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PRMC Standards of Performance

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Pratt Regional Medical Centerprovides excellent andcompassionate healthcareservices.MISSIONSTATEMENT

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SIMPLY THE BESTAt PRMC we are committed to providing“Simply the Best” healthcare services in SouthCentral Kansas. We have developed Standardsof Performance that involve every aspect ofcare that occurs in our facility.* Attitude * Appearance * Commitment to People * Personal and Elevator Etiquette * Call Lights * Telephone Etiquette * Customer Waiting * Communication * Privacy/Dignity/Respect * Commitment to Co‐workers * Sense of Ownership * Safety Awareness This is our opportunity to make a difference in the careand treatment of each person we encounter—patient,guest or co‐worker. The Standards will lead to consistencyand integrity. All PRMC employees are held accountablefor making these Standards work.

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Pratt Regional Medical Center’s Board of Directors,Administration, Personnel and Medical Staff, within thereligious values of our area, are committed to maintain and restore health, enhance the dignity of thehuman person, and foster life from conception to death ina caring and professional environment.Service to HumanityExcellence in PerformanceRespect for the Individual Value to Employees Integrity of Relationships Community ResponsibilityEnhanced Access to HealthcareOur PhilosophyWE BELIEVEIN SERVICE

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RESPECTFULATTITUDEOur “Simply the Best” commitment is reflected in our attitude. We believe a positive attitude is a requirement,not a choice.Greet everyone with a smile, eye contact and a personal introduction when needed. Use their name if possible.SCRIPT: (SMILE)"HELLO MR.SMITH, MYNAME IS AND I AMHERE TOHELP YOU."You are responsible for your attitudeand morale.Show respect, courtesy and sensitivityto everyone. Rudeness is not tolerated.Eliminate drama from yourinteractions.Show that you care, listen with your heart. Always go aboveand beyond what is expected of you. Laughter is good medicine. Use humor to improveinteraction between yourself and others.Be open and respect the views, ideas and talents of others.People are NOT interruptions to our work, they are thereason we are here. Always apologize for problems orinconveniences.Encourage others by using sincere compliments and praise.Always use instruction instead of correction.

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PERSONAL APPEARANCEWear a smile and appropriate, professional clothing.Know & follow the dress code: NO flip‐flops, T‐shirts & jeans.Wear ID badges on the collar or at shoulder level. Good personal hygiene is always expected and is part of your appearance.CAMPUS APPEARANCEHelp keep our facility looking appealing by maintaining a clean andpleasant environment.It is EVERYONE’S job to pick up litter and clean up spills.Always return equipment to its proper place. Keep personal work areasneat and organized.Signs with amusing messages are usually inappropriate.Do not use stained linens or those in need of repair, in patient care areas.A P P E A R A N C EFirst impressions are important and show your attitude.

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SCRIPT: IS THEREANYTHINGMORE I CANDO FOR YOU?COMMITMENTTO PEOPLEWe will be friendly, attentive and considerate.These actions will show that we care. SMILE and go the extra mile.Park in areas designated for employees,this shows respect for our patients and guests. Take care of people regardless of whose job it is. Don’t just give directions, always escort people to theirdestinations.Respect the values and beliefs of others,even if different from your own.Anticipate the patient’s needs before leaving the room.Make sure everything they need is within reach. Keep information boards updated and practice good handoffcommunication. Use language the patients and families can understand andprovide the information they need for healthcare choices.

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PERSONAL ANDELEVATOR ETIQUETTEGood manners create a positiveimpression.Listening is as important as talking.Practice listening.People are more important than cellphones.When talking to patients, employees orattending a meeting, put the cell phone away. Personal calls should only be made duringlunch or break times.Excuse yourself when you need to take atelephone call on a hospital cell phone orwhen a patient or guest receives atelephone call.Do not discuss patients, their care orhospital business: on the elevator, onsocial media or any public place.Always allowpatients andguests to enter orexit the elevatorfirst. Smile andspeak with peoplein the elevatorsand hallways.Patients on acart/bed in theelevator havepriority. Allowfor patientprivacy bywaiting for thenext elevator.

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CALL LIGHTSBy answering call lights in a timely manner,customers will be assured that their needs will be met. SCRIPT:“HOW MAY IHELP YOU?”OR “WHATMESSAGECAN I GIVEYOURNURSE?”Exceed patient/family expectations byanticipating needs and responding to thembefore they have to ask. Call lights can beanswered by any PRMC employee.Make sure the proper person receives themessage prior to leaving the area.Answer call lights in a caring, courteousand timely manner.Before leaving the patient’s room, makesure the patient understands where the calllight button is and that it is within thepatient’s reach.

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TELEPHONE PROTOCOLALL EMPLOYEES SHOULD KNOW HOW TOOPERATE THE TELEPHONE IN THEIR AREA.Answer calls promptly and cheerfully.Always identify yourself and yourdepartment.Ask permission before placing a person onhold and check with them in one minuteintervals. If it will be more than a fewminutes before the call can be answered,take their number so the call can bereturned later. All calls should be returnedwithin 24 hours.Always use the “hold” button rather thanputting the phone down or covering themouthpiece to protect confidentiality.Before transferring a call, give the callerthe phone number or extension of theperson you are transferring the call to.Always leave a voice mail message in non‐emergency situations to minimizeoverhead paging. SCRIPT: (YOU CAN HEARA SMILE, SOSMILE AND SAY)“HELLO, THIS IS______ IN THEPRMC BILLINGOFFICE. HOWCAN I HELPYOU?” SCRIPT: “I WILL TRANSFER YOURCALL NOW BUT IF YOU GET DISCONNECTED OR NEED TO CALL BACK THE NUMBER IS .”

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Teach patients and families about the process so they will knowwhat to expect.Inform patients and family members whenever there are delays andchanges.Thank people for waiting and apologize for delays. If the delayrequires re‐scheduling an appointment for another day use the “We Care” program.Provide a comfortable atmosphere, refreshments and readingmaterials for waiting patients and families.Update family members while a patient is undergoing a procedure. If it is a long procedure, the procedure nurse should come out andassure the family of the progress or at least call and inform the nurse so she can relay the message. Let them know when the patientis in recovery.CUSTOMERWAITINGWE WANT OURCUSTOMERS TOUNDERSTAND THEIRTREATMENT PROCESSAND WILL NEED TO HELPTHEM UNDERSTAND IT. WE ALSO VALUE OURCUSTOMER’S TIME ANDARE COMMITTED TOPROVIDING PROMPTSERVICE.

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“We’ve got your back” means that management and staff support one another.We do this by being open to ideas and concerns, providing feedback and keeping lines ofcommunication open. Always be courteous, conciseand respectful at all department levels.Address people and respond to questionsrespectfully. Use “please” and “thank you”, whenappropriate.Never use off ensive language (profanity, racial slurs,etc.)Make every eff ort to read hospital publications andmemos, and attend department meetings to keepinformed and positive about the facility and itsevents. Ask questions and be informed—don’t assume.When receiving a complaint, thank the person forletting you know their concerns and relay the concernto your supervisor if you can’t resolve the problem.COMMUNICATIONCommunications improve understanding. Avoid using medical terminology, misleading wordsand phrases. Be careful about verbal and non‐verbal messages.

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Everyone can be assured that theirprivacy is of the utmost importanceto us. All information will be heldin confidence and shared only withthose who are directly involved.PRIVACYDIGNITYRESPECTDo not discuss patient care or PRMC issues in public areas. Socialmedia is not appropriate for relaying information. Medicalrecords should be confidential and secure.Knock before entering a patient room and identify yourself.Politely ask visitors to leave and close the door before providingcare. Provide a robe or second gown for the patient while in thehallway. Cover the patient while being transferred in a wheelchairor cart with extra sheets.Telephone conversations between employees and patients shouldalways be conducted with discretion.Ask for patient and/or family input as much as possible withissues about their care. Allow patients to make their own carechoices when advisable.Respect cultural differences; remember we all come fromdifferent backgrounds and experiences.

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Smile and greet co‐workers by name.Welcome new employees. Offer help andset a good example.Willingly assist co‐workers. Teamwork isimportant throughout the organization.Always be honest with co‐workers holdingthem accountable when needed and praisingtheir good work when noted.Be professional. Rudeness is neveracceptable. Do not criticize or embarrassemployees in the presence of others.Actively listen to co‐workers and be loyalto them. Don’t gossip and be discreet andcautious about what you say.As a team member, help solve problems.Choose to respond instead of reacting tosituations. Stick to the facts and leave outthe drama.We are linkedtogether throughour commitmentto patients.Our co‐workersare one of ourmost valuableassets. Teamwork isimportantbecause we work together daily. Respect,compassion andcourtesy arecrucial for PRMC to be a “Simply the Best”place ofemployment.RESPECT FOR CO‐WORKERS

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Every employee must have a sense of ownership atPRMC. We must live by the mission of theorganization and work together to create anenvironment in which all employees feel respected,appreciated and valued. PRMC is a family of manyunique individuals supporting the work of thehospital.SENSE OF OWNERSHIPAs a member of the STB team take pride in yourselfand the organization. We are more successful if we do this.Help keep the building and grounds neat and clean.Be responsible and be professional at all times. Lookfor opportunities beyond your assigned jobs to helpthe PRMC team. Promote positive communityattitudes about PRMC.Report to work on time and be prepared to work.Manage your time well and perform your work in atimely manner.Internet surfing, Facebook and personal calls are not appropriate during work hours, ONLY during breaks.Control operating costs by using purchasingcontracts and limit your supplies stocked inMaterials Management. Share your ideas andthoughts on how PRMC can eliminate waste.

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Strive for an error free environment.Practice appropriate handwashing techniques.Use personal protective equipment and practice standardprecautions.Use appropriate lifting techniques and transfer devices.Keep equipment to one side of the hall or completely out ofhallways if possible.Do not block fire doors or exits.Verify patient identification prior to giving care.When administering medication, follow the five R’s:Right Person; Right Medication; Right Dosage; Right Route; Right Time.Be prepared for emergencies and know the hospital policies fordisasters and your responsibilities. If in doubt, ASK.S A F E T Y A W A R E N E S SSafety is the responsibility of all PRMC employees.

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YOU are Pratt Regional Medical Center.YOU are what people see when they use our services.YOUR eyes are what people see when they’re frightened. YOUR voice is what people hear when they ride elevators, tryto sleep and try to forget their problems.YOU are the one they hear on their way to and fromappointments that could affect their destinies.YOUR comments are what people hear whenYOU think they can’t.YOUR intelligence and care are what people hope they willfind at PRMC. If YOU are noisy, so is the hospital and if YOUare wonderful, so is PRMC. No visitor or patient can everknow the real YOU—unless YOU let them see who YOU are. Allthey know is what they see, hear and experience.So, we have a stake in YOUR attitude and in the collectiveattitudes of everyone who works at Pratt Regional MedicalCenter. We are judged by YOUR performance. We are the careYOU give, the attention YOU pay and the courtesies YOUextend.THANK YOU for all YOU will do at PRMC.YOU

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The PRMC Standards of Performance reflect thehigh principles that we as employees of PrattRegional Medical Center have established forourselves. Each individual has an obligation touphold these standards to achieve the goal of being“Simply the Best”. These standards will ensure thatour patients, family members and employees aretreated with respect, courtesy, tolerance, andacceptance. Every person that is a part of PRMC(patient, resident, visitor, family member, employeeor volunteer) will be recognized for his or her worth,dignity and individuality.I pledge to uphold these standards as a member of the Pratt Regional Medical Center TEAM. S I M P L YT H E B E S TA g r e e m e n tPrinted NameDateSignature