Dear Parents and CarersAs the end of our first term draws near, it is always a good time to reflect on our achievements since September. This edition of the Priory Press really does highlight all the excellent work of our community who work together, providing so many opportunities for everyone to participate in. It has been a real joy to get to know more about each of our Year 7 students during our hot chocolate meetings at tutor times. This is an invaluable experience that gives me the opportunity to meet each child, find out a little about them whilst helping them to understand I am here for them and give them the chance to tell me about their journey so far.Thank you to everyone who has supported the school throughout this term, whether it be from donating money, participating in the FOTPS events, volunteering as readers for our children or marshalling/walking for our Sponsored Walk. It really is a unique community where we support and work together for our students. Headteacher’s LetterOur cooking lessons with Mr Taylor for members of our community after school each Tuesday have also proven to be a great success.I have been busy over these past few weeks analysing the feedback we have gratefully received from those of you that have taken time to complete our enrichment and behaviour audits. Your responses are appreciated and I am now working to tweak areas to further improve the systems. I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Priory Press as much as I have. I wish every one of you a safe and peaceful Christmas. We look forward to welcoming all our students back on the 2nd January 2024. Wishing you all a very peaceful Christmas and happy new year.Best wishesMrs TrimnellHeadteacher
Y 7 A S 4P M T I 6S W 2023 12G: A 14Y 8 E D 16C S 2023 18P16 P 19T B 20Y 9 NHS C E 21A T I R 22C A: O A C C M T 23N P G 23C M P G C 24L B R S D 25D E A 26M V D E P E 2023 28U DE E 29C T P 30F F 32FOTPS U 33Y 9 I T-T A 34H H: D 2023 C U 36A 37E F A: Y 7 S G C A P 38A S D 39S W T 40CONTENTS
Between 4 - 6th October the Year 7 Team took 113 students on their residential trip which was based at a PGL site in Swindon. The trip was an exciting way to experience their first trip in secondary school, to build relationships with each other and to get to know their new tutors and Head of Year in a different setting. Amongst other activities, the cohort were given the opportunity to try zip wire, rafting, archery, and adventure courses. It was a fantastic opportunity for all the students and was probably the longest time some of the students had spent away from home. As Head of Year 7, I was extremely proud of their efforts and the way they conducted themselves around the site and I feel they should be proud of themselves too. It was a great few days with the new cohort and all the students who attended displayed impressive skills in the activities they attempted. Not only did they show great skill but they also demonstrated real support for each other and encouragement; if peers were feeling reticent about taking part in any of the activities there was a lot of motivating from others to be brave enough to give it a go which was lovely to witness. Well done Year 7! Miss RoachYear 7 Adventures in Swindon PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 20234
Priory Music Trip to ItalyPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 20236In October Half term, 16 Music Priory Students went on a 5 day Music trip to Italy to perform at the Dorking twin town of Sinalunga. The trip started off with a day in Rome with a lovely sightseeing excursion to the ancient city. After that students travelled up by train to Sinalunga in Tuscany and gave a steel drum concert to the local Italians. The concert was a great success and we will be hosting some Italian students in Dorking soon!Mr Pohlman
Watch a short video of the Music TripPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202310
Watch Elena, Year 9, perform at the Sinalunga Opera HousePRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202311
Sponsored Walk 2023On Friday, 13th October, the Priory School headed out into the beautiful Surrey hills heading towards Leith Hill.PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202312Thank you to everyone who walked, marshalled or encouraged the students as they headed for Leith Hill. There was much enthusiasm despite the early rain. The doughnuts beyond Coldharbour raised the spirits of some (Thank you Friends of the Priory). More than £7500 was raised this year as a result so thank you to all who donated. Mr Ironmonger
Dunsfold is always like a home race to the Priory Racing Team. So first, we would like to thank everyone who came along to support us. We really appreciate all the mornings you have sacrificed. It made it even sweeter when we came second place after two brilliant races. Everything went to plan on a beautiful day and really is one of the highlights of the season. Castle Combe on the other hand, was a very different affair. We had everything working against us that day. There was so much rain that everybody was drenched by the end of race one! Raptor was also plagued with batteries that had been taken one race too far. It was our first race this season where we left without any trophies. We have learnt a lot from this race and are prepared to aim for the podium at the Goodwood final in October.The finals are always the best race of the season and these ones didn’t let us down. It wasn’t the usual event by any stretch of the imagination.We had different races such as qualifying, which only sets the grid for race 2 (aka: The Grand Final), and doesn’t contribute to the overall result. Everything went to plan in the morning as we secured 4th kit car in the qualifiers and were in high spirits heading into the afternoon. The final Greenpower race of 2023 was a bit later than usual because of the annual grid parade, with brilliant showings from all of the teams. The race itself also went pretty well; Raptor had a great start and both cars were in the top 15 kit cars throughout the race. With Raptor holding firm in a very nice 9th place out of about 91 cars and Hunter in 13th to finish. However, Raptor was running on brand new batteries so our performance was slightly hindered. The entire day was incredible though and we thank all of our fans for their support and time. The Greenpower Team have been racing in the national Greenpower competition, read on to hear about the busy autumn term events.Dunsfold and Castle Combe Goodwood FinalGreenpower: A year to be proud ofPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202314
The Priory Racing Team has had a fantastic time this season with 4 podiums out of 6 races we took part in. Before the final, Hunter was in 19th place and Raptor was in 2nd place out of 153 cars, which is brilliant. The highlights of the year include our luck with the weather (for most of the time); our many altercations involving batteries; and of course, our fantastic victory at Ford Dunton back in early July. We’ve ended 2023 with one 3rd place trophy, two 2nd places, and one 1st place! We would like to thank all of our sponsors and supporters for coming along to see us and we hope to see you all again next year.SponsorsA huge thank you to the following companies for sponsoring the Priory Greenpower Racing Team:The 2023 SeasonS 21 CWCS H B M TF B C P RJ C E SMrs BrundishPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202315
Year 8 Exploring DenbiesPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202316On the 18th and 19th of October, we all came into school really excited for the Denbies trip. We were going on the trip to find out information for our projects on Denbies wine estate. We walked from school to Denbies vineyard and on our way we admired all the beautiful views in Dorking. Walking through the vines, we could see all of the ripe grapes that were about to be harvested to begin the wine making process which includes pressing, fermentation and racking. On our walk, we saw Denbies’ restaurant and hotel which help Denbies diversify and generate as much income as possibleFirst of all, we split into two groups, one group watched a short film on Denbies throughout the year which gave us lots of interesting information for our Denbies project. For example, we learnt about the extra activities Denbies do throughout the year and information on the history and owners of Denbies. Meanwhile, the other group went down into the wine cellar and did a quiz on Denbies which told us when the first vine was planted, what pests attack the crop, how they stop it and much more. We then switched and did the other activity.After we had finished that, we stopped at the food hut where we bought some food to eat and visited the gift shop. We then walked past all the vines and did another fun quiz on what we had just learnt. When we got to Ranmore common, we ate our lunch on the hill and had an opportunity to buy a snack from the food truck like an ice cream or milkshake. Finally, we walked back to school after a fun day full of activities.Emily Colwell, Y8Photography by Oscar Howard, Y8
Around 100 people plus an incredible array of performers gathered for our carol service at St Paul's Church on the evening of 7th December. The congregational carols, Bible readings and our Year 7 singers singing 'Silent Night' reminded us of the profoundness of the Christmas story - a story of amazing love. Our talented students brought their amazing gifts, with Elena Scanlon joining our Year 11 dancers to perform the song 'Mary did you know' which moved many to tears and led to a second rendition at the end of the service. Jemimah Taylor brought us joy when she playedthe piano and sang the song 'Noel', while our steel drummers delighted us as they brought musical accompaniment throughout the evening. This year’s Carol service was an important marker post in our school year - a time to celebrate, worship Jesus, use our gifts and grow in our understanding of how we might celebrate Christmas in a more meaningful way. Rev’d StevensTelling the Story of Amazing LoveCarol Service 2023PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202318
Post16 college opportunities for Priory studentsPost16 college links prove a great opportunity for Priory students.Since our last newsletter, students at The Priory have continued to benefit from the partnerships we are developing with our Post16 providers. Some of our highest performing Year 8 students attended a session at Reigate College looking at future applications to Medical, Veterinary and Dentistry (MVD) courses. The students were able to discover the wide range of reasons for working towards these prestigious careers and what they could be doing now to help them progress. Similarly, Year 11 students were invited to investigate the possibility of applying to Oxford and Cambridge in the future. With previous Priory students having graduated from Oxford and Cambridge, this was an ideal opportunity for current Year 11s to start thinking and working towards their own Oxbridge journey. Next term it will be the turn of some of our Year 10 students to visit Reigate for a 5 week course on MVD applications ahead of their Year 10 mock exams.Alongside these activities, we are continuing to build ever stronger partnerships with the two colleges, ensuring the link between Priory and the next steps in education are thoroughly supported. In the New Year, Year 9 students will be visited by representatives from both Reigate and East Surrey College to explain the different courses and options they offer. This will help them when making their GCSE choices later in the Spring. Many of our Year 11 students have made their Post16 college applications with over half our students applying to one or both of our partner colleges. A wide range of A Level and level three BTEC courses are proving popular at Reigate and Electrical Installation, Brickwork and hair and make-up courses have been chosen by many students at East Surrey. In addition, Plumpton, Merrist Wood, NESCOT and Collier’s college are also proving to be attractive destinations for our students. We are also proud to see that some students are investigating the apprenticeship route with colleges and local businesses with one student already securing their apprentice offer. Year 11 students are now attending Post16 interviews at their chosen colleges and Year 11 tutors and the Head of Year continue to work closely with all students to support them in whichever path they take.Mr HarrisonPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202319
Top of the BenchThe students completed some questions and then a practical activity which stretched their scientific knowledge. It was a great opportunity and experience to push themselves beyond the usual curriculum.Thank you to Reigate Grammar School for hosting the event and providing refreshments.Mr IronmongerPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202320Students compete in the Science Challenge at Reigate Grammar SchoolA team of 4 students (two from Year 9, one from Year 10 and one from Year 11) headed to Reigate Grammar School to take part in the Top of the Bench event organised by The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Students in Year 9 were invited to watch a performance with 3 actors showing them the diverse range of careers opportunities in the NHS, the largest employer in the UK.The performance aimed to inform students in Year 9 of the diversity of opportunities available to them in the NHS and explore the fascinating world of healthcare. It was a fun and engaging presentation.The main goal of the afternoon was to inform and inspire students to:• Recognise that health & social care is more diverse than they knew• Appreciate the variety of roles, not just for highly qualified specialists• Understand that a career within health & social care is fulfilling and rewarding• Discover that working in health & social care is exciting, with a great social aspect• Know that the Careers Advisers and Tutors can help, support and adviseMr HarringtonYear 9 NHS Careers EventPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202321
