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Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25

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ContentsWelcome 3The School Day 4Lessons at The Priory 4Travelling to School 5Food at The Priory 6Your School Uniform 6Your PE Kit 7Example Timetable 8How to read your timetable? 8Do you know the answers to the following? 9Enrichment & Homework 9School Code of Conduct 10What If? 11Top Tips 12School Clubs & Extra Curricular activities 13First Day Checklist 14First Day: Tuesday, 3rd September 2024 14

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3The Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25Dear Student,I would like to welcome you to The Priory School. You are about to embark on an adventure and with the help and guidance from tutors, teachers and students, you will blossom and grow into an amazing individual.The Priory School is one of a kind. It is a vibrant, friendly, caring and supportive community. We have high expectations and we encourage you to work to your full potential and achieve your best. It is also important to us that every student is respectful towards others at all times. In return, the school will motivate you to ensure you receive the education that you deserve through classroom lessons and extra-curricular activities. Many new challenges await you and we will work together to overcome these.The transition from your primary school to secondary school is an exciting time. Everyone here will help you to settle into the secondary school routine. If you are worried about anything or if you are experiencing any difculties settling in, you can talk to your Form Tutor or me. That is what we are here for!Make the most of your time here, showcase yourself, take advantage of what the school offers you, be true to yourself and aim to achieve your best.I am looking forward to being your Head of year and watching you ourish.Miss RoachHead of Year 7jrh@priorycofe.comWelcome

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4 The Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25Timings Session08:30 - 8:50 Breakfast available in the Canteen08:55 - 09:55 Period 109:55 - 10:55 Period 210:55 - 11:20 Break11:20 - 12:20 Period 312:20 - 13:20 Period 413:20 - 14:00 Lunch14:00 - 14:25 Tutor Time14:25 - 15:25 Period 5Lessons at The PrioryThe School DayAt The Priory School you will have heard of some of the lessons before, such as PE, RE, Music, Science, Art and Computing. Lessons that might be new are DT (Design & Technology), Food Technology (about food and cooking) and you will also do Drama. You will go to different rooms for lessons. Your timetable tells you what lessons you have and what room you need to go to. If you are unsure you can ask another student or an adult for help. You will have a two-week timetable. This means that on Week A. You might do something different to Week B. Teachers will help remind you if it is Week A or Week B and there will also be a sign in Reception saying what week we are on.Free porridge is available in the Canteen every day during breakfast.

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5The Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25It is important for you to know how you will travel to school and how long it will take you to get there.Travelling to SchoolPractice your route over the summer with your parents/carers. Be safe on your way to and from school. Leave plenty of time to make the journey in the morning so you can arrive by 08:45 in time for your rst lesson at 08:55.Are you a competent cyclist? Is your bike roadworthy?Do you own a cycle helmet? Do you have a bike lock?Have you completed your road safety?Who will drive you to and from school?Take into account trafc conditions to be on site at 08:45.Remember to use the shared car park at the end of Longeld Road (not on the school site), and meet your lift there at the end of the day.Which number bus? Which bus stop?How long does it take?Always have your bus pass ready to show the bus driver.Behave at all times on the bus and do not do anything to endanger or upset other users.WALKINGCARCYCLINGBUS

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6 The Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25Your School UniformThe Canteen at the Priory serves delicious food. You will be given a contactless fob, which your parents/carers will be able to add money to via a ScoPay account. Only you can use your Food at The Priory fob as your photo will appear on the screen. Your parent/carer has been given a link to set up an account and they can put money on your account before your rst day.A plain white shirtA school tie must be worn at all timesSchool blazerSchool skirt or black trousersBlack polishable school shoesSchool jumperYour uniform will include the following:If you lose your fob - a replacement will cost you £3.00 (each time).

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7The Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25Your PE KitItem Permitted clothing for both boys and girlsTopCompulsory:• Priory embroidered emerald green polo shirt and/or• Priory embroidered emerald green rugby shirt with white collar(Can only be purchased from our stockist: The Kit Shop.)Optional:House T-shirt (Can be purchased from Scopay)BottomsCompulsory:Black shorts or skortOptional:Black tracksuit bottomsBlack sport leggings(Can be purchased from any retailer.)JumperOptional:Black eece (plain generic or Priory embroidered)Black sweatshirt (plain generic or Priory embroidered)(Embroidered items can be purchased from our stockist. Generic items can be purchased from any retailer.)SocksCompulsory:Emerald green football socks (winter months)Optional:White sports socks (summer months)FootwearCompulsory:TrainersOptional:Football/Rugby bootsSport specic itemsCompulsory for specic sports:GumshieldsShinpadsFor the winter monthsOptional:White, black or green base layersSwimmingCompulsory:• Black one piece swimming costume• Black swimming shorts/trunks• Towel• Goggles

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8 The Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25Example Timetable1 2 3 4 TT 57A3/Sc 7x1/Ma 7A3/Ge 7A3/Hi 7A3/Rg 7A3/En MME 3:5 LTS 2:3 RHN 3:1 BGN 1:2 TDN 1:3 LPS H1 7x2/Dt 7A3/En 7A3/Ar 7A3/Co 7A3/Rg 7A3/Re BHS G2 LPS H1 JTL G6 ECU G5 TDN 1:3 BGN 1:2 7x2/Fd 7A3/Ml 7x1/Ma 7A3/Sc 7A3/Rg 7x3/Pe MTR G9 STY 2:7 LTS 2:3 MME 3:5 TDN 1:3 JTL G12 7A3/En 7A3/Sc 7A3/Ar 7A3/Ml 7A3/Rg 7A3/Mu LPS H1 MME 3:5 JTL G6 STY 2:7 TDN 1:3 SPN E3 7A3/Re 7x1/Ma 7A3/Mu 7x3/Pe 7A3/Rg 7A3/En APE 1:5 LTS 2:3 SPN E3 TCE F1 TDN 1:3 LPS H1 7A3/Ml 7x1/Ma 7A3/Hi 7A3/Sc 7A3/Rg 7x2/Dt STY 2:7 LTS 2:3 NNA 1:2 MME 3:5 TDN 1:3 BHS G2 7A3/En 7A3/Ps 7A3/Dr 7A3/Co 7A3/Rg 7x1/Ma LPS H1 CLR 2:9 JSM E1 ECU G5 TDN 1:3 LTS 2:3 7A3/Ge 7A3/Sc 7x1/Ma 7X2/Li 7A3/Rg 7x3/Pe MPN 3:2 MME 3:5 LTS 2:3 RHR H2 TDN 1:3 JTL G12 7A3/En 7A3/Re 7A3/Ge 7A3/Ps 7A3/Rg 7A3/Hi LPS H1 APE 1:5 MPN 3:2 CLR 2:9 TDN 1:3 BGN 1:2 7A3/En 7x1/Ma 7A3/Sc 7x3/Pe 7A3/Rg 7A3/Dr LPS H1 LTS 2:3 MME 3:5 TCE F1 TDN 1:3 JSM E1 Mon1Tue2Wed3Thu4Fri5Mon6Tue7Wed8Thu9Fr10APE : Mrs A Page MPN : Mr M S PinchinBGN : Mrs B J Godwin MTR : Mr M J TaylorBHS : Mr B Harris NNA : Mr N A NoriegaCLR : Mrs C Lister RHN : Mr R L HarringtonECU : Mr E K Chiu RHR : Mrs R E HolderJSM : Mr J D Sherringham SPN : Mr S D PohlmanJTL : Mrs J Trimnell STY : Mr S TerryLPS : Miss L A Parkins TCE : Mr T D G CurrieLTS : Mrs L G Thomas TDN : Mr T J S DunnMME : Mrs M L MeickleHow to read your timetable?7A3/En LPS H1 En = Subject (English)7A3 = Tutor GroupLPS = Teacher’s initials (Miss Parkins)H1 = Room (H Block, Room 1)

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9The Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25Do you know the answers to the following?What subject do I have the 3rd lesson on Monday week A? _____________________What room do I need to nd? ____________________________________________What equipment do I need for this lesson? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________Is this subject always in the same room? ___________________________________What subject do I have 2nd lesson on Wednesday Week B? ____________________What room do I need to nd? ____________________________________________What equipment do I need for this lesson? __________________________________Is this subject always in the same room? ___________________________________What is after break on Tuesday Week A? ___________________________________Where will I go for Computing lessons? ____________________________________Use the example timetable to answer these questions:Enrichment & HomeworkYou will receive homework once a week for Maths and once a fortnight for Science and English. Every half term you will also have enrichment tasks set for every other subject to complete at home. Enrichment tasks are optional and let you focus on areas you are passionate about, or that you want to investigate further. Homework and enrichment tasks are set on Edulink. You will be given your Edulink login when you start school in September. This will help you prepare for the homework that you will be doing when you start your GCSEs.

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10 The Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25You keep the school clean and tidy so that it is a welcoming place we can all be proud of. This means putting all litter in bins, keeping walls and furniture clean and unmarked and taking great care of displays, particularly of other people’s work.You must attend school regularly and punctually. This is essential to gain full benet from your education.You move gently and quietly about the school. No running, barging or shouting. Being ready to help by opening doors, standing back to let people pass and helping to carry things. On the stairs and in corridors please keep to the left.You should wear your school uniform correctly, and take pride in yourappearance.Out of school, travelling to and from school and on school visits, you should always remember that the school’s reputation depends on the way you behave.We do not tolerate bullying. If you are ever bullied you should report the incident on Download or speak with your tutor immediately. It is safe for you to do this. If you try to bully other students expect consequences.At the Priory School we embrace a code of conduct, which enables the school to run smoothly and harmoniously for everyone, staff and students alike.Everyone is expected to behave in a responsible manner both towards themselves and to others, showing consideration, courtesy and respect at all times.This means that:School Code of Conduct

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11The Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25What if I have a medical appointment or I am unwell?What if I am ill at school?What if I lose my timetable?What if I am worried or upset?What if I lose a book, game kit or school uniform?Inform Student Services in advance. You must bring a note in from your parents/carers or have an appointment card. Your parent/carer can go into Edulink to conrm your appointment or notify us of your illness.Go to Student Services if you are ill during break times. Tell your teacher if it is during the lesson and they will send you to Student Services. A qualied First Aider will look after you. If you need to go home they will organise this for you.Ask your Tutor for another copy or go to Student Services at break time or lunch time and politely ask for another copy to be printed for you. It will cost you 10p for each new printed copy.Please let a member of staff know if you are unhappy. Your Form Tutor is the most obvious choice. When you go home, talk to parents/carers; together we can solve most problems.Always check in Student Services as this is where Lost Property is taken to.What If?

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TransformationalAspirationalFlourishingTop Tips  Prepare your bag the night before  Get up at a sensible time and eat breakfast  Always try your best

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13The Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25Netball Football Badminton Dance Rugby Swimming Trampolining Cricket Chess Club Rounders Table Tennis Football Club Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Music Choir Jazz Band Guitar Club Steel Drum Rock Band Keyboard Club Wellbeing Club Warhammer Club Drama Club Music Concerts Cookery Club Art Club Reading Club Greenpower Science Club Journalism Club Reading Club Young Carers Support Club Gym & Dance Show School Production Ski Trip School Council Maths Challenge West End Shows Foreign Exchange Revision ClubsAt the Priory you will have many opportunities to take part in a diverse range of school clubs, from Warhammer Club to Trampolining, Drama or Art Club. Go to our website to nd the current list of clubs. We also provide a wide range of visits, trips and events, offering fantastic opportunities for involvement in Music, Drama and Dance. Highlights include our annual Ski trip, our Music Concerts, Music Exchange trip to Italy and dance performances at the Harlequin Theatre. Many of our students participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award. The Priory School also has a strong tradition in competing in the Greenpower racing events.We have listed some of our current offerings below, and our staff are always open to starting new clubs if students express interest.School Clubs & Extra Curricular activities

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14 The Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25First Day: Tuesday, 3rd September 2024On the rst day at the Priory School you should go to the Main Hall at 8.55am where you will be welcomed and met by your Tutor. Most students will have at least one person from their primary school in their tutor group. Details of the school day, and further information on the school will be given in your tutor room. Lessons will start once these details have been given to you. You should have all your pens and pencils with you on the rst day.First Day ChecklistSchool bag PencilPencil sharpenerReading bookGlue StickPacked lunch or money on Scopay account to buy food in the Canteen Scientic calculatorPencil caseRulerBlack & Green pens

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The school’s address is: I will get there by: The rst day of school is: School starts at: School nishes at: The Headteacher is called: The Head of Year 7 is called: My uniform is: My PE kit is: Before your rst day at the Priory see if you can answer these questions:15The Priory School Student Handbook 2024/25Remember to send a postcard during the summer holidays to Miss Roach to let her know how you are doing:We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

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FIDE ET LABORE CONFICERE@dorkingpriory@PriorySchool@dorkingpriory