Reading/Language Arts Writing & GrammarScience Social StudiesMathematics MusicArt SpanishPhysical Education and Dance Science, Technology, & EngineeringWho We AreWoodward Academy Mission StatementWoodward Academy is Atlanta at its very best. We intentionally bring together students from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, creating a richer learning community and exceptional academic opportunities. Our students and graduates are caring and compassionate global citizens who are a microcosm of what the world should be.Woodward Academy Vision StatementWoodward Academy will be the national model in college-preparatory education.MottoExcellence. Character. Opportunity.The Woodward WayRespecting ourselves, each other, our school, and our world is the Woodward Way.Academic ExcellenceThe curriculum we have developed at Woodward Academy values the core subjects such as reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies, and strives to meet the needs of students in a technologically advanced world. We believe in opportunities for creativity and movement for our students, and we promote curiosity and a love of learning by providing a curriculum that is relevant, engaging, and challenging.Opportunities to discover, collaborate, explore, and experiment are woven throughout our curriculum at every grade level from prekindergarten to 12th grade. We employ techniques such as design thinking so that students learn critical thinking while broadening their abilities and competencies. Our global connections and STEM programs allow students to broaden their horizons and explore science and technology through hands-on, real-world application. These skills are woven into our 10 core content areas below:Please Note: Education is an ever changing field, and we are constantly updating our curriculum to reflect these changes . Because of this, the learning goals described in this Curriculum Guide may change at any time. Many resources were used to create this document. These learning goals are a compilation of the Georgia Early Learning Development Standards (GELDS), Educational Records Bureau (ERB) Standards, Common Core State Standards, NCTM, NCTE, and the Georgia Standards of Excellence. 2
OverviewThe primary grades (PK-3) consist of self-contained classrooms at each level. The lead teacher, assisted by an associate teacher, is charged with teaching the core curriculum: reading, language arts, math, and social studies. Cocurricular teachers teach students science, art, music, Spanish, physical education, dance, and collaboratory.Homework and Study SkillsIt is our belief the single most important aspect of at home learning is consistently reading to and with your child on a nightly basis, including weekends. At the Primary School, we believe in kids being kids so additional homework will be minimal. Woodward Academy guidelines are as follows:● Prekindergarten○ Suggested 10-15 minutes of reading nightly○ No additional homework outside of reading with your child● Kindergarten○ Suggested 15 minutes of reading nightly○ No additional homework outside of reading with your child● 1st grade○ Suggested 15 minutes of reading nightly○ 10 minutes of additional homework, Monday-Thursday● 2nd grade○ Suggested 20 minutes of reading nightly○ 20 minutes of additional homework Monday-Thursday● 3rd grade○ Suggested 20 minutes of reading nightly○ 30 minutes of additional homework, Monday-Thursday.Through homework, the student:● applies and reinforces skills and concepts● acquires material for use in class● learns to take responsibility for completing a task ● practices study skillsWe ask parents to:● help organize a regular study routine and schedule● provide a quiet study place free of distractions● show interest in their children's work and school life● be available for questions and periodic review● check on homework preparations from time to time● contact the teacher if study problems develop at homePlease stay in constant communication with the teaching team about homework. All homework should be able to be completed independently. We do not want homework to be burdensome We want our students to enjoy interests outside of school and get a good night’s sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics has the following recommendations for Primary School-aged children:● Children 3 to 5 years of age should sleep 10 to 13 hours per 24 hours (including naps) on a regular basis to promote optimal health.● Children 6 to 12 years of age should sleep 9 to 12 hours per 24 hours on a regular basis to promote optimal health.3
Work Habits and Interpersonal Skills1 Progressing 2 Often 3 Consistently PK Academics K-3rd Grade Academics1 Beginning 1 Progressing towards learning goal2 Developing 2 Meeting learning goal3 Secure 3 Exceeding learning goal NA Not Assessed NA Not AssessedProgress Reporting There are four nine week terms during each school year. Progress reports will be sent to parents at the end of each grading period via the Parent Portal. Narratives are included on the second and fourth term reports. Teachers constantly provide feedback to students and communicate with them about their progress. The progress report is intended to communicate students’ strengths as well as areas for improvement to parents. Please resist the temptation to convert these indicators into traditional letter grades (A-F); they are not the same.Inspired by our Responsive Classroom © approach, we also include work habits and interpersonal skills on our Progress Report Work Habits and Interpersonal SkillsCooperation Listens attentively, Follows directions, Works well with othersResponsibility Completes work in a timely manner, works independently, organizes assignments and supplies, Completes HWSelf-Advocacy Asks questions, monitors own learning, shares ideasEmpathy Respects others (peers and adults)Self-Regulation Practices self-discipline, cares for personal needs independentlyPerseverance Works to ability4
Conferences and MeetingsFall and spring conferences will be conducted with parents by teachers of grades pre-kindergarten through third on scheduled Conference Days. However, conferences are not restricted solely to the two scheduled days. Conferences or meetings with the principal or assistant principal should be scheduled through the school administrative assistants in the office.Academic Testing The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) is given in second grade. We also administer The Comprehensive Testing Program by the Educational Records Bureau to second and third grade students in the spring. Standardized test scores are a permanent part of the student's record and can be a useful indicator of the child's academic progress. Some students may benefit from a comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation which can only be provided by a licensed clinical psychologist. The school's administration, in concert with the teaching team and counselor, may recommend and, in some cases require, that parents obtain such an evaluation for their child. The school can offer parents a recommended list of clinicians, parents may also choose to seek a referral from their pediatrician. Daily Schedule The Primary School schedule runs on a seven day rotation. Each day is comprised of Morning Meeting and seven class periods. Counseling Our Primary School counselors, Ms. Tucker Griffin and Mrs. Tanya Obaidullah, have a Counseling and Guidance program that stresses a proactive approach to socialization, self-esteem, problem-solving, and study skills, etc. In close collaboration with parents and teachers, hey provide counseling support to individual students as specific situations and difficulties arise. Most concerns can be resolved in a reasonable amount of time with close collaboration and support of parents and teachers. On occasion, parents will be asked to pursue professional counseling services outside of the school when needed. MorningMeeting1stPeriod2ndPeriod3rdPeriod4thPeriod5thPeriod6thPeriod7thPeriodClosing Circle/Pack Up8:25to8:408:45to9:309:35to10:2010:25to11:1011:15 to12:0512:10to1:001:05to1:501:55to2:402:45to3:055