During the last week of November over 150 students participated in an immersive reective experience in our rst prayer spaces of the academic year. Prayer spaces is a unique opportunity for students to immerse themselves in a time of reflection and prayer. The chapel is decorated with ambient lighting and filled with sensory activities that enable students to slow down, reflect on themselves, on the world around them and to speak to God about these things. Over 150 students took part in the November prayer space and there were some incredible times of reflection which enabled students to grow in character and in their Christian spirituality. The focus of the prayer space was finding peace and that included finding peace within themselves, from God and then exploring what it might mean to be a peacemaker in the world. To quote one student "I was feeling emotional (in a good way!) because I felt like I heard God speaking to me about how I can grow as a person - it was amazing". We'll be back later in the academic year with another prayer space.Rev’d StevensA Time of Immersive ReectionPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202322
The 5th December was the last session of our six week Adult cooking course with Mr Taylor. I decided to join the class as I hadn’t made many of the recipes he was suggesting from scratch. I realise now how limited my knowledge was and found it so enjoyable learning new skills, such as making a bouquet garnet for soup, de boning a whole chicken correctly, pasta, bread and pastry. Along with the demonstration, Mr Taylor passes on lots of little tips on why foods react in certain ways, how to improve flavour and preparation techniques. He spent time helping people individually and each week I left with delicious food. I’d always been scared to use a large sharp knife but I have requested one for Christmas, along with a Pasta machine. The next course is for budget friendly meals, typically using food found in Food banks. This 5 week course starts in January and is on offer to the local community, so if you know someone who may benefit from this, get in touch.Mrs WeedenCulinary Adventures: Our Adult Cooking Course with Mr TaylorWe are pleased to announce that Nancy Szachno-Dressel has been elected as our new Parent Governor. Chosen by parent vote from three nominees, she brings valuable experience to our school community. Welcome Nancy.New Parent GovernorPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202323
Congratulations Matthew for receiving the Priory Gold CanonPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202324We’re thrilled to announce that Matthew, Year 9, has become the first student to achieve the Priory Gold Canon. A literary canon is a set of books which is viewed as ‘the best’ literature. The Priory literary canon is not just made up of ‘classics’; it is a range of books that are interesting, challenging and aim to promote inclusivity and diversity. This is a fantastic accomplishment that showcases Matthew’s love for reading. Well done, Matthew, keep up the excellent work! Check out the list of books he read:• Great Expectations by Charles Dickens• To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee• The Owl Service by Alan Garner• The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman• The Tiffin by Mahtab Narsimhan• Watcher in the Shadows by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Librarian Badges Recognise Student DedicationPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202325Six Year 9 students and five Year 10 students were honoured this week with Librarian Badges, recognising their invaluable contributions to the school library. Mrs Sterling, our Study Centre Manager, presented these badges during assemblies. The librarian badges signify a commitment to supporting the smooth functioning of our library.Congratulations to these deserving students for their well-earned recognition. The following students proudly received their Librarian Badges:• Maelena D, Y9• Ella K, Y9• Ava E, Y9• Ruvarashe M, Y9• Annika K, Y9• Sam K, Y9• Melissa S, Y10• Leanna L, Y10• Bethan W, Y10• Sofia V, Y10• Emmanuel A, Y10
Duke of Edinburgh's AwardPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202326Our Year 11 students had a very successful practice expedition in the Peak District in June 2023. They stayed at 3 different campsites; Glenbrook near Hope, Park House near Monsel Head and finally Rowler farm near Castleton. The walk between each was rich and varied. They visited the plague village at Eyam, walked the Monsel trail and the Mam Tor ridge. The days were warm, not too hot with some rain on the final day. They were all in a good position to take on the assessed expedition in the autumn. The weeks prior to the assessed expedition had been wet. However, we were delighted to set off from Great Bedwyn in the dry. We had three groups (18 students) and had been joined by Cyrus and Robin, who are our volunteer assessors. All were in excellent spirits. The area for this expedition was new to the Priory School. Previously we had used the New Forest, so we were really looking closely at how the students got on, whilst remotely supervising. Day one was a straightforward walk to Wilton Windmill, across the Savernake Forest to Postern Hill Campsite. Some students had to cope with a closed footpath, but all arrived safely at the campsite, ate a hearty supper and went to bed fairly Silver assessed expeditionMarlborough Downs/Vale of Pewsey 24 September 2023
PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202327early. Day two proved challenging, with 2 out of 3 teams having a medical issue. In both cases, groups followed the emergency procedures correctly. Their teamwork and support of their injured teammate was to be commended. It was a tough day for many. In the evening, we had a fire in a fire pit at the campsite, drank hot drinks, reflected and chatted about the day. It was good to talk, relax and nearly everyone got a good nights sleep. Day three and the final day got off to a great start, the end was in sight! Groups made good progress towards West Kennet Long Barrow by lunchtime. Heading north, they passed Silbury Hill and onto the finish at Avebury rings. They were impressed by the stone circle and enjoyed the National Trust shop, that sold fudge and biscuits. All the students who got to Avebury Rings and were able to complete all 3 days, passed their expedition. Our assessors were delighted and full of praise for the way students had conducted themselves. Over the years, the training and support from the volunteer DofE staff had prepared them well. Special thanks to Ms Taylor who supervised both expeditions and was key to developing the Marlborough area routes. To Mark and Emma who supervised the practice expedition and Roger and Cyrus on the assessed expedition. Thank you all! After the expedition, students needed to give a presentation about their expedition aim. This happened in October. Feedback from the groups was so positive, despite the challenges they encountered. Many want to continue on to Gold and we are happy to give students ideas of ways to achieve this. Students who were not able to complete their silver expedition are being helped to finish their award. We hope they will continue onto Gold too. Ms Tanton
Mole Valley Duke of Edinburgh's Presentation Evening 2023PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202328Congratulations to our Bronze and Silver Award holders 2023On Wednesday 22 October 2023, the Priory School hosted our local Awards Presentation. The evening was combined with The Ashcombe School and awards were presented by Clare Davies, Founder of the Dorking Community Fridge. Priory presented 43 bronze awards and 14 silver awards. Students should be congratulated on this amazing achievement. Many stepped out of their comfort zone, taking on new challenges. Of particualar note, we had a very wide range of skills this year, including Wildlife photography, sports officiating online qualification, model constructions and meditation. Sebastian ArjonesWilliam Ashton-ReesNathan BaileyDouglas BatesMax BatesLuke BirchCallum BrennandKieran BrennandEliza ChillingworthJack ClackSarah ClementsWillow DeanRuby DrakeOlivia EatwellEliza BennettGeorgina BibbySophie BibbyDaniel BlairScott BoothBen HarringtonEwan HarrisBronze AwardSilver AwardBeth FlashmanDarcey FosterRuby GollikerTamsin GreenWilliam HainesAaron HarrisJamie HaynesDaniel HeadXanda HenryOlivia HowardSophie HuntRobyne LeadbetterIzzy MatthewsAlex MertonPhoebe MuckleSamuel NaingLewis ReedWilliam Rees-DaviesConnor ReynoldsSofia SchifanoXander SellingsRani-Ellen SinghHarry StanleyEmily SteeleMia Stewart-SmithJemimah TaylorBethan WatkinsAnnabel WightmanMaisie WongEmilia PetervariGerta Pirani MancoJack PowellVihaan ShahElizabeth SparksBenjamin StevensAbbie Venn
Upcoming DofE EventsSat, 20 January 2024 Training Day (School based)Sat, 2 March 2024 Training Day (School / local walk)Fri, 26 - Sat, 27 April 2024 Practice ExpeditionFri, 21 - Sat, 22 June 2024 Assessed ExpeditionWed, 15 - Sat, 8 June 2024 Practice ExpeditionTBC in the Autumn Term 2024 Assessed ExpeditionBronze - Year 9Silver - Year 10PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202329
A big thank you to our catering team, Independent Catering, for preparing a lovely Christmas lunch for our students and staff.The menu included Roast Turkey with stuffing, Chipolata Sausages, served with Crispy Roast Potatoes, Honey Roast Parsnips, Brussel Sprouts, Glazed Carrots, and Garden Peas. Our vegetarian students also enjoyed a tasty Brie and Cranberry Festive Filo Basket with Thyme Gravy. To finish, students then had lovely Christmas desserts.Photos by Oscar Howard, Year 7Christmas at The PrioryPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202330
Congratulations to Ralph in Year 7 for winning the top prize of our Christmas Raffle - the limited edition Microscooter.A big shout out to Cycle Power for their generous donation. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to the Christmas Hampers and congratulations to the winners!FOTPS Chrismtas Rae Top Prize Winner!PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202331
Year 9 students brought the magic of Christmas to the Food Tech classroom, creating the inviting aroma of freshly baked Mexican Christmas bread with Mr Taylor. Festive FlavoursPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202332
Line Dancing We had a brilliant night with Sarah Hastings-Holland and her amazing Line Dancing team. Everyone of all ages came together and had a night of fun, laughter, dancing, with lovely fish and chips supper. Special thanks to Sarah and her team and everyone who attended a fantastic night.Easyfundraising. Raise money for our school for free.Please join us in supporting The Friends of The Priory School Dorking PTA on #easyfundraising, you'll raise FREE donations with your Christmas shopping. It's quick and easy to sign up! Sign up now hereRae Thank you to all those that have donated to the Raffle and purchased raffle tickets. We raised over £500. Pizza Making Kits Look out for the next Doughies Pizza Kits. They are fun to make, taste amazing and buying a kit will support the students.Refreshments The PTA have supported the winter concert and the school Carol Service this term with refreshments.Sponsored WalkWe ran a Tuck shop for the students as they returned from their walk.Upcoming EventsGym & Dance show serving refreshments 31st Jan & 1 February 2024. Fantastic Show, do buy tickets and join the celebrations. FOTPS UpdateThank you for your support.We really need your help moving forward. The next school year we have two key members leaving the PTA due to their children finishing school. Please join our team of Parent Teacher Association. We all contribute in little ways, which works out a treat. If you would like to join or want more information email us Christmas and Thank you all for supporting the Friends Team!PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202333
Year 9s Inspiring Travel-Themed ArtGracie Diggins, 9A3Evie Ward, 9A3Scarlette Butler, 9A3Brooke Young, 9B1PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202334
Year 9 have been creating exciting travel themed compositions for Dorking Art Society project. Take a look at some of the brilliant examples from across the year.Esme Jarman, 9B1Betsy James, 9A3Amber-Marie Jayes, 9A2Aaliyah Bhangu, 9A2PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202335
Another year of House Competitions is now well underway, with the Lower school badminton, Football and Christmas Hamper competitions taking place. The draw for the famous Christmas Hampers took place this term, and we will also announced which House put together the best hamper and added the most points to their totals.Canterbury are the current champions, but they have a fight on their hands this year - Guildford are currently close behind in second place and will be looking to take back the trophy. And with a lot of House Competitions still to come, Coventry and Westminster have plenty of time to fight back and rise up the table.Canterbury10806Coventry9895Guildford10753Westminster9685House Highlights: December 2023 Competition UpdateBadminton Competition Winners:Year 9 Guildford Year 8 Guildford Year 7 CoventryFootball Competition Results:Year 7 Coventry Year 8 Westminster Year 9 Westminster Year 10 Coventry Year 11 CanterburyPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202336
