ORGANISE CONTENTSequence lesson contentlogically, progressing fromsimple to complex for clearand coherent learning.Inspired by David MerrillLesson Coherence “Coherent Planning”DEFINE CLEAR OBJECTIVESSet specific, measurable, andmanageable goals to guidelearning and maintain lessonfocus.ACTIVATE PRIOR KNOWLEDGEAssess students' existingknowledge to tailor the lessonand build on theirunderstanding.CONNECT Link new content to familiarconcepts and relate it to thebigger picture for enhancedunderstanding.CLEAR INSTRUCTIONSCHECK FOR UNDERSTANDINGRegularly assess comprehensionthrough questions and formativeassessments to addressmisconceptions immediately.TRANSITIONAL STATEMENTSConnect lesson segments withclear transitions to show howeach part relates to the overallgoals.REITERATE KEY POINTSPeriodically emphasisemain ideas to reinforcelearning and ensure keyconcepts are understood.INCORPORATE PRACTICEInclude practice activities toreinforce learning and helpstudents apply new conceptsto solidify understanding.SUMMARISE ANDREFLECTRecap the lesson's key points,review objectives, and encouragestudents to reflect on theirlearning progress.Created by Andrew WhitworthGive explicit instructions/explanations and model tasks toprevent confusion and ensurestudents know what to do.