Fred J. Fransen, Ph.D
Certell and Huntington Junior CollegeCertell and Huntington Junior Collegeshare a common vision and key areasshare a common vision and key areasof focus—Individual Empowerment,of focus—Individual Empowerment,Teaching Freedom, Private SectorTeaching Freedom, Private SectorSolutions, and Systems Change.Solutions, and Systems Change. Teaching FreedomThe principle of freedom is fundamentalto the ethos of our organization. Oureducational programs are designed todiscover methods for teaching the valuesand benefits of freedom in more effectiveways. Additionally, we target untappedaudiences—ranging from schools inunderserved communities to adultlearners—to spread understanding andappreciation of freedom as a key toprosperous and meaningful living. Ourexperience is that such audiences have adeeply-felt, but unfulfilled desire to havean opportunity to learn more aboutfreedom. Our mission is to provide themwith that opportunity.3Systems ChangeSystems ChangeNowhere are the negative effects ofNowhere are the negative effects ofgovernment intervention more apparent thangovernment intervention more apparent thanin education. Three generations of critics havein education. Three generations of critics havesought to reform our educational institutionssought to reform our educational institutionsyet no progress has been made. Indeed, thingsyet no progress has been made. Indeed, thingshave gotten progressively worse. We seek tohave gotten progressively worse. We seek tobring about change through disruptivebring about change through disruptiveinnovation. We are engaged in creating aninnovation. We are engaged in creating analternative model that will seek to use usealternative model that will seek to use usemarket forces to provide better education at amarket forces to provide better education at abetter price. Moreover, our goal is to makebetter price. Moreover, our goal is to makethat price low enough that students will notthat price low enough that students will notneed to be forced to rely on the governmentneed to be forced to rely on the governmentto afford a great afford a great education.4422Private Sector SolutionsPrivate Sector SolutionsWe firmly believe that many of the problemsWe firmly believe that many of the problemsfacing our society today can be best solvedfacing our society today can be best solvedthrough private sector innovation. Nowherethrough private sector innovation. Nowhereis this truer than in education, which is whyis this truer than in education, which is whywe are focused on creating a new, scalablewe are focused on creating a new, scalablemodel for disrupting our current educationalmodel for disrupting our current educationalinstitutions. In addition, within the educationinstitutions. In addition, within the educationwe offer to our students, we place awe offer to our students, we place apremium on entrepreneurship. For many ofpremium on entrepreneurship. For many ofour adult learners, the best way for them toour adult learners, the best way for them tostep onto the ladder of opportunity isstep onto the ladder of opportunity isthrough entrepreneurial activity. This will notthrough entrepreneurial activity. This will notonly help them, but also create a moreonly help them, but also create a moreflourishing society.flourishing society. Individual EmpowermentIndividual EmpowermentWe understand that the cornerstone ofWe understand that the cornerstone ofany thriving society is the empowermentany thriving society is the empowermentof its individual members. Our initiativesof its individual members. Our initiativesenhance individuals' capacities for self-enhance individuals' capacities for self-determination and peaceful, voluntarydetermination and peaceful, voluntarycooperation. We aim to equip people withcooperation. We aim to equip people withthe tools they need to make informedthe tools they need to make informeddecisions and participate actively in theirdecisions and participate actively in theircommunities.communities.11EducationTransformingin the 21st CenturyOur courses focus on market economies, limited government, and individual freedomsOur courses focus on market economies, limited government, and individual freedomsas the bedrock of a prosperous society. By enhancing individual empowerment,as the bedrock of a prosperous society. By enhancing individual empowerment,educating for freedom, fostering private sector solutions, and advocating foreducating for freedom, fostering private sector solutions, and advocating forsystemic changes, we are dedicated to helping all individuals—especially those whosystemic changes, we are dedicated to helping all individuals—especially those whostruggle with or dislike traditional schooling—discover what they’re capable ofstruggle with or dislike traditional schooling—discover what they’re capable ofthrough a very different learning experience.through a very different learning experience.
Many public schools, especially in socio-economically disadvantaged areas, faceMany public schools, especially in socio-economically disadvantaged areas, facea scarcity of resources that can limit opportunities for students to engage ina scarcity of resources that can limit opportunities for students to engage inactivities that promote critical thinking. In many districts, the curriculum is rigid,activities that promote critical thinking. In many districts, the curriculum is rigid,with limited flexibility for teachers to adapt or introduce materials that fosterwith limited flexibility for teachers to adapt or introduce materials that fostercritical thought. Teachers are often compelled to follow prescribed methods andcritical thought. Teachers are often compelled to follow prescribed methods andmaterials closely, leaving little room for discussion, debate, or exploration ofmaterials closely, leaving little room for discussion, debate, or exploration ofalternate viewpoints.alternate viewpoints. Certell's Poptential addresses those problems head-on. With 88% of our teachersCertell's Poptential addresses those problems head-on. With 88% of our teachersworking in public schools, Poptential stands as a beacon of hope in reshapingworking in public schools, Poptential stands as a beacon of hope in reshapingstudents’ educational experience. In today's rapidly evolving educationalstudents’ educational experience. In today's rapidly evolving educationallandscape, the pressing need to reinstate and fortify foundational principles oflandscape, the pressing need to reinstate and fortify foundational principles offree markets and individual liberty has never been greater. Poptential emergesfree markets and individual liberty has never been greater. Poptential emergesas a pioneering solution to the shortcomings of our government school system,as a pioneering solution to the shortcomings of our government school system,infusing classrooms with teacher resources specifically designed for inquiry-infusing classrooms with teacher resources specifically designed for inquiry-based learning.based learning. Poptential’s unbiased, media rich content and dynamic teaching methods to helpPoptential’s unbiased, media rich content and dynamic teaching methods to helpeducators connect with and motivate digitally-savvy students. In other words, weeducators connect with and motivate digitally-savvy students. In other words, wehelp teachers teach students how to think–not what to think. The result is self-help teachers teach students how to think–not what to think. The result is self-governing students who make up their own minds about complex issues. Bygoverning students who make up their own minds about complex issues. Bychampioning critical thinking, Poptential ensures students are not just passivechampioning critical thinking, Poptential ensures students are not just passiverecipients of information but active participants in their own education.recipients of information but active participants in their own education.
CTDCDEMAMDNHNJNYRIVT 43,400 1,300 72,000 91,800 25,500 46,800 69,000 144,600 5,300 5,900 6,800
Students+4MTeachers+40kSchools+31kpoptential usepoptential useby School typeby School type2015-2023public64.3%private30.7%charter & magnet5%
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