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Project Infinity Info Brochure

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www.projectinfinityinc.orgPARENT JEToday, we have a high schoolgraduate (with honors). Thankyou Project Infinity for beingan integral part in ourdaughter's unshakable senioryear. It was unshakablebecause she was able topartake in any and everyafternoon program that shechose, stay for tutorial - justbe normal. We can't thank youenough. Thank you! Thankyou! Thank you from thebottom of our hearts."We envision a worldwhere a true level playingfield exists; a world wherehomeless children andthose in transition haveequitable opportunitiesfor scholastic success.OUR MISSIONProject Infinity's mission isto Engage, Educate, Equipand Empower HomelessYouth; to enable thesestudents to enjoy thesame levels of success astheir stably housedclassmates.OUR VISIONSupporting Successfor Homeless Youthwww.projectinfinityinc.orgP.O. Box 6273Douglasville, GA 30154

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CounselingEarly ReadingProgramEnrichmentOpportunitiesFinancial LiteracyLearning StyleAssessmentsMentoringMobile PrintingServicesScholarshipsTest Prep (SAT/ACT,GED, GMAS)Transportation(Extracurricular,School-Related)Tutoring and more!Project Infinity GRADS areGifted, Resilient, Able,Determined Students. OurGRADS Program is a virtualnetwork of wrap-around,socio-academic resourcesand student-centeredsupport designed to meetstudents where they areand go with them wherethey go; providing GRADSwith the support, servicesand stability needed forsuccess along the way. Learning Without LimitsFounded by a formerlyhomeless parent in 2017,Project Infinity, is dedicatedto Educational Equity forstudents experiencinghousing instability. We seekto eliminate disparities ineducation, believing:"Students Should Only BeLimited By Imagination, NotResources, Opportunities orAccess." ABOUTWHO WE AREGRADS ProgramHOW WE SUPPORTQuestions? Please

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CounselingEarly ReadingProgramEnrichmentOpportunitiesFinancial LiteracyLearning StyleAssessmentsMentoringMobile PrintingServicesScholarshipsTest Prep (SAT/ACT,GED, GMAS)Transportation(Extracurricular,School-Related)Tutoring and more!Project Infinity GRADS areGifted, Resilient, Able,Determined Students. OurGRADS Program is a virtualnetwork of wrap-around,socio-academic resourcesand student-centeredsupport designed to meetstudents where they areand go with them wherethey go; providing GRADSwith the support, servicesand stability needed forsuccess along the way. Learning Without LimitsFounded by a formerlyhomeless parent in 2017,Project Infinity, is dedicatedto Educational Equity forstudents experiencinghousing instability. We seekto eliminate disparities ineducation, believing:"Students Should Only BeLimited By Imagination, NotResources, Opportunities orAccess." ABOUTWHO WE AREGRADS ProgramHOW WE SUPPORTQuestions? Please

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CounselingEarly ReadingProgramEnrichmentOpportunitiesFinancial LiteracyLearning StyleAssessmentsMentoringMobile PrintingServicesScholarshipsTest Prep (SAT/ACT,GED, GMAS)Transportation(Extracurricular,School-Related)Tutoring and more!Project Infinity GRADS areGifted, Resilient, Able,Determined Students. OurGRADS Program is a virtualnetwork of wrap-around,socio-academic resourcesand student-centeredsupport designed to meetstudents where they areand go with them wherethey go; providing GRADSwith the support, servicesand stability needed forsuccess along the way. Learning Without LimitsFounded by a formerlyhomeless parent in 2017,Project Infinity, is dedicatedto Educational Equity forstudents experiencinghousing instability. We seekto eliminate disparities ineducation, believing:"Students Should Only BeLimited By Imagination, NotResources, Opportunities orAccess." ABOUTWHO WE AREGRADS ProgramHOW WE SUPPORTQuestions? Please

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www.projectinfinityinc.orgPARENT JEToday, we have a high schoolgraduate (with honors). Thankyou Project Infinity for beingan integral part in ourdaughter's unshakable senioryear. It was unshakablebecause she was able topartake in any and everyafternoon program that shechose, stay for tutorial - justbe normal. We can't thank youenough. Thank you! Thankyou! Thank you from thebottom of our hearts."We envision a worldwhere a true level playingfield exists; a world wherehomeless children andthose in transition haveequitable opportunitiesfor scholastic success.OUR MISSIONProject Infinity's mission isto Engage, Educate, Equipand Empower HomelessYouth; to enable thesestudents to enjoy thesame levels of success astheir stably housedclassmates.OUR VISIONSupporting Successfor Homeless Youthwww.projectinfinityinc.orgP.O. Box 6273Douglasville, GA 30154

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www.projectinfinityinc.orgPARENT JEToday, we have a high schoolgraduate (with honors). Thankyou Project Infinity for beingan integral part in ourdaughter's unshakable senioryear. It was unshakablebecause she was able topartake in any and everyafternoon program that shechose, stay for tutorial - justbe normal. We can't thank youenough. Thank you! Thankyou! Thank you from thebottom of our hearts."We envision a worldwhere a true level playingfield exists; a world wherehomeless children andthose in transition haveequitable opportunitiesfor scholastic success.OUR MISSIONProject Infinity's mission isto Engage, Educate, Equipand Empower HomelessYouth; to enable thesestudents to enjoy thesame levels of success astheir stably housedclassmates.OUR VISIONSupporting Successfor Homeless Youthwww.projectinfinityinc.orgP.O. Box 6273Douglasville, GA 30154