Professional LearningProfessional LearningHandbook2024-2025
Table ofContentsWelcomeVision, Mission, and Core BeliefsPolicy and RegulationsRequirementsExpectationsEduphoria StriveOur TeamProfessional Learning DesignMobileMindAppendix
WelcomeIn the Irving ISD system of teacher development,professional learning is ongoing, collaborative, and job-embedded. Standards-based learning is results-driven,classroom-focused, and routinely uses data from allstakeholders to enhance teaching practices with aprimary goal of continuously improving studentperformance.
Vision, Mission,and Core BeliefsVISIONEquitable professional learning cultivates an environmentwhere educators and students excel.MISSIONEmpower educators through meaningful and sustainedlearning.CORE BELIEFSWe believe that:A sustained culture of learning contributes to an effectiveschool system.1.Educators have an obligation to continuously improvetheir practice.2.Improving educator effectiveness is fundamental tostudent learning.3.Collective responsibility for student learning increasesachievement. 4.
Policy and Regulationsfor Professional LearningDM: Professional DevelopmentDMA: Required Staff DevelopmentDMB: Career AdvancementBoard PolicyFunding for Professional LearningNumerous funding sources are available for professional learning inIrving ISD. The most commonly used sources include district funds,state compensatory funds, federal funds including Title funds andcampus budgets. During professional learning planning, fundingsources are identified and evaluation criteria are determined. Fundingsources are included in the improvement plans through Plan4Learning.All professional learning is monitored for ongoing support and impacton student learning so that full utilization of funds allotted are realized.
Professional LearningDesignIn order to ensure that professional learning in Irving ISD empowers allstaff to continuously meet the ever-changing needs of students, thenational standards for professional learning, developed by LearningForward, guide the processes for decision-making and systems-building. Professional learning that increases educator effectivenessand results for all students:Professional Learning Standardsoccurs within learning communities committed to continuousimprovement, collective responsibility, and goal alignment.requires skillful leaders who develop capacity, advocate, and createsupport systems for professional learning.requires prioritizing, monitoring, and coordinating resources foreducator learning.uses a variety of sources and types of student, educator, andsystem data to plan, assess, and evaluate professional learning.integrates theories, research, and models of human learning toachieve its intended outcomes.applies research on change and sustains support forimplementation of professional learning for long term change.aligns its outcomes with educator performance and studentcurriculum standards.
Professional LearningDesignProfessional Learning StructuresIrving ISD staff engage in a variety of learning models.
Professional LearningAcademiesfocused instruction and training in specific subjects or skills, hands-onlearning, personalized instruction, and a curriculum tailored to the needs andinterests of the staffConnectED Teacher AcademyTCSes, Interims, first and second year CertifiedTeachersConnectED MentorAcademyDesignated mentors of ConnectED Teacher AcademyparticipantsInstructional Coaching AcademyDesignated district and campus-based instructionalcoachesLearning Facilitator AcademyLeaders with aspirations to expand their impact withprofessional learning design and facilitationELEVATEA cohort of current non-degreed, non-certified IISDemployeesEmbarkAll professional instructional staff new to Irving ISD LEAPLeaders with aspirations to expand their impact withinIrving ISDDesignProfessional Learning Structures
Professional LearningConferencesa formal gathering of education professionals to discuss and share ideas,practices, and innovations related to teaching and learningLearn2InspireAll Irving ISD instructional staffLearn2EmpowerOpen to all Irving ISD instructional staffLearn2LeadDesignated district and campus-based leadershipDigital Learning DayOpen to all Irving ISD staff Purposeful Planning & DevelopmentAll Irving ISD professional staff Select paraprofessional staffDesignProfessional Learning Structures
Professional LearningDesignEvaluation of Learning“Evaluation of professional learning is the systematic, purposeful,standards-driven process of studying, reviewing, analyzing, andinterpreting data about a professional learning program gathered frommultiple sources to make judgments and informed decisions about theprogram” (Killion, 2018, p.9). In Irving ISD, the effectiveness of professional learning is evaluated in avariety of ways, including, but not limited to:Session and Event SurveysStakeholder InterviewsPL Roundtable DiscussionsImpact on Practice
Professional LearningAs a learning organization, Irving ISD has a commitmentto continuous learning and professional growth of allstaff, and has included paid professional learning andpurposeful planning days throughout the 187-dayprofessional staff calendar. Employees must attendrequired learning sessions, but also have the benefit ofchoosing learning that pertains to their content, skill level,and interests, as well as the flexibility of format and timethat works best for them. 2 days - Required PL Credits2 days (12 credits) are earned by attending Irving ISDdistrict-led professional learning on August 1 and 2. 4 days - Purposeful Planning Credit4 days (12-24 credits) are earned by attending andparticipating in Irving ISD district-led purposeful planningon September 13, October 25, February 7, and March 28.Requirements
Professional LearningAdministrators and professional staff plan, select, provide, and attendprofessional learning that:Provides a strong foundation in the pedagogy of the particulardiscipline;Provides knowledge and skills to improve classroom practice andcontributes to measurable student success;Provides sufficient time, support, and resources to enable teachersto master new content and pedagogy and to integrate these intotheir practice;Is rooted in and reflects the best available research.RequirementsCredit Guidelines