AttendanceAlexandrakis, Julianna 7B1Allen, Holly 7A2Boulahlib, Yacine 7B2Braid, Poppy 7B2Buckland, Amelia 7A3Burnett, Owen 7B1Davis, Sophina 7A3Dinesh, Akshar 7A2Falvey, Darcie 7B1Flashman, Abbie 7A3Frost, George 7A2Güttel, Karoline 7A1Hayter, Robert 7A1Hill, Barney 7A3Huynh, Henry 7B2James, Daniel 7B2Knew, Rafe 7A2Lowe, Thomas 7A1McCallum, George 7B1Mclean, Mya 7A3Milner, Alex 7A2Milner, Sadie 7B2Myers, William 7A1Orr, Callum 7B1Osagie, Laura 7B2Palmer, Phoebe 7A1Robinson, Otto 7B1Slammon, Ruby 7B2Smith, Alex 7A1Urie, Max 7A3Wisbey, George 7A3Anderssen, Ollie 8B2Cassidy, Cameron 8A1Chandler, Eadie 8A3Clark, Isobel 8B2Coleman, Rosie 8B2Conceicao, Igor 8B2Dean, Rosie 8A1Güttel, Niklas 8A3Haines, Lucy 8A2Hoad, Emily 8A1Hopkins, Joey 8A1Keay, Alex 8A3McHale, Emily 8A3Mears, Eethan 8A1Moss, Ollie 8A3Nelson, Sylvie 8A1Pannell, Luke 8A3Taylor, Zeke 8B2Valentine, Scarlett 8A3Winstone, Lilybelle 8A2Bates, Douglas 10B2Brennand, Kieran 10A1Chillingworth, Eliza 10B2Deloford, Max 10A1Güttel, Annika 10A1Haines, Will 10A1Harris, Aaron 10B2Head, Daniel 10A2London, Peter 10B2Matthews, Izzy 10A2Sellings, Xander 10A1Stratford, Roxie 10B2Wightman, Annabel 10A2Wyatt, Andrew 10A1Barker, Aston 9B1Bhangu, Aaliyah 9B2Boshoff, Matthew 9B2Carmelitano, Maria 9A1Cracknell, Isabelle 9A1Crispin, Kaitlyn 9A2De Vlieg, Evah 9A1Dinesh, Aniruth 9B1James, Betsy 9A3Kigo, Annika 9B2Korbel, Ella 9B2Lock, Jacob 9A3Mhembere, Ruvarashe 9A2Miller, Noah 9A3Prakash, Fellix 9B1Scott, Edward 9B1Amy, Lilly 11A1Bibby, Georgina 11B2Bibby, Sophie 11B1Blair, Daniel 11B2De Vlieg, Chloe 11B2Gladysz, Axton 11A2Glover, Shay 11B1Harrington, Benjamin 11A1Johnstone, Callum 11B2Manton, Frankie 11B1Murrell, Grace 11A1Petervari, Mia 11A1Pirani Manco, Gerta 11B1Shah, Vihaan 11B1Vinothan, Hemrosh 11B2Waller, Jake 11B1Wheeler, Skye 11A1Big congratulations to the 98 students who have achieved 100% attendance this term. If you did not manage to do it this term, try to achieve it next term. It will really help you with your academic work as you will not miss vital bits of information. It will also ensure you maintain close friendships and the regular routine is good for your mental health. Whatever your attendance was this term, try to improve it and challenge yourself to get at least 98% attendance next term starting from the 2nd January.Year 7 Year 8 Year 10Year 11Year 9PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202337
Exploring First Aid: Year 7 Students Get Creative with Acrostic PoemsIn recent PSHE lessons, Miss Lister guided Year 7 through the essentials of First Aid. As part of an enrichment task, students were asked to write acrositc poems relating to First Aid. We are thrilled to feature an outstanding poem by Laura Osagie in 7B2, who beautifully captures the essence of first aid. Breathing repeatedly im not sure what to doAnd suddenly i remember all the things you told me toSafety is the first check we don’t want to get hurtI checked and checked and checked and checked whilst still staying alertCan you hear me?” i asked but there was no replyLooking for help to no avail i feel like i might cryI lift her chin im making sure her airway isn’t blockedFortunately i saw her chest move upwards and then dropEveryone knows the next thing to do is call 999Solemnly i picked the phone without looking behindUnresponsive but breathing is what i told themPlease help i called out was my bold attemptPatiently i waiting for them to get hereOpen minded so i tried not to fearRound the room i saw a picture of her loved onesTenderly i whispered please just use your lungs“By Laura Osagie, 7B2PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202338
Amareece School of DanceFierce and Funky Commercial Street ClassesThe Amareece School of Dance is owned and run by Mrs Hastings-Holland and classes are Monday evenings in the Priory Dance Studio. We currently have Priory students from Year 7-10 attending classes. Opportunities to take IDTA exams in street and freestyle and shows staged at The Harlequin Theatre, Redhill.PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202339
Robert Hayter 7A1 Good attitude to lessons, friendly and persevering despite big change James Preen 7A2 By far the highest house achievement points so far.Bobby Pope 7A3 Always willing to support the teacher and always polite.Erin Batchelor 7B1 Settling in well and having a positive attitudeDaniel James 7B2 Confidently answered the head teacher's question in the assembly on the first dayAlyssa Johnson 7A1 Positive attitude and among the first to earn 6+ housepoints in a weekHolly Allen 7A2 For consistently following instructions promptly and sensibly. Max Urie 7A3 For academic achievementDarcie Falvey 7B1 For her willingness to help a new student to settle in all her lesson Aungzawlin Naing 7B2 Positive attitude , very helpful and happy Zoe Davidson-Oliver 7A1 Staying until 6pm at cookery club making bread for open evening Evie Smith 7A2 For having the highest achievement points in the tutor group so far. Nicola Atfield 7A3 For the most house pointsLucy Franklin 7B1 For being helpful with a new member of the tutor group.Charlie Starmer 7B2 He is positive and brave. Making new friends,Lloyd Hufton 7A1 Housepoints and for being friendly and helpful.Phoenix Hawes 7A2 For displaying excellent self-control in lesson time.George Wisbey 7A3 House points and positive attitude.Evelyn Donnachie 7B1 For the number of house points.Poppy Braid 7B2 Excellent behaviour, communicates effectively, well aware of the expectations of a teacher.Karoline Guttel 7A1 Studious nature and excellent adjustment to a new schoolJoshua Billinghurst 7A2 For always behaving sensibly during tutor time and actively participating in history lessons.Laura Myers 7B1 For gaining the highest achievement points and consistently getting good feedback from her teachers.Finn Collins 7B2 The highest achievement pointsEmmie Hamilton 7A1 Polite, friendly and excellent attitude during PGL tripBryce Beck 7A2 For having an excellent standard of behaviour and focussing well in history lessons.Laura Osagie 7B2 Good behaviour, friendly and excellent co-operation and leadership during PGL trip.Thomas Lowe 7A1 For transitioning well to a new school environmentIvy McDonagh 7A2 For achieving the highest merits this half term.Amelia Buckland 7A3 For the number of achievement points.Lucy Franklin 7B1 Working hard in all lessons.Sadie Milner 7B2 Good behaviour, good co-operation in the class.William Myers 7A1 Consistent positive attitude, high housepoints and helpful in tutor timeStars of the Week & TermYear 7PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202340
Year 7Phoenix Hawes 7A2 For displaying excellent self-control in lesson time.George Wisbey 7A3 For most achievement points, 72.Eddie Albery 7B1 Helping to settle in a new studentEthan Phillipson 7B2 Good behaviour, Always quite and has a good self-controlAlex Smith 7A1 Being consistently kind to peers in tutorNicola Atfield 7A3 For the most achievement points.Violet O'Brien 7B1 Positive attitude to her learning.Wonda Henry 7B2 Good behaviour, working hard to achieve more housepointsFrankie Franks 7A1 Friendly, polite and scoring a hatrick for Priory in his most recent matchMickey Bowers 7A2 For outstanding behaviour for the whole of last week.Oli Smith 7A3 For helping in tutor timeBrooke Roome 7B1Ruby Challis 7B2 Kind ,friendly and always meets the teacher's expectationPhoebe Palmer 7A1 Good contributions in tutor and positive feedback about effort in lessonsSophie Tucker 7A2 For achieving the highest house points so far (84).Lily Copus 7A3 Always focused and great effort in all subjects.Amelie Fergusson 7B1 Highest number of housepoints.Bella Wright 7B2 Following the teacher's instruction first time,friendly and politeHoney Heath 7A1 Chipper attitude despite foot injury Bryce Beck 7A2 For achieving the highest house pointsBilly Davies 7A3 For resilience.Vinnie Kemp 7B2 Very thoughtful student, as soon as he walks in to the tutor room he picks the rubbish and cleans the room voluntarily.Luke Johnstone-Hanna7A1 Good effort in lessons and tutorKenley Carpenter 7A2 Excellent participation in History lessons.Ruby Slammon 7B2 Always obeys the rules. Very polite and exhibits great mannerism.Robert Hayter 7A1 First to achieve Bronze badge and consistently excellingSophie Tucker 7A2 For displaying good behaviour at all times.Mya McLean 7A3 Positive behaviourVinnie Kemp 7B2 Soon as he comes into the room he picks up all the rubbish on the floor and puts in the bin and arranges the tables in a straight line.Chloe Mahoney HoY Perseverance and resilienceBarney Hill HoY Kindness, resilience and hard work.Isabelle Clark HoY For a positive attitude to studiesStars of the TermPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202341
Alex Bullen 8A1 Most successful week in school since starting.Matt Diaz-Lester 8A2 Great improvementKesha Morris 8A3 Great effortXena Allgood 8B1 Fantastic week’s credits. Presenting in front of class for literacy. Volunteering with Riley to look after the form plant, Pickle.Seb Clack 8B2 Effort coming into schoolSylvie Nelson 8A1 Most successful start in the tutor group. And most HP in the year group so far!Charlie Sidery 8A2 Excellent English workMick Moloney 8A3 Most housepoints / excellent start to the school since joiningOscar Essex 8B1 Great effort and attitudeEmily Colwell 8B2 Settling in really wellEethan Mears 8A1 Literacy presentation.Ethan Slee 8A2 Politeness and being helpfulBruce Morgan 8A3 Exceptional work and most housepoints this weekLeo Watkins 8B1 Helpful throughout and positive engagementBonnie Head 8B2 All round fantastic student.Harrison Moore 8A1 Outstanding in multiple lessonsKieran Thatcher 8A2 For excellent behaviour and great attitude during lessonsOllie Moss 8A3 Open evening volunteerEddie Sheppard 8B1 Excellent progress in Maths and extra curricularRosie Coleman 8B2 Great effort and attitudeRosie Dean 8A1 All round - Helpful, participation, approach to lessons.Lulu Bennett 8A2 Excellent overall behaviour in class and no demerits, helpful to othersJames Lyndon 8A3 Most housepoints and commitment to the Green Power teamLucas Fisher-Jacquemin8B1 Excellent attitude to learning, great extra curricular engagement and 10 positives!Honey Tedder 8B2 Great improvement and good workAnnie Frewer 8A1 Most housepoints in the school! + Amazing Drama Enrichment Task (when off sick)Sam Haines 8A2 Great effort and attitudeKeira Castle 8A3 Steady Improvement on House points and effortMegan Sell 8B1 Great attitude to learning and helpful in formMarc Lawlor 8B2 Helpfulness in Tutor PeriodOscar Howard 8A1 Volunteering in and out of school.Taylor Johnson 8A2 Great attitude in learning and respectful at all timesNiklas Guttel 8A3 Most house points and effort across all subjectsXena Allgood 8B1 Perfect attendance showing resilience and great attitude to learningVictoria Pike 8B2 Always courteous and politeBella George 8A1 Consistently outstanding student.Stars of the Week & TermYear 8PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202342
Kieran Thatcher 8A2 Excellent standard of behaviour and politeness to all teaching staffScarlett Valentine 8A3 Excellence across all subjectsLucas Fisher-Jacquemin8B1 100% attendance and excellent progressGrace Street 8B2 Excellent work and attitudeJosh Clements 8A1 Having a mature attitude in class.Daisy Northfield 8A2 Considerable effort to behave in lessons and achieving merits.Reece Chart 8A3 Working consistently hard - most housepoints - delightful in tutorMarley Brookes 8B1 Good start to a new school with 100% attendance so farCurtis Tagney 8B2 Good work and attitude.Cameron Cassidy 8A1 Volunteering for tutor time activities. And still 100% attendance!Ella Smith 8A2 Positive progression and turnaroundHarrison Fitzpatrick 8A3 Regular high number housepoints and no demerits. Excellent effort all round.Toby Hall 8B1 Excellent effort in lessons, not a single demerit, responsible young man!Davina Coleman 8B2 All round great effort.Ethan Gould 8A1 School Council member - 0 demerits.Pauldavid Obagbemi 8A2 Positive approach to lessons and merit pointsMia McPhillips 8A3 Consistent effort and house points over this half-termScarlett Lafe 8B1 Excellent conduct and brilliant art competition submissionOliver Allen 8B2 Excellent work and contributionJoey Hopkins 8A1 Excellence all round - 100% attendance - 0 Demerits - Top 10 whole school HP.Taylor Johnson 8A2 Excellence in all areasAlex Parker 8A3 Improvement in House Points Oscar Essex 8B1 School council, good attendance, positivityIsobel Clark 8B2 Excellent work and attitudeJamie de Vrij 8A1 Consistently outstanding effort all yearJess Sherlock 8A2 Exemplary behaviour and merits this weekEmily McHale 8A3 Consistent level of housepoints and 100% attendance this termTaylor Paige Wicks 8B1 Great helpfulness and support for the schoolBettie Rose Howarth 8B2 Excellent achievementStars of the Term Y7Year 8Rosie Dean 8A1 A fantastic student in every way and then someLyra Reynolds 8A2 Continual kindness and excellent behaviourNiklas Guttel 8A3 A fantastically hard-working student who will be missedLeo Watkins 8B1 Excellent attendance and so helpful to everyone!Grace Street 8B2 Kindness and helpfulnessStars of the TermPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202343
