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Provincetown September 2024 News

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Provincetown IB SchoolsSeptember 2024 NewsletterProvincetown IB SchoolsSeptember 2024 NewsletterAll articles and pictures were submitted by staffand students.The annual PYP Team Building Beach Cleanup.

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Table of ContentsA message from...Principal Mrs. Francis - 2IB Coordinator Miss Tracey - 3SEN Director Mr. Ganas - 4SEN Teachers Miss Katie & Miss D - 4Title 1 Teacher Miss Royek - 5Health Office Nurse Angie - 5 Field Studies & Community Connections Coordinator Miss Flasher - 6Infant Toddler Coordinator Miss Jasmine - 7Infant Room Miss Erin & Lacey - 7Early Toddler Room Miss May & Miss Margarita - 8Late Toddler Room Miss Arielle - 8PK3 Miss Becca & Miss Cassandra - 9PK4 Miss Stephanie & Miss Leah - 10PYK Miss Lisa & Mr. Bob -11PY1 Miss D & Miss S - 11PY2 Miss Beaulieu & Miss Perry - 12PY3 Mr. Shannon & Miss Jill - 13PY4 Mrs. Lynch & Miss Chelsea - 14PY5 Mrs. Thyer & Miss Anna - 15Art Mr. Gillane - 16Drama Miss Megan - 16Digital Literacy & Computer Science Mrs. Heinz - 17Italian Maestra Murrary - 18Music Mr. O’Hara - 19PE Mrs. Colley - 19Individuals & Societies Mr. Mac - 20Language & Literature Ms. Rokicki - 21MYP Math Ms. Grohoski - 25MYP STEAM Miss Krikorian - 26NJHS Isabella & Luciano - 27Athletic Director Miss Chelsea - 28Soccer Team Coaches Shannon & Steven - 29Lunch Menu Chef Andrew - 31What’s Coming Up? - 31Page 1

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Dear Provincetown IB Schools community,I want to officially welcome all of you to the 2024-25 school year! This year wewill continue with the tradition of excellence in Provincetown IB Schools.Over the summer months, we were busy preparing for another amazing year.The school was meticulously cleaned and painted, new faculty joined ourteam, and innovative curricula and resources were added to bring teachingand learning alive for all students. In Provincetown IB Schools we arecommitted to a culture of academic excellence, collaboration, creativity,problem-solving, and respect within our school community. We believe inthe power of teamwork and the significance of a strong partnership betweenhome and school. I encourage families to actively engage in the educational process atProvincetown IB Schools, maintain open lines of communication, andparticipate in school activities and events whenever possible. Together, wecan provide the support and guidance our students need to thriveacademically, socially, and emotionally. Please stay connected with ourschool through School Messenger, your child’s Google classroom, the schoolwebsite (, social media channels, and regularcommunication updates. These platforms will provide you with importantannouncements, academic resources, and information about schoolhappenings and upcoming events Additionally, please do not hesitate to reachout to our dedicated faculty and staff members should you have anyquestions, concerns, or suggestions. We value your feedback and arecommitted to building and deepening relationships with families and thecommunity at large. Warm regards,Mrs. Elizabeth C. FrancisDistrict PrincipalA Message from our Principal:Page 2

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The IB Learner ProfileThe IB learner profile places the student at the centre of an IBeducation.The 10 attributes reflect the holistic nature of an IB education. They highlight theimportance of nurturing dispositions such as curiosity and compassion, as well asdeveloping knowledge and skills. They also highlight that, along with cognitivedevelopment, IB programmes are concerned with students’ social, emotional andphysical well-being, and with ensuring that students learn to respect themselves,others and the world around them.IB educators help students to develop these attributes over the course of their IBeducation, and to demonstrate them in increasingly robust and sophisticatedways as they mature. The development of these attributes is the foundation ofdeveloping internationally minded students who can help to build a better world.I'd be delighted to answer any questions about our IB curriculum thatparents/guardians may have please feel free to email them totanderson@provincetownschools.comPage 3A Message from our IB Coordinator:

