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PTCUMC Volunteer Descriptions (2

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A NOTE FROM PASTOR CHRIS... Jesus said he came “not to be served but to serve even to the pointof giving his life as a ransom for all.” If HIS Spirit is in us, thenserving is a natural result as Jesus was the ultimate servant. Further, Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love the Lord Godwith all our heart, mind, soul and STRENGTH. How do we love the Lordwith our “strength”? We love God with our strength by understanding & prioritizing the useof our gifts, talents, and abilities, as the resources they are meant to befor the furtherance of God’s Kingdom (His purpose and mission) in theworld. There are over 150 times in the Bible, where he speaks to our“serving God.”“Your task is to single-mindedly SERVE Christ.” - Rom. 14:18b “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to SERVEOTHERS, as faithful stewards of God’s grace...” - 1 Peter 4:10 “Fear the LORD your God, SERVE him only” - Deut 6:13 “But as for me and my household, we will SERVE the Lord.“ -Joshua 24:15 “Mary said, I am the SERVANT of the Lord; let it be to me accordingto your word.” - Luke 1:38 “Jesus answered, ‘It is written: Worship the Lord your God andSERVE him only.’” - Luke 4:8 “SERVE wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, notpeople.” - Eph 6:8 “In your relationships have the same attitude of mind Christ Jesushad: Who, being in very nature God, didn’t consider equality withGod something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he madehimself nothing by taking the very nature of a SERVANT...” - Phil.2:5-7

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TABLE OFCONTENTS01Sunday Morning02Age Level Ministries05Worship Ministries06Grounds & Facilities04Care Ministries00Introduction

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As 1 Peter 4:10 reminds us, "Each of you should use whatever giftyou have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’sgrace in its various forms." Everyone has a unique and necessaryability to contribute to the building up of the church. Here atPTCUMC, we believe that by serving God with our gifts we areresponding to this call in obedience and faith. To that end, wehave designed a number of places to serve that will enable youto participate in a meaningful and rewarding way while being apleasing offering to the Lord. Each service opportunity comes with training. You will beassisted by a Team Lead, who will coordinate schedules and beavailable for questions. While our first impulse is to honor Godwith our service, we receive the reward of friendship andconnection as we serve alongside others and make our churchstronger. Some roles are short-term and low commitment,perfect for those who travel for a living or have many obligationsat home and work. Others require a higher level of time andattention. We invite you to pray about where you will serve. Maythe same Spirit that gifted you, lead you to the right place. Asyour pastors and staff, we thank you!We honor our commitment to Christ as His church by serving atthe intersection of our God given gifts and passions. We grow in ourfaith by focusing our talents on Christ’s purpose, allowing Hisguidance to shape our service. We embody the love of Christ withinPTCUMC to our communities and the world.SERVING ISMORE THAN ANACTIVITY - IT’SAN ATTITUDE.00~ OUR M ISS IO N OF SERVI CE AT P TCU MC

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GREETERS: Greeters are the friendly faces welcoming everyone who enters thechurch, making new and returning people feel at home. They create a warm firstimpression with a smile and a word of encouragement.Commitment: Serve at 9:30 or 11:00 once or twice per month.USHERS: Ushers greet worshippers and assist with seating, offering, and Communion.They are a vital part of the worship team, ensuring that everyone feels cared for duringthe service.Commitment: Serve at 9:30 or 11:00 once or twice per month.COMMUNION SERVERS: Communion Servers help prepare and serve the elementsduring worship and special services, ensuring the smooth and reverent distribution ofCommunion.Commitment: A few Sundays a year at 9:30 or 11:00.TECH 9:30: The Tech team manages audio, visual, and lighting for the 9:30 service,helping create a seamless worship experience. No experience necessary—training isprovided.Commitment: One or two Sundays a month.TECH 11:00: The 11:00 Tech team handles audio, lighting, and live stream cameras toensure a dynamic and engaging worship service. Some technical experience is helpfulbut not required—training is provided.Commitment: One or two Sundays a month.Welcome Desk: Assists guests and members by answering questions, providinginformation, and helping with event registration. Ensures everyone feels informed andsupported.Commitment: One or two Sundays a month.Coffee & Donuts: Prepares and serves coffee and donuts before and betweenservices, fostering fellowship and connection.Commitment: Serve on either the 9:30 or 11:00 team one or two Sundays a month.SUNDAY MORNINGHelp represent Jesus’ unconditional welcome on Sunday.01

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WEEKDAY SCHOOLKIDS02AGE LEVELMINISTRIESKids Ministry and Weekday SchoolLeads small groups of children indiscussions and activities that help themgrow spiritually and build relationships.Commitment: Sunday mornings at eitherservice: weekly, biweekly, or monthly.KI DS SM ALL G ROUP LEADE RFulfills one of three roles—Host, Storyteller,or AV Operator—to bring Bible stories to lifethrough engaging programs.Commitment: Sunday mornings at eitherservice: weekly, biweekly, or monthly.KI DS LA RGE G ROUP LEADE RWelcomes new families, guides themthrough registration and check-in, andensures they feel safe and informed.Commitment: Sunday mornings at eitherservice: weekly, biweekly, or monthly.KI DS GU EST S ERVIC ESAssists with special children’s events suchas Fall Fest, Easter Jam, or Summer Camp.Commitment: As needed, sign up via emailfor each event.SE ASO NA L K ID S VOL UNTEE RSSteps in to support classrooms when full-time teachers are absent, ensuringstudents have a positive and safelearning experience.Commitment: As needed.WE EKD AY SC HO OLSU BST IT UTE T EACHE RShares interesting jobs or hobbies withpreschoolers, offering them fun andeducational experiences.Commitment: One-time event.CO MMU NI TY HE LPERSWelcomes families during special eventslike open house or the Christmasprogram.Commitment: Once or twice a year.WE EKD AY SC HO OL GR EETER S

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This team works with our Middle Schoolstudents, providing a welcomingenvironment during our Sunday 9:30Breakfast Club. Commitment: One or two Sundays permonth.MI DDL E SCH OO L WE LCO ME TE AMThese leaders mentor and guide HighSchool students in their faith journey.They lead discussion, build relationships,and provide essential spiritual support tohelp our students grow in theirrelationship with Christ. Commitment: Sunday nights.HI GH SC HOOLSM ALL G ROUP LEADERSSTUDENTS03AGE LEVELMINISTRIESStudent and Adult Group MinistriesADULTGROUPSNew groups are continuously beingformed and existing groups are alwayslooking for leadership. Groups includeweekly Bible Studies and “common-interest” groups. Commitment: Some groups meet everyweek, some once or twice a month. AD ULT G ROU P LEADE RSHelps plan and set up adult ministryevents, ensuring everything runssmoothly. Responsibilities include eventlogistics, space preparation, andproviding support during the event.Commitment: As needed, based on theevent schedule.AD ULT M INI ST RY EV ENT S UP POR TSTUDENTS

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CAREMINISTRIESOffering support and encouragement during life’s most trying times.04Provides emotional and spiritual support toindividuals and families facing cancer, byoffering a listening ear, prayer, and practicalhelp.Commitment: As needed.CA NCE R CAR EFor people who have loved ones with adementia diagnosis; Alzheimer’s,Parkinson’s, LBD, FTD or any otherdementia. Join us for encouragement,resources, and support.Commitment: Every 2nd Tuesday at 10 AMDE MEN TI A C AR EHelps facilitate a support group for thosegrieving the loss of a loved one, providingencouragement and a compassionatecommunity for healing.Commitment: Sessions as scheduled.GR IEF S UPP OR TBE REA VE MEN T PRO VI SIO NSProvides comfort to grieving families bydelivering a basket of essential suppliesduring their time of loss, showing the loveof the church community.Commitment: As needed.Assists with table setup and provides foodfor funeral receptions, offering tangiblesupport to grieving families.Commitment: As needed.FU NER AL RE CE PTI ON TE AMVisits homebound members, offeringCommunion, baked goods, and fellowship,reminding them they are loved and notforgotten.Commitment: As needed.HO MEB OU ND MI NIS TR YWrites cards of encouragement, prayer, orcelebration from home, bringing comfortand joy to members of the church family.Commitment: As needed.CA RD MI NIS TR YCommits to weekly intercessory prayer forthe needs of the congregation. Receivesupdated prayer requests via email.Commitment: Weekly.PR AYE R TEA MAssists with setting up tables and chairs forfunerals and special events, helping createa welcoming space for gatherings.Commitment: As needed.ST RON G AND F AIT HF UL

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9: 30 CH OIRLeads the congregation each week inhymns and musical selections, creating areverent and uplifting worship experience.Commitment: Attend rehearsal everyWednesday night.WORSHIP MINISTRIES05Performs inspiring musical arrangementsthat add depth to the worship service,creating a meaningful and upliftingatmosphere through the sound ofhandbells.Commitment: Attend practice on Tuesdaynights.HA NDB EL L CHO IRExperienced instrumentalists are invited toaudition and join the strings andwoodwinds orchestra as they accompanythe choir, soloists, and organ duringworship.Commitment: Attend rehearsal onSundays at 11:00AM.OR CHE ST RALeads the 11:00 contemporary service inworship through dynamic and heartfeltvocals. An audition is required to join thistalented team.Commitment: Attend rehearsal onscheduled Sundays at 9:20AM.CO NTE MP ORARY VOCA LI STSkilled instrumentalists have theopportunity to join the band for the 11:00contemporary service. Audition required.Commitment: Attend rehearsal onscheduled Sundays at 9:20AM.CO NTE MP ORARY MUSI CI ANSSC RIP TU RE RE ADERSReads scripture passages during worshipon Sunday mornings to prepare thecongregation for the upcoming message.Commitment: Once or twice quarterly at9:30 or 11:00.

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Helps maintain the beauty and serenity ofthe Garden of Celebration, ensuring itremains a place of reflection andremembrance.Commitment: As needed.GA RDE N OF CE LEBRA TION 06MINISTRYTHROUGHGROUNDS &FACILITIESAssists in keeping the church groundsclean and attractive during seasonaltransitions.Commitment: Teams are assembled eachseason via email sign-ups.SE ASO NA L G RO UNDSCL EAN UPProvides support by answering phones,greeting visitors, and assisting withadministrative tasks as needed in theabsence of regular staff. Commitment: Weekdays as needed.FR ONT D ESKSU BST IT UTEHelps set up tables, chairs, and decorationsfor special events like Advent and Lentstudies or the Thanksgiving Dinner.Commitment: Seasonally, as needed.EV ENT S ETU P CREWHO LID AY SE TU PCreate a festive atmosphere for theholidays by setting up and arrangingseasonal displays. This role requiresclimbing ladders and lifting heavier itemsto bring the holiday spirit to life.Commitment: Seasonal.

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