Assistance League of Los AngelespresentsSPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
ABOUT ASSITANCE LEAGUE OF LOS ANGELES Prom Day Sponsorship OpportunitiesSince 1919, Assistance League of LosAngeles, has mobilized hundreds ofthousands of member volunteers toraise funds and provide critical needservices to the most vulnerablemembers of our community: childrenexperiencing homelessness, the fostersystem, and extreme poverty.Today, the League helps 22,000 youthannually through five programs thatprovide clothing, blankets, groomingitems, books, school supplies, artsenrichment, and educationopportunities. Our unique programsinspire hope, joy, self-esteem, andincreased scholastic engagement.
Prom Day Sponsorship OpportunitiesProm Day is a unique event inpartnership with LAUSD’s HomelessEducation Office (“HEO”). HEO highschool seniors are invited to a pop-upProm boutique and “go shopping” fortheir dream dress, shoes, purse,jewelry, and accessories. They are alsogifted a swag bag full of high-endbeauty and care products and asuitcase, all completely free of charge. ABOUT PROM DAYTo ensure Prom Day makes a lastingimpact, this year’s event will featureencouragement sessions throughout theday with the speaker topic: How toAdvocate for Yourself. This critically important life skill is nevertaught in school, yet it is crucial forhomeless young teens facing an uncertainfuture.Unhoused teens often live with deepshame and hopelessness. They lack theconfidence and self-esteem to speak upand advocate for themselves. Prom Day instills confidence and breaksdown the barriers that exclude homelessyouth from an important rite of passage. The students feel that they are given achoice to go to prom, just like any otherhigh school senior.
Prom Day Volunteer OpportunitiesProm Day will take place at EmersonCollege on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood onMarch 14, 2024.The League has chosen this aspirational location to give the girls a taste of thecollege experience, inspiring them tofurther their education after high school. ABOUT THE EVENTVolunteer duties range from serving aspersonal shopping assistants to setting upthe boutique to replenishing inventory.Every role is important, and we will do ourbest to accommodate volunteerpreferences. Prom Day will be divided intothree volunteer shifts that last 3 1/2 hours.Volunteer Orientation required.VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
Volunteer spots open for Prom Day**Social media posts, including reels,stories, and girdDigital Journal Advertisement onPresentation Screen Logo or name recognition on the PromDay website Dedicated E-Blast to external partnersrecognizing support to the League Recognition in our 2024 Annual Report Custom post-event volunteer experiencefor corporate group Recognition as a sponsor in the PromDay press release Naming opportunity for speakersessions Premium logo placement on all printedmaterial, including step and repeat andselect event signsSPONSORSHIP LEVELSCommunity $500Bronze$1,000Silver$2,500Gold$5,000Platinum$10,000Diamond$25,000226 10 14 18 204 6 8 10 123 sec5 sec 10 sec 15 sec 30 sec45 sec5 10 15Prom Day Sponsorship Opportunities**Sponsors have priority on volunteer opportunities. “Personal shopper” opportunities are limited.
VOLUNTEER ROLES, DAYS & TIMESProm Day Sponsorship OpportunitiesRolesDateShift 1Shift 2Shift 3Load In: Help prep attendee swagbags and load trucks with PromDay materials.Tuesday,March 12th,20249:00am-11:00am@EmersonCollege10:00am-12:00pm@AssistanceLeague of LosAngelesSet Up: Help set up prom dayboutique, lobby, alterations room,speaker room, volunteer room,and refreshment area.WednesdayMarch 13th,20248:00am-12:00pm@EmersonCollege12:00pm-4:00pm@EmersonCollegeProm Day: Help with parking,check-in, greeting, assisting in thespeaker sessions and volunteerlounge, dress alterations,accessories stations, personalstylists, and more.*Please note! Only female volunteers may serveas personal stylists.ThursdayMarch 14th,20248:00am-11:30am@EmersonCollege10:15am-1:45pm@EmersonCollege12:30pm-4:00pm@EmersonCollegeTear Down: Help with un-assembling and packing all PromDay boutique items.Friday March 15th,20248:00am-12:00pm@EmersonCollege12:00pm-4:00pm@EmersonCollege
PROM DAY MEDIA IMPRESSIONSProm Day Sponsorship OpportunitiesOver 3 million mediaimpressions & Over 5 million socialimpressionsMarjan Tabibazda 1.2M Followers Skai Jackson 8.8M Followers
Mayboll Carrasco | Sr. Director ofDevelopment and Corporate Engagement(323) 545 - 4848mcarrasco@assistanceleaguela.orgwww.assistanceleaguela.orgCONTACT INFORMATIONProm Day Sponsorship OpportunitiesThank you for your consideration!For more information on sponsoring please contact Mayboll Carrasco . Thank you to our sponsors!