhysiotherapy guidance if you have Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) inpregnancy or during childbirth. Using the cub® to easediscomfort.Supportedkneeling positionCoccyx painProlapsed inververtebral discCub support height 41cmHip Flexion: 90 -100°Pain free abduction requiredSitting uprightwith supportPosterior pelvic painProlapsed intervertebral discSpinal StenosisCub support height 41 cmHip Flexion: 90 -100°Abduction: 20°Side laying positionPubic symphysis dysfunctionor with EpiduralCub support height whenused in single chamberinflation: 21cmHip Flexion: 80°Abduction: 20°Lying on the comfortableside with leg supported isa more suitable andcomfortable position.J.S. Boissonnault 2001Supported forwardkneeling positionPosterior pelvic painCoccyx painSpondylolisthesisCub support height 41 cmHip Flexion: 90° Abduction: 20°
MODERN OFFICESPACETRANSLATED INFORMATIONinstrucciones de infladoAsegurate de que tu cub® este a temperatura ambiente antes del inflado.Para inflar: retira el embalaje del cub® y extiendelo. Localiza las dos valvulas de inflado de seguridad enla parte posterior del cub®.lnserta la boquilla de la bomba de inflado en la seccion negra de la valvula. lnfla cada camara del cub®hasta el tacto sea firme.Para desinflar: Solo tienes que retirar la seccion negra tirando de la pestana transparentede las valvulas y dejar que salga el aire.Las valvulas de seccion doble del cub® son un dispositivo de SEGURIDAD del producto.Una vez que este totalmente inflado y duran-te el uso, las valvulas deben empujarse hacia dentrofirmemente.Tu cub® ya esta listo para usar. Si utilizas la cubierta cub®: lnfla el cub® hasta la mitad, coloca lacubierta encima y, una vez colocada, acaba de inflar tu cub® ajustando la cubierta cuando seanecesario.Limpieza de tu cub®Recomendamos una limpieza quimica con uno de los siguientes limpiadores:Espray o toallitas antibacterianas, espray o toallitas esporicidas, una soluci6n de hipoclorito diluida(lejia), p. ej., Milton.El cub® deberia limpiarse a fondo entre los distintos usos. *Deberia llevarse un equipo de proteccionpersonal (EPP) como guantes y delantales (si precede)Para limpiar: (Mientras el cub® esta inflado):1. Enjuaga cualquier suciedad visible en la superficie con agua limpia hasta que todas las superficies sevean limpias, presta atenci6n a las zonas de la costura, las valvulas y la base.2. Seca el cub® con un pano limpio desechable como el papel de cocina.3. Roda o frota el cub® con el limpiador seleccionado de los productos recomendados anteriormente.4. Deja que el cub® se seque al aire totalmente. Desinfla y guarda el cub®.ESPANOL : SPANISHResoluci6n de problemasSi el cub® se desinfla durante un periodo de tiempo, ten en cuenta lo siguiente:1. Recarga el cub® con aire, el cub® esta hecho de PVC que se estira con el uso repetido, especialmente en entornos calidos.2. Si una camara continua desinflandose, rellena con aire y asegurate que las dos valvulas se hayanempujado hacia dentro del cub® firmemente3. Si se sospecha de un pinchazo, reinfla el cub® y localiza el pinchazo frotando una pequena cantidad de lavavajillas/gel de bano en las costuras y valvulas o la zona que parece danada. Empuja elcub® suavemente hacia abajo e identifica la aparici6n de pequenas burbujas. A continuaci0n, localiza lazona para poder aplicar el parche de reparacion.4. Una costura rota no puede repararse e indica que se ha aplicado presion o peso excesivo en el cub®.5. Como producto inflable, el cub® no esta disenado para durar para siempre. El uso frecuentedegradara naturalmente el producto con mas rapidez que el uso ocasional/infrecuente/de una sola vez.Seguridad1. El cub® nunca deberia utilizarse para que se siente o apoye mas de una persona a la vez.2. No ponerse de pie ni tratar de equilibrarse sobre el cub®. Los pies o las rodillas deberian estar siempre en contacto con una super-fi cie estable como el suelo.3. Si la madre ha estado en el agua o esta mojada por algun motive, coloca una toalla absorbente sobreel cub® antes de que se siente/apoye en el.4. El cub® no deberia utilizarse nunca como juguete, asiento para ninos ni en una piscina.5. Mantener alejado de fuentes abiertas de calor, el cub® es de PVC y puede deformarse y derretirse allado de calor directo.6. Mantener alejado de fuentes potenciales de puncion, especialmente superficies duras irregulares uobjetos afilados.7. No inflar el cub® a menos que se haya guardado a temperatura ambiente durante al menos cuatrohoras.
