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PTRC Trifold Brochure

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Partners: Port Tobacco River watershedresidents, Charles County Government,Maryland Dept of Health, Chesapeake BayTrust, and Potomac Riverkeeper Network.Port Tobacco River Conservancy, Inc.P.O. Box 104Port Tobacco, MD 20677PortTobaccoRiver.orgHow Proper Care of OurSeptic Systems Protectsthe Port Tobacco RiverOur conservancy works to restore andprotect the Port Tobacco River and its30,000-acre, 47-mile watershed. Our goal isto S.O.A.R. – Save Our Amazing River.Together, we can provide clean, safe waterfor everyone to enjoy.Weekly water monitoring from May toSeptember, in partnership with the PotomacRiverkeeper Network.Quarterly river shore cleanups at Chapel PointState Park.Collaborating with local, state, and federalpartners to create watershed-wide solutions.Port Tobacco RiverConservancy, Inc.AccomplishmentsDefinitionsResources in Charles CountyGround Water: Water that flows undergroundand surfaces through springs and shorelines.Septic System: An onsite sewage system witha tank that separates solids and a drain fieldthat treats and absorbs liquid waste.Nitrogen Reducing Unit: Advancedtechnology added to septic systems thataerates tank contents to remove nitrogen.Grants for installation are available.Rain Garden: A landscape design to collectand filter rainwater, allowing it to percolatethrough the soil and remove pollutants beforeleaving the property.Charles County Planning and Growth SepticReimbursement Program: Providesinformation on septic pump out and riserreimbursement program. For moreinformation or to apply, visit online call: 301-645-0692Charles County Health Department: Providesa list of approved contractors for pump-outsand information on replacing failed systems. Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund Program:Grants are available for installing nitrogen-reducing units. Contact the HealthDepartment at 301-609-6751 or visitCharlesCountyHealth.orgPhoto by Bill Wilson

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Why Your Septic SystemMatters to Our RiverWhat Can Your Family Do?You CanMake aDifferenceHere is how this becomes dangerous …The health of our water depends on how we carefor our septic systems. In Charles County,thousands of these systems are hidden beneathour properties, feeding an invisible “lake” ofgroundwater. This groundwater eventually flowsinto our rivers and the Chesapeake Bay, carryingpollution with it.SEPTIC SYSTEM CARE: Pump & Save Money: Pump your tankevery 3 years to avoid the high cost ofreplacement—around $300 for pumping vs.$8,000 for a new system. Protect Drain Fields: Keep the area clear ofvehicles and large roots to prevent damage. Avoid Overloading: Spread out water usagethroughout the day or week to reduce strainon your system. Install Nitrogen-Reducing Units: Theseunits minimize pollution, and funding may beavailable via the Bay Restoration Fund.HOME MAINTENANCE TIPS: Manage Rainwater: Redirect downspoutsaway from your drain field to avoidoverloading. Plant Wisely: Use buffer plants and raingardens to filter runoff and limit fertilizeruse. Dispose Properly: Properly dispose of oilsand chemicals to protect your septic systemand environment.COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT:Attend Workshops: Participate in localworkshops on rain gardens and more. Get Involved: Join river clean-ups andsupport watershed organizations to preservelocal waterways.Every homeowner canprotect the quality ofgroundwater before itleaves their property.Many septic systems fail to remove nitrogenNitrogen seeps into groundwater and surface watersThat nitrogen fuels algae growthAlgae creates dead zones in the water,dropping oxygen levelsLack of oxygen harms fish and other aquatic lifeMeanwhile, neglected septic systems failand harmful pathogens escape

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Why Your Septic SystemMatters to Our RiverWhat Can Your Family Do?You CanMake aDifferenceHere is how this becomes dangerous …The health of our water depends on how we carefor our septic systems. In Charles County,thousands of these systems are hidden beneathour properties, feeding an invisible “lake” ofgroundwater. This groundwater eventually flowsinto our rivers and the Chesapeake Bay, carryingpollution with it.SEPTIC SYSTEM CARE: Pump & Save Money: Pump your tankevery 3 years to avoid the high cost ofreplacement—around $300 for pumping vs.$8,000 for a new system. Protect Drain Fields: Keep the area clear ofvehicles and large roots to prevent damage. Avoid Overloading: Spread out water usagethroughout the day or week to reduce strainon your system. Install Nitrogen-Reducing Units: Theseunits minimize pollution, and funding may beavailable via the Bay Restoration Fund.HOME MAINTENANCE TIPS: Manage Rainwater: Redirect downspoutsaway from your drain field to avoidoverloading. Plant Wisely: Use buffer plants and raingardens to filter runoff and limit fertilizeruse. Dispose Properly: Properly dispose of oilsand chemicals to protect your septic systemand environment.COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT:Attend Workshops: Participate in localworkshops on rain gardens and more. Get Involved: Join river clean-ups andsupport watershed organizations to preservelocal waterways.Every homeowner canprotect the quality ofgroundwater before itleaves their property.Many septic systems fail to remove nitrogenNitrogen seeps into groundwater and surface watersThat nitrogen fuels algae growthAlgae creates dead zones in the water,dropping oxygen levelsLack of oxygen harms fish and other aquatic lifeMeanwhile, neglected septic systems failand harmful pathogens escape