Prekindergarten Curriculum GuideOverview of PrekindergartenThe prekindergarten program consists of thematic units that include integrated, child-centered activities. The curriculum promotes social and emotional development through the content areas of language and literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies.Prekindergarten students have: ● Language Arts and Math daily● Social Studies three times per cycle● Music, Art, Spanish, and Science two times per cycle● P.E. two times per cycle● Creative Movement once per cycle● Collaboratory once per cycle● Counseling every other cycle● Nap daily (1:35 - 2:30)● Recess twice daily Communication SkillsStudents will:● describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly.● follow agreed-upon rules for discussions.● verbally summarize a story.6 Cognitive ProcessesThinking Skills & Problem Solving: Children’s ability to problem solve and reason is integral to their academic as well as social success.Students will:● demonstrate awareness of cause and effect.● use prior knowledge to explore new experiences.● demonstrate problem solving skillsCommunication, Language & LiteracyReceptive Language:● listen to conversations for a variety of purposes and demonstrate comprehension.● acquire vocabulary introduced in conversations, activities, stories, and/or books.Expressive Language:● use nonverbal communication for a variety of purposes.● use increasingly complex spoken language.Early Reading:● acquire meaning from a variety of materials read to him/her.● develop early phonological awareness (awareness of units of sound).● demonstrate increasing knowledge of the alphabet.● demonstrate awareness of print concepts.Early Writing:● use writing for a variety of purposes.Personal Information● know name (first, last)● know address (please work on this at home)● know telephone number (please work on this at home)● know name of school● know teachers' names● know birthdayLanguage Arts/Reading Readiness ● Speech is understandable● Show interest in books and stories● Identify same and different● Recognize own name in print● Identify rhyming words● Identify upper case letters● Identify lower case letters● Identify letter sounds● Dictate sentences to be written● Use letter/sound knowledge in writing
7 Social StudiesPrekindergarten social studies focuses on community. Students learn to develop positive relationships with individuals and the community. Units Include:● Self, Family, School as a Community● Community and Cultural Awareness● Introduction to Map Skills● Economics ● Holidays in the United States● Holidays around the WorldSciencePrekindergarten science is a combination of earth and life sciences, in which students will learn about the earth, plant and animal life and how they interact and change over time. Units Include:● Earth● Trees● Plants & Flowers● Spiders● In the Sky● Ocean Habitat● Sea Turtles● Pond Habitat● Frogs● BeaversMathematicsPrekindergarten math focuses on concrete, real-life examples, repeated exposure to math concepts and skills, computation skills, and problem solving strategies as a foundation to key mathematical concepts. Students will:● Learn one to one correspondence● Sort objects by color● Sort objects by shape● Identify sizes (small, medium, large)● Identify eight basic colors● Identify six basic shapes● Verbally count (0-20)● Identify numerals (0-10)● Identify numerals (11-20)● Write numerals (0-10)● Complete AB patterns● Complete ABC patterns● Know days of the week ●ArtPrekindergarten art focuses on the basic elements of art, such as line, symmetry, and color, and developing an appreciation of art. Students learn the proper use and care of art materials and are exposed to a variety of media, such as watercolor and clay. Units Include: ● Oceans - aligned with science● Pond Collage - aligned with science● Symmetry, Mosaics, and Silhouettes● Black History Month Artist Study● Artist Studies● Spring Impressionism & PrintmakingSpanishSpanish is taught through games, songs, books, videos, and class conversations withthehelp of 2 friends namedRosie and Andy. Pronunciation is a significant focus and the following topics are covered.● Greetings● Feelings● Numbers● Colors● Body Parts● Family● Animals● Clothes● Parts of the house● Community● Seasons● HolidaysPrekindergarten Curriculum GuideApproaches to Play & LearningChildren's approach to play and learning helps their success in school and improves their ability to stay focused, interested, and engaged in activities. Play allows children to acquire new skills and new knowledge about their community and their surrounding environment.Students will:● demonstrate initiative and self-direction.● demonstrate interest and curiosity.● sustain attention to a specific activity and demonstrate persistence.● engage in a progression of individualized and imaginative play.● demonstrate a cooperative and flexible approach to play.● develop social skills through play
8 Physical Development & Motor SkillsPhysical activity builds strength, develops healthy bodies, and enhances academic performance. It helps develop gross motor skills, which involve whole-body movement, and fine motor skills, which involve the coordination of small muscle movements.Students will ● practice healthy and safe habits.● demonstrate an awareness of his/her body in space.● use senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste) to explore the environment and process information.● Demonstrate use of both gross and fine motor skills.Gross Motor SkillsMovement for prekindergarten students consists of P.E. and Creative Movement. The age-appropriate focus is on skill development, self‐discipline, and cooperation. Units include:● Spatial Awareness, Locomotor/Non-Locomotor ● Toss, Throw, Catch ● Striking, Net Games ● Cooperative Games● Dance, Rhythm ● Kicking ● Balance, Gymnastics Fine Motor SkillsStudents will:● Show partiality to left or right● Work a puzzle of 10 or more pieces● Hold pencil and crayons correctly● Use scissors effectively● Use glue effectively● Trace on lines (straight and curved)● Print first name CounselingThe classroom guidance curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets and behaviors.The school counselor will encourage the following mindsets for all students:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional, and physical well-being.● Self-confidence in ability to succeed.● Sense of belonging in the school environment.● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long-term career success.● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes.● Positive attitude toward work and learning.The school counselor meets with students every other cycle and encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/ small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three sub-categories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.Prekindergarten Curriculum GuideWork Habits and ConductStudents will:● Listen attentively● Follow simple directions● Handle materials carefully● Good clean up habits● Respond well to teacher correctionSocial Emotional Development● Interact well with others● Participate in group activities ● Keep hands to self● Take care of one’s own needs MusicMusic at the prekindergarten level focuses on a general knowledge of basic musical skills and concepts. Students gain appreciation for a variety of cultures and musical styles. Goals Include:● Singing Together● Concert/Program Preparation● Introduction to Solfège, keeping a steady beat
Prekindergarten Curriculum GuideCollaboratoryIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) as well as library skills, students learn by inventing, creating and designing, and understanding the true meaning of design. The Collaboratory curriculum integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity. These skills contribute to students’ ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret multiple perspectives, analyze complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Computer Literacy ● Develop motor skills ● iOS device basics ● Basic keyboard and mouse functions● Hand position and finger dexterityCoding & RoboticsThe goal at the prekindergarten level is to expose students to tools and concepts relating to computer science. This involves discovery-based play using tools and apps. In prekindergarten, students will be exposed to computer programming topics such as sequences and loops. They will be engaged in meaningful collaboration with others and will learn problem solving and perseverance techniques. Engineering & DesignIn addition to meeting with students weekly, our STEAM teachers will also collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, and language arts. Students will learn to use the engineering design process while working collaboratively and thinking critically and creatively. At a prekindergarten-appropriate level, students will empathize, define, research, ideate, prototype, test, and redesign. Digital CitizenshipThis curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiraled approach to address cross-curricular needs. At each developmental stage, the lessons are taught within the counseling, STEAM, and classroom settings. The unit topics vary depending upon age. Topics include:● Privacy & Security● Digital Footprint & Reputation● Self-Image & Identity● Creative Credit & Copyright● Relationships & Communication● Information Literacy● Internet Safety9 Seesaw Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that empowers students of any age to independently document what they are learning at school and share it with their teachers, parents and classmates.With assistance, each student adds photos, videos, recordings and drawings to their digital portfolio. Library and Research SkillsStudents learn:● the different parts of the library● appropriate library conduct● respect for and proper care of library materials● the basic organizational structure of books.● the difference between fiction and nonfiction resources.● the skills necessary to locate, select and use books for recreational and personal needs● a variety of genres Responsive ClassroomWoodward uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core BeliefIn order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies— cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self- control—and a set of academic competencies— academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroom approach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as:● Morning Meeting● Interactive Modeling● Energizers● Logical Consequences
Kindergarten Curriculum GuideOverview of KindergartenThe kindergarten program consists of thematic units that include integrated, child-centered activities. The curriculum promotes social and emotional development through the content areas of language and literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies.Kindergarten students have:● Language Arts and Math daily● Social Studies three times per cycle● Music, Art, Spanish, and Science two times per cycle● P.E. two times per cycle● Creative Movement once per cycle● Collaboratory once per cycle● Counseling every other cycle● Recess twice daily WritingWriting Structure● Demonstrates an ability to create an illustration that tells a story● Demonstrates an ability to phonetically write words● Demonstrates an understanding of the writing process (draft, edit, revise, publish)● Demonstrates an ability to write narrative, informational, and fiction writing at the kindergarten level● Independently writes 2-3 sentences phonetically● Independently edits for correct sentence structure (capital letter, spacing, and punctuation)Handwriting● Demonstrate a command of printing all uppercase and lowercase letters● Know and understand that each letter has a unique name and shape10 Communication SkillsSpeaking and Listening ● Speaks audibly and clearly● Vocally expresses thoughts,feeling, and ideas clearly● Participates in collaborative conversations● Speaks in complete sentences● Asks and answers simple questions● Uses appropriate voice volume for different situations.Reading Phonological Awareness● Identifies and produces rhymes● Identifies syllablesPhonemic Awareness● Demonstrates an understanding of letter sounds● Can hear and identify the beginning, middle, and end sounds in words● Blends onset and rimes● Blends compound words● Demonstrates an ability to manipulate and segment sounds in wordsPhonics● Writes letters using their corresponding sounds (graphemes)● Reads and writes letters according to their sounds, spelling patterns, and phonological structure● Recognizes the difference between letters vs. words vs. sentences● Can identify and read the first 100 Fry words (heart words)Comprehension ● Identify the characters and setting of a story● Retell a story by stating the beginning, middle, and end● Vocabulary - maintain developmentally appropriate word awareness and understanding (functional, calendar, and color words)Fine Motor SkillsFine motor skills refer to the coordination of small muscles, specifically fingers and hands, and their synchronization with the eyes. In kindergarten, the following skills are assessed at an age-appropriate level.● Cutting● Gluing● Coloring
Kindergarten Curriculum GuideMathematicsKindergarten math focuses on procedures, concepts, and applications in two critical areas:● Representing and comparing whole numbers, initially with sets of objects● ComputationsNumber Sense ● Knows number names and counts in sequence to 100● Counts to tell the number of objects● Classifies objects and count the number of objects in each category● Identifies whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group● Compares two numbers between one and 10 presented as written numerals● Represent numbers through pictures, ten-frames, objects, and tally marks● Composes and decomposes numbers from 11 to 19 (and further)● Uses objects, drawings, and equations to represent the composition or decomposition of teen numbers● Skip counts by 5s and 10s to 100● Identifies patterns and missing numbers within a one-hundreds chartPatterns and Functions● Sorts objects based on different attributes● Constructs and extends patterns by different attributes● Categorizes objects by different attributes● Classifies and counts dataAddition & Subtraction● Identifies addition and subtraction symbols● Represents addition and subtraction using manipulatives and drawings● Writes and solves addition and subtraction equations● Solves addition and subtraction word problems● Decomposes numbers within 10Measurement and Data● Describes and compares measurable attributesGeometry● Identifies 2D and 3D shapes● Identifies and describes 2D and 3D shape attributes11 Social StudiesStudents in kindergarten social studies begin to understand American events, holidays, people, and symbols, as well as how to become good citizens. Units include:● Holidays● American Symbols:● Rules and Why We Have Them● Maps & Globes:● Social Emotional LearningSocial Emotional LearningSelf - Management - managing emotions /behaviors to achieve one’s goalsSelf - Awareness - recognizing one’s emotions as well as their strengths and challengesResponsible Decision Making - making ethical/constructive choices about personal and social behaviorRelationship Skills - forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing with conflict developmentally appropriatelySocial Awareness - showing understanding,respect, and empathy for others.Self- Regulation - a student can identify,regulate,and control his/her behaviors in healthy ways, using adult support constructively in particularly stressful situations*Based on what is developmentally appropriate for each ageCreative MovementSkills Taught in Creative Movement:● Gross Motor Skills● Spacial Awareness● Balance● Choreography Skills