Thomas Matthews 9A1 he was helpful with a positive attitude, show respect for teachers and othersLeo Back 9A2 Excellent start to the school year !Ben Sanders-Broad 9A3 Starting the Year off with such a positive attitude and getting 8 housepoints in the first weekHarry Wisbey 9B1 For helping with our new student and for making a great start to the year.Marcus Mir 9B2 Marcus bought a year 7 a new hot chocolate after the year 7 dropped his on the floorMatilda Middleton 9A1 positive attitude, polite and helpfulBeth Roberts 9A2 Excellent attitude and one of the highest number of housepoints in the tutor group.Charlie McGinnis-Ralph9A3 Great start back and achieving 8 house points in the weekEsme Jarman 9B1 For being polite and positive.Darcie Brennan 9B2 Helpful during tutor timeFreya Nearn 9A1 Polite and excellent attitudeKara Lowe 9A2 For resilience Oliver Winzar 9A3 For being an incredible support on Open evening.Mark Weller 9B1 Cheerful and smartly dressed.Annika Kigo 9B2 Always positive and helpfulPoppy Cassidy 9A1 self-motivated, focus and excellent attitudeBrooke Boundy 9A2 Settling back into Priory Betsy James 9A3 Great attendance and lots of house pointsJoe Mahboobani 9B1 Polite and smartly dressed.James Copus 9B2 Great effort in History Charlotte Palmer 9A1 getting the most housepoints in the groupJacob Lock 9A3 Doing so well with housepoints and 100% attendanceLibby Campbell 9B1 Success with Greenpower.Tilly Barnes 9B2 Consistent effort and achievement Aston Tabb 9A1 Always positive and doing well with house pointsBeth Roberts 9A2 Excellent focus Tuniz Hayrettin 9A3 For making new students feel very welcome and lunchtimeBosipo Ajayi 9B1 Great start to his new school.Elena Scanlon 9B2 Being a positive and helpful friendIsabelle Cracknell 9A1 Always positive in lessons.Toby Nichols 9A2 Sponsored Walk Charley Butcher 9A3 Quietly and consistently achieves in her lessonsNicole Barnes 9B1 Friendly, cheerful. Getting 6+ house points in a week.Olivia Smith 9B2 Great improvement in attitude Jessica Pope 9A1 polite, quiet and respectfulDaisy Gwynne Costello 9A2 For resilience Stars of the Week & TermYear 9PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202344
Grace Pearson 9A3 Incredible start back to Year 9Summer Abel-Pettman9B1 Friendly. Determined to work hard and avoid detentions.Michael Dootson 9B2 Always polite and thoughtful James De Vlieg 9A1 Doing well with house points and no late recordSophie Hall 9A2 Quiet determination Ava Engelke 9A3 11 housepoints in one week.Adam Turner 9B1 Always polite, smartly dressed and punctual.Evie-Rose Bullen 9B2 Consistent effort and achievement Evah De Vlieg 9A1 Doing well with house points, no negative points and no late recordJokubus Blazevicius 9A2 Excellent effort and one of the highest housepoints in the tutor groupEvie Ward 9A3 Great attitude and lots of house points.Emily Scola 9B1 Quiet, polite and helpful.Matthew Boshoff 9B2 Amazing work, effort and attitude in all aspects of schoolGeorge Hart 9A1 Great improvement, doing well with house pointsKaitlyn Crispin 9A2 Hard work and being a helpful member of the tutor group Skye Welch 9A3 Great attitude towards classesFellix Prakash 9B1 Improved behaviour and house pointsMason Kincey-Hendrick9A1 Great improvement, doing well with house pointsKeavie Farrington 9A2 For excellent effort and achieving one of the highest number of housepoints Oscar Tomkins 9A3 Lots of housepoints in one week.Sharon Stalin 9B1 Cheerful and well-behaved.Maria Carmelitano 9A1 Doing well with house points and no late recordEmma Johnson 9A2 Consistent hard work in a range of subjects Eloise Pankhurst 9A3 For impressive work in English.Aniruth Dinesh 9B1 Friendly, polite and smartly dressed.Lydia Adams 9A1 Getting 11 House points in a weekKobe Taylor 9A2 Good community spirit in helping to deliver an assembly and housepoints Stars of the Term Y7Year 9Charlotte Palmer 9A1 Consistently excellent performance.Ruva Mhembere 9A2 For an outstanding term in Year 9 and consistently achieving a high number of housepoints.Olivia Dunning 9A3 For overcoming anxiety and showing resilience when it was really needed.Libby Campbell 9B1 Huge improvement this term.Matthew Boshoff 9B2 Amazing work, effort and attitude in all aspects of schoolMaria Carrmelitano 9A1 Wonderful effort and resilience this yearStars of the TermPRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202345
Will Haines 10A1 For an excellent start in both sociology and DT lessonsMillie Ransome 10A2 Strong start to GCSEs, lots of house points in the first week.Connor Deacon 10B1 A positive start to Year 10Peter London 10B2 Strong start to GCSEs, lots of house points in the first week.Madison Barrett 10A1 For an excellent start and mature attitude towards her GCSE courses.Melissa Stubbs 10A2 Strong start to GCSEs, lots of house points in the first week.Bailey Johnson 10B1 A great week for housepoints and a determined and focused start to the yearTeddie Howarth 10B2 For being an excellent ambassador for The PrioryCallum Brennand 10A1 14 house points in 1 weekLewis Reed 10A2 17 housepoints in a week - brilliant achievement!Mia McGinnis- Ralph 10B1 15 Housepoints in a week!Douglas Bates 10B2 18 house points in a week! Outstanding. Tom Stevens 10A1 Focused and settled into year 10Sophie Hunt 10A2 Excellent start to the GCSE coursesRuby Golliker 10B1 Always smiling and working to the best of her ability!Eliza Chillingworth 10B2 High standards held consistency in every respect. Annika Guttel 10A1 For settling into life at The Priory so well and having a fabulous attitude towards her GCSE courses.Reece Pople 10A2 10 housepoints in a week - brilliant achievementConnor Reynolds 10B1 100% attendance, 11 Housepoints, no demerits and a pleasure to have in the tutor group.Katie Coppard 10B2 100% attendance with a positive outlook on her academics Maisie Wong 10A1 For an excellent first half term on her GCSE coursesFinley Abbott 10A2 10 housepoints in a week - brilliant achievementAva-Mae Baines 10B1 Improvement in attendance and increased housepointsMolly Yeatman 10B2 Focus, contributions, and house points in SociologyKieran Brennand 10A1 For continuing with his excellent attitude towards his studies and school lifeDaisy Alexander 10A2 Making a fantastic start to Year 10, working hard in all areasJemimah Taylor 10B1 Always involved in everything Priory and consistently achieving lots of Housepoints week in, week out. A pleasure to have in the tutor group.Olly Matcham 10B2 Risen to the challenge of Year 10 - attitude, attendance and organisationSeb Arjones 10A1 For a positive start to his GCSE coursesRai Conceicao 10A2 Most improved Housepoint scorer in the tutor group.Megan Barker 10B1 Showing resilience and determinationJaz Taylor 10B2 Consistently trying hard in sociology Harry Bowman 10A1 For a fantastic number of house points this weekDaniel Head 10A2 Excellent start to the GCSE coursesEva Santana 10B1 Most improved Housepoint scorer in the tutor group.Phoebe Thirkell 10B2 High standards held consistency in every respect. Stars of the Week & TermYear 10PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202346