TRANSLATED INFORMATIONFRANCAIS : FRENCHInstructions de gonflageAssurez-vous que votre cub® est a temperature ambiante avant de le gonfler.Gonflage: Deballez et depliez le cub®. Les deux valves de securite pour le gonflage se trouvent sur ledossier du cub®. Inserez l'embout de la pompe dans le clapet noir de la valve. Gonflez chaque chambre a air du cub®jusqu'a ce qu'il soit bien ferme lorsquevous appuyez dessus.Degonflage: Retirez simplement le clapet noir en ti rant sur l'opercule transparent des valves et laissez l'airs'expulser.Les valves a double clapet de cub® sont une fonction de SECURITE du produit. Une fois le gonflageeffectue et pendant L'utilisation du cub®, les valves doivent etre correctement enfoncees.Votre cub® est pret a l'emploi. Si vous utilisez la housse cub®: Gonflez le cub®Nettoyage de votre cub®Nous vous conseillons de nettoyer le produit a l'aide des produits nettoyants suivants:Vaporisateurs desinfectants ou lingettes desinfectantes, vaporisateurs ou lingettessporicides, une solution d'hypochlorite diluee (eau de Javel), par exemple Milton. Le cub® doitetre soigneusement nettoye entre chaque utilisation.*Le port d'un equipement de protection individuelle (EPI) tels que des gants et un tablier, est obligatoire(lorsque necessaire) Nettoyage : (lorsque le cub® est gonfle):1. Rincez toutes les zones de contamination visibles a l'eau claire jusqu'a ce que la surface soit propre enfaisant bien attention aux coutures et aux zones autour des valves et de la base.2. Sechez le cub® avec un chiffon propre jetable tel qu'un essuie-tout.3. Vaporisez ou essuyez le cub® avec l'un des produits nettoyants preconises dans la listeci-dessus.4. Laissez le cub® secher completement a l'air libre. Degonflez et rangez le cub®.Resolution des problemesSi le cub® se degonfle apres une certaine periode de temps, procedez de la manieresuivante:1. Regonflez le cub®. Le cub® est fabrique en PVC, qui est un materiau qui s'etire apres unusage repete, notamment lorsqu'il fait chaud2. Si une chambre a air continue a se degonfler, regonflez et assurez-vous que lesdeux valves de gonflage sont correctement en-foncees dans le cub®3. Dans l'eventualite d'une crevaison, regonflez le cub® et recherchez la crevaisonen frottant un peu de liquide vaisselle ou de bain moussant sur les coutures, autour desvalves et des zones potentiellement endommagees. Appuyez doucement sur le cub® et localisez toutes les bulles qui apparaissent. Puis, localisez la zone a reparer.4. Une couture dechiree est irreparable et indique que le cub® a ete soumis a une pression excessive ou a un trop grand poids.5. Le cub® est un produit gonflable et n'a done pas une duree de vie illimitee. Une utilisation frequente entraTnera une degradation naturelle plus rapide du produit qu'une utilisation occasionnelle oupar une seule personne.Securite1. Le cub® ne doit jamais etre utilise par plus d'une seule personne a la fois pour s'asseoirou s'appuyer.2. Ne jamais se tenir debout ou en equilibre sur le cub®. Les pieds ou les genoux doiventtoujours etre en contact avec le sol ou une surface stable.3. Si la maman a ete se baigner ou est mouillee, placer une serviette eponge sur lecub® avant de s'asseoir ou de s'appuyer sur ou contre le cub®.4. Le cub® ne doit jamais etre utilise comme jouet d'enfant, siege d'enfant ou dans unepiscine.5. Tenir eloigne des flammes nues et de toutes autres sources de chaleur. Le cub® est fabrique en matierePVC et peut se deformer et fond re lorsqu'il est proche d'une source de chaleur directe.6. Tenir eloigne de source potentielle de crevaison, notamment les sols durs etirreguliers ou les objets saillants.7. Ne pas gonfler le cub® s'il n'est pas reste a temperature ambiante pendant au moins4 heures.