Little OnesLittle OnesEstablishing & Maintaining Good HealthFor personal use of Pure Senzes Members only.Do not copy or alter without permission
Did you know inhaling essential oils directly influences the hypothalamus,also known as the brain's control centre? It's the area in our brain that sendsinstructions to the rest of the body concerning sleep patterns, release ofhormones, moods, behaviours and appetite.How to Use Essential Oilson your little ones How to ApplyTopical PureSenzes 2Aromatic Best practice is to always dilute oils whenapplying on infants and children. Where to ApplyThe best place to start topical applicationwould be on the bottom of baby's feetthen gradually move on to other areasand test for sensitivity.What is Diffusing?Diffusing from Young Living'sultrasonic diffusers is aneffective way to distributeessential oil molecules into theair, and an excellent way tomaximize the beneficialproperties of essential oils.
Doctors are recognizing thepossibility that many diseasesare caused by emotionalproblems that link back toinfancy and childhood - andperhaps even to thewomb.These emotionalproblems can compromisebody systems and evengenetic structuring through aprocess that creates theequivalent of a molecular"memory" in the key organsand structures of the body.As scientists have studied tounderstand the neural basis ofemotion, they have discoveredthat the limbic system of thebrain plays a vital role ininterpreting and channelingintense experiences,particularly memories of fearor trauma. Interestingly, the two parts of the limbicsystem that play a major role inemotional processing - the amygdalaand the hippocampus - are locatedwithin less than an inch of the olfactorynerve.Our sense of smell is wired differentlyfrom the other senses. Smells go throughthe olfactory bulb and into the limbicsystem. While the rest of the four sensesgo through the reasoning brain first.Our mind creates powerful connections between scent and our emotions, surroundings, and memories.ConnectionsEssential oils is a simple and effective way to access those connections.It can also help build new and positive memories and experiences. It'san excellent and very easy way to boost mood, purify the air, andcreate a healthy atmosphere. Diffusing PureSenzes 3AmygdalaHippocampus
Many of the biochemicals inessential oils - particularlysesquiterpenes - can increaseblood oxygen levels in the brain.This stimulation of both aromaand oxygenation seems toaffect the amygdala in waysthat facilitate the release ofstored emotional blocks, both inthe subconscious and in variousbody systems. Combining the aroma ofessential oils and oxygenationregularly over time -accompanied by mental focusand intent - has proven to beeffective in many cases forresolving unexplained physicalproblems that were rooted inthe past emotional trauma. Relaxing with essential oils are calming and sedating to the nervoussystem. The aldehydes and esters of certain essential oils such asLavender and Frankincense allow us and our little ones to relaxinstead of getting caught in an anxiety spiral. EmotionalConnectionsRelaxing Blends Gentle BabyStress AwayRutavalaTranquil ValorPeace & CalmingVetiver Seedling Calm PureSenzes 4
PureSenzes 5Oils for EmotionsCedarwood, Northern Lights BlackSpruce, Frankincense, Gathering ConfusionJuniper, Copaiba, Frankincense,Lemon, Valor, Rosemary, Thyme Daydreaming Tangerine, Ginger, Cedarwood,Peppermint, Lemon, Jade LemonForgetfulnessCedarwood, Rosemary,Frankincense, Roman Chamomile,Lemon MyrtleBoredom Concentration Cypress, Lemon, Jade Lemon,Orange, Peppermint, ClarityObsessivenessClary Sage, Ocotea, Cypress,Geranium, Jade Lemon, LavenderRestlessnessSacred Frankincense, Geranium,Lavender, Valerian, Grand FirStress Hinoki, Laurus Nobilis, Melissa,Lime, Clove, Stress Away FrustrationOcotea, Idaho Blue Spruce,Lavender, Lemon, PalmarosaIrritability Melissa, Palo Santo, Harmony,Angelica, Dorado Azul, CistusGently introduce a new aroma to your children bydiffusing 2-3 drops. You can also let them inhale the oils(directly from the bottle) by slowly moving it up from thebelly button then slow move up to near the nose, thenover the head to the back. This is a technique tointroduce the molecules of oils from the source of birth(belly button), to the nose, then to map over the brainstem by going over the head.
