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Program Proposal Template

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! FACULTY-LED STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM PROPOSAL FORM Dear ACC Faculty Member, Thank you for your interest in providing ACC students the opportunity to gain international experience during their studies and serving as a study abroad faculty leader. International Programs will work closely with you on developing an affordable program that will offer a safe international learning experience. Please contact International Programs before starting proposal development to discuss feasibility, designing a short-term study abroad program, rules and policies pertaining to study abroad programs, and program development timelines. International Programs will assist faculty in preparing proposals and designing programs. International Programs will be responsible, in coordination with faculty leaders, for logistics and support services; health, safety, and security; and marketing and outreach. After meeting with International Programs, the next step is completing the study abroad program proposal form. You will be required to provide detailed information regarding the proposed program. The Faculty Handbook for Design and Development of Study Abroad Programs will provide you with essential information for completing your study abroad program proposal. It is recommended that a study abroad program be based on a two ACC courses for a minimum of six academic credits, which will enable ACC students to access a wider array of financial aid resources. The proposed program courses can be from a single department or two departments. A program can have one faculty leader or two faculty co-leaders. Please note that each department must commit to supporting the proposed program for the indicated period. This means that program academic content will be offered for one or more consecutive years, although faculty leaders may change due to staffing changes and/or other commitments. International Programs will be available to meet with you, your chair, and/or your dean should you feel this would be beneficial. Final proposals are reviewed by International Programs, which assesses program design, logistics, and risk issues. International Programs forwards proposal recommendations following chair and dean endorsement to the Provost/Executive Vice-President, who has the final approval of proposed study abroad programs.

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! INSTRUCTIONS q Complete this form, including responses to all of the questions in the “Program Details” section. q Obtain the approval and signature of your department chair on the enclosed endorsement form. q Obtain the approval and signature of your dean on the enclosed endorsement form. q Submit a paper and electronic copy of the complete proposal packet (this form, plus ALL of the items listed above) to International Programs – Attn: Director. PLEASE NOTE: Incomplete proposals will not be considered. The department chair and dean must sign proposals endorsement forms. Answer all questions on the proposal form. FACULTY LEADER INFORMATION Proposal Author: Title: Dept.: Email: Campus Address: Faculty Leader: Title: Dept.: Email: Campus Address: Faculty Leader: Title: Dept.: Email: Campus Address: Have any of the listed faculty members led a study abroad program or group of students on international travel before? Yes q No q If yes, please describe experience: ! PROGRAM INFORMATION Program Country: Program Locations: Program Title: Proposed Summer Semester Session: Summer Session I q Summer Session II q Other Session q Proposed Dates: COURSE INFORMATION Title and number of course(s): Will the course(s) fulfill certificate or degree requirements? Yes q No q If yes, please specify:

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! Will the course(s) have prerequisites? Yes q No q If yes, please specify: Will course(s) be taught in Austin prior to departure? Yes q No q If yes, please explain: Will course(s) be taught in Austin after return? Yes q No q If yes, please explain: Will course(s) require special equipment or technology? Yes q No q If yes, please explain:

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! PROGRAM PROPOSAL DETAILS RATIONALE FOR CONDUCTING COURSE ABROAD 1. Please explain your rationale for choosing the course(s) and the proposed location(s). How do you expect the location(s) to influence your teaching and student learning? What are your academic goals? 2. Please describe how proposed activities and excursions contribute to achieving program academic objectives. 3. How does the proposed program fit departmental and college goals? PROGRAM DESIGN 1. Will the program take place in the designated country during the whole session or will the program split time between Austin and designated country? 2. Will the program be located in one city or will it move to other locations? Please describe. 3. Outline and describe the program format, including itinerary, class time, activities, events, and excursions. 4. Will the program to be situated at a local university or other host institution? If so, please describe. 5. What kind of accommodation would you like the participants to have: residence dorm, hostel, host family, hotel, bed & breakfast, apartment? (Note: single and double occupancy will be available options). 6. Faculty leader(s) will be accommodated in close proximity to participants. Indicate preferred accommodation. 7. Identify proposed in-country transportation for activities, events, and excursions. 8. Please indicate what kind of logistic support required for the program to maximize academic delivery. Depending on program design and country, logistics can be organized and coordinated in-house, with a partner organization, or with a study abroad logistics provider. 9. Flight options may include mandatory group flights, designated group flights, designated individual flights, and participant scheduled flights. Program itinerary, country, faculty experience can factor in selecting a flight option. Cost, flexibility, and institutional liability will also differ with each option. HEALTH, SAFETY AND SECURITY 1. Please describe any health, safety, or security considerations related to the location you are proposing and how they may impact the program. You may wish to review the following resources: U.S. Department of State and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2. Please describe your experience with emergency response or crisis management.