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Why Your Septic SystemMatters to Our RiverWhat Can Your Family Do?You CanMake aDifferenceHere is how this becomes dangerous …The health of our water depends on how we carefor our septic systems. In Charles County,thousands of these systems are hidden beneathour properties, feeding an invisible “lake” ofgroundwater. This groundwater eventually flowsinto our rivers and the Chesapeake Bay, carryingpollution with it.SEPTIC SYSTEM CARE: Pump & Save Money: Pump your tankevery 3 years to avoid the high cost ofreplacement—around $300 for pumping vs.$8,000 for a new system. Protect Drain Fields: Keep the area clear ofvehicles and large roots to prevent damage. Avoid Overloading: Spread out water usagethroughout the day or week to reduce strainon your system. Install Nitrogen-Reducing Units: Theseunits minimize pollution, and funding may beavailable via the Bay Restoration Fund.HOME MAINTENANCE TIPS: Manage Rainwater: Redirect downspoutsaway from your drain field to avoidoverloading. Plant Wisely: Use buffer plants and raingardens to filter runoff and limit fertilizeruse. Dispose Properly: Properly dispose of oilsand chemicals to protect your septic systemand environment.COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT:Attend Workshops: Participate in localworkshops on rain gardens and more. Get Involved: Join river clean-ups andsupport watershed organizations to preservelocal waterways.Every homeowner canprotect the quality ofgroundwater before itleaves their property.Many septic systems fail to remove nitrogenNitrogen seeps into groundwater and surface watersThat nitrogen fuels algae growthAlgae creates dead zones in the water,dropping oxygen levelsLack of oxygen harms fish and other aquatic lifeMeanwhile, neglected septic systems failand harmful pathogens escape

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Partners: Port Tobacco River watershedresidents, Charles County Government,Maryland Dept of Health, Chesapeake BayTrust, and Potomac Riverkeeper Network.Port Tobacco River Conservancy, Inc.P.O. Box 104Port Tobacco, MD 20677PortTobaccoRiver.orgHow Proper Care of OurSeptic Systems Protectsthe Port Tobacco RiverOur conservancy works to restore andprotect the Port Tobacco River and its30,000-acre, 47-mile watershed. Our goal isto S.O.A.R. – Save Our Amazing River.Together, we can provide clean, safe waterfor everyone to enjoy.Weekly water monitoring from May toSeptember, in partnership with the PotomacRiverkeeper Network.Quarterly river shore cleanups at Chapel PointState Park.Collaborating with local, state, and federalpartners to create watershed-wide solutions.Port Tobacco RiverConservancy, Inc.AccomplishmentsDefinitionsResources in Charles CountyGround Water: Water that flows undergroundand surfaces through springs and shorelines.Septic System: An onsite sewage system witha tank that separates solids and a drain fieldthat treats and absorbs liquid waste.Nitrogen Reducing Unit: Advancedtechnology added to septic systems thataerates tank contents to remove nitrogen.Grants for installation are available.Rain Garden: A landscape design to collectand filter rainwater, allowing it to percolatethrough the soil and remove pollutants beforeleaving the property.Charles County Planning and Growth SepticReimbursement Program: Providesinformation on septic pump out and riserreimbursement program. For moreinformation or to apply, visit online call: 301-645-0692Charles County Health Department: Providesa list of approved contractors for pump-outsand information on replacing failed systems. Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund Program:Grants are available for installing nitrogen-reducing units. Contact the HealthDepartment at 301-609-6751 or visitCharlesCountyHealth.orgPhoto by Bill Wilson

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Partners: Port Tobacco River watershedresidents, Charles County Government,Maryland Dept of Health, Chesapeake BayTrust, and Potomac Riverkeeper Network.Port Tobacco River Conservancy, Inc.P.O. Box 104Port Tobacco, MD 20677PortTobaccoRiver.orgHow Proper Care of OurSeptic Systems Protectsthe Port Tobacco RiverOur conservancy works to restore andprotect the Port Tobacco River and its30,000-acre, 47-mile watershed. Our goal isto S.O.A.R. – Save Our Amazing River.Together, we can provide clean, safe waterfor everyone to enjoy.Weekly water monitoring from May toSeptember, in partnership with the PotomacRiverkeeper Network.Quarterly river shore cleanups at Chapel PointState Park.Collaborating with local, state, and federalpartners to create watershed-wide solutions.Port Tobacco RiverConservancy, Inc.AccomplishmentsDefinitionsResources in Charles CountyGround Water: Water that flows undergroundand surfaces through springs and shorelines.Septic System: An onsite sewage system witha tank that separates solids and a drain fieldthat treats and absorbs liquid waste.Nitrogen Reducing Unit: Advancedtechnology added to septic systems thataerates tank contents to remove nitrogen.Grants for installation are available.Rain Garden: A landscape design to collectand filter rainwater, allowing it to percolatethrough the soil and remove pollutants beforeleaving the property.Charles County Planning and Growth SepticReimbursement Program: Providesinformation on septic pump out and riserreimbursement program. For moreinformation or to apply, visit online call: 301-645-0692Charles County Health Department: Providesa list of approved contractors for pump-outsand information on replacing failed systems. Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund Program:Grants are available for installing nitrogen-reducing units. Contact the HealthDepartment at 301-609-6751 or visitCharlesCountyHealth.orgPhoto by Bill Wilson