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Procurement Compliance Advisory Service (PCAS)

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ProcurementComplianceAdvisoryServicesImproving Professionalism& Maximising Valuein Public Procurement2024Governance, Procurement & Financial Crimes (GPFC) Department109 St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain 100811Trinidad and Tobago, 868-6289255 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

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Mitigating Riskin Public Procurement 2024OVERVIEWPublic Procurement is a high-risk endeavour. Increased scrutinyfrom media, civil society organisations, and a broader,increasingly more well-informed, and technologically-savvypopulace has generated a pressing demand for a moretransparent, efficient and accountable framework for publicprocurement. Moreover, if we have learned anything from ourrecent COVID-19 health crisis, it is the criticality of a robustpublic procurement governance system.The new public procurement regime in Trinidad and Tobagounder the recently promulgated Public Procurement &Disposal of Property Act No. 1 of 2015 (as amended) combinedwith the spate of public procurement regulations in 2021 andthe numerous handbooks, policies, guidelines and templatesproduced by the Office of Procurement Regulator (OPR) havebeen designed to meet this demand. This regime wasintroduced within the context of and exists now alongside analready complicated common law regime for competitivebidding and judicial review of administrative decisions. LEX CARIBBEAN is pleased to introduce our ProcurementCompliance Advisory Service (PCAS), as part of our suite of Tailored Advanced Delivery Solutions for clients. The PCAS, asolution within our Governance, Procurement & Financial Crime (GPFC) practice, is designed to help public sector bodies, notonly navigate new compliance risks associated with thestatutory regime, but to also build professionalism andsophistication in public procurement with the goal of realisingmaximum value in the expenditure of public money. 02/11056004035+050+Years of operationsRegional Offices LegalSpecialisationsStaff members

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Roadmap to ProcurementExcellence 2024OUR STORYBeyond the primarily responsive work of the law,the PCAS operates under a philosophy ofpractice that is preventative, proactive,innovative and sustainable. Preventative - We help you to build ethically-robust procurement governance systems.Proactive - We help you to navigate andmitigate procurement risks by understandingstructural, process and market vulnerabilitiesand irregularities, leveraging institutionalstrengths and designing bespokeapproaches. Innovative - We bring to bear the latesttechnological advancements in procurementgovernance system design includingsolutions for supply chain risk management,data protection, document management andreporting systems, eProcurement and fraudauditing. Sustainable - We build employeeprofessionalism and your institutionalcapacity to conduct a more sophisticatedmanagement of the public procurementfunction, independently . 03/11Margaret Satya RoseLead Consultant, Procurement ComplianceAdvisory Services (PCAS)Governance, Procurement & Financial Crime Practice Head "We take pride in our ability tounderstand the nuances of eachpublic body with which we work. Byblending our technical expertise withprocesses that allow us to build adeep understanding of yourinstitutional culture, capacity andgoals, we create bespoke andsustainable solutions that delivertangible results, long after ourintervention is complete. Ourcommitment is to transform our feestructure into an investment in ourclient success. With the savings wegenerate for you, we help you to domore, with far less."

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BespokeSolutions forYour Needs 2024OUR SERVICES04/11Compliance & Fraud AuditingOur specialised audits provide independent, third-party validation ofprocurement compliance and detailed plans to help safeguard your organizationagainst financial and reputational risks. We identify high-risk transactions,analyze your vendor master data, and detect vulnerabilities for fraud, waste andabuse across the source-to-pay process. Our audits benchmark your currentstate against strategic sourcing best practices to spotlight savingsopportunities, process inefficiencies, and non-compliant off-contract spending.With our actionable insights and clear remediation guidance, you will reducemaverick spend, enhance compliance, optimize workflows, implementprocurement controls, and capture hard-dollar savings.

Page 5 2024OUR SOLUTIONS05/11Policy &Template Re-DesignTraining &CapacityBuildingRevamp your procurement policies andtemplates to maximize efficiency, value,and regulatory compliance. Our expertsconduct gap analyses, recommend bestpractices, draft clear guidelines, and re-design procurement processes andsystems to strengthen procurementgovernance. Streamline tenders with ourexpertly drafted templates for RFPs,ITTs, and more. We analyze currentformats, tailor best practice templates,and optimize documentation to makebidding fast, easy, ethically-robust andiron-clad against bid-challenges.Elevate your public procurementpractices with our world-class trainingand capacity building programs. Ourexperts help strengthen procurementgovernance while mastering the latestregulations and compliance mandates.Through live, interactive workshops,hands-on simulations, and our OnlineProcurement Academy (OPRA) for self-paced learning, public officials gainapplied skills to overhaul procurementsystems, enhance transparency, alignpolicies, centralize operations, and meetreporting requirements. We empowerorganizations to execute tendersefficiently, equitably and in adherence tolaws and ethical standards.Our PCAS combines world-classexpertise across critical domains -commercial and procurement law,procurement logistics and supply chainmanagement, forensic accounting andfinance, industrial relations, litigation andalternative dispute resolution. Wecomplement this with industryspecialists focused on high-value,complex procurements includingconstruction, infrastructure, public-private partnerships, and technologysolutions.

Page 6 2024OUR SOLUTIONS06/11Enabled Source-AssisteProcurement Achieve rapid savings by bringing in ourexperts to undertake a specialisedsupplier contract and spend analysis.This service which incorporates contractre-negotiation strategies can beleveraged for several months on a cash-positive, supplier pays pricing modelwhich produces no-risk to our clients. Unlock the potential of eProcurement tosignificantly improve your bottom line.Studies have shown that implementingeProcurement tools to automate low-value, repetitive tasks, heightensvisibility and combined with eAuctionsreduces invoicing and procurementcosts from between 10-60%. The PCAScan help you to build and incorporateeProcurement and eAuction tools intothe design of your institutionalprocurement policy and governancesystem. The PCAS delivers innovative, ethically-robust solutions that empower publicsector buyers to maximize value andconfidently navigate litigation, fraud, andcompliance risks. With proven methodstailored to your environment, we enableorganizations to procure ethically,transparently, and efficiently whilerealising richer more holistic value for every public dollar spent.

Page 7 2024OUR SOLUTIONS07/11Pro-NegotiatorRAPID - BDR When the stakes are highest, our ProNegotiator service for complextransactions will inspire your trust.Backed by meticulous preparation anddecades of experience, our attorneysbecome your skilled proxies or advisorysupport - leveraging proprietary tacticsto masterfully negotiate and strikeoptimal deals that you can feel fullyconfident in. We're the team you want onyour side for high-value, complexnegotiations.Litigation can fracture businessrelationships and deliver unpredictableoutcomes. Our RAPID - Bid DisputeResolution (BDR) Service is a bespokeAlternative Dispute Resolution approachleveraging our specialized legalexpertise to proactively and discreetlyresolve conflicts through custom-tailored, innovative, pragmatic andproprietary mediation and arbitrationstrategies. Our goal is rapid resolution toavoid costly, drawn-out, legal dramas. Designed with forward-thinking,proactive leadership in mind, the PCAShas developed unique and proprietaryconflict resolution methods that engagenon-binary, lateral thinking andapproaches informed by the latestdevelopments in the socialneuroscience of empathy, philosophy ofmind, system and complexity sciences.

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A Special Turnkey Solution for Trinidadand Tobago Public Sector Bodies: Procurement ActCompliance &Transformation 2024OUR SERVICES08/11MAKE THE P.A.C.TPCAS introduces the Procurement Act Compliance and Transformation (P.A.C.T)Solution. The P.A.C.T is 6-STEP proprietary turnkey change managementimplemented service designed specifically for public sector organisations inTrinidad and Tobago to address emerging risks and new liabilities created by thePublic Procurement & Disposal of Property Act No. 1 of 2015 (as amended). TheP.A.C.T re-designs organisational governance, policies and systems forcompliance while also ensuring built-in latitude and flexibility for procurementdecision-makers exercising their constitutional discretion to pursue socio-political, economic and environmental goals within a transparent and accountableframework. It can be accessed as a turnkey solution or on a modular basisdependent on the needs of the organization. Contact us now at jade.young@tt.lexcaribbean.comTAKE THE FIRST STEP: A ZERO-OBLIGATION CONSULTATION WITH OUR TEAM.

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Professionals atYour ServiceTo view Partner Profiles TEAM09/11MargaretRoseBernardShepherdS.C.Public ProcurementLaw , Policy & PracticeCommercial Law &Complex Transactionsmargaret.rose@tt.lexcaribbean.combernard.shepherd@tt.lexcaribbean.comBronockReidIndustrial Relations &Organization Restructuringbronock.reid@tt.lexcaribbean.comKrystalRichardson-DumitriuCommercial Litigation &Alternative Dispute

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ConsultingPartners 202410/11ProcurementInnovation &Leadership LabADR InternationalProcurement Innovation& Sustainability Procurement, Logistics & Supply Chainprocurementinnovation.orgadr-international.comAtkin ChambersPublic Construction &Infrastructure Worksatkinchambers.comCaribbean Instituteof ForensicAccountingForensic Accounting &Financial Crimecifa-edu.comOUR TEAM

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OUR GLOBAL ALLIANCE11/11 https://lexcaribbean.com2024

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Governance, Procurement & Financial Crimes (PPFC) Departmenthttps://lexcaribbean.combrenda.vickles@tt.lexcaribbean.com1- 868-628-9255 Ext.1162109 St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain, 100811Trinidad and Tobago.Connect withUs Todayfor a Zero-ObligationConsultation