2012 2013 Annual Report Looking Forward 1
Our Vision To be a thought leader in the out of school time field Our Mission To foster high quality in outof school time programs which provide opportunities for children and youth to succeed Table of Contents Message from Prime Time Board of Directors Chair 2 Message from the Prime Time Executive Director 3 About Prime Time Palm Beach County 4 Community Engagement Supports 5 Professional Development 8 Quality Improvement 10 Research Evaluation 11 2012 2013 Agency Revenue 13 2012 2013 Agency Expenses 14 Prime Time Palm Beach County Board of Directors 15 Prime Time Palm Beach County Staff 16 Prime Time Palm Beach County Inc 1
A Message from Board of Directors Chair As the board and staff embark on a new strategic plan we are excited about the new course that we have charted with showing impact on children as the focal point of our work Being impactful relevant and in service to the community drives Prime Time to continue to grow and respond to the needs of afterschool and summer programs To ensure that we are bringing the highest level of programming to the field Prime Time issued its first ever request for proposal in 2013 As a result we supported nearly 170 programs that support the vision of quality OST for Palm Beach County Prime Time hosted its annual Palm Beach County Afterschool Symposium which was attended by more than 200 afterschool professionals from the South Florida region The symposium included speakers workshops exhibits and an awards luncheon In addition we hosted a Leadership Institute inviting other communities to learn about Prime Time s great work and how we are leading in the field of OST I am proud to state that the number of programs in the Quality Improvement System achieving and maintaining high levels of quality continues to increase as does the number of practitioners applying for scholarships to attend college courses related to youth development As of the end of the 2012 2013 academic year in total two practitioners graduated with their Bachelor s Degree two graduated with their Associate s Degree eight with their Youth Development College Credit Certificate and 39 with their Florida School Age Professional Certificate On behalf of the board of directors I extend a heartfelt thank you to the staff and of course Prime Time s primary funder the Children s Services Council of Palm Beach County for their ongoing efforts to ensure that high quality out of school time programming is available for the children of Palm Beach County Sincerely Upendo Shabazz Phillips Chair Board of Directors 2
A Message from the Executive Director This fiscal year was an exciting and challenging one for Prime Time as we revised our strategic plan to take us through the next three years The board of directors and staff set some pretty ambitious goals for our future work Through this new plan we are reaffirming that Prime Time exists for the ultimate benefit of Palm Beach County children and youth As such there is a greater emphasis to explore how our work impacts children in the out ofschool time OST programs that we serve By offering the highest quality supports and services to the OST practitioner community we are confident that our evaluations will show Prime Time s efforts have a positive impact on youth Stay tuned We are grateful for the strong leadership of our board the generous support of our funders the participation of talented OST professionals and the contributions of our valued partners Thank you for all that you do to support Prime Time and the children and youth of Palm Beach County Sincerely Suzette L Harvey Executive Director 3
About Prime Time Palm Beach County Prime Time Palm Beach County is a nonprofit intermediary organization that serves out of school time OST and summer programs It provides supports and resources that increase program quality to positively impact school age youth Prime Time offers networking opportunities training technical assistance and professional development to build a more skilled and responsive workforce for the OST field It also provides a broad and diverse range of curriculum enhancements a set of quality standards and a system for reaching these quality standards through assessment program improvement plans and resource referrals for youth providers in the county As an OST intermediary Prime Time performs several essential functions Brokering Relationships Prime Time consistently seeks to develop relationships with OST stakeholders to form alliances on issues of mutual importance Convening Local Organizations The Prime Time Afterschool Consortium provides a collaborative network to allow for the sharing of ideas and information as well as peer and partner networking Expanding Services Prime Time procures support from funding sources to further expand the activities of OST providers and to encourage the development of new programs 4 Increasing Program Quality With quality standards as its foundation Prime Time empowers providers to build and sustain quality OST programs through use of the Palm Beach County Program Quality Assessment tool and technical assistance Strengthening and Supporting the OST Workforce Prime Time partners with educational institutions like Palm Beach State College to offer credit and noncredit educational pathways for OST practitioners Conducting Research and Evaluation Systemlevel program level and youth level data collection and outcome reporting are critical to Prime Time s success in ensuring continuous quality improvement and securing funding to continuously offer supports and resources to the Palm Beach County OST community Promoting Sustainability Prime Time increasingly strives to develop connections and supports that will ensure a steadfast and sustainable flow of resources for the OST field