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! RECRUITMENT AND PRE-PROGRAM PREPARATION 1. Which student population(s) do you think will be interested in the program and why will this program appeal to them? 2. Minimum program enrollment is 10 students. What is your proposed maximum enrollment (maximum is 15)? 3. Does your program require students to have foreign language skills? If so, please explain what level of knowledge is necessary. If not, please explain how students will be able to navigate in an environment where they do not speak the language. RELATED PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE 1. What is your experience in the proposed location(s)? When was the last time you visited this location, and for how long? Do you speak the local language? 2. Please outline your experience teaching the proposed course(s) or similar courses at ACC or abroad. 3. Do you have teaching experience in an international setting? If yes, please describe. 4. Please describe any training you feel you need prior to leading a study abroad program. 5. Do you have any contacts, organizations, or universities you would like to work with if your program is approved? If so, please list contact information.

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! FACULTY LEADER AGREEMENT If selected to teach this program, I agree to read, and carry out the responsibilities described in, the Faculty Leader Handbook for Study Abroad Programs. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Participate in recruitment of students to participate in the program during the fall and spring semesters prior to the program. B. Attend mandatory workshops/training for faculty leaders during the year prior to the program’s departure. C. Maintain current certifications for all mandatory training if a faculty leader or designated backup faculty leader. D. Participate with International Programs in program development and planning prior to the program taking place. E. Attend mandatory pre-departure information sessions for faculty and students. F. Submit grades for each student at the end of the program. G. Abide by all ACC policies affecting faculty members during study abroad program. H. Submit all receipts and reimbursement request to International Programs within 14 days of program completion. Faculty Leader (please print): Date: Signature:

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! ENDORSEMENT BY DEPARTMENT CHAIR Program Proposal Faculty Leader(s): Department: Program Name and Location: Proposal Session: Summer I q Summer II q Other Summer Session q Proposed Dates: Your signature below indicates endorsement of this program proposal and that you as chair agree to the following: A. Support the program for the indicated year(s) through course scheduling and other suitable department resources. B. Support the choice of primary faculty leader(s). C. Ensure that faculty leaders attend mandatory workshops and abide by ACC employment policies. D. Ensure that study abroad syllabus/course description meet Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board requirements. E. Work with the IP Director to address any student or faculty complaints about the program in a manner consistent with ACC policies. Please be aware that student participants will be assessed a program fee that includes the following costs for the faculty program leader(s): travel (both international and program-related local travel), accommodations, per diem, use of a mobile communications device, entrance fees, and other program activities as appropriate. Endorsement of Department Chair Department Chair (please print): Signature of Department Chair: Date: Email: Phone:

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! ENDORSEMENT BY DEAN Program Proposal Faculty Leader(s): Department: Program Name and Location: Proposal Session: Summer I q Summer II q Other Session q Proposed Dates: Your signature below indicates endorsement of this program proposal and that you as dean agree to the following: A. Support the program for the indicated year(s). B. Support the program for the indicated year(s) through course scheduling, promotional activities, and other suitable resources. C. Ensure that chairs fulfill their endorsement of the study abroad program. D. Ensure that study abroad syllabus/course description meet Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board requirements and meet the Department’s goals. E. Be available both during and outside of normal business hours should an emergency arise while the program is being conducted overseas. F. Work with the IP Director to address any student or faculty complaints about the program in a manner consistent with ACC policies. Please be aware that student participants will be assessed a program fee that includes the following costs for the faculty program leader(s): travel (both international and program-related local), accommodations, per diem, use of a mobile communications device, entrance fees, and other program activities as appropriate. Endorsement of Dean Dean (please print): Signature of Dean: Date: Email: Phone: