Fundraising and How We Spend the Money We Raise
Since its establishment, the PTA has raised in excess of £100,000! PTA funds are spent on extras that
are not provided by the school budget. We endeavour to spend our funds in ways that will benefit
children across all areas of the school and curriculum.
Over the last few years the PTA has funded a myriad of projects including:
• Three picnic benches and outdoor seating for the main Courtyard;
• A Bookbuzz Reading Programme for Year 8 students;
• A fully equipped Ceramics Trolley for the Art Department;
• Instruments for the Music Department;
• Laugh In the Face of Exams: An ongoing programme designed to
help students manage anxiety around exams.
• Trophies for a new College Chess Tournament and the annual
OLSPELL Spelling Competition;
• A contribution to the cost of the U15 soccer team representing NI at the Alan McKinstry Cup;
• New whiteboards for several classrooms;
• Defibrillators for various locations around the College;
• A subscription for Maths Watch, as well as a Maths Test Package;
• A Year 14 History Conference led by Dr Russell Rees;
• A contribution towards the cost of a Year 13 study trip for four pupils to Auschwitz
Concentration Camp;
• 30 Motorola Moto G4 Play Smartphones with 10 VR headsets to be used across the
• Student Photography competition;
• A College Team to enter the UK Youth Rocketry challenge;
• A lunchtime Board Games Club;
• Onatti Theatre Company productions to promote the learning of languages through drama
and music;
• A Pastoral Programme for parents to support their children ‘Growing Up in the Digital World ‘;
• Activities for STEAM week;
• A contribution towards costs of the College Bar Mock Trial Team representing NI in the UK
• Counselling provision for students;
• Pedal exercisers to aid concentration during Study (requested by the Student Council);
• Calculators for the Maths department;
• Banners for school matches;
• Funding for Flight School (in conjunction with local primary schools);
• A small gift for Leavers.