Professional LearningEmployees may add certificates for out-of-district workshops andconferences attended. To add a record of credit for out-of-districtworkshops completed, employees should follow these steps:Employees must obtain certification or documentation of attendance,which should include:Employee NameWorkshop Name, Date, and LocationClock HoursContinuing Professional Education (CPE) provider numberFollow the Out-of-District Workshop Credit Procedures to uploadworkshop certificates to your Strive Portfolio via “Add New PortfolioEntry” option You will receive an email from School objects NOREPLY eitherconfirming credit approval or denying with instructions forresubmission It is the employee’s responsibility to confirm all credit has beenawardedPlease allow 15 school days after submission of documentationto verify that credit has been awardedRequirementsOut-of-District Credit
Professional LearningTrainingDepartmentRequired AudienceAnnualComplianceVariousAll Irving ISD staffT-TESSProfessional LearningAll T-TESS evaluated teaching staff andadministratorsDyslexia andRelated DisordersSpecial EducationAll general education teachersYouth MentalHealth First AidAt-RiskAll campus-based staff and bus drivers; all otherstaff who interacts with studentsGT 30 ClockHoursAdvanced AcademicsAll kinder and any core GT or AP course teacherswho have no 30 Clock Hours/Update documentationGT UpdateAdvanced AcademicsStaff who have documentation of completion of GT30 Clock Hours/Update and need to stay currentPreKHB4/Ryder78Early ChildhoodAll PreK teachersCTE RequiredCTECareer and Technical Education (CTE) TeachersCrisis PreventionIntervention (CPI)Special EducationDesignated campus-based staffRequirements
Professional LearningIt is the responsibility of all Irving ISD professionalemployees to complete all applicable requiredprofessional learning. All professional learning credits must be recorded inEduphoria Strive. It is the employee’s responsibility to confirm creditshave been awarded.To ensure an optimal learning environment for allparticipants, children are not to be in attendance unlessinvited for a special session or event.ExpectationsDistrict Professional Learning NormsArrive on timeRemain actively engaged from beginning to endExhibit professional behavior, including appropriate attireRemain focused on student successBe respectful of presenters and colleagues Complete course surveys by the due date
Professional LearningAdvanced registration is required for all courses using the onlineProfessional Learning registration system, Eduphoria Strive. Registration closes at the onset of the course and participantsare unable to unregister after that time.Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.A minimum number of participants may be required for thesession to be held.Participants should unregister as soon as they become aware thatthey cannot attend the scheduled course.Employees must check the online system prior to attending theworkshop to verify session location/meeting link and times.ExpectationsRegistrationAttendanceFace-to-Face SessionsUpon arrival, employees must sign-in using the digital or paperattendance option provided. Credit is awarded according toseat time. Failure to sign-in using the approved attendance method couldresult in no credit being awarded for attendance at the session.
Professional LearningVirtual Sessions via Zoom or Teams Employees should be signed in to their Irving ISDZoom/Teams Account.Zoom/Teams records active attendance in sessions, andZoom/Teams reports will serve as the official attendancerecord. Credit is awarded according to seat time.ExpectationsAttendance Cont.Excessive Absence/No-ShowParticipants should unregister from the course in EduphoriaStrive as soon as they become aware of inability to attend.Failure to unregister from a course will result in beingmarked absent. Once five absences are recorded in a professional’s portfolio,the professional will be locked out of Eduphoria Strive and willbe unable to register for future courses. Professionals will need to notify Aris Lazo, in order for access to be restored.A copy of the excessive absences will be sent tocorresponding campus Professional Learning Liaison.
MobileMindMobileMind is the platform employees use to design and experiencemicrolearning and earn microcredentials. Learners are able to navigatepathways for personalized learning and access content when it isconvenient for them. Staff may also use MobileMind to register toattend classes and events at the MAHI. All attendance and any credits earned will be reported in MobileMind inthe user’s backpack, and records of completion of district-led learningwill also be transferred into employee’s professional developmentportfolio in Eduphoria Strive.MobileMind Help DocsFAQs for LearnersMobile AppSubmit a Troubleshooting Ticket with MobileMind
EduphoriaEduphoria! Strive is the platform employees use to register forprofessional learning courses and keep track of professional learningcredits. Each professional staff member is responsible for maintaininghis or her own professional development portfolio in Eduphoria Strive.Strive ‘My Profile’Each employee should ensure that all Eduphoria profile information(name, email address, campus, and primary role) is correct. The accuracy of this information impacts evaluation and reportsthat are generated for professional learning requirements.StriveEduphoria Strive Help DocsUpdate Your Profile Monitor Your Strive Portfolio & CreditsView Your PL ScheduleRequest Outside PL CreditRegister for Professional LearningRegister for and Take an eCourseManage Certifications
Our TeamDr. Kristina FeldnerDr. Lydia CroupeJerry UlibarriAris LazoAssistant DirectorProfessional Learningkfeldner@irvingisd.net972.600.5054CoordinatorProfessional Learningjulibarri@irvingisd.net972.600.5447CoordinatorProfessional Learninglcroupe@irvingisd.net972.600.5056Office ManagerProfessional Learningalazo@irvingisd.net972.600.5054