2E L I T E B E N E F I T S G R O U P P R O D U C T T O U RVOLUNTARYBENEFITSTRADITIONAL MAJOR MEDICAL LEVEL FUNDED MAJORMEDICAL PROGRAMSSometimes referred to as supplemental insurance; voluntarybenefits are a key to a comprehensive benefits program.Customization, affordability, and portability make voluntarybenefits a win for every company. Our voluntary programs aredesigned for maximum protection at a low cost, employee oremployer paid.Account Coverage Cancer & Critical Illness CoverageDental & Vision Coverage Disibility Coverage Hospital Confinement Coverage Life Insurance Major Medical coverage is typically utilized as a primary resourceto help employers attract and retain employees. Employers with50+ full time employees are required to provide coverage toremain in compliance with ACA. Medical plans are available to allsize of employers through many carriers such as:Blue Cross Blue Shield AETNAUnited Health CareMemorial HermannSince coverage continues to rise across the U.S. Self-Fundedprograms are becoming more and more prevalent across Texas.These programs can sometimes be more affordable becausethey are medically underwritten. Rates are based on theinformation received by the group which includes employee’shealth history. Level-Funded program typically a great fit forsmall to medium size companies; in some cases, companies areeligible to receive a reimbursement at the end of the policy term.Our carriers consist of:Allstate Benefits Trustmark United Health Care (Allsavers)AETNA
VALUE ADDED SOLUTIONS EXECUTIVE RETIREMENTIdeal for business owners or high-incomeearners. Often we think of 401K or IRA’s as asafe and effective avenue for retirement. Now,most employers can qualify for leveragedpremium finance retirement. The value isgained from leveraging financing to meet yourretirement goals, in some cases employerscan accomplish their retirement goals in tenyears or less. The programs are designed toprovide: TAX FREE retirement income for lifeLife insurance death benefitNo market risk or financial recourse3E L I T E B E N E F I T S G R O U P P R O D U C T T O U RThrough our trusted partner network, we’ll connect you with resources and servicesthat can help create a more robust benefits program for your organization andemployees. The following benefits are at NO COST to you:TelemedicineBenefits Administration SoftwareEnrollment TechnologyEmployee Support (Benefit Guide, Claims and more)Corporate WellnessWellcard SavingsOnline H.R SupportLaw Assure
4E L I T E B E N E F I T S G R O U P P R O D U C T T O U RCLIENTS ARE TALKING…Elites Benefits Groupsurpassed our previousbroker in cost and service.They are extremelyresponsive andknowledgeable. We aregrateful to have connectedwith their team!— Interfield Group Working with Robert at EliteBenefits Group makeschoosing the best insurancefor our business simple.Excellent communication,expertise and competitivequotes makes them a greatpartner for all our insuranceneeds.— Fratelli Companies I’ve been working with Elite Benefits services for a few years now and they have always been very helpful and informative. I am pleased with the services they provide our agency and the prompt responsive to any questions or concerns we may have.— Housing Authority ofBaytown Access to Care Campaign Initial Illustration NLG Summary
EDUCATION5E L I T E B E N E F I T S G R O U P P R O D U C T T O U R“We provide creative solutions tofinancial road blocks allowingemployers to protect their mostvaluable assets, their employees. It isour duty to help employers create abenefit abundant environment, helpattract and retain employees,increase employee productivity andpresentism.”— Robert King Levy III TECHNOLOGYSUPPORTBenefit education is key to avaluable benefits program.Employees will have anopportunity to speak directlyto our benefit counselorsupon enrollment via face toface, virtually or through asecured phone call. Full understanding ofavailable benefitsOne on one counseling.Company benefit guide YOUR LASTBENEFIT PARTNERYou will feel confident that you have made theright decision in choosing us.Our technology platformprovides a simplifiedpaperless enrollment andongoing support.Enrollment SoftwareAdmin PortalsEmployee PortalsAccess to electronicforms that will facilitatepayroll deductionimplementationContinuous support for youremployees and managementteam.&On-boarding Termination SupportClaims SupportEmployee access toaccount managementteamHR and managementsupportOn-boarding proceduresEmployee termination,additions, and changes.
@ 2 0 2 3 A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D . E L I T E B E N E F I T S G R O U P I S A R E G I S T E R E D T R A D E M A R K A N D M A R K E T I N G B R A N D O F T B T V E N T U R E S L L C .EXPERTS ARE SAYING…“Employers use voluntary plans to offer employees dental, vision,critical illness, disability and life insurance at group rates, whichare lower than what employees would pay if they purchasedthese plans on an individual basis”— Benefits Pro“Employee benefits are one of the most important factors inrecruiting and retaining good employees. A robust package thatincludes voluntary products help employers acquire and retain atalented, productive workforce.”— Randy Clarkson, TEB president “88% of employees feel the offer of voluntary benefits is animportant part of comprehensive benefits program.”— Wallstreet Journal“Voluntary benefits are hot, and they are only getting hotter. WithPPACA looking at only medical care, your employees are lookingto you as their employer to help them figure out all this mess andbe the hero you are meant to be.”— Benefits Pro