Community Engagement and Supports The Community Engagement and Supports CES team serves as the direct link to Prime Time services and supports for Palm Beach County OST providers Through the CES team providers can access a range of curricula and materials attend convenings of OST professionals and stay abreast of local and state legislation They can also access quality support for their OST programs via Prime Time s TrainU Anytime on line courses Expanded Learning Opportunities The CES team oversees partnerships with local organizations to offer expanded learning opportunities ELOs at no cost to eligible OST programs The 2012 2013 ELO providers were as follows ASPIRA of Florida Blue Planet Writers Room Center for Creative Education Green Mouse Academy Green Mouse Academy JW PC Solutions Computer Building Junior Achievement of Palm Beach County Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County Lake Worth Playhouse Locomotion Theatre Palm Beach Zoo Pine Jog Environmental Center Florida Atlantic University Raymond F Kravis Center for the Performing Arts South Florida Science Center and Aquarium The Arc of Palm Beach County The YMCA of South Palm Beach County Young Singers of the Palm Beaches Youth Speak Out International Inc summer ELO providers Community Engagement Supports by the numbers 26 626 youth served through year round expanded learning opportunity providers 842 youth served through summer expanded learning opportunity offerings 44 afterschool summer programs previously unfamiliar with Prime Time s services and resources served through outreach supports and introduced to Prime Time 1 142 practitioners participating in afterschool consortium networking events 136 attendees at the Eighth Annual Lights On Afterschool Palm Beach County rally 274 professionals attending the Second Annual Palm Beach County Afterschool Symposium 2013 Duplicated headcount 5
To ensure Prime Time is offering the highest quality programming it released a formal request for proposals to solicit ELO providers for the 2013 2014 program year It negotiated contracts with 17 providers for services within the following categories Academics related to the school day curriculum addressing subjects such as but not limited to language arts literacy mathematics science social studies etc Health and Wellness related to physical activity non competitive sports healthy eating habits obesity prevention mind body connection etc Integrated Arts and Creativity related to dance music theater visual arts digital arts writing etc Positive Youth Development related to socioemotional and non cognitive skill development of children and youth for example activities that support positive attitude cultural competency bullying prevention healthy behaviors personal ethics etc Executive Director Suzette Harvey joins Prime Time Palm Beach County Advocacy Committee as they await the arrival of legislators for the committee s inaugural Meet and Greet on May 15 2013 6
Afterschool Consortium Networking Events With the support of a highly motivated advisory committee Prime Time s Afterschool Consortium brings Palm Beach County OST providers together on a regular basis to network and share information on a variety of topics In fiscal year 2012 2013 Prime Time hosted six such networking events throughout Palm Beach County Highlights include The Eighth Annual Lights on Afterschool Palm Beach County event part of a nationwide advocacy initiative of the Afterschool Alliance a national afterschool advocacy organization was held in October 2012 in the City of West Palm Beach Community leaders OST professionals educators parents and youth rallied together to focus on the vital role that afterschool plays in the lives of children youth and families as well as the importance of advocacy and funding for OST programs The Second Annual Pink Shirt Day event part of an international anti bullying initiative was celebrated in February 2013 in partnership with the Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County The Second Annual Palm Beach County Afterschool Symposium 2013 themed Making a Case for Quality Building a Stronger Foundation for our Youth was held in May Afterschool professionals had the opportunity to attend a variety of insightful workshops with presenters from throughout the state of Florida they also networked with 40 exhibitors who offered potential new resources and products for their OST programs Prime Time Ventures the consulting component offered by Prime Time to other communities wishing to replicate its intermediary model hosted its first Leadership Institute in May 2013 Attendees from 18 organizations from around the nation learned about the resources which Prime Time provides to OST professionals and their programs 7
As of the end of the 2012 2013 academic year 2 practitioners were awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Supervision and Management with a concentration in Youth Development from Palm Beach State College 2 practitioners were awarded their Associate of Science degree in Human Services with a concentration in Youth Development 8 practitioners had received the Youth Development College Credit Certificate YDCCC the first educational step to a professional career in Human Services with emphasis in Youth Development 39 completed the Palm Beach County Afterschool Educator Certificate PBC AEC the newly adopted curriculum for the School Age Professional Certificate SAPC and have applied for their Florida Staff Credential 4 42 practitioners obtained a Director Credential practitioners completed the 40 Hour School Age Certificate 453 Prime Time scholarships were awarded to OST practitioners to continue on their education pathways 8 Advocacy Prime Time s Advocacy Committee hosted its first Meet n Greet for local legislators in 2013 at the Children s Services Council of Palm Beach County Legislators and guests shared information on important legislative issues with a focus on OST and its vital role in the community The Advocacy Committee continues to coordinate site visits with legislators to provide them with a first hand understanding of the value of OST programs to the entire community Professional Development Prime Time is dedicated to professionalizing the OST field and offers a variety of professional development opportunities to help practitioners promote positive youth development within their OST programs Prime Time not only offers its own non credit trainings but it also offers formal and informal pathways for OST practitioners to pursue a college education with a focus on youth development through a formal articulation agreement with Palm Beach State College To support OST practitioners in determining career and educational goals Prime Time offers career advising services to help practitioners make informed decisions and navigate the educational pathways Prime Time also connects practitioners with scholarships and WAGE salary supplements to help offset costs and encourage continuing education for OST professionals
Generating Steam in Afterschool Thanks to the generous support of the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties and Every Hour Counts formerly the Collaborative for Building After School Systems Prime Time has developed a full series of professional development trainings for OST practitioners to give them the tools they need to implement STEAM science technology engineering and math incorporating the arts activities for the youth in their programs Prime Time is able to provide support coaching and professional development enhancements long after the initial training series The STEAM program benefits not only the OST practitioners who participate but also the participating ELO providers the OST programs and the youth they all serve In addition Prime Time has made connections with STEAM professionals to help build exposure to STEAM careers for the youth served These STEAM content experts assist with STEAM activities and learning opportunities for both children and the OST staff The ultimate long term impact of the STEAM program is two fold OST practitioners lose their fear of delivering STEAM programming and begin to appreciate the fields themselves while at the same time introducing children to STEAM concepts in new innovative and fun ways The STEAM project produces learning gains among youth and has the potential to spark interest in STEAM fields that may someday lead to STEAM related career paths 9
Quality Improvement Afterschool Program Landscape in Palm Beach County 2012 2013 The Quality Improvement System QIS provides supports and services to foster high quality OST programs Using the Palm Beach County Quality Standards for Afterschool as the foundation for their work Prime Time s quality advisors guide participating programs through a self assessment process and development of an improvement plan They assist OST program directors managers and frontline staff in identifying and implementing opportunities to improve quality for children and youth and encourage the use of other Prime Time and community resources The newly developed QIS recommendation report was introduced to programs participating in the system The report presents an overview of the program s quality performance in comparison to similar types of programs in the system 287 E rime Time Su for P pp o ible r ts lig 167 e eiv ec R rime Time Su dP p po rt s 117 Participated in the QIS The Quality Improvement team implemented cases study sessions in 2012 2013 The sessions assisted quality advisors in examining strategies used to coach individual QIS programs experiencing challenges and identified solutions through a group process to help them advance Prime Time hosted a gathering in September 2013 to introduce OST program directors to the revised Palm Beach County Program Quality Assessment PBC PQA New collateral materials a PBC PQA Reference Guide and other hands on coaching materials were distributed to support programs continuous improvement process Of the 117 programs participating in the QIS 21 had achieved the highest level maintenance level for 20122013 Maintenance level sites are those that have reached certain benchmarks and have shown through their dedication knowledge and assessment that they are high quality OST programs Entry 12 months Introduction to system QA supported self assessment 10 Intermediate 12 24 months QA preparation of director for maintenance role and requirements Maintenance Ongoing Based on benchmark scores and director accomplishments
Research Evaluation The Research and Evaluation R E team oversees the evaluation of all of Prime Time services to inform continuous quality improvement The evaluations yield valuable insight into Prime Time s operations what works well and what can be improved Through the use of surveys and quality assessment data R E found strong levels of interest and engagement among those youth participating in expanded learning opportunities In addition the annual satisfaction survey showed that OST practitioners were highly satisfied with a wide range of supports and opportunities offered by Prime Time During the summer of 2013 Prime Time s R E team was asked to evaluate summer reading programs hosted by three Bridges sites neighborhood hubs funded by the Children s Services Council of Palm Beach County to provide a variety of support services Through the 11
programs more than 300 youth received free books and the Bridges staff engaged parents in helping their children read at home R E employed a variety of research methods including surveys parent focus groups interviews and school reading assessment scores to gauge the impact of the program The results were promising For every additional hour that youth spent reading each week during the summer their reading assessment scores increased by approximately three percent For every additional hour that youth spent reading each week during the summer their reading assessmentscoresincreased by approximately three percent In addition R E conducted demographic studies and needs analyses of OST practitioners in Miami Dade and Broward counties as part of the Prime Time Ventures initiative Through comprehensive surveys and rigorous analysis R E identified and reported on professional development and system level needs in South Florida In 2012 2013 the R E team coordinated one of the most robust in depth studies of OST program quality in Palm Beach County In this study which was carried out by the American Institutes of Research data showed that children and youth in higher quality OST programs were more likely to move to the next grade level on time than were youth in lower quality programs 12
Prime Time 2012 2013 Revenue 4 702 460 For the fiscal year ended September 30 2013 Prime Time s total revenue was 4 702 460 including grant revenue of 4 537 220 and other revenue of 165 240 from donations interest income and in kind contributions Prime Time was awarded grants from the Children s Services Council of Palm Beach County the Quantum Foundation the Collaborative for Building After School Systems CBASS and the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties The above chart illustrates the sources of funds received Revenue funds are utilized for development and implementation of the Quality Improvement System Professional Development Community Engagement and Supports including expanded learning opportunities and Research and Evaluation Government support for expanded learning represents 44 percent of total revenues As an intermediary organization Prime Time uses these funds to develop partnerships with local organizations to offer expanded learning opportunities for children and youth in afterschool and summer programs 13
Prime Time 2012 2013 Expenses 4 717 549 For the fiscal year ended September 30 2013 Prime Time total expenses were 4 717 549 consisting of program expenses of 4 412 034 94 and administrative and general expenses of 305 515 6 Prime Time s program expenses consist of five major areas These areas along with percent of total expenses are as follows Expanded Learning Opportunities include partnerships with local organizations to offer programming to eligible OST programs Expenditures are grouped in four main categories along with the percent of total expenses as follows 14 Academics 14 Health Wellness 8 Integrated Arts Creativity 12 Positive Youth Development 10
Prime Time Palm Beach County Board of Directors 2012 2013 Upendo ShabazzPhillips Chair CoordinatorofSingleSchoolCulture SchoolDistrictofPalmBeachCounty Community Volunteer Erin McColskey Secretary Julie Hermes Castillo Member Community Volunteer Lawrence Gordon Member Paralegal TheLawOfficesofLytal Reiter Smith Ivey Fronrath Reuben Johnson Member Keith Oswald Member Suzette L Harvey ex officio RegionalVicePresident Allegany Franciscan Ministries DirectorofGovernmentRelations Assistant to the President Palm Beach State College ManagingDirector BGStrategicAdvisors Alison Adler Vice Chair Assistant Superintendent SchoolDistrictofPalmBeachCounty Nate Nichols Treasurer Executive Director PrimeTimePalmBeachCounty Inc 15
Prime Time Palm Beach County Staff 2012 2013 Administration Left to Right Kris Everett Jerry Frenz Sandy Gonzalez Tammy Greer Suzette L Harvey Katie Olavarria Kimberly Terranova Cedric Wallace Quality Improvement Left to Right Dominique Arrieux Teal Chance Patrick Freeland Debra Rivera Stacy Silverman Lynn Stanavitch Professional Development Left to Right Nicole Edwards Katherine Gopie Elisa Moro Jasmine Nichols Jaclyn Pagnotta Nicole Tarsia 16 Research Evaluation Left to Right Lisa Lindeman Diana Sinisterra Sandra Lazo de la Vega Community Engagement Supports Left to Right Paola Cedeno Rhonda Rogers Mary Swinford
Wegratefullyacknowledgethegeneroussupportofourfunders Theirresourcesand guidance have made it possible for Prime Time Palm Beach County to develop an arrayofsupportstoincreasecapacityofout of schooltimeproviderstodeliverhigh quality programs to the children and youth of Palm Beach County We are particularly grateful for the continued support of our primary funder Inaddition wegratefullyacknowledgethefollowingfundersfortheircontributions during the 2012 2013 fiscal year Collaborative for Building After School Systems Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties Florida After School Alliance JPB Foundation Quantum Foundation 18 2300 High Ridge Road Suite 330 Boynton Beach FL 33426 561 732 8066 ph 561 732 8094 fax www primetimepbc org