Archie Waterton 10A1 For showing grit and resilience in his recent DT lessonsPhoebe Muckle 10A2 11 housepoints in a week - brilliant achievementMary Gargar 10B1 Most improved amount of housepoints in the tutor group and continued improvement in attendance.Tamsin Green 10B2 Attentive, hardworking, and striving for successAlfie Turner 10A1 For an improved number of housepoints this weekBethan Watkins 10A2 Consistently high effort in her GCSE subjects and school council workSam Winstone 10B1 Significant increase in housepoints and a reduction of demeritsHarvey Starbuck 10B2 A new record, +6 house points in a weekJamie Reeves 10A1 A real turnaround in focusLuke Birch 10A2 A great housepoint tally and representing the tutor group in the school councilHarry Stanley 10B1 Continually gaining Housepoints and working well in class as well as good attendance.Preston Staples 10B2 Personal record for house points in a week in Year 10.Maddison Barrett 10A1 For always doing her best and having a great attitude to learningEmily Steele 10A2 Increasing her housepoint tallyAva Fillery 10B1 Excellent attendance and having a positive attitude to learningLeo Oldfield 10B2 For showing resilience.Stars of the Term Y7Year 10Annika Guttel 10A1 For having a fantastic term, being a delightful member of the tutor group and applying herself well to both her Priory school work and her Austria school work.Millie Ransome 10A2 Making a fantastic start to year 10, working hard in all areasConnor Reynolds 10B1 Always striving to be the best he can be and always doing it with a smile on his face. 100% attendance and always getting in excess of 6 housepoints a week!Douglas Bates 10B2 100% attendance, first rate attitude to learning, and consistently earning +6 in a week.Stars of the TermMr Joy’s NominationsRuby Golliker 10B1 Outstanding performance across her subjects and some great test results.Jemimah Taylor 10B1 A positive role model who is always keen to learn and improvePRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202347
Elliah Roberts 11A1 Excellent start to the year- most housepointsBlake Maull 11A2 Excellent quick maths skills.Brandon Hale 11B1 Settled start to Year 11Millie Guenigault 11B2 Excellent start to the week and completed some good work over the summerLiam Young 11A1 Attending revision and gaining a large amount of HPAma Thalagala 11A2 Ama demonstrates a sensible and mature attitude to school life. Thank you!Sophie Bibby 11B1 Solid start to the termDavid Benain 11B2 An excellent start to the year. David is making a positive effort with his studies.Rebbecca Flatt 11A1 Improvement this week and proud of how she is achieving Axton Gladysz 11A2 Helping cover tutor by handing out relevant items for tutor time activities without being asked to.Jack Powell 11B1 20 HP in one week!Millie Sherwood 11B2 An excellent start to the year. Positive attitude and good completion of homework.Joe Caires 11A1 Continued efforts in lessons and working wellAbbie Venn 11A2 Working well in all subjects and achieving 10 House Points in a single week.Evie Taylor 11B1 Improvement in HP and attitude to studies.Romilly Fountain 11B2 Brilliant start - 100% attendance, 0 demerits and many house pointsSuzie Goodman 11A1 Working really well Shruthi Nair 11A2 Working well in all subjects and achieving 12 House Points in a single week.Marius Borlan 11B1 Improvement in HP and attitude to studies.Harrison Clements 11B2 Maintaining high standards. 13 house points in the week.Reem Abid 11A1 Nominated by Mr Taylor for community purposes for supporting a year 7 student.Noah Kempshall 11A2 Showing effort and improvement in his Geography lessons as well as great effort in his PE lessons.Grace Tabb 11B1 Improvement in HP and attitude to studies.Eliza Bennett 11B2 Has achieved 50 House Points already this term.Ben Harrington 11A1 Gaining a large number of House Points this half term, working hard in all subjects and attending a range of revision sessions.Bisma Ali 11A2 Showing confidence in her English lessons as well as academic achievement in her RE lessons.Mirabelle Cawkwell 11B1 Consistently high standard of work.James Hart 11B2 Over 50 House Points already achieved this term and supporting other students with their maths work.Lily Amy 11A1 Always quietly getting on with her work.Katie Torrie 11A2 Excellent effort in PE lessons as well as superb behaviour and focus towards task completion in her maths lessons last week.Jessica Buttle 11B1 Consistent great attitude to work.Stars of the Week & TermYear 11PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202348
Elizabeth Sparks 11B2 Maintaining excellent standards and achieving many House Points last week.Emily Buttle 11A1 Excellent work ethic in and out of the classroom.Luca Mazewski 11A2 Excellent effort and work rate in his PE theory lesson and Geography lessons this week as well as Sparx Maths completion.Scott Booth 11B1 Achieving 9 House Points in a single week.Logan Ford 11B2 Good focus in lessons and achieving a number of housepoints last week.Oscar Jakens 11A1 Improvement in attitude to learning.Samantha Fletcher 11A2 Achieving House Points for great effort in a variety of lessons including English, Science and RE.Ewan Harris 11B1 Achieving 8 House Points in a single week.Zakar Molefi 11B2 Achieved 8 House Points in a single week with no demerits.Mia Petervari 11A1 Excellent attitude towards her mocks.Chloe Smith 11A2 For being thoroughly engaged in her Science lesson as well as great effort with her Sparx maths homework completion.Daniel Boon 11B1 Achieving 12 House Points in a single week.Hemrosh Vinothan 11B2 Good focus throughout the mock exams and achieving a number of House Points last week.Christos Thoukydides 11A1 Improvement in attitude to learning.Krystyna Howe 11A2 Achieving House Points for effort and focus in a variety of lessons including Science, Sociology and English.Liliana Crompton 11B1 Good conduct and attitude towards her mock exams.Chloe De Vlieg 11B2 Maintaining a positive attitude and working hard.Rebecca Flatt 11A1 Excellent attitude to learning.Ray Bartlett 11A2 Quietly getting on with his work and always trying.Frankie Manton 11B1 Effort in lessons.Amy Brett 11B2 Constant positive attitude and focus on work.Year 11PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 2023 PRIORY PRESS | WINTER 202349
We would like to wish thewhole Priory Community arestful Christmas and a Happy New Year!See you on the 2nd of January 2024!Thank you for reading!