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A Message from SEN:From PYP SEN Teacher Miss Katie:The PYP Resource room has been visited bymany students so far this year. It has been lovelyto share all of our summer adventures and shareour learning goals for the 2024-2025 school year.We are quickly jumping into all types oflearning--whether it be reading, writing ormath and we’ve been completing our benchmarkassessments. I look forward to watching yourstudents blossom this year! They are a joy tohave in class!Page 4From our SEN Director Matt Ganas:From MYP SEN Teacher Miss D:Provincetown’s IB Schools Students with EducationalNeeds (SEN) team welcomes our new Special Educationdirector, Matthew Ganas. Matt aka Mr. G. joins us with awealth of knowledge and experience. He offers valuablesupport to our team of educators and our students atlarge. This year begins our first year in implementingThe New Massachusetts IEP. This new IEP form isstudent and family focused. The form guides the teamto offer the lead of the students’ needs to parents (in thenew form, parents refer to the child’s caregivers) andstudents, beginning with their visions for students. Inthe educational world, we refer to this as “backwarddesign”. We work on where and how we aspire toachieve goals and outcomes, and then collectivelycreate and agree upon the steps needed to reach thestudents’ and family’s vision. Matt is well versed in thisnew form and offers his guidance to us. In addition,Katie Pentedemos (SEN PYP) and I will be beginning ayear-long course with The Collaborative forEducational Services to deep dive into the process. Weare happily reconnecting with our former students andare excited that we are beginning the building ofrelationships with our new students! Dianna Morton, MYP SEN EducatorHello Families! My name is Matt Ganas and I’m thrilled to be workingalongside our talented faculty, staff and administration as our Director ofSpecial Education Needs (SEN) here at the Provincetown IB Schools. It’s beena fantastic start to the school year and it’s been a pleasure getting to knowyour students.Our department is made up of supportive, caring, and dedicated specialeducation teachers, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists,school psychologists, and educational support professionals.Throughout the year, we will be hosting regular meetings of our parentcommunity via our Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC). Therole of SEPAC is to advise our school district on matters that pertain to theeducation and safety of students with disabilities. Each public school districtin Massachusetts is required to establish a SEPAC, which provides both anadvisory and participatory purpose. Interested in participating in these meetings or learning more? Please emailme at for more information.I look forward to a successful year together!

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A Message from Title 1:Page 5Title I Part A of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Actprovides financial assistance to districts and schools with highnumbers or high percentages of children from low-income families tohelp ensure that all children meet challenging state academicstandards. (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education,DESE)As the Title 1 Teacher I provide support services to low-achievingstudents at the elementary (PYP), and middle (MYP) school levels inMathematics and Literacy. I administer evidence-based programs that allow qualifyingstudents to achieve the learning standards of the state curriculumframeworks through hands-on learning, push-in and pull-out models,and include engaging activities that incorporate student interest,modes of learning, and skill support needed.Miss RoyekA Message from Nurse Angie:Hello from the health office, We have started off the year pretty well, aside from sickness. Please keep your student home if they are sick. Call the nurse to discussconcerns.We have a flu clinic coming up on 10/23/24, and dental clinics on 10/9, 2/12, and 5/15. Please sign up. Stay Healthy!!Nurse Angie

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Page 6A Message from Miss Flasher:From Ms. Flasher’s Field Studies and Community Connections: PYP INQUIRY MONDAYS! Each Monday is dedicated to PYP explorations of inquiry found in our observations about the worldaround us and in our school gardens. Farmer Jackie from Sustainable CAPE teams up with us toimmerse students in learning about the many amazing facts and mysteries about plants. We’ve beenbusy collecting seeds from the sunflowers, lettuce and chard in our gardens. We also tasted somesweet watermelon grown from seeds and planted last spring. Every other week students and teachers team up with Ms. Flasher to explore student-generatedinquiries and also those pulled from their class units of inquiry. Change is the concept highlightedin this autumn’s offerings. How does a horseshoe crab or an oyster grow bigger? Why can cheetahsrun so fast? How was Cape Cod formed and did it always look like this? Inquiry fuels student explorations and action, followed by time to reflect on our findings. Just as inall their other classes, woven into every Inquiry Class is a focus on being safe, kind, curious,courageous, and responsible. Applying those important skills inside the classroom and out in thefield helps learners make the most out of every learning opportunity that comes their way! Right:PYP2 Adrianna's Inquiry about a class skeleton.Left: Farmer Jackie has returned!PYP3 Group Inquiry about a preserved shark.Students collecting seeds in plant life cycle lesson.PYP Inquiry Exploration about vertebrates andinvertebrates.

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Page 7A Message from Miss Jasmine:“Happy start to the school year to all! Up here in the Early Learning Center ourInfant/Toddler students and staff have been hard at work getting back into theschool year as we have officially said goodbye to summer. As we have welcomedFall, the children have enjoyed exploring the outdoors , going for walks,enjoying the field, playing in the classrooms, drawing with chalk outside, andmeeting new friends. We would like to give a huge shoutout to Miss Tessa Bry Taylor! The EarlyLearning Center is looking fabulous! Between the front entry area, theplayground, and everything you do for us, the children, the building and theschool, everything is coming together which is going to make for an amazingschool year. Thank you Tessa for your consistent hard work and dedication, wetruly appreciate you.”Jasmine Avallone-OsowskiInfant Toddler Coordinator "The infant classroomhas been learning aboutand exploring applesthis month. The childrenhad a lot of fun creatingour classroom appletree!"From Miss Erin & Miss LaceyA Messagefrom theInfant Room:

