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Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life for Michigan’s FamiliesThe Michigan Federaon for Children and Families is proud to be partnering with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to connue to deliver training developed by Federaon member agency leaders who have been cered by the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance to deliver the training, “Bringing the Protecve Factors Framework to Life in Your Work.” These cered trainers developed and connue to rene a Protecve Factors curriculum specic to Michigan families, adapng what they have learned about bringing this framework to life in their everyday work.Through the availability of both recorded webinars and live training events, workers and supervisors in family preservaon, foster care—including residenal treatment, and adopon agencies can access this specialized training package FREE OF CHARGE.INSIDE PAGES2 Recorded Webinars• Introducon to Protecve Factors Framework in Michigan• Children’s Trust Fund Alliance (CTFA) Training Modules3-5 Live Trainings• Protecve Factors for Family Preservaon Workers• Protecve Factors for Family Preservaon Supervisors• Protecve Factors for Foster Care and Adopon Sta• Lunch-and-Learn Opportunies5 Where to Find Resources, Training Dates, and Registraon Info6-7 Meet the Protecve Factors TrainersDefining the Five Protective FactorsFamilies are supported to build:Parental ResilienceThe ability to recover from difficult life experiences, and oftento be strengthened by and even transformed by those experiences.Social ConnectionsThe ability and opportunity to develop positive relationshipsthat lessen stress and isolation and help to build a supportive network.Knowledge of Parenting and Child DevelopmentThe ability to exercise effective parenting strategies to guide and know what to expect as children develop in multiple domains(physical, cognitive, language and social and emotional).Social and Emotional Competence of Children Family and child interactions that help children develop the abilityto communicate clearly, recognize and regulate their emotionsand establish and maintain relationships.Concrete Support in Times of NeedAccess to supports and services that reduce stress and help to make families

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Recorded WebinarsRecorded webinars provide individuals with a foundaonal understanding of the Protecve Factors Framework. By observing the recorded webinars, individuals will gain the knowledge needed to acvely parcipate in more in-depth discussions featured in the live training sessions. Introducon to Protecve Factors Framework in Michigan* *Pre-requisite for Protecve Factors for Family Preservaon WorkersTarget audience:Family preservaon sta, including new hires, family workers, ongoing sta, and supervisors Descripon:This training features the Michigan Protecve Factors cered trainers describing the philosophy, how this framework is important in Michigan’s family preservaon work, what the family preservaon contracts require, and how to think about this in your daily work with families. The session closes with the trainers providing an overview of the modules available on each Protecve Factor through the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance (CTFA).Training objecves:Learners will be able to: a. Describe the Protecve Factors philosophy and how the framework is important to Michigan’s family preservaon work b. Idenfy what the Michigan family preservaon contracts require specic to Protecve Factorsc. Connect how the Protecve Factors Framework applies to their daily work with families d. Recognize and know where to locate the modules available on each Protecve Factor through the CTFA Time needed to complete:1 hourHow to access:Recorded webinar housed on Michfed member site, accessible any meChildren’s Trust Fund Alliance (CTFA) Training ModulesTarget audience:All child welfare staDescripon:The Children’s Trust Fund Alliance has made available online training to support implementaon of the Strengthening Families™ Protecve Factors Framework in mulple sengs. This curriculum includes new materials on partnering with parents and addresses promising strategies to strengthen families. Available through CTFA are the following modules:1. Introducon (can be viewed as a supplement to the MI Introducon)—2 hours2. Concrete support in mes of need—2 hours3. Parental resilience—2 hours4. Knowledge of parenng and child development—2 hours5. Social and emoonal competence of children—2 hours6. Social connecons—2 hours7. Knowledge to acon wrap-up—1 hourBringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life for Michigan’s Families2