Dilute The most common way to use esesntial oils is to inhale them,either directly out of the bottle or by using a diffuser or humidifier.You can also dilute essential oils with a carrier oil and apply itdirectly to your skin. There are no hard and fast rules for dilution, but these ratios(below) are a good place to start. Use a moisturizing carrier oilsuch as V6 Vegetable Complex to nourish your baby's tender softskin and minimize irritation. V6 Ingredients: Coconut, Sesameseed, Grape seed, Sweet Almond, Wheat Germ, Sunflower, andOlive oils.Ages 0-18 drops carrier oil to 1 drop EOAges 2-63 drops carrier oil to 1 drop EOAges 7-111 drop carrier oil to 1 drop EOAges 12+Full labeled concentration Other Carrier OilsLightweight, easily absorbed by the skin, grape seed oil ismore of an astringent oil that is generally not used alone oninfants and children unless astringent qualities are needed.Olive oil is packed with fatty acids and plant sterols, whichmake it great for cleansing and moisturizing dry skin. Useonly organic, cold pressed, and extra virgin variety. PureSenzes 6V6Grape Seed Olive
Get ProductiveBe Strong Diffuser BlendsLavender, Peace and Calming, ValorMotivation, Lemon, Clarity, Inspiration5 drops Lavender, 3 dropspeace & calming, 3 dropsValor, top up with V6ButterfliesChill Pill Calm Down Roller BlendsUse these blends to support your little ones wellness and health. Apply on the bottom of feet or back of neck as needed.Rise & Shine PureSenzes 7Peppermint, Lemon, Bergamot, Citrus FreshBeat the BluesJoy, Frankincense, White AngelicaFocusGeneyus, Brain Power, Vetiver, TangerineSleepyize, Cedarwood, Lavender, Stress AwayNorthern Light Black SpruceThieves, Frankincense For little FeetBack to School3 drops Thieves, 2drops Lemon, top upwith V6Bugs - Go Away5 drops Tea Tree, 3 dropsThieves, 2 drops Lemon,top up with V6Breathe Easy3 drops EucalyptusBlue, 4 drops R.C, 2drops Raven, 2 dropsLemon, V6Keep Calm
Pregnancy is one of the most joyful times in a woman’slife. At a time where conventional medicine is oftencontradicted, the use of natural alternatives can besafely used to assist the soon-to-be-mom with a widevariety of challenges and experiences during pregnancy,labor, as well as post-partum. Oils can help de-stress, relax the body and mind –especially at night. They can help reduce manydiscomforts that may be experienced and can also helpreplace cleaning products with questionable ingredients.Any harsh chemical that you avoid during pregnancy, is achemical that you are not exposing your baby to. Using Essential oils to support your child’s health andwellness gives parents confidence in their ability torespond to a child’s needs while using natural stress-freealternatives.Essential oils are a great way to help establish a goodnight-time routine, balance moods and behaviour, as wellas help your littles (or yourself) with any digestivediscomfort, cuts, aches, pains and more! You can diffuse your Young Living oils or simply dilutethem in a carrier oil like coconut oil, or YL's V-6. You canmix in your hand, a jar, or in a roller bottle. Be sure to dilute essential oils for babies & young childrenSafe solutions forpregnancy, laborand postpartum Support yourchild's health andwellness byestablishing goodnight timeroutines, balanceemotions andbehaviour as wellas manydiscomforts.Pregnancy & Your Littles PureSenzes 8
Babies and children respond very well to essential oils and nutritionalsupplements. The only difference is the amount.KidScents MightyZyme* and MightyVites* and Ningxia Red are productsspecific to children. The Super C Chewables* are a good companion toMightyVites and MightyZyme. Children have an innate sense about Essential oils. Most children are verydrawn to the aromas. They love to have them massaged on their feet andbacks as much as they love to feel them in their own hands and massagethem on someone else. They just want to put them on without questionsand concerns. *Available on the US Site (NFR)Good HealthEstablishing & Maintaining Babies & ChildrenPut 1-2 drops of oil in your hand and rub yourhands togehter until they are practically dry. Thenhold them over any area of the baby. This worksvery well without direct application.Babies Mix 1-2 drops of an essential oil in V-6Vegetable Oil Complex and apply to thebottoms of feet.Direct Application:Put 1-2 drops on bottoms of feet oranywhere else on the body as long asthe oil is diluted in V-6 VegetableComplex or in any vegetable oil.Although dilution is recommended, it isnot always necessary. The essential oilroll-ons are perfect for babies andchildren of all ages as well as for adults.Children PureSenzes 9
Little OilersYoung Living has a specially formulated oils made with the tiniest members of your family in mind andis the perfect option for families with small children. These pre-diluted essential oil blends have beencarefully created to ease many discomforts yourlittle ones may encounter. The custom-designed ultrasonic diffusers functionas a humidifier, aroma diffuser, night-light, andwhite-noise machine—all in one! Feather the Owl & Spout the puppy feature multiplediffusions from low to high, 10 different LED lightoptions, and 5 white-noise sound options. Optionsinclude: rain, birds, ocean waves, fan, and lullabymusic which plays in Eb Major. pre-dilutedessential oilblends made withyour little oilers inmind humidifier diffuser,nigh-light & noisemachine all in one!Eb Major isconnected to theemotion of love,devotion,intimacy,openness andhonestcommunitcation PureSenzes 10Did you know: The emotional connectionof Eb Major is love, devotion, intimacy,openness, and honest communion.
Helps yourlittle one tohave a clearnose and tofeel great. Diffuse duringbedtime, orapply onchest andthroat. PureSenzes 11Little OilersPromotes anatmosphereconducive tocalm, restfulrelaxation. Apply prior tobedtime onback of neck,big toes andon pillow.DreamEaseRelaxing andquieting blendfor littletummies.Apply on bellyor on bottom offeet to supportproperdigestion.T-GizePromote healthy-looking skin foryour child.Apply topically toimprove theappearance ofyour child's skin tohelp quickrecovery of skin.Kid CareRefresh Helpyoungminds to focusand concentrateduring projectsor at school. Diffuse duringhomework, orapply onforehead.GeneyusUltrasonic diffuser functions as ahumidifier, aroma diffuser, nightlight, and 5 white hoise soundoptions. 10 light options machineowl in one Feather the Owl DiffuserIncludes: Little Oilers KidScents Oil Collection (Geneyus, KidCare, DreamEase, Refresh,T-Gize in 5ml each), Feather the Owl Diffuser plus 2 AromaGlide Roller Fitments. $180CAD
FORMULATED FOR KIDSKidScents ESSENTIAL OILSCreate a restfulnighttime routinewith a little helpfrom KidScents™DreamEase™ andenjoy atreasuredmoment ofcoziness andconnection.KidScents™ T-Gize™ is a relaxing andsettling blend ofessential oils thatcan be applieddirectly to littletummies. Support theappearance ofhealthy-lookingskin for your littleone with thecomforting andreassuringaroma ofKidScents™KidCare™.Sometimes yourchild needs a goodstudy buddy.Reach forKidScents™GeneYus™ toinspire, positivearoma to set thetone forconcentration andinspiration. Formulatedspecifically tomeet theneeds ofchildren,massage intothe chest or onthe throat.T-Gize $17.75Dreamease $23Kidcare $43Refresh $24.75Geneyus $61.25Sprout the PuppyPREMIUM STARTER BUNDLE ITEM NO.: 43397 | 100PV C$195
Convenient, portable, and long-lasting, Thieves® Waterless HandSanitizer is enhanced with natural peppermint oil to cleanse andpurify hands.The Thieves Hand Sanitizer is also an approved handsanitizer by Health Canada for C19 Issues.Ningxia Red - SachetsThieves Hand SanitizerNingXia Red® is a delicious drink that contains whole Ningxiawolfberry puree; a super blend of blueberry, aronia, cherry,pomegranate, and plum juices; natural stevia, grape seed, and purevanilla extracts; and orange, yuzu, lemon, and tangerine essentialoils. NingXia Red provides a whole-body nutrient infusion.Dried Ningxia Wolfberries Young Living’s OrganicDried Wolfberriesare a sweet, organic snackfrom nature that’s easy to make a part of your daily diet. Ourgentledrying processmakes these USDA-certifiedorganicwolfberriesversatile and easy to incorporate into trail mix, granolabars and more.Other Popular Products for ChildrenGrowing Pain? Our plant-based formula combines the power ofWintergreen essential oil with our exclusive Cool Azul essential oilblend. With two powerful, synergistic active ingredients, this creamprovides pain-relieving benefits in two ways: methyl salicylate foundin Wintergreen helps alleviate pain deep in the muscles and joints,and natural menthol found in Peppermint provides a cooling effect.Cool Azul Pain Cream PureSenzes 12
Other Popular ProductsRutavala roll-on can help lift yourchild's spirit with its calming blendof Ruta, Valerian and Lavenderessential oils. True Grit EinkornGranolaServed hot or cold, Gary’s True Grit™Einkorn Granolais a great way to startyour day. The tasty combination of naturally sourced grains, nuts, berries,and seeds provides both simple and complex carbs to keep you goingthrough the day. NingXia Red® is a delicious drink that contains whole Ningxia wolfberrypuree; a super blend of blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plumjuices; natural stevia, grape seed, and pure vanilla extracts; and orange,yuzu, lemon, and tangerine essential oils. NingXia Red provides a whole-body nutrient infusion.Pop these handy roll-ons into your pocket, school bag andyou'll be ready to face whatever your day brings. They arepre-diluted and ready to go. PureSenzes 13for ChildrenEinkorn Cereal Valor roll-on is an enmpowering combination ofBlack Spruce, Geranium, Frabkincense and BlueTansy essential oils that work to increase feelingsof strength, courage and self-esteem.Tranquil roll-on is formulated to calmand relax the body and mind.
This new formula is an all-natural toothpaste for kids thatuses Thieves® and Slique™ Essence essential oil blends togently clean and protect teeth. This safe, yet effectiveblend promotes healthy teeth without the use of fluoride,dyes, synthetic colors, artificial flavours, or preservatives.KidScents Shampoo & Bath GelKidScents® Shampoo contains no synthetic perfumes,colors, or toxic ingredients. The natural components in thisshampoo—aloe, MSM, Chamomile, and Tangerine andLemon essential oils—effectively and gently cleansewithout causing irritation. KidScents® Bath Gel is a safe, gentle soap that cleansesand protects sensitive skin. Formulated with MSM, aloevera, antioxidants, and pure Lemon, Cedarwood, andother essential oils, this liquid soap is pH balanced forchildren’s skin.Common Harmful Toxic Chemicalsfound in body products KidScents Toothpaste Shampoo, bath gel, lotion,toothpaste, and diaper creamshave many hidden harmfultoxic chemicals that canpotentially cause breathingissues, skin rashes and more.What made Young Livingproducts safe is because ofthe Young Living Promises! PureSenzes 14Natural Ingredients Therapeutic-grade essential oilsNo mineral oilsNo synthetic perfumes & dyes No harmful colouringsNo Toxic ingredients No Nano particlesNo sulfatesNo synthetic preservativesYoung Living Promises
Dr. Mom'sWellness ChestLAVENDERFor digestive pain or cramps, constipation, gas pains, foodpoisoning, joint & muscle pain, cough & cold, headaches,sprains & strains, cradle cap, calming, blocked tear duct.These are the most commonly mentioned essential oils for yourhome. Have them handy so you have access to them easily. PureSenzes 15PEPPERMINT To calm nerves, aids digestion, nausea relieving, relieve cramps,constipation, stomach aches, cough & cold, reduce stress, lowerbody temperatures and uplifting.LEMON For mental clarity, refreshing, improves mood, adhesiveremoval, cough & cold, lower body temperatures, pH balancing,immune support.FRANKINCENSEHoly Anointing oil, grounding, peaceful aroma, to keep umbilicalcord stump clean, and oxygenating to the brain.THIEVESFor cough & cold, household cleaning, purifies the air, calmingaroma, support oral health, and immune system.PURIFICATIONGreatto purify the air, support great breathing environmentand clears the air. Please refer to the Pure Senzes Members' Practical Uses booklet forinformation on other oils and more usage details.
Handy RecipesEasy and Fun Do-It-Yourself Ideas you can enjoy at homeHalf cup coconut oilHalf cup unrefined shea butter Combine ingredients and whip until your desired consistency. Add 15-20 drops of your favourite essential oils for baby.Whip again to combine the oil.Baby Butter PureSenzes 161 cup of flour1 cup sea salt2 tbsp. oil 1 cup cold waterfood colouringyour favourite essential oil Home Made Play-DohCombine flour and salt. Add water, food colouring, oil and mix untilingredients are combined. Knead well, add more flour if needed.Add 5 drops of your favourite essential oils.Mommuy's BagA small bottle of V6 in case essentail oils get into little eyes, apply a smalldrop on a Q-tip or Kleenex, place at the edge of eye. The carrier oil (V6)will absorb essential oilsA small pump of foaming hand-soap to avoid using chemical packedhand soaps at public bathroomsSeedling Wipes - so handy to have!Must Haves
Seedlings Young Living's Seedlings line wasdeveloped for the littlest, most delicatemembers of our families. Mom and Dadmake many decisions every day abouttheir family's well-being ,and the Seedlingsline makes it as easy as possible for themto choose the right products for theirprecious ones.Each product is made without alcohol, parabens, syntheticfragrances, artificial dyes, or other harmful ingredients.Baby Wash + ShampooA naturally-derived formula lightly scentedwith Calm (a signature essential oils blend forinfants). It leaves skin and hair clean & soft,and makes tangles easy to comb out. Baby Lotion Combat the effects of dry skin and preventfuture dryness with the Seedlings Baby Lotion.This non-greasy moisturizer supports moisturebarrier function and smoothly absorbs intoyour baby's delicate skin, leaving itmoisturized, soft and smooth. PureSenzes 17For your little bundle
This non-greasy baby oil moisturizes, soothes,and nourishes baby's skin. It absorbs smoothlyprovides a light, calm aroma and promotes arelaxing environment. Formulated withoutmineral oil, it is vegan friendly and suitable foreveryday use.Seedlings Baby Wipes can be used on any part ofyour infant's skin. Soft, thick, and versatile. Thesewipes can handle a diaper change or a cleanup. It is vegan friendly, mild, and is speciallyformulated to minimize the risk of commom allergicreactions, leaving skin moisturized, soft, andsmooth, while providing gentle and throughcleansing without drying your infant's delicate skin.Baby Wipes Baby Oil Diaper Rash CreamKeep little bottoms comfortable without usingharsh chemicals. This thick, lavender-scentedcream reduces diaper rash when applied at thefirst sight of redness. It soothes and protects andacts as a physical barrier to wetness.Linen SprayA gentle, alcohol-free spray that adds acalmingaroma to linens with a formulaspecially created for infants. Use it to refreshcrib sheets, blankets, car seats, clothing, andother fabrics with the calming aroma ofLavender, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, and otherpure essential oils.Seedlings For your little bundle PureSenzes 18
Add this to your whipped body butteror to V6 and apply on your growingbelly. Its calming properties make itperfect for diffusing or to wear as aperfume. You may also add a fewdrops to your belly for those specialbonding moments with your baby.PregnancyOh mama! Oils and Pregnancy becausemama needs a lot of love and care, too. Use this on your skin before and after giving birth.You may also apply this to your vaginal area sixweeks before and after you give birth. It will workwonders on your skin. Being a mommy, there is a lot ofadjustments. Sometimes, we justneed a little uplifting and joy!You may diffuse, wear as aperfume, and apply to yourwrists and over your heart. Justavoid getting it near the nipplesduring breastfeeding. PureSenzes 19and essential oilsClaraDerm SprayPeace & CalmingEssential OilsJoyEssentialOils
Rose - Mix 1-2 drops in 5oz of V6Rose Ointment - Apply topically as needed.KidsScents Tender Tush - apply topically a fewtimes per day. It may be applied with GentleBaby Essential oil after bathing.Lavender - Mix 1-2 drops with V6Gentle Baby essential oils - Mix 1-2 drops with V6or 4 drops with Rose Ointment over abdomen.Valor - apply a few dropsContinue prevention protocol.Gentle Baby and Prenolone+ Body Cream - Apply topically each day after bathing.Teething for Old Stretch Marks: For best results, rotate these protocols:Practical Suggestions PureSenzes 20Prevention of Stretch Marks: For best results, rotate these protocols:Growing Discomforts Panaway, Frankincense, or Copaiba Dilute 1:30, apply directly on affected area.Sore Nipples Orange, Frankincense, or Copaiba Dilute 1:30, apply directly on affected area.
FENNEL Supports lactation, digestion and colic.CLARA DERM Prepares perineum before birth andaids after birth. PureSenzes 21 Birthing Essentialson Delivery DayVALOR Balances the body physically & emotionally,relaxes the nervous system and supports on-goingstamina required in child birth.GENTLE BABY Helps comfort, soothe and reducestress during pregnancy, prevents stretch marks, &scars. Aids prenatal bonding with baby; andprepares perineum for labour. CLARY SAGE Supports labour, balancing of hormones and much more.Anoint baby with FRANKINCENSE & MYRHHright after birth on crown and umbilical cord.Also, help to softens the perineum duringlabour, analgesic, anesthetic heals umbilicalcord ending the stretch marks, supports theimmune system, spiritually uplifting, stimulatesupper brain centers and master glands. Diffuse PEACE & CALMING during labourApply TRAUMA LIFE on the crown of the head and thefeet right after birth, inhale. This blend help mommyand baby physically and emotionally, and balancesthe brain & nervous system. It is the mostcomprehensive oil in dealing trauma.
Good health requires energy that can flow freely throughout our bodies.However, sometimes that flow can become congested. Vitaflex points giveus an easy way to get that healthy energy flow moving again to all our bodysystems. There are about 5000 Vitaflex points in our body. Connectingspecific reflex points with essential oils releases an electrical charge,sending soothing energy flow through the neuroelectrical nerve pathways.This can assist in recovery and support the natural alignment of the body.The points on the bottom of our feet are connected through the nerveendings to our spine and to our internal organs.PointsVitaFlex PureSenzes 22Head / Teeth AreaSolar Plexus Chest Area Upper Abdominal Lower Abdominal Pelvic Area
Where to Apply PureSenzes 23headshoulderwristschesttummyfeetkneesunderarmlegsapply on the bottomof feet to supportoverall healthapply on the legs forhealthy looking skin &to promote relaxation apply to the tummy tohelp soothe & aiddigestionmassage on theshoulders to relax musclesapply to the top ofhead and back tobring oxygen to thebrain for betterconcentration apply back of knees to help lymphatic movement apply to the chest andbreathe in for a freshrespiratory experience apply underarm toprmote lymphaticmovement apply on the wrists forits uplifting properties Hot oils should always be applied only on the bottom of the feet.
Getting Young Living products shipped to your door is as easy as 1-2-3!There are no obligations, no minimumpurchases, no membership fees, and you'renever required to sell anything (unless youwant to), just enjoy the member benefits ofpurchasing all your future products at 24% offretail pricing!Being a member also means you becomepart of our oily tribe and can attend ourmembers-only events, classes, and groups.We will be there beside you to teach youabout how these pure essential oils work, andhow oil infused products can really make ahuge impact in your life!Your Young Living Wholesale membershipgrants you a few things:• Save 24% on every Young Living purchase• Save even more with Essential Rewards, 10 - 25% • Earn free products with monthly promotions• No monthly obligations or membership feesWHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?Go to to get started today.Don't forget to add my ID#______________ asyour sponsor and enroller so my team and I can guide you along!How Can I Help?Be sure to join the Pure Senzes MembersLounge on Facebook for continual support.My Account Number ______________My User Name ______________My Password ______________My PIN ______________(Please keep information in a safe place)PureSenzes