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Professional Clinically Trained Veteran Chaplains

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10 Invaluable ChaplainAdvisement CapabilitiesChaplains can serve as neutral, confidential listeners helpingbridge the gap between leadership and workforce. Theirpresence can improve communication channels and provideinsights to leadership about employee concerns, potentiallyimproving satisfaction survey scores.Complementing existing mental health resources,chaplains can proactively provide confidential,non-judgmental ear and prevention, intervention,and postvention care outside the formal corporatestructure thereby offering a more holistic approachto employee wellbeing.Drawing from their military background,chaplains can reinforce ethicalstandards and compliance, helping torestore trust and prevent misconduct. Cooperation withoutCompromise is the ethos ofInterfaith Chaplains because theyprovide inclusive support for allemployees, regardless of faith,beliefs, worldviews, or no-faithpreference.Chaplains can visit line shops andprovide support to office and fieldworkers. In times of uncertainty andcrises, chaplains offer immediate, on-the-ground support that can be crucialfor employee coping and recovery.As our industry evolves, chaplains can help shape the moraldimensions of organizational shifts, by promoting opendialogue and addressing issues like transparency in hiring andpromotions. They serve as the company’s moral and ethicalconscience.Chaplains can help track improvements inemployee satisfaction, retention rates, and ethicalcompliance, providing tangible metrics to justifythis cost-effective service."FirstEnergy Illuminates: Chaplains Advise, Workforce Thrives"With their experience in conflict resolution and mediation, chaplains are bridge-builders who can act as impartial intermediaries between the companyand unions, fostering better understanding andcooperation.Chaplains can advise leadership on emotionalintelligence and effective communicationstrategies, helping to address the perceiveddisconnect between leaders and employees.Our utility workers face arduous tasks, especially duringnatural disasters. Chaplains can help strengthen life skills and offer orientation support and ongoing guidance to new employees, potentially improving retention and engagement rates.

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"I worked with nearly four hundred employees in the aftermath of their most popular employee collapsing and dyingat the office. He was only twenty-four years old and already the most successful salesperson. The entire organization was traumatized. Efforts to reengage productive work were paralyzed. All carried a heavyburden of guilt and grief. I gathered the group, and we committed to caring for one another as we moved through this process. Irecommended, and corporate leadership agreed to honor the deceased by dedicating the room to his memory andadding a plaque recognizing his valuable contributions." - ChaplainCare Co-Founder, Alan T. Baker, serving as thecorporate chaplain for NewDay USA "Our company's workforce comprises people from over 30 countries, and many do not understand English or Westernculture. Some come to work in fear, shame, depression, and anxiousness.The workforce trusts me as their chaplain. One day, a team member confided to me that there was a humantrafficking sex ring in the company. After a thorough criminal investigation proved the allegations to be accurate, thecompany was able to take swift actions to stop it. Additionally, the company granted the chaplains permission andfunding to lead an English as Second Language Academy, which includes empowerment, mentoring and coaching." - an anonymous Fortune 500 workforce chaplain“Building A Stronger Community.” “Bringing Good Energy To Our Communities.”

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"Interstate Battery has provided chaplains for more than a decade. Shortly after I began my new virtualposition, my daughter-in-law suffered a miscarriage, The chaplain provided support and wise counsel to thefamily throughout that time of need. I now share with everyone the powerful impact my chaplain had on myfamily and me." - DeAnne, Interstate Battery"When they told us we were getting a chaplain, I wondered, what on earth for? Now I don’t know what we would dowithout you. You have changed everything. I am staying here based on the fact that this company cared enoughabout their employees to have a chaplain." – Employee, Tyson Company “Investing In Making Our People’s Lives Brighter.” “Keeping The Lights On: An Inclusive Great Place To Work.”

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"Imagine a workforce energized by the unique skills, clinical training, and experience of military veteran chaplains.These principle advisors, tested in high-stress environments, bring unparalleled expertise in addressing individualissues, corporate operational stressors, comprehensive spiritual needs assessments, and fostering resilience.Companies like Tyson Foods are revolutionizing employee well-being and operational excellence by integrating theirchaplains’ leadership and communication skills. Professional chaplaincy enables proactive support, advances DEIinitiatives, and boosts workforce resilience. A strategic investment in professional chaplains aligns perfectly withforward-thinking companies’ mission, vision, and values, potentially reducing medical costs, increasing talentacquisition, retention, and productivity, and accelerating innovation. The outcome is empowered diverse teams thatshine brighter, serve stronger, and lead our industry into a more resilient, engaged, and innovative future.DFW Chaplains App, an innovative application created for the world's second busiest airport, is reshaping workplacechaplaincy. This adaptable tool facilitates religious accommodation for a wide range of staff, agents, volunteers, andtravelers. As the exclusive provider of such technology, ChaplainCare offers proactive, proven, practical, and affordabletechnological solutions with the human touch. They provide responsive technical support, reliable policyrecommendations, and secure data-driven impact assessments to guide cost-effective decision-making. Endorsed bya retired IBM executive who serves on the Airport Interfaith Chaplaincy Board of Directors, who said,“This groundbreaking approach to chaplaincy is poised to revolutionize global practices, presenting a valuablebusiness resource for executives, employees, travelers, and chaplains alike.”“Powering Tomorrow: Chaplains Spark Utility Innovation”“Illuminating, Innovating, Integrating: Chaplaincy's Triple-Boost to Mission and Margins”