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Training objecves:You will nd the training objecves for each module listed on the parcipant worksheet/handout. Outline of Online Curriculum available through CTFA:Introducon/Strengthening Families™ 101• Background informaon on the Strengthening Families™ Protecve Factors approach• Introducon of the Protecve Factors Framework• Strength-based work with families• Introducon of the Strengthening Families™ Protecve Factors Framework Self-Assessment• Appropriate as a stand-alone orientaon to the frameworkThe Five Protecve Factors Courses• Purpose and learning objecves for each course• Denion and explanaon of the Protecve Factor• Denion and explanaon of program strategy (or strategies) and everyday acons• Quizzes, acvies, and reecve quesons• Real-life parent stories, documenng the power of building Protecve Factors• Engaging mix of wrien text, video, and audio examples• Individualized Acon Plan (IAP) work• A direct link in the Websites and Resources secon to the Strengthening Families™ Self-Assessment for that Protecve FactorMoving from Knowledge to Acon• Recap of the curriculum, using the logic model as a visual summary• Introducon to the systems concepts of the Strengthening Families™ “Core Funcons” and their ability to impact change at a systems level• Review of the user’s porolio and Individualized Acon Plan (IAP)• Add user reecons and update the IAP to reect progress made while compleng the curriculumTime needed to complete:11-13 hoursHow to access:The curriculum consists of seven courses, each recorded webinar being about two hours in length. The trainings are available free of charge at hps://www.prosolu Live TrainingsProtecve Factors for Family Preservaon WorkersTarget audience:Family preservaon new and ongoing workers who have completed the Federaon’s Protecve Factors Introducon webinarDescripon:Family preservaon new and ongoing workers will learn from expert trainers how to integrate Protecve Factors into conversaons with families, document in case notes, and use the surveys. This training uses Michigan-specic case examples and policies that can be applied to the day-to-day responsibilies of family preservaon sta.Training objecves:Learners will be able to:a. Idenfy the ve Protecve Factorsb. Explain strength-based theoryc. Use available resources and tools to integrate the Protecve Factors Framework in their day-to-day workd. Implement the use of Protecve Factors when working with familiesTime needed to complete:Two 3-hour sessions (6 hours total)How to access:Live training session (hosted on Zoom)3

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Protecve Factors for Family Preservaon SupervisorsNOTE: If you would like a refresher on any of the ve factors, please visit the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance website to access any of the free training modules available at hps://www.prosolu Target audience:Family preservaon supervisors who have experience using the Protecve Factors Framework in their daily work, have competence in each of the ve factors, and would like support in how to integrate this training into supervisionDescripon:This training addresses how family preservaon supervisors can meet their responsibilies as leaders ulizing the Protecve Factors Framework. Using this framework, frontline workers can make signicant shis to consistently idenfy and support Protecve Factors in families.The training focuses on three key areas in which all supervisors will learn to introduce workers to the framework through training, support, and reinforcing concepts. This session will prepare parcipants to be Protecve Factors Framework advocates throughout their daily work.Training objecves:Learners will be able to: a. Idenfy how to develop posive habits and strategies in day-to-day pracceb. Describe key strengths of individuals on their teamc. Engage in coaching acvies to build worker skillsd. Outline what to look for in case planning with families and youthe. Demonstrate how to strengthen Protecve Factors Framework as leaders Time needed to complete:3.5 hoursHow to access:Live training session (hosted on Zoom)4Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life for Michigan’s Families

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5Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life for Michigan’s FamiliesProtecve Factors for Foster Care and Adopon StaTarget audience:Foster care workers and supervisors—including residenal treatment, and adopon workers and supervisors Descripon:This training has been developed to empower sta of foster care, including residenal treatment, and adopon programs to enhance their ability to support families, focusing on strengthening families and reducing the risk of child abuse and neglect. Aendees will learn how implemenng Protecve Factors through everyday acons benets all families and leads to beer outcomes for children and families. Training objecves:Learners will able to:a. Identify the five Protective Factorsb. Utilize the Protective Factors Framework to help families build internal and external resources to combat the effects of trauma, adversity, and chronic stress c. Learn a strengths-based approach in working with families d. Recognize where to locate additional information and training opportunities around the Protective Factors FrameworkTime needed to complete:3 hoursHow to access:Live training session (hosted on Zoom)Lunch-and-Learn Opportunies Target audience:Sta working in family preservaon, foster care—including residenal treatment, and adopon sengsDescripon:One-hour lunch-and-learn (or breakfast-and-learn) sessions provide an opportunity for connued learning and support in implemenng the Protecve Factors Framework in your day-to-day work. The lunch-and-learn format not only provides valuable informaon, but it also provides a unique opportunity for professionals across the state to connect and learn from each other. Each session addresses a specic topic such as:• Documenng Protecve Factors in Case Notes & Reports• Best Pracces: Authenc Partnerships with Parents and Caregivers• Documenng Protecve Factors in Safety Plans & Family GoalsTime needed to complete:1 hourHow to access:Hosted live on ZoomWhere to Find Resources, Training Dates, and Registraon InfoFederaon member agency sta should visit the Member’s Only Portal and click on the PROTECTIVE FACTORS TRAINING tab.If your employer is not a member of the Federaon, visit and click on PROTECTIVE FACTORS TRAINING MI.

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Meet the Protective Factors Trainers Annetra Benne is the Director of SE Child & Family Services at Samaritas. She is an accomplished manager with more than 20 years of experience and extensive knowledge working with at-risk, delinquent, abused, and neglected youth and their families, addressing countless problems that hinder their development, emoonal health, and ability to be successful. Annetra has extensive experience and knowledge of the family preservaon, foster care and adopon, and juvenile systems, and is at the forefront of the planning, implementaon, and maintenance of a shelter, a substance abuse program, a family preservaon and prevenon pilot program, Families First Programs, and Homebuilders. Annetra is also a talented trainer, including DV Safe and Together Approach and Protecve Factors. Annetra also loves building Legos and taking naps.Theresa Berden is a Program Manager with Wellspring Lutheran Services, where she has worked for the last 14 years. She currently oversees programs covering 22 counes in the Northern Lower Peninsula and Central and Eastern Upper Peninsula. These programs include Families First, Families Together Building Soluons, Foster Care Supporve Visitaon, and In Home Family Services. Theresa has a strong passion for family preservaon programs and is excited for their growth throughout the state. Outside of work, Theresa enjoys spending me outdoors near her home in Cheboygan and developing scavenger hunts for her friends to benet local charies.Elizabeth Cassise is an Adopon Supervisor at Judson Center and has been in child welfare for 14 years working directly with youth in foster care and adopon. She has a passion for the work she does, including training new and veteran specialists in the eld. She feels privileged to partner with both Western Michigan University’s Child Trauma Assessment Center to become a trainer in Trauma Informed Care, as well as Arizona State University and Wayne State University to train new and exisng supervisors in the Strength-Based Supervision model. In her free me, she enjoys being outdoors at the beach or in nature with her husband and two children.Callista Cook is a Program Manager at Family & Children Services, Inc. who focuses on crisis prevenon, intervenon, and family preservaon. She is devoted to respecng and honoring the right of every child to remain safe and connected with their family. She believes as service providers we have a responsibility to empower families and work alongside them. In her free me, Callista enjoys painng, spending me with her friends and family, and playing with her pets. Stephanie Delo began her career with Child and Family Services of Northeast Michigan many years ago. Stephanie returned to Child and Family Services as a Board Member and assumed the role of Execuve Director in October 2017. Stephanie has a passion for working with children, youth, and families. Stephanie has worked extensively as a direct service worker, coach, consultant, trainer, and supervisor in a variety of sengs, including Great Start to Quality Northeast Resource Center, Early Childhood Investment Corporaon, Families Together Building Soluons, and Wraparound. Stephanie received her BS degree in Health Services Management and earned an MA in Organizaonal Management and Development through Spring Arbor University. In her spare me, Stephanie enjoys spending me with her family on her small hobby farm and hanging out with her 6-year-old grandson.6Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life for Michigan’s Families