Kindergarten Curriculum GuideScienceIn kindergarten science, students will ask questions, use their senses to make observations, and conduct hands-on activities and experiments. Units include:Seasonal: Weather, Plants, and Animals Habitats: Beach, Forest, Tundra, DesertHealthy Habits: Skin, Bones, Dental Health, Digestion Food Groups: Grains, Dairy, Meat, Fruits & VegetablesSolar System: Sun & Moon12 Work Habits Executive Functioning Skills● Planning- student can plan for an activity and make decisions to correctly solve problems and complete the activity● Organization- the ability to develop and maintain a system that keeps materials and eplans orderly ● Time Management- using time wisely and effectively● Task Initiation- ability to independently start tasks even when you do not want to.● Perseverance -ability to stick with a task and not give up, even when it is challenging● Flexibility- the ability to adapt to new situations and deal with change● Attention- able to focus on a person or task for a period of time,shift attention when needed, and pick-up predictable patterns in schedules and routines● 5-8 minutes for the beginning of the year● 10-15 minutes for the middle of the year● 18-20 minutes by the end of the yearMusicUnits in Kindergarten Music:● Using folk song to develop accurate pitch and rhythm● Playing pitched ● and non-pitched percussion instruments together with a steady tempo● “Mallet Madness”- introducing basic music/rhythm reading● Winter and Spring concert preparation● Listening to different musical genresPhysical Education The P.E. curriculum focuses on the integration of physical education into students’ everyday life. In addition to skill development, goal setting, self‐discipline, leadership and cooperation, the teachers use cross-curricular strategies to reinforce content from other subjects.Units in Grade Kindergarten P.E.:● Spatial Awareness, Locomotor/Non-Locomotor ● Toss, Throw, Catch ● Striking, Net Games ● Cooperative Games● Dance, Rhythm ● Kicking ● Balance, Gymnastics ArtUnits in Kindergarten ArtKindergarten art aligns with the science curriculum in the study of seasons, animals, and holidays. Other units include:● The Elements of Art ● Color● Line● Patterns● Trees - aligned with Science ● Clay Ornaments● Halloween Symmetry● Arctic Animals ● Collages● Clay● Tints and Shades● Self Portrait● Spring trees - aligned with Science● PrintingSpanishBy the end of Kindergarten (Level A), children will be able to complete the following tasks in Spanish:● I can describe something as blue or yellow.● I can identify a monkey or a fish.● I can identify the number of objects in a group up to three.● I can begin to identify the days of the week.● I can describe the size of something as big or small.● I can greet someone, answer basic questions, and give information about myself, including:o my nameo my ageo how I am doingo what I am like ando what I like to do
Kindergarten Curriculum GuideCounselingThe Counseling, Health, and Wellness curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional, and physical well-being● Self-confidence in ability to succeed● Sense of belonging in the school environment● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long-term career success● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes● Positive attitude toward work and learningThe school counselor meets with students every other cycle and encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/ small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three sub-categories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.13 Responsive ClassroomWoodward uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core BeliefIn order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies— cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroom approach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as● Morning Meeting● Interactive Modeling● Energizers● Logical ConsequencesCollaboratoryIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM), as well as library and research skills, students learn by inventing, creating and designing, and understanding the true meaning of design. The Collaboratory curriculum integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity. These skills contribute to students’ ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret multiple perspectives, analyze complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Computer Literacy ● Develop motor skills● Introduce keyboard ● Teach home row● Reinforce handwriting skills with typing practice and gamesCoding & RoboticsUtilize computational thinking while logically ordering and analyzing data and creating solutions using algorithms. In kindergarten, students will create computer programs with loops and events and write algorithms for everyday tasks. The focus is on collaboration, problem-solving techniques, and persistence.Engineering & DesignIn addition to meeting with students weekly, our STEAM teachers also will collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students will use the engineering design process while working collaboratively, thinking critically, and creatively. At a kindergarten-appropriate level, students will:● Empathize: Understand that other people feel things differently● Define: Pick one insight and create problem statement with guidance● Ideate: To develop multiple and varied ideas without judgment● Prototype: Create a representation of an idea that someone else can understand● Test: Try a prototype to see how it works
Kindergarten Curriculum GuideSeesaw Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that empowers students of any age to independently document what they are learning at school and share it with their teachers, parents and classmates. Each student gets their own journal and will add items like photos, videos, drawings, and notes.14 Digital CitizenshipThis curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiraled approach to address cross-curricular needs. At each developmental stage, the lessons are taught within the counseling, STEAM, and classroom settings. The unit topics vary depending upon age. Topics include:● Privacy & Security● Digital Footprint & Reputation● Self-Image & Identity● Creative Credit & Copyright● Relationships & Communication● Information Literacy● Internet SafetyLibrary and Research SkillsStudents will:● Understand circulation policies and procedures● Demonstrate responsibility for borrowed materials by returning them on time and in good condition● Recognize the need for information● Locate, select, and retrieve a variety of print materials for reading pleasure● Understand the basic organizational structure of books.● Demonstrate competency in locating and using print resources● Demonstrate competency in selecting and using e-books● Select and use productivity tools to create multimedia projects based on research.
1st Grade Curriculum GuideOverview of 1st GradeAt the Primary School, our teachers pay careful attention to the development of each student, drawing out their strengths, and channeling every learning moment into progress. While we challenge, we also offer warm, wise guidance, creating a learning environment that keeps the joy of learning alive.First grade students have:● Language Arts and Math daily● Social Studies three times per cycle● Spanish, Music, Art and Science two times per cycle● P.E. three times per cycle● Dance (optional, during one P.E. class per cycle) ● Collaboratory one time each cycle● Counseling every other cycle● Recess every dayLanguage and GrammarUse Capitalization and Punctuation: Demonstrate grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization and punctuation when writing or speaking.Grammar: Demonstrate grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.Spell Appropriately: Use appropriate spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words.Phonics/Word Study: Apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills.WritingWrites Legibly and Forms Letters Correctly: Demonstrate a command of printing all upper- and lowercase letters.Express Ideas Clearly● Demonstrate an understanding of the writing process. ● Demonstrate the ability to write in the narrative, informational, and opinion forms at the first grade level.● Demonstrate an age appropriate ability to write an opinion text with a topic, argument, and supporting evidence.● Demonstrate an ability to read and write poetry of first grade text complexity.● Structure● Development● Language Convention15 Communication SkillsStudents will:● Increase their awareness of language choices.● Share greater depth in their own stories.● Read aloud to classmates.● Demonstrate more vocal quality (tone, pitch, rate, and volume).Reading and Work StudyUse Decoding Strategies:● Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.● Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding words.Recognize High Frequency Words● Recognize and learn grade-level appropriate high frequency words to increase reading comprehension.Reads with Fluency on Grade Level● Demonstrate grade appropriate speaking and listening skills. ● Demonstrate grade level reading and comprehension of informational texts. ● Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).Comprehends Text ● Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.● Read grade level text with purpose and understanding; read and comprehend literature such as poetry, fairy tales, and folktales independently and proficiently.● Demonstrate an understanding of the author's purpose.● Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.
1st Grade Curriculum GuideMathematicsWhen students connect ideas, they deepen their understanding. The enVisionmath2.0 program is organized into clusters of connected topics and lessons. Students learn to see relationships, ask questions, and try different approaches. Problem-based learning drives student to engage in productive struggle. Two main resources are used for mathematics instruction. EnVisionmath 2.0, a problem based learning program that focuses on conceptual understanding, is used in conjunction with Math in Practice, a collection of best practice teaching strategies. Students will Understand Concepts and Perform Computations in the following areas:Data and Graphing: Demonstrate an ability to read and interpret simple charts and graphs.Number Sense and Place Value: Demonstrate the use of place value, whole numbers, and models to represent numbers.Measurement: Demonstrate the ability to measure the length of an object using nonstandard units.Time: Demonstrate an understanding of time concepts.Geometry: Demonstrate an understanding of basic geometric figures (2D/3D shapes) and lines of symmetry.Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Demonstrate an understanding of how to add and subtract one and two digit numbers, know basic addition and subtraction operations, and understand the relationship between addition and subtraction.Fractions: Demonstrate an ability to model, identify, label, and compare fractions (halves, thirds, fourths, and quarters) as a representation of equal parts of a whole or set.Money: Identify and count combinations of coins.ScienceStudents will participate in inquiry-based lessons, complete investigations and experiments. Units include: Magnets: Describe the special properties of magnets such as attract, repel, push and pull.Soil and Rocks: Identify rocks, layers of soil, types of erosion, and animals that make their home in each layer of soil.Properties of Matter (sorting): Use physical characteristics to describe matter; group objects based on characteristics Senses: Name the five senses and their corresponding body part and how the five senses work together.Mammals: Understand the physical characteristics, survival needs, adaptations, and mammals as herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.Plants: Understand the life cycle and functional parts of plants.16 Social StudiesStudents continue their introduction to United States history, geography, government, and historical figures. Units include: ● Communities:● Map Skills● Georgia Study● Current Events● Geography● Historical Figures: ● Government● EconomicsWork Habits ● Listen Attentively● Follow Oral Directions● Complete Work in a Timely Manner● Work Independently● Organize Assignments● Organize Supplies● Work to Ability● Complete Homework● Care for Personal Needs IndependentlyConduct● Practice Self-Discipline● Respect Authority● Cooperate with Others
1st Grade Curriculum GuideArtUnits in Grade 1 Art:● Elements of Art ● Warm and Cool Colors● Positive and Negative Space● Communities - aligned with Social Studies● Patterns● Winter● Collage● Clay● Weather● Self Portrait● Printing● African Animal Project - aligned with ScienceDanceStudents can opt to take dance during one of their regularly scheduled P.E. class.Skills Taught in Grade 1 Dance:● Introduction to Dance● Five Basic Positions● Technical Movement Skills for Ballet● Basic Ballet Technique● Ballet Vocabulary● Barre Exercises● Traveling Steps● Choreographic Studies● Combinations and Sequences● Performance Preparation/performances● Student Choreography17 Physical Education The P.E. curriculum focuses on the integration of physical education into students’ everyday life. In addition to skill development, goal setting, self‐discipline, leadership and cooperation, the teachers use cross-curricular strategies to reinforce content from other subjects. Units in Grade 1 P.E.:● Spatial Awareness/Loco/Non Locomotor ● Toss, Throw, Catch ● Striking, Net Games ● Dance, Rhythm ● Kicking ● Balance, Gymnastics ● Team SportsSpanishBy the end of First Grade (Level B), children will be able to complete the following tasks in Spanish:● I can begin to talk about the months of the year.● I can describe the color of something as brown, black, or white.● I can talk about the number of objects in a group, up to six.● I can identify a dog, cat, or rabbit.● I can tell someone, “I love you.”● I can ask and answer the question “How many?”● I can ask simple questions to discover what people like.● I can talk about my pets.● I can react to something I think is cool.● I can answer basic questions and give information about my family, including:o family wordso nameso petso what people are likeo what others like to doMusicUnits in Grade 1 Music:● Singing, alone and with others● Performing on instruments, alone and with others● Reading and notating music● Concert Program Preparation
1st Grade Curriculum Guide18 Responsive ClassroomWoodward uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core BeliefIn order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies— cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self-control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroom approach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as● Morning Meeting● Interactive Modeling● Energizers● Logical ConsequencesCounselingThe Counseling, Health, and Wellness curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional, and physical well-being● Self-confidence in ability to succeed● Sense of belonging in the school environment● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long-term career success● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes● Positive attitude toward work and learningThe school counselor meets with students every other cycle and encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three subcategories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.CollaboratoryIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM), as well as library and research skills, students learn by inventing, creating and designing, and understanding the true meaning of design. The Collaboratory curriculum integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity. These skills contribute to students’ ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret multiple perspectives, analyze complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Computer Literacy ● Demonstrate an ability to use technology to research, write, and present information● Keyboard ● Fine motor skills ● Hand position and finger dexterity● Rows, location of numbers, and punctuation keys● Typing letters, letter combinations, and wordsInformation LiteracyDemonstrate the ability to develop good questions, select sources, search for information, critically evaluate and cite the information found, and create and share the information.Coding & RoboticsUtilize computational thinking while logically ordering and analyzing data and creating solutions using algorithms. In first grade, students will create computer programs with loops and events and write algorithms for everyday tasks. Students will predict, test, and debug. The focus is on collaboration, problem-solving techniques, and persistence.Engineering & DesignIn addition to meeting with students during class, our Collaboratory teachers also will collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students will use the engineering design process while working collaboratively, thinking critically, and creatively. At a first grade-appropriate level, students will● Empathize: Understand that other people feel things differently● Define: Pick one insight and create problem statement with guidance● Ideate: To develop multiple and varied ideas without judgment● Prototype: Create a representation of an idea that someone else can understand● Test: Try a prototype to see how it works
1st Grade Curriculum GuideDigital CitizenshipThis curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiraled approach to address cross-curricular needs. At each developmental stage, the lessons are taught within the counseling, STEAM, and classroom settings. The unit topics vary depending upon age. Topics include:● Privacy & Security● Digital Footprint & Reputation● Self-Image & Identity● Creative Credit & Copyright● Relationships & Communication● Information Literacy● Internet SafetyLibrary and Research SkillsStudents will:● Demonstrate responsibility for borrowed materials by returning them on time and in good condition.● Know that awards are given to books of particular merit.● Identify favorite authors, titles and characters.● Effectively use search strategies to locate information.● Demonstrate competency in using the online catalog.● Developing an understanding for how to use a call number to locate books in the library.● Access library databases and e-books from remote sites.● Formulate research questions based on information needs.19 SeesawSeesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that empowers students of any age to independently document what they are learning at school and share it with their teachers, parents and classmates. Each student gets their own journal and will add items like photos, videos, drawings, and notes.
2nd Grade Curriculum GuideReading and Word StudyUses Decoding Strategies: ● Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it.Reads with Fluency on Grade Level: ● Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.Phonics and Word Study: ● Build and reinforce spelling rules to help reading and writing.● Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues.● Analyze meaningful word parts.● Consult general and specialized reference materials as appropriate.Comprehends Text: ● Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.● Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.● Read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.● Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.● Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences.Language and Grammar Grammar: Demonstrates grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.Uses Punctuation and Capitalization: Demonstrates grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English punctuation and capitalization.Spell Appropriately: Use appropriate spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words.Overview of 2nd GradeAt the Primary School, our teachers pay careful attention to the development of each student, drawing out their strengths, and channeling every learning moment into progress. While we challenge, we also offer warm, wise guidance, creating a learning environment that keeps the joy of learning alive.Second grade students have:● Language Arts and Math daily● Social Studies three times per cycle● Spanish, Music, Art and Science two times per cycle● P.E. three times per cycle● Dance (optional, during one P.E. class per cycle) ● Collaboratory one time each cycle● Counseling every other cycle● Recess every day20 Communication SkillsStudents will:● Maintain conversations with children and adults.● Respond appropriately to others’ emotions.● Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences.
2nd Grade Curriculum GuideWritingWrites Legibly: demonstrates appropriate letter formation, size, and spacing.Express Ideas Clearly● Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.● Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.● Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.● Write a letter using standard format.● Read and write poetry independently and proficiently.● Cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from text. ● Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.21 Social Studies Second grade social studies focuses on the following units:● Families and Communities● Government● Map Skills● Primary and Secondary Sources● Economics● Cultures and American Holidays MathematicsWhen students connect ideas, they deepen their understanding. The enVisionmath2.0 program is organized into clusters of connected topics and lessons. Students learn to see relationships, ask questions, and try different approaches. Problem-based learning drives student to engage in productive struggle. Two main resources are used for mathematics instruction. EnVisionmath 2.0, a problem based learning program that focuses on conceptual understanding, is used in conjunction with Math in Practice, a collection of best practice teaching strategies. Students will Understand Concepts and Perform Computations in the following areas:Number Sense and Place Value: Use place value, read, write, and compare whole numbers, use models to represent numbers, and use expanded notation; add and subtract whole numbers, multiply single-digit numbers, know the language of basic operations, understand the relationship between addition and multiplication, and estimate sums, differences, products and quotients.Addition and Subtraction: Add and subtract whole numbers, multiply single-digit numbers, know the language of basic operations, understand the relationship between addition and multiplication, and estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients.Time: Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m. Money: Solve real life problems involving coins.Measurement: Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.Data and graphs Read and interpret various types of simple graphs, including bar, line, circle, pictorial graphs, and tables, and tallies. Geometry: Understand basic properties of figures, including closure, number of sides, vertices, and angles, and characterize lines as intersecting or parallel.Science Students will participate in inquiry-based lessons, complete investigations and experiments. Units include: Weather: identify different types of weather; synthesize how it impacts our community; identify states of matter; explain the water cycle.Light and Color: describe different types of light; explain why light is important to everyday life. Simple Machines: recognize and build levers, inclined planes, wedges, wheel and axles, screws and pulleys; identify ways they are used in society.Respiratory System: identify and describe the major organs; discuss health issues associated with the respiratory system.Birds: describe physical characteristics; identify basic elements necessary for survival, observe and identify life cycle; identify and explain the predator/prey relationship in a food chain.Work Habits● Listen Attentively● Follow Directions● Share Ideas● Use Time Wisely● Work Independently● Organize Tasks and Supplies● Work to Ability● Complete Homework
Music Units in Grade 2 Music:● Exposure to a wide variety of music and composers.● Introduction to the guitar● Using mallet instruments to play ostinato together● Proper singing and breathing techniques● Winter and Spring concert preparationPhysical Education The P.E .curriculum focuses on the integration of physical education into students’ everyday life. In addition to skill development, goal setting, self‐discipline, leadership and cooperation, the teachers use cross-curricular strategies to reinforce content from other subjects.Units in Grade 2 P.E.:● Chase, Flee, and Dodge● Toss, Throw, and Catch● Striking, Net Games● Cooperative Games● Dance and Rhythm● Kicking● Balance and Gymnastics● Team SportsArtUnits in Grade 2 Art:● Art History ● Elements of Art ● Principles of Design● Creative Use of Media● Painting/Color Theory 2nd Grade Curriculum GuideCounselingThe Counseling, Health, and Wellness curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional, and physical well-being● Self-confidence in ability to succeed● Sense of belonging in the school environment● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long-term career success● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes● Positive attitude toward work and learningThe school counselor meets with students every other cycle and encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three subcategories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.Dance Students can opt to take dance during one of their regularly scheduled P.E. class.Units in Grade 2 Dance:● Introduction to Dance● Student Led Review● Five Basic Positions● Basic Ballet Technique● Ballet Vocabulary● Barre Exercises● Proper Stretching Techniques● Traveling Steps● Choreographic Studies● Combinations and Sequences● Performance Preparation and Techniques/performances● Student ChoreographySpanishThe Spanish curriculum for second grade is language based (90% in the target language) and uses real world themes that are culture rich and model correct language.Units in Grade 2 Spanish:● School Days● Making Friends22SeesawSeesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that empowers students of any age to independently document what they are learning at school and share it with their teachers, parents and classmates. Each student gets their own journal and will add items like photos, videos, drawings, and notes.Conduct ● Practice self-discipline● Respect authority● Cooperate with others
CollaboratoryIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) as well as library and research skills, students learn by inventing, creating, and designing, and understanding the true meaning of design. The Collaboratory curriculum integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity. These skills contribute to students’ ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret multiple perspectives, analyze complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Computer Literacy & Keyboarding● Demonstrate an ability to use technology to research, write, and present information● Word processing and slideshows● Build typing muscle memory● Learn the entire keyboard● Practice of common letters, words, and sentencesInformation LiteracyDemonstrate at a second-grade level the ability to develop good questions, select sources, search for information, critically evaluate and cite the information found, and create and share the information.Coding & RoboticsUtilize computational thinking while logically ordering and analyzing data and creating solutions using algorithms. In second grade, students will use conditionals, algorithms, and binary code. Students will predict, test, and debug. The focus is on collaboration, problem-solving techniques, and persistence. Engineering & DesignIn addition to meeting with students in class, our Collaboratory teachers also will collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students will use the engineering design process while working collaboratively and thinking critically and creatively. At a second-grade level, students will:● Empathize: Discover non-obvious insights● Define: Understand multiple insights and needs and synthesize into a single problem statement with guidance● Ideate: Develop multiple and varied ideas based on the problem statement ● Prototype: Create a representation of an idea that can be evaluated by others● Test & Redesign: Try and show a prototype and effectively solicit feedbackDigital CitizenshipThis curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiraled approach to address cross-curricular needs. At each developmental stage, the lessons are taught within the Collaboratory and classroom settings. The unit topics vary depending upon age. Topics include:● Privacy & Security● Digital Footprint & Reputation● Self-Image & Identity● Creative Credit & Copyright● Relationships & Communication● Information Literacy● Internet Safety●● Internet Safety23 Library and Research SkillsStudents will:● Follow correct procedures in checking out, renewing, and returning books● Listen to, view, discuss and enjoy a variety of literature read aloud or presented in order to develop enthusiasm for reading for pleasure and for information.● Locate, select, and retrieve a variety of materials for reading pleasure.● Recognize the call numbers of fiction, biography, and reference books.● Know that fiction books are arranged alphabetically by the last name of the author.● Identify the elements of a variety of genre.● Demonstrate competency in selecting, using, and evaluating subscription databases. 2nd Grade Curriculum GuideResponsive ClassroomWoodward uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core BeliefIn order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies— cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroom approach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as● Morning Meeting● Interactive Modeling● Energizers● Logical Consequences
3rd Grade Curriculum GuideOverview of 3rd GradeAt the Primary School, our teachers pay careful attention to the development of each student, drawing out their strengths, and channeling every learning moment into progress. While we challenge, we also offer warm, wise guidance, creating a learning environment that keeps the joy of learning alive.Third grade students have: ● Language Arts and Math daily● Social Studies three times per cycle● Spanish, Music, Art and Science two times per cycle● P.E. three times per cycle● Dance (optional, during one P.E. class per cycle) ● Collaboratory one time each cycle● Counseling every other cycle● Recess every dayLanguage and GrammarGrammar● Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.Use Punctuation and Capitalization Correctly● Demonstrate grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English punctuation and capitalization.Spell Appropriately● Use appropriate spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words.WritingWrite Legibly● demonstrate correct pencil grip and form cursive letters properlyExpress Ideas Clearly● Use graphic organizers to plan a paragraph.● Write and organize a paragraph.● Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.● Write persuasive texts to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.● Write informational texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.● Cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from text. ● Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.24 Communication SkillsStudents will:● develop an understanding of the role communication plays in various cultural settings.● identify positive and negative characteristics about speeches.● practice leading small groups.● participate in group discussions. ● learn adaptation by telling stories to different audiences.Reading and Word Study Reads with Fluency on Grade Level● Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.Comprehends Text● ask questions while reading● understand and summarize the passage● describe characters and character traits● answer questions related to what was read● identify theme/moral● retell a story from another point of view● identify author's purpose● make predictions● find evidence/support within the text● learn to make inferences from the text● compare themes, characters, plots, and setting of stories● use a Venn Diagram to help identify the contrasting partsDevelop Vocabulary ● Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriateUses Decoding Strategies● Identify phonics patterns within words● Understand and apply patterns to reading and writing
3rd Grade Curriculum GuideMathematicsWhen students connect ideas, they deepen their understanding. The enVisionmath2.0 program is organized into clusters of connected topics and lessons. Students learn to see relationships, ask questions, and try different approaches. Problem-based learning drives student to engage in productive struggle. Two main resources are used for mathematics instruction. EnVisionmath 2.0, a problem based learning program that focuses on conceptual understanding, is used in conjunction with Math in Practice, a collection of best practice teaching strategies. Students will Understand Concepts and Perform Computation in the following areas:Measurement: measurement, calculate area and perimeterPlace Value: round to the thousands place, write in expanded notation, identify place value to the millionsNumber Sense: use knowledge of base ten to add and subtract whole numbers, solve number sentencesAddition and Subtraction: use number models to solve a problem, write a number model to solve a problemData and Graphs: interpret information from a graph, create a graphMultiplication and Division: create an array/picture to solve a multiplication and division problem, write a number model to solve a problemGeometry: recognize and identify polygons, distinguish between different quadrilaterals, sides, vertices, and anglesFractions: represent fractions, fractions on a number line, equivalent fractions, compare fractions in number storiesDecimals: read and write decimals to the hundredths, compare decimals, decimals on a number lineSocial StudiesThird grade social studies focuses on the following units: ● Geography & Map Skills● Primary and Secondary Sources● Government landmarks & Symbols● Citizenship & Civic Engagement● Celebrating Communities● Our Environment● Economics 25 ScienceStudents will participate in inquiry-based lessons, complete investigations and experiments. Units include: Motion and Force: explain gravity, types of motion, explain the effect of friction on motion, explain the effect of lubricants on motion, identify constants and variable in an experiment.Moon and Planets: discuss historical and future applications of space exploration; explain characteristics of the moon, identify phases of the moon, explain the formation of the solar system, planets, stars and constellations.Chemical and Physical Changes: identify properties of matter; differentiate mass and weight; identify physical and chemical changes.Circulatory System: identify major components; name parts of blood and explain their function, list risk factors of cardiovascular disease.Vertebrates: investigate and understand basic characteristics, adaptations, and needs of fish, reptiles, and amphibians.Invertebrates: investigate and understand how invertebrates are identified; introduction to the science of taxonomy.Work Habits● Listen Attentively● Follow Directions● Share Ideas● Use Time Wisely● Work Independently● Organize Tasks and Supplies● Work to His/Her Ability● Complete HomeworkConduct● Practice Self Discipline● Respect Authority ● Cooperate with Others
3rd Grade Curriculum GuideCounselingThe Counseling, Health, and Wellness curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional, and physical well-being.● Self-confidence in ability to succeed.● Sense of belonging in the school environment.● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long-term career success.● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes.● Positive attitude toward work and learning.The school counselor meets with students every other cycle and encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/ small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three sub-categories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.DanceStudents can opt to take dance during one of their regularly scheduled P.E. class.Units in 3rd Grade Dance:● Introduction to Dance● Student Led Review● Five Basic Positions● Basic Ballet Technique● Ballet Vocabulary● Barre Exercises● Proper Stretching Techniques● Traveling Steps● Choreographic Studies● Introduction to Contemporary Jazz Techniques● Combinations and Sequences● Performance Preparation and Technique/performances● Student Choreography26 Physical Education The P.E. curriculum focuses on the integration of physical education into students’ everyday life. In addition to skill development, goal setting, self‐discipline, leadership and cooperation, the teachers use cross-curricular strategies to reinforce content from other subjects.Units in 3rd Grade P.E.:● Chasing, Fleeing, Dodging● Tossing, Throwing, Catching● Striking, Net Games● Cooperative Games● Dance and Rhythm● Kicking● Balance and Gymnastics● Team SportsSpanishThe Spanish curriculum for second grade is language based (90% in the target language) and uses real world themes that are culture rich and model correct language.Units in 3rd Grade Spanish● All About Me● Healthy HabitsSeesawSeesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that empowers students of any age to independently document what they are learning at school and share it with their teachers, parents and classmates.Each student gets their own journal and will add items like photos, videos, drawings, and notes.MusicUnits in 3rd Grade Music● Harmony● Reading and Notating Music ● Steady Beat● Reading and Following Octavo● Concert Preparation Skills ArtUnits in 3rd Grade Art:● Drawing● Painting/Color Theory● Printmaking● Ceramics/Handbuilding● Multi Medium Collage
3rd Grade Curriculum GuideCollaboratoryIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM), students learn by inventing, creating and designing — and understanding the true meaning of design. The STEAM curriculum at the Primary School integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity, the skills that contribute to students ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret multiple perspectives, analyze complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Computer Literacy & Keyboarding● Demonstrate an ability to use technology to research, write, and present information● Word processing and slideshows● Build typing muscle memory● Practice of common letters, words, and sentences● Learn the keyboard Information LiteracyDemonstrate at a third-grade level the ability to develop good questions, select sources, search for information, critically evaluate and cite the information found, and create and share the information.Coding & RoboticsUtilize computational thinking while logically ordering and analyzing data and creating solutions using algorithms. In third grade, students will use functions, nested loops and conditionals. Students will predict, test, and debug. The focus is on collaboration, problem-solving techniques, and persistence. Engineering & DesignIn addition to meeting with students in class, our Collaboratory teachers also will collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students will use the engineering design process while working collaboratively, thinking critically, and creatively. At a third-grade level, students will:● Empathize: Discover non-obvious insights.● Define: Understand multiple insights and needs and synthesize into a single problem statement with guidance.● Ideate: Develop multiple and varied ideas based on the problem statement. ● Prototype: Create a representation of an idea that can be evaluated by others.● Test & Redesign: Try and show a prototype and effectively solicit feedback.Digital CitizenshipThis curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiraled approach to address cross-curricular needs. At each developmental stage, the lessons are taught within the counseling, STEAM, and classroom settings. The unit topics vary depending upon age. Topics include:● Privacy & Security● Digital Footprint & Reputation● Self-Image & Identity● Creative Credit & Copyright● Relationships & Communication● Information Literacy● Internet Safety27 Library and Research SkillsStudents will:● Follow correct procedures in checking out, renewing, and returning books● Listen to, view, discuss and enjoy a variety of literature read aloud or presented in order to develop enthusiasm for reading for pleasure and for information.● Locate, select, and retrieve a variety of materials for reading pleasure.● Recognize the call numbers of fiction, biography, and reference books.● Know that fiction books are arranged alphabetically by the last name of the author.● Identify the elements of a variety of genre.● Demonstrate competency in selecting, using, and evaluating subscription databases. Responsive ClassroomWoodward uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core BeliefIn order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies— cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroom approach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as: morning meeting, interactive modeling, energizers, and logical consequences