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Page 8A Message from the EarlyToddler Room:A Message from the LateToddler Room:The Early Toddler Class is very creative, we made our own handprint leaves and paperpumpkin crafts. From Miss May & Miss MargaritaNews From the Late Toddler Classroom! We have been settling in to the new classroom schedule very well. The class isworking on learning our days of the week and love doing weather watcher as agroup in the mornings! On the nice days we have been going for walks to Motta’s Field and having tonsof dance parties!! The kids can’t wait for the playground to be finished so we can get out thereand enjoy the beautiful fall weather. From Miss Arielle

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Page 9A Message from PK3:PK3 (three and four year olds) are exploring how to be students in a classroom. We havebeen enjoying our first unit, How We Organize Ourselves. Together, we are learning totake care of materials, move around our various spaces, and take turns with our newfriends. Included in each unit we have what are called Approaches to Learning. For thisunit, that has been self-management skills. We went on our first walking field trip andpracticed this skill by staying together and keeping our bodies safe. They were amazing!One of our pictures shows us how we lined up to get ready to go! The other picture is us atour destination. I’m very proud of these young IB learners!!From Miss Becca & Miss Cassandra

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A Message from PK4:This month in PK4 students havebeen focusing on learning ourclassroom expectations and routinesas part of our first IB Unit, Who WeAre. They are learning to follow thedaily schedule, participate indiscovery centers, and take part inlearning with the different specialiststhey see every day. Through thislearning, they are developing theirself-management, and social skills.Pre-Kindergarteners are learningself-management skills such asorganization; through followingclassroom routines, and thedirections of myself and otherteachers, as well as sharing in theresponsibility of making decisionsabout where, who with, and what toplay with. They are also working hard atdeveloping their social skills,especially their social and emotionalintelligence. Students are learning tobe aware of their own and others’emotions, and how to manage theirfeelings and resolve conflicts withtheir peers. We have just started ourSocial Emotional Curriculum, A LittleSpot of Feelings and Emotions. Theyhave begun to learn how to be feelingdetectives, using important cluessuch as facial expressions and bodylanguage to identify their ownemotions and those of others!- Miss StephanieFrom Miss Stephanie& Miss LeahPage 10

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A Message from PYK:Kindergarten has been introducedto all the characters that help uslearn. Everett holds Leo theLetter-Loving Lobster, who helpsus learn the alphabet. Corey hasNina the Naming Newt, who lovesteaching new vocabulary words.Aliyah is holding Reggie theRhyming Rhino, who joins us forour Heggerty lessons and helps usrhyme. Lastly, Jon is holding TheCount, who begins our mathlessons each day with somethingnew in the counting jar. Theseclassroom characters enhancelearning across the curriculumand make literacy and math somuch fun!From Miss Lisa & Mr. BobPage 11A Message from PY1:From Miss D & Miss SOur first graders have been working hardto create a strong classroom community!We’ve been thinking critically aboutkindness, leadership, and problem-solving.Each day, we learn new things and reflecton our essential agreement: be safe, bekind, be curious, be courageous, and beresponsible throughout the school day.We are flying through our Heggerty time,demonstrating great teamwork duringmath activities. It’s wonderful to see howwe’re growing closer as a team every day!

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A Message from PYK2:On September 25th, PYP2 visited the Old Harbor Lifesaving Station inProvincetown. We learned about how the lifesavers used to save boats andpeople in distress along the Cape. The students visited their living quarters, sawthe rowboats, learned life saving procedures, and even learned about a chamberpot! Their time ended with a quiz where they had the opportunity to earn aJunior Ranger Badge. Thank you to Rangers John and Nick!From Miss Beaulieu & Miss PerryPage 12

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A Message from PY3:From Mr. Shannon & Miss JillPY3 Learned the power of words during theToothpaste Challenge. First, the kids were splitinto groups. Each group was instructed toempty their toothpaste tube. Then they receivedtoothpicks and were told to put the toothpasteback inside. Needless to say it was nearlyimpossible. Finally we connected that to how wecan’t take back words after we say them. Voila,our list of Toothpaste Words!Page 13

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A Message from PY4:From Mrs. Lynch & Miss ChelseaThe students in PY4 were given a large number of index cards labeled with many differentnames of living things (but not plants). Given only the directions: “Read, discuss, and groupthese living things into 2 categories. Please be prepared to explain your reasoning for yourgroups.” After some confusion, the class had an interesting discussion to determine the groups andcreated 2 groups. After some probing questions and with some subtle guidance, the studentsrevised the cards into the correct groups: vertebrates (living things with backbones/spines)and invertebrates (living things without backbones/spines). Now with this mindset the students were challenged to create each major categories’subtests. These budding scientists correctly created the following subgroups and moreimportantly proudly defended their thinking. What a wonderful provocation to begin the Unit of Inquiry: “How the World Works.”Page 14

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A Message from PY5:From Mrs. Thyer& Miss AnnaPYP5 Students begin the year with a S.T.E.A.M. team building activity. They focussed onimplementing the IB Approaches to Learning and Learner Profile Traits.Challenge: Built the highest tower possible that will hold a 6oz filled can for 60 seconds. Extrapoints for unused paper. Page 15

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A Message from Art:From Mr. GillaneProvincetown IB Schools Visual Arts students used The Dot by PeterH. Reynolds as inspiration to create this all school collaborativepiece. The Dot is a picture book that has multiple themes, includingcreativity, confidence, and the power of a teacher's actions:Creativity: The book celebrates the creative spirit in everyone andencourages children to explore their creativity. Confidence: The book is about a child who overcomes her doubtsand finds the confidence to express herself. The power of a teacher's actions: The book shows how a teacher'sencouragement can change a child's life. Each young artist exploredmany elements and principles of design on their individual pieces.Color, line, pattern, rhythm, shape, balance and unity are some ofthe tools we use to create our best work. This piece is currently ondisplay in our cafeteria.Page 16A Message from Drama:From Miss MeganWe’ve had a strong start to the school year in drama!This year, a school-wide focus is learning about theworks of William Shakespeare. Students are exploringhis language, characters, and timeless stories in fun,engaging ways. We’re also thrilled to announce thisyear’s musical production: Something Rotten Jr.—ahilarious musical comedy that you won’t want to miss!And finally, please mark your calendars for November2nd when we’ll host our annual Family Fall Fest andHaunted House. This event will serve as a fundraiser forthe theater department, helping us continue to provideenriching theatrical experiences for our students.

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DCLS and Library at Provincetown IB SchoolsThe school year has started off with a rigorous launch into our new program called DLCS or Digital Literacy and Computer Science. Yourstudents are learning the fundamentals of CS from the ground up. We are focusing primarily on Algorithms, Debugging, and Perseverance as wellas the steps taken to solve a problem in any situation life throws your way. Currently, the MYP1 is learning all about problem solving (Define, Prepare, Try and Reflect). You can apply that method to anything that comesyour way. We are collaborating, trying to work out and find out what groups work best together, and then taking risks by maybe not making it socomfortable. Lessons are plugged and unplugged so your child is not always tied to their device. So far, we have built tables out of newspaper andmasking tape that can support books (and in some cases 92lb students!). See pictures. We are learning about what defines a computer, wediscussed and reflected on media balance and how to be a super digital (and in person) citizen. We have started programming on Angry Birds anddebugging in that system. On Fridays, if we accomplish all that needs to be done, we have a Google Corporation Fun Friday, where we visit thepublic library to check out books or play logic games. I could use some more “MasterMind” games, if anyone wants to send a few in. We have beenbusy!In PYP3-PYP5, I see them twice a week. We are trying to keep it one day of Programming and one day of Digital Literacy. We do exist in the libraryso that is also a component of our classes.So far, we have discussed the power of words (in person and online) and how to be a super digital citizen. We are coding in and often dopuzzles in their application that are “Angry Bird” challenges with block coding and debugging. It requires reading directions and solvingproblems. PYP5 was just introduced to Sprites, while they know them because some play online games, they are looking at costumes, location,behaviors and backgrounds.PYP1 and PYP2, I see them once a week, currently everything is unplugged because we are starting slowly with introductions to devices. We havebeen coding on paper, learning about the preciseness of code, making mistakes and learning through trial and error on paper. The children arelearning about how to navigate a library and check out books. Kindergarten is a ball. I see your students three times a week, but it is with Music, PSPE and Drama. The teachers and I collaborate to bring yourchildren experiences that they won’t forget. In music, Mr. O’Hara and I have been tying literature with music and learning how to play songs onthe xylophone and ukulele in the Elmo Music App/PBS kids. See picture of exercise. In Drama, Mrs. Amorese really brings our literature to lifewhile I prepare the activities we do on paper and check out books. In PSPE we have been talking about friendship in health class and and doinggames in the gym with Mrs. Colley.PreSchool and PreK see me 20 minutes a week for a story and song. When the classroom teachers are ready they will bring their classes down tocheck out books and don’t worry their checkouts will remain in their classrooms! We are off to a great start!A Message from Digital Literacy &Computer Science:From Mrs. HeinzPage 17

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A Message from Italian:From Maestra MurrayPage 18Bentornati! Welcome back is the word that opened my first day ofschool at Provincetown IB School. Another word to learn, another imageto describe the essence of the second year of Italian language at school.A butterfly with the colors of the Italian flag is being encouraged to flyby supportive and loving hands. This is the feeling I would like mystudents to perceive every time they enter my classroom. This newschool year brought many changes, such as no homework, butclasswork, more oral interactions and quizzes. Students are stillprocessing all this, but I can already see good results from theseadjustments. Better grades, to start, but also more self-discipline andmutual encouragement. I want to thank all the parents who have shownsupport and enthusiasm for the Italian language and encouraged theirchildren to commit to do well in my class. You are the wind beneaththeir wings. Grazie!

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A Message from PE:From Mrs. ColleyPage 19Students in both the MYP PHE and PYP PSPEclasses started with invasion games. One of theirfavorite games is called, "Capture the Flag" sothat's where we began. Each MYP group has nineweeks of PHE for the year. I decided to let eachMYP group help me create the course agendabased on the activities they would like to do.Every 2 weeks we switch activities. The first unitof the year for PYP PSPE is soccer. The mainfocus is more on skill development and lead upgames rather than just playing the game ofsoccer.A Message from Music:From Mr. O’HaraPYP is off to a great start in music! PYP is working on a sing-along and each and everyclass is able to sing it well so far. There aren’t any pictures yet of the action in the PYPclassroom, but there are certain students that are taking after-school music lessons(pictured). Once or twice a week, they’ll learn a little more about how music is read, andit’s either a wind instrument (like in MYP), or another instrument around the classroom(guitar, piano, recorder, and more).MYP Band is cruising through songs (even with a whole bunch of new members). Ourmain focus this whole first month has been to sound well together, in that we have ahandful of new players this year. It’s a difficult thing to jump right into a band and playmusic, let alone a new instrument, and so far the students are handling it without a hugeamount of maturity. There will be a large amount of performances this year.

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The beginning of this year has been going fast and furious in I&S. Below is a quick snapshot of what wehave been doing over the past few weeks. MYP 1 Ancient Civilizations and Geography 1 So far this term we have introduced ourselves to each other and we have begun our first unit. What does itmean to be a global citizen? We have identified examples of human achievement, ways we can change theworld and some issues facing the world today. We have looked at two case studies, plastics in the oceanand deforestation. We are currently doing an inquiry on human rights and will begin the summativeassessment for the unit in mid - October where students will complete two case studies on plasticpollution and deforestation. MYP 2 Ancient Civilizations and Geography 2 So far this term we have introduced ourselves to each other and we have begun our first unit. What can welearn from different civilizations? As last year we looked at some different regions of the world andinquired about the region today and then followed up with the ancient civilizations that were prevalent inthat region. This year we are beginning our studies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our first major assignment hasstudents inquiring about four countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and presenting the political andgeographical information in small groups. Students also focused on each region geographically. We willfinish the unit in mid - October by creating an African mask based on a particular ancient civilization wewill have covered in class. MYP 3 Civics So far this term we have introduced ourselves to each other and we have begun our first unit. How aresocieties governed? We are currently inquiring about monarchy and students will create a short video thathighlights a current country in the world that has a monarchy for a form of government. We are nowinquiring about democracy and its development in the United States and the world and will finish withinquiring about totalitarian governments and the characteristics of a totalitarian government by mid -October.Page 20A Message fromIndividuals & Societies:From Mr. MacThe Presidential Election Display on the 3rd floor, come by and see electioncampaign posters and other Presidential information going back up to 45+years as MY3 students continue their studies in Civics about the workings ofthe U.S. Government. .MY2 working on ideas for creating an African Ceremonial Mask.

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The International Baccalaureate’s mission seeks to create students to be ableto create and maintain world peace by teaching the 10 Learner ProfileAttributes. Check out the MYP display that groups students by their chosenLearner Profile Goals.Page 21A Message from Language& Literature:From Ms. Rokicki

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Is personal ambition more importantthan family obligation? MYP3 Languageand Literature students examined thisand other human dilemmas during theirin class reading of Tennessee Williams’American classic play, the GlassMenagerie. Thanks to the generosity ofthe 19th Annual Tennessee Williams’Festival in Provincetown, students wereinvited to a live performance of the playat Town Hall. Students write thank youletters to festival curators and organizersthat included concise reviews of theperformance.Page 22Language & Literature Continued:Last winter Amelia Baker wrote an in-classessay under the direction of Mr. Burritt inthe Language and Literature class for theAmerican Ancestors Young HistorianEssay Contest.Over the summer Amelia learned that sheis the semi-finalist in this nationalcompetition. Congratulations, Amelia! Weare so proud of you! Read Amelia's award-winning essay at: 2 Language and Literature students are reading The Midwife's Apprentice about anorphan girl during medieval times with a name that evolves from no name to BrainlessBrat to Dung Beetle to Alyce as her identity also evolves. In Writing Class students have been examining the etymology and personal historiesbehind their first, middle, last names, even nicknames! As an example, enjoy this excerpt from student Luca Amorese! Hello there, my name is Luca and I will be telling you what my name means, what is mymiddle and last name and so on. My parents named me Luca because my mom and dadwere looking for a good name in Italian So they named me Luca. Luca also means bringerof light. I don't really have any nicknames. My middle name is Christopher and that meansbearer of god. And my last name is Amorese and that means a person of love. Some nicknames myfamily calls me are Popeye and Angel. I got the name Popeye from Ryan Landrey who callsme that because when I was first born he got to hold me as a little baby and I startedwinking and looking away and his favorite show was Popeye, so that's where I get mynickname from.I got the nickname Angel from my Grammy. When I was born my parents were notmarried yet, so that means that I got to go to the wedding. And when I went to thewedding I got dressed up as an angel with a halo. And my Grandma thought it was reallycute, so since then she would call me her little Angel.

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From Javi GanasI am so good at sleeping. I cando it with my eyes closed.Speaking of sleeping, do youever get tired during work?Maybe you want to take anap? I can’t be the only oneright? Well I think we shouldbe able to have some time.Teenagers should get moresleep because it helps theirbrain and growth spurts. I getaround 4-6 hours of sleep; itjust depends on the day. I'malways tired when I come toschool and often find myselfputting my head down duringclass and closing my eyes.Studies show that if kids aremore rested they are morealert and ready to learn. Onetime I woke up on a schoolday and I didnt feel tired at allso if you can't fit naps into theday you could also makeschool shorter.Page 23Language & Literature Continued:fter MYP1 Language & Literature students read a Scholastic Scope article on "Naps in Schools", students made theirfirst persuasive letter of the year to Mrs. Francis stating their positions and research on napping in schools. As you can see below, not all students were in favor of naps in schools! From: Jayla GraybillKids should be able to sleepin class because they mighthave parents or siblings thatare loud and are up all night.Plus if you have to wake upearly you still might be tiredand wanna sleep in class, likefor me I live in a house with 7people and it's hard to sleepat night and I have to wakeup at 5:50 am then don't go tosleep till 3am. It's hard tofocus in class so I fall asleep.I also get tired of seeing thesame people everyday andhearing their voices,Different day same work.That's why I think we shouldbe able to sleep in school…. From: Shannia MarriotI think we should not takenaps in class because what ifwe miss a lesson we can’thave the teacher repeateverything just because wewere taking a nap. Anotherreason why I think we shouldnot take a nap in class isbecause you might miss whatto do for homework. Anotherreason why I think we shouldnot take a nap in class isbecause you're not gonnaknow if you're going o n afield trip and on the day thatyou're supposed to go on thattrip you can’t. But I reallythink you should not allow usto take naps in class.

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Page 24Language & Literature Continued:All MYP students practiced the IB Learner Profile Attributes of Risk-taking;Balance; and Caring at Heritage Park in Sandwich for an. All day field trip at theRopes Course, way out of everyone’s comfort zone. A spirit of support,encouragement, and teamwork was palpable throughout the day. There weremany dozing students and faculty on the ride home!

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MYP 1What a start to a new school year, the incoming MYP 1 studentsstarted off the year eager to learn the ins and outs of beingmiddle schoolers. Starting off with homeroom, and a schedulewhere they now go to different classrooms and have differentteachers for each of their classes. There were a few questions,but even fewer mistakes. The students did a great jobnavigating their schedules, classwork and homework. The first week of class was used to wake up the brains, reviewpreviously taught skills, and acclimate with rigors of middleschool classwork. Being the second year of using the Open UpResources curriculum, the students were acquainted with theproblem based math lessons and did a good job transitioningfrom group work to specialized instruction and toindependent work. Students are working on Area and SurfaceArea and then will move to Ratios and Proportions.Welcome to middle school my MYP 1 students you are startingoff the year with a bang! MYP 2Like MYP 1, the first week of class was used to wake up thebrains, and review previously taught skills. Which was a goodthing because the students were so happy to see each other,they spent the first week really wanting to catch up with theirclassmates. Students are working on Scale Drawings and thenwill move to Proportional Relationships.They are still a bit chit chatty, but are beginning to settle inquite nicely for the year, and are the furthest along incompleting their lessonsMYP 3These students are adjusting well in their new role as studentleaders. They are the oldest and most experienced students inschool, all other students look up to them and they aremeeting the challenge! Working hard on preparing for highschool, the students are tackling Transformations andCongruence and will move to Dilations, Similarity andIntroducing Slope.We have two new students this year that have added to thedepth of the class and we welcome them with open arms!Design Class - AlgebraStudents are being introduced to Algebra in this class. Theyare learning the basics of Algebra and its unique terms. Theyare also working on using those important mathematicalterms properly and implementing them into their everydaymath language and assignments. Welcome Ms. Roderick! I have the pleasure of having Ms.Roderick in all math classes this year, she has been awonderful addition to our classes. Page 25A Message from MYP Math:From Ms. Grohoski& Mrs. Rodderick

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This week, the MYP3 students created a solar system to hang from ourclassroom ceiling to go along with our unit about earth’s position inspace, what causes the seasons, the Earth, the moon, the sun, lunar andsolar eclipses, moon phases, and what causes tides. You may notice inthe pictures that Jupiter is missing. Jupiter is the largest planet in oursolar system and has the most mass. Therefore, it will need to besecured to the ceiling better, and therefore, it is not this picture. Wecan pretend that Jupiter is orbiting somewhere out of the frame.PS - The sun lights up!Page 26A Message STEAM:From Mrs. KrikorianHere is a photo of the MYP3students working on an engineering design challengetogether on Week 1.

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Page 27A Message from the NationalJunior Honor Society:From Isabella Cahill Wirthwein & Luciano Morales

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Hello! My name is Chelsea Roderick and I am the athletic director of ourbeautiful school! We are so fortunate to be able to provide the kiddos with theopportunity to play competitive sports! This fall we start with our co-ed soccerteam. We have 24 students on our co-ed team. We have played Nauset andDennis-Yarmouth so far, and we will close our season at the end of October byplaying against Monomoy. Once our games are finished we then have a Staff vs.the MYP soccer team! This year we also introduced something new. TheKnights of Columbus soccer challenge! If the student participates and they winin their category, they then go off to play against others players from differentdistricts! Huge thank you to Knights of Columbus , Joe Farroba, and BrandonMotta! I would also like to thank our two amazing coaches, Eric Shannon andSteven Bernard! The kids and I are beyond lucky to have you both as ourdedicated coaches!October Games:Tuesday the 1st at DY, Friday the 4th at Nauset, Monday 7th at Monomoy, andMonday the 28th at MonomoyPage 28A Message from theAthletic Director:From MissChelsea

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What a beautiful day for soccer over at Motta Field. Our team had A LOT of time to wait for ouropponents, as Nauset wasn't able to arrive until 5:30pm. Nevertheless, our Fishermen were prepared toplay hard, be amazing sports, and have fun...spoiler we succeeded in all. We had four different players in goal today - Cameron, Brandon, Ezra, and Marquez shared the timeequally. I told them before the game they will all make some saves, and they all did. I saw so muchconfidence even after only 2 practices as goalies - they did amazing. The screams from the bench and fansat their saves gave me goosebumps. Even though we allowed 8 goals, our defense was pretty solid. Raea,Luciano, Jon, and Amelia were the confident veterans that helped Milo, Cameron, Marquez, Daequan, andAiden get right into the action. I think Milo has thoroughly enjoyed being a new soccer player andnaturally getting into the scrum. Wesley, Bella, Steven, Javi, Ryder and Hattie played very strong inmidfield. It required a lot more up and down the field - something Steven had no problem doing. Wesleyalso had the first goal of the season on a beautiful shot with his right foot. He works very hard and histeammates noticed that, which got him the first Bootini Striker of the Year Award (our game MVP). Bigshout out to Jada for playing her first ever competitive soccer game. She decided to observe for the firsthalf but started the second half and got right in the mix! Luca was such a leader up front today, and led byexample which helped Brandon, Ezra and Mason move around their positions easier - and have a couplegreat chances. Luca set De-Mario up for our second goal with a fantastic through ball. De-Mario then wasone on one with the goalie and buried it home! De-Mario, like a few other players today, played anywhereand anytime. Strong performance from a quiet leader. This was a good first game of the season, again with only 3 practices.The team sees potential and theopportunity for growth. Our next game is at HOME Monday, September 23 at 4:00 against DY. Now, let'shope all our players can stay out of detention so we can have full team practices to become even better. (Photo Credit: Assistant Coach Chef Steven)Page 29A Message from Coach Shannon:Recap from Game 1, September 16, 2024 - “Tough Loss but lots learned!”Awesome! -Mrs. KIt sounds like as usual, theyplayed with strength of heartand with perseverance.-Mrs. ThyerCongratulations on the first game of theseason and happy our players played withgrit, heart, style, and pride.-Mrs. LynchI love hearing about all theserisk-takers trying soccer for thefirst time!-Miss KatieCongratulations coaches on a successful firstgame of the season! While it may not have hadthe end result they had hoped for, having thekids learn how to work together as a team, inmy opinion, is a victory in itself! Best of luck inthe next game!-Mr. Morgan-Mr. Mac

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Cheers! What an awesome thing towitness all of our players getting theirtime on the field and celebrating theircollective efforts They gave it their all andare on a strong, upward learning curve.Congratulations to our Fishermen!Miss FlasherWOO HOOCONGRATULATIONS! Soundslike an exciting game. - DarleneThis was such a wonderful game to watch. Theteamwork was incredible and thesportsmanship was amazing. Watching ourstudent athletes play with their hearts gives meso much joy. They work hard and together. I amso proud of these kiddos. -Miss ChelseaHello Staff and MYP Students,If you were one of the tens of fans at the game today...we were pushing saw a fantastic game. It was back and forth withus taking an early 2-0, then DY pulling ahead 3-2 in the second half, and then the Fishermen got behind each other and pushedahead for the win 4-3!We only had two goalies, Brandon (celebrating his birthday) and Cameron. I think the other team knew it was his birthday anddidn't give him a shot. Unfortunately for Cameron, they saved it all for him. The first shot that got in was one that came off aperfect strike from the DY player - no one would have saved it. Then DY was able to break through our almost impenetrabledefense twice to get two breakaways. Cameron didn't get down on himself though, instead he jumped on a loose ball and made2 HUGE saves to keep us in the game and then secure the win. Marquez was battling some leg cramps so he didn't make it in thenet, but played strong on defense. Speaking of our defense, Raea and Luciano have stepped up in a big way. They are leadingwith confidence and by example on the field. Milo, Cameron, Dante, Amelia, Jon, Daequan and Jada are gaining confidenceevery day. They are all attacking the ball instead of waiting for it to come to them. De-Mario played a little midfield and can see such an improvement in his fitness in getting up and down the field. He also got our first goal, once again ona fabulous pass from Luca. Our midfield played very well today, and we got to see some new faces emerging. Asa scored oursecond goal on a perfect pass from Hattie and Mason. Hattie and Ryder are understanding their position so much more. Steven(also celebrating a birthday) understands his position so well and plays with such grit. Our forwards had so many chances todayfrom Luca, Bella, Daisy, Aiden, Mason, Javi, and Brandon - plus they are starting to believe in themselves and each other! Lucais a very smart player - he plays with everything he has and sees a couple steps ahead, probably why his teammates chose himas the Bootini Striker for today. Brandon also put one off the crossbar, but it went right to Wesley and he scored our 3rd goal.Those two almost combined again on a perfect cross from Wesley to Brandon but his shot went wide. Wesley scored the goahead goal on a superb shot to the corner...he almost added a hatrick a few minutes later but it went over the bar. We played hard and I am so happy that we got this win, but it's more about the other things. Steven helping the other team upand then sprinting down the field, the kids on the bench saying, "That number 7 is so good.", and the kids enjoying birthdaycake out of a cup after the game. I am soo lucky!!Thanks again to all the fans, plus Ryder Amores, Amari Blake, Gus Miner and Salem O'Neill for being the best ball boys we couldask for. Photo Credits - Assistant Coach Chef Steven. Page 30More from Coach Shannon:Recap from Game 2, September 23, 2024 - “4-3 Back-And-Forth Win!”Woohoo! -Mrs. KMan oh man was that ahardworking Ptown IB squad Isaw! Keep it up Fishermen!Keep that spirit flying!-Ms. O’Hara

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Page 31A Message from Chef Andrew:What’s Coming Up:October 1: MYP Soccer Game at Dennis-Yarmouth at 4:00pmOctober 1-2: PY5 overnight at Ray’s Dune ShackOctober 2: PY2 & 3 Trolley Ride with Ranger JohnOctober 3: MYP 1 & MYP2 boys overnight at Ray's Dune ShackOctober 4: MYP Soccer Game at Nauset at 4:00pmOctober 7: MYP Soccer Game at Monomoy at 4:00pmOctober 9: Polished Dental Program with Nurse AngieOctober 10: Fire Prevention Week and Touch a Truck Event at Motta Field October 13: NJHS's Walk for Alzheimer's AwarenessOctober 14: No SchoolOctober 13-19: Dune Shack Times at C-Scape. October 22: PY2 and Council on Aging Clamming Trip 8:45 AM-11:00 AMOctober 23: PICTURE DAY!October 24 & 25: Conferences October 28: MYP Soccer Game at Monomoy at 4:00pmOctober 31: 10th Annual Greet N' Treat at Motta Field

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