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Kayly Grice is a Family Preservaon Supervisor at Catholic Charies West Michigan with over ten years of experience serving at-risk children and their families. Kayly has a strong foundaon of the Protecve Factors Framework, with over eight years of implemenng the framework directly with families and training sta. Kayly is passionate about strengthening families and is dedicated to empowering service providers and families using Protecve Factors. Kayly is excited to connue to advocate, implement, and improve child and family serving programs in Michigan. Kayly enjoys me with her three children, family, and friends.Tonia Hayes is Director of Foster Care and Adopon at Vista Maria in Dearborn Heights. Tonia is a graduate of Siena Heights University (Master of Arts: Counseling) and University of Phoenix (Bachelor of Science: Business Management). Tonia is a life-long-learner with a passion for helping children and families in the various roles she has held within the Human Services eld, such as Residenal Treatment (starng as a Direct Care Sta to Vice President of Programs), Juvenile Probaon (Drug Court), Foster Care (starng as Program Manager to Director), Licensing (Supervisor), Independent Living Programs for Youth (Supervisor), and Family Preservaon (Program Manager). Her experience includes training countless sta in helping the next generaon of professionals understand the complex world of adult and children’s services, with the goal of creang successful outcomes. She is known for her love of her two sons, who are Detroit Fire Fighters, and spends her free me shopping and enjoying her three grandsons.Emily Hughey is a Supervisor at Samaritas and has worked in preservaon for over six years. Emily started her career with the Family Reunicaon Program and then worked with Homebuilders. Emily is now a supervisor for Families First of Michigan, where she uses the Protecve Factors Framework with her clients as well as the sta that she supervises. Emily has a passion for working with children, youth, and families, with the goal of keeping families together. Emily lives eight minutes from Lake Michigan and loves spending me with her friends and family, reading (mostly listening) to books, and cooking new recipes.Aryn Manni is a Program Manager at Samaritas, has worked in preservaon for over eight years, and is a Licensed Masters Social Worker. Aryn is formally trained in the Protecve Factors Framework and has a passion for ulizing Protecve Factors in reducing the risk for families and children. Aryn brings an upliing posive approach to teaching Protecve Factors to sta and families. Aryn enjoys a good themed party, especially with every holiday.Larry Smith is the Training and Development Manager at D.A. Blodge-St. Johns. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Hunngton University, Hunngton, Indiana. Larry has 15 years of experience working in the social services eld at D.A. Blodge-St. Johns and over 20 years of experience working with kids and families. Larry and his wife were foster parents for four years. Larry and his family are MSU Spartan fans and are oen decked out in green and white.Michelle Smith is a strong advocate for the work being done every day to help strengthen the lives of Michigan families. She believes that posive change happens when people are given the support they need to use their own strengths and recognize their potenal. Michelle works as a program manager for mulple programs, including Families First, Family Reunicaon Program, and Foster Care Supporve Visitaon, with Wellspring Lutheran Services. Michelle earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from John Carroll University and a Master of Arts in Family Studies from Spring Arbor University. Outside of work, Michelle enjoys watching her daughters dance and sing, and she can oen be found in her kitchen trying out new cookie recipes! 7

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Core values provide focus, drive decisions and are embraced by all member agencies:All children deserve excellence in service and our best eorts to ensure they grow up in strong families and supporve communies.Strategic advocacy is crical to assuring sound public policy and sucient resources for quality services.Partnerships and collaboraon are essenal to providing eecve services and achieving successful outcomes.Equity, diversity, and inclusiveness are vital elements in the full connuum of human services. Michigan Federaon for Children and Families620 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 325 Lansing MI 48933 Voice-to-email: (517) 485-8552 www.michfed.orgFederaon StaJanet Reynolds Snyder, MBA • Execuve Director • janet@michfed.orgKadi Prout, LMSW • Associate Execuve Director • kadi@michfed.orgElizabeth Henderson, MSW • Director of Policy and Research • elizabeth@michfed.orgRose Homa • Director of Administraon and Operaons • rose@michfed.orgJenny Crichton, GMS • Director of Member Relaons and Events •