Mary's Place partners with schoolsand youth serving organizations tooffer evidence-based programmingthat arms youth with the tools andlanguage they need to help adultskeep them safe.95% of interpersonalviolence is preventable ifyouth and adults areeducated about thesetopics.Contact or visit to schedule a program.
As adults, it is our responsibility to keep children safe and protected from abuse. We shouldalso acknowledge that we can help children protect themselves by teaching them torecognize, respond to, and report unsafe behavior and situations—especially sexuallyinappropriate, unsafe touch. For 37 years, our prevention education and outreachdepartment has provided multiple services that include awareness presentations, communityoutreach, personal safety and boundaries education, bullying prevention, digital safetyprogramming, and healthy relationships education.Sexual violence is 100% preventable and we can create a culture that is free of violence wheneveryone C.A.R.E.S. Community, Autonomy, Reflection, Empathy, and Society are fivefoundational blocks of prevention that we strive to promote in our program offerings. Connected communities are inclusive, respectful and safe. Our healthy relationshipseducation programming promotes the development of relationships where young people feellike they matter, are comfortable being themselves, and and feel empowered to call outbehavior that makes their communities less safe. Social norms that recognize and respectboundaries are a protective factor against all forms of sexual violence. Our boundarieseducation programs empower young people to support and respect others' autonomy, or theability to make decisions about yourself and your body without feeling pressured. All of ourprograms encourage young people to reflect on how their words and actions affect others.Every member of your school community can start the work of preventing sexual violence bybuilding empathy and setting an example for others on how to be kind, compassionate, andconsiderate. We would love to partner with you to provide your students, parents, and staffwith additional evidence-based tools to make this a reality! Our services also make it easy foryour schools to fulfill the responsibilities under Erin's Law, which requires public schools toprovide age-appropriate child sexual abuse education for children in school, without requiringadditional investments from your budgets or staff. Working together as a community, we canprotect children and keep them safe from abuse. Why are we reaching out to you ?
Multi-Session Prevention ProgramsRecognize bullying when it happens to them or theirpeers.Report bullying to caring adults.Refuse bullying by learning how to be assertive andstand up for each other.Be bystanders who are part of the solution and notpart of the problem. Personal safetyTouching Safety Assertiveness The Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit teaches K-5thgrade students how to: The Second Step Child Protection Unit teaches PreK-5thgrade students : K= Four days @ 30 minutes1= Four days @ 40 minutes2= Four days @ 40 minutes3= Four days @ 45/50 minutes4= Four days @ 45/50 minutes5= Four days @ 45/50 minutesMBF Child Safety Matters® is a comprehensive, evidence-basedcurriculum for elementary school students in grades K-5. Theprogram educates and empowers children and all relevant adultswith information and strategies to prevent, recognize, andrespond appropriately to bullying, cyberbullying, all types ofabuse, and digital abuse dangers. *Given the amount ofinformation covered in each session, we recommend thefollowing dosage for each grade level; however, it cansuccessfully be delivered in three sessions without overwhelmingthe students.
Safer, Smarter Kids is a child abuse prevention education curriculumdesigned to empower elementary school-aged children to developskills to stay safe as their world expands. Children are armed withprotective principles and vocabulary to express their feelings andtalk to a trusted adult. KINDERGARTENChildren learn strategies and vocabulary to stay safe in the context of their growing world. Themain tenets of this curriculum teach children that their bodies are their own, they always have theright to say no when they feel uncomfortable and should tell their trusted adult about thesituation, and no one should ever ask a child to keep an unsafe secret. Buddy and Laurenintroduce important vocabulary and tools to avoid victimization without dealing explicitly with theissue of sexual abuse.Topics Covered (6 Lessons @ 30/35 minutes):• Safety Rules• Grown-Up Buddies• Trusted Triangle• Safety Stop Sign• I Mean Business Voice• Guiding Voice• Think, Feel, Act• Private Parts• Personal Space• Safe and Unsafe Secrets• Tattling and Reporting• Strangers1st GRADEExpanding upon the use of the strategies and vocabulary learned previously, children utilize thesesame concepts to navigate more complex scenarios and situations around their home. Specialemphasis is placed on their ability to identify and access help from their parents and othertrusted adults. Children work with Buddy to search for their safety tools to complete their SafetyTool Belts – a concept that helps children understand that they always have the tools andstrategies necessary to protect themselves at home and access help, no matter the situation.Topics Covered (6 Lessons @ 40 minutes) • Safety Rules• Grown-Up Buddies• Trusted Triangle• Safety Stop Sign• I Mean Business Voice• Guiding Voice• Think, Feel, Act• Safe and Unsafe Touches• Safe and Unsafe Secrets• Tattling and Reporting• Strangers
2nd GRADEChildren learn that everyone has the personal power to proactively keep themselves and otherssafe in their neighborhoