Organisational Structure RolloutOur new organisational structure has been a big success.The clear separation between sales and operations hasgreatly improved our efficiency, contributing to our highestrevenue month ever in May. This milestone reflectseveryone's hard work and dedication.Kalgoorlie Operations RevampWe've successfully revamped our Kalgoorlie operations andresumed building pumps. A special thanks to Carl Whitaker(new Branch Manager in Kalgoorlie, who you can meet laterin this newsletter) for his leadership in this project. Thisachievement showcases our team's commitment andresilience, positioning us well for future growth.Growing Interest in AmericaOur recent expos in America have sparked significantinterest in our products. The positive feedback indicatesstrong potential for growth in this market, and we'reexcited about expanding our international presence.In conclusion, these successes highlight our collectivestrength and the promising future ahead. Thank you all foryour dedication and hard work.Looking forward to more achievements together. Pump It UpVol .04-June 2024 AROUND THE BRANCHESDiscover diverse storiesand updates around thePumpEng branches.Read more>IN THIS ISSUEWELCOME TO THE TEAMMeet our newestemployees and welcomethem aboard. Read more>CLIENT TESTIMONIALRead straight from theclient’s mouth about somegreat work we’re doingwith them.Read more>IN THE SPOTLIGHTSpotlight series of storieson our remarkableindividuals.Read more>BITS AND PIECESCheck out someinteresting tidbits forhaving a good day. Read more>Messagefrom the GM– LARISSA WINTERHi team.I’m excited to share somefantastic developments oflate.
PUMP IT UPAROUND THE BRANCHESThe Kalgoorlie branch has reopenedand is ramping up to being fullyoperational again. PumpEng have recently sent 10pumps to Mount Charlotte. We lookforward to this being the start of asolid partnership with the client.With the onboarding of Carl Whitaker(Branch Manager), talks have startedwith various companies for the supplyof our pumps to various sites. We’llcontinue to watch this space on thehopeful announcement of some newcontracts soon.KALGOORLIEThe Townsville branch has been busyimplementing the PumpEng Way Triangleson site, with 30 triangles now installed atDugald River on their sump walls. Read theRed Path testimonial later in thisnewsletter.Cannington have received 15 new pumpsin recent months. This is great to seeCannington are optimistic about our toughsubmersible pumps and we look forward tocontinuing valuable relationship withthem.TOWNSVILLE
PUMP IT UPAROUND THE BRANCHESThe Engineering department have recentlylaunched a new app to streamlineengineering requests within PumpEng. Thenew Engineering Requests app is designedto improve the process of submitting,tracking, collaborating and managing theengineering requests efficiently.The app is available to everyone throughSharePoint by going to the PumpEng TeamSite and clicking on the EngineeringRequests app on the Home page. AMERICAThe Twin Falls branch has been busy and making good progress. Purchases of new pumps inthe USA has been steadily increasing since the realignment of our to market strategy. Withmore pumps being moved out, they have successfully received their first set of pumpsrequiring repairs. This marks a significant milestone for PumpEng and our customers,instilling confidence in our commitment to reducing prices and improving turnaround times. Brandon Fiscus (Pump Technician) has been busy reorganising our facility to optimise thefloor space. It’s looking great, well done Brandon!PERTHCongratulations to Kiran Suragani (Engineering Manager) and Posindu Damnath (Mechanical Engineer) ongetting this app up and running.
WELCOME TO THE TEAM!April saw Kiran join the head office in Perth as EngineeringManager. Kiran moved to Australia 15 years ago from India. Kiran, whohas a passion for machinery design, led him to become aqualified mechanical engineer where he has used his skillsworking on some exciting projects with FLSmidth andByrnecut. Kiran lives with his spouse and his in spare time likes playingcricket during Summer and enjoys playing badminton duringthe week.Julie CummingJulia joined the Perth branch in May as our WarehouseCoordinator. Julie (or Jules as she’s normally called) has lived in WesternAustralia her whole life. She joins PumpEng having workedin mining for the last 5 and a half years doing stores andproject logistics at Roy Hill.Outside of work, Julie is busy with her partner, 3 kids, 2 stepchildren, 8 month old grandson and very need dog. Sheenjoys renovating her house and travelling with her partner(their most recent trip was Thailand).Patrick (or Pato has he is normally called) joined the headoffice in Perth last month as Business DevelopmentManager. Pato has vast industry experience having been involvedin pumping/ dewatering for 30 years. He has also workedon a cattle station in the Northern Territory, serviced andrebuilt diesel engines, managed dewatering projectsonsite and been a business owner. Cool fact- Pato wasthe first person in Western Australia to do a motorcycleapprenticeship under the Automotive Tradesapprenticeship.In his spare time, Pato likes fishing, 4x4 exploring,listening to music and cooking. His favourite food isseafood.Kiran SuraganiPatrick O’Meagher
ALSO WELCOMINGWELCOME TO THE TEAMDavid MoreyCarl WhitakerDavid joined the head office in Perth as Technical ServiceAdvisor in March.David (or you may know him by his nickname“Dangerous”) has been in the pump industry for nearly40 years, so knows a thing or 2 about pumps!David was born in Kalgoorlie and still visits the area as hehas his own mining lease in Kanalpi (just north east ofKalgoorlie) which has an onsite camp and caravan.David has 2 sons and a daughter, as well as 4 grandkidswith 1 on the way. He claims his favourite food is beer!But actually likes Chinese food too! David’s hobbies arerunning and playing the occasional game of golf.Carl joined the Kalgoorlie branch as Branch Manager in April. Born in Alice Springs, Carl (or Grub, Peggy or Carlos as he isalso known by) grew up in a remote Aboriginal communitybefore moving to New South Wales where he did hismotorbike mechanic apprenticeship. He later moved toWestern Australia where he started working in undergroundmining, before moving into senior roles within the hire andservice industry and the pump industry. If you’ve met Carl already, you may have noticed that he hasless than 4 limbs, but that doesn’t stop him riding dirt bikes.Carl also enjoys camping and travelling, and his favouritefood is a good home made lasagna.Akil AkulaAkil joined the Head Office in Perth in June asInternal Sales Representative.Originally from Hyderabad in India, Akil relocatedto Melbourne in Australia to complete his MBAstudies. Whilst in Melbourne, Akil worked invarious sales support roles including in the pumpindustry.Akil spends time with his family once a year andparticularly likes seeing his niece and nephew.Being from Hyderabad, Akil loves eating biryani,but doesn’t know how to cook it.Outside of work, Akil enjoys going to the gym,cricket, cooking and travelling. Since moving toWestern Australia, he has started snorkeling andlikes our marine life.
ALSO WELCOMINGWELCOME TO THE TEAMWe’ve recently also welcomed the following new team members:Luke WestonTrades Assistant, Townsville branchRebecca BogersMartin CoughlinAdministration Assistant, Adelaide branchPump Technician, Kalgoorlie branchWe are excited to have Luke, Rebecca and Martin onboard and look forward totheir valuable contributions to the PumpEng journey.
PumpEng are proud supporters of a number of charities andcommunity groups. Recently, the Company has madedonations to Neighbourhood Watch Australasia and theMcGrath FoundationSUPPORTING COMMUNITYWE CARENeighbourhood Watch Australasia produce TheStreetsmart Handbook, which is a practical lifeguide for school leavers that is designed to helpprepare today’s youth for life after school. Thehandbook covers important topics from sexualhealth and the effects of drug and alcohol abuseto legal rights and applying for a loan. It offersinformation specific to the school leaver.The McGrath Foundation raisemoney to fund McGrath BreastCare Nurses in communitiesacross Australia and invest in theirprofessional development toensure people with breast cancerreceive the highest standard ofcare. There are currently 223McGrath Breast Care Nurses, whohelp individuals and their familiesexperiencing breast cancer byoffering medical expertise, clinicalcare and psychosocial support, forfree.
STRAIGHT FROM THE CLIENT’S MOUTHPUMP IT UPPumpEng are recently spoke with Luke Clarke, Electrical Engineer for Redpathat Dugald River. Luke discussed issues he’s had with pump damage and howthey were addressed to reduce costs, risk and production delays.Red Path were having a lot of issues with with their de-watering system on theirDugald River site. This was mainly due to pump damage resulting in costly of pumpmaintenance. and delayed production. PumpEng sent a technician to site to do an inspection of their system and came upwith solutions that involved a different style of pump and the use of the triangleidentification system. The “triangle on the wall” is an identification system thatdesignates what type of pump needs to be in that sump to get the most benefit.Within a month of this system being implemented, Red Path have seen a lot lesspump damage and burnouts and has resulted in more efficient sump maintenance.They estimate that this would result in a monthly reduction of 15-20% in costs.Red Path can’t speak more highly of PumpEng’s customer service and technicalsupport and they recommend our company to anyone out there struggling with theirexisting pump suppliers or having dewatering issues.To find out more and to read the full interview with Luke, check out the News sectionof our website.Special thanks go to Dave Choy (Branch Manager, Townsville) and his team ongetting this great client testimonial. It’s great reviews like this that prove that ourapproach in providing the right pump for the job is valuable to our client’s.
Sp tlightMatt Oliver (CDO) recently spent some time in the Twin Falls branch.After a few weeks of work, Matt’s family flew to America to meethim. They visited the branch and met with Justin Duffy (BusinessDevelopment Manager) and Brandon Fiscus (Pump Technician) andtheir families. Whilst over there the family visited the canyons of Arizona,Disneyland in California, PaleyFest in LA and the Golden Gate in SanFrancisco. PUMP IT UPIN THEWinners are grinnersNot all work and no playMelissa Moore (People and Culture Advisor based in Perth) recently added somesilverware to her mantel piece. The softball team she plays in, The Nomads,recently won their grand final match, 14-1. To top off the win, the team spent 4nights in Bali celebrating their season success.The family loved being able toimmerse themselves in the Americanway and they left feeling soappreciative of the PumpEng journeyand being able to see the rewards ofMatt being away from his family forlong stints. PumpEng are proud sponsorsof the team, assisting themwith some new jumpers fortheir uniforms.
Renee Worsley started her journey at PumpEng as aCustomer Service Advisor in Perth 3 years ago. She hasoccupied a couple of different positions since being inPerth, but now finds herself in the role of WarehouseCoordinator based in Kalgoorlie. She likes working atPumpEng for the flexibility and good work-life balance.Renee was born and bred in Western Australia and comesfrom a fairly big family. She has 2 step sons and 1 daughter,no pets (who has time for pets?!) and 4 siblings, including atwin sister.Some things you might not know about Renee are:IN THE SPOTLIGHTMEET OURKALGOORLIE WAREHOUSECOORDINATORWith her partner, Duane anddaughter, Sienna (aged 4)Quirky fact: she can play piano (albeit probably not as good as sheused to!)Favourite food: pasta or a warm saladHobbies: playing football, fishing, beach 4 wheel driving, anythingoutdoors reallyFavourite movie: The Green Mile, so sad yet so inspiringFavourite book: does her daughter’s homework books count?!Favourite song: “Lose Control” by Teddy SwimsFavourite holiday: Broome with the family. Was forced to travelhere after Covid cancelled their overseas trip and it ended up beinggreat!Dream holiday destination: Canada or Japan to go snowboardingFavourite thing to cook and eat: basil pesto and chorizo linguine(see the recipe in our In the Kitchen section) Favourite quote: ”Just one small positive thought in themorning can change or shape your whole day”
IN THE SPOTLIGHTRyan Husband-Brown (Apprentice PumpTechnician in the Perth branch) was our lastworthy recipient of the Employee of the Quarteraward. Ryan is a great team player who lives PumpEng’s Core Values and Behaviours.He owns his role and exhibits integrity in hisoutput, supports his team, all whilst prioritisingsafety.Congratulations Ryan, well deserved!Employee of the Quarter CELEBRATING AGOOD DAYAT WORKCONGRATULATIONSMatt Oliver, our Chief Development Officer inthe head office in Perth, and Dave Choy, ourBranch Manager in Townsville, recentlycelebrated their 5 year work anniversary withPumpEng. Both Matt and Dave have been an integralpart of the success of PumpEng and we thankthem for their dedication to PumpEng.Matt Oliver & Dave ChoyCongratulations and here’s to many more years, Matt & Dave!
BITS IN THE KITCHEN:Ingredients: 2 tablespoons olive oil1 white onion (chopped)2 teaspoons minced garlic100-150g basil pesto sauce125g cherry tomatoes200g linguine pasta150g chorizo½ cup grated parmesan cheese¼ cup of pine nuts125ml thickened creamSalt and pepper Method: Cook pasta in salted boiling water until al dente, oncecooked drain in colander and put back in pot – drizzlewith oil and stir though to stop the pasta fromsticking together.1. In a large pan, brown the onions and chorizo in oilwith garlic until the onion is well-cooked and thechorizo is brown and almost crispy.2. Halve the tomatoes and add into the pan, reduce theheat to medium and cook for 2 mins or until thetomatoes soften.3. Reduce heat to low and add 100g of the basil pesto,1/4 cup of the parmesan cheese and the thickenedcream, allow to simmer for 5-7minutes.4. After the chorizo and pesto mix is cooked, add intothe pot with the pasta in it and stir on very low heat –if more basil pesto required add the extra basil pestonow to your taste.5. Serve in a bowl or plate and garnish with theremaining cheese, pine nuts and salt and pepper 6.PUMP IT UPPIECES&ReneeWorsley’sfavouritething to make! BasilPesto andChorizoLinguine
BITS PUMP IT UPPIECES&YOUR NEW EAPAND WELLNESSPARTNERYour mental health plays a pivotal role in yourwellbeing. In this fast paced world we live in,it is easy to overlook our mental wellbeing. That’s why PumpEng have teamed up withMindFi. This innovative mental wellness app isdesigned with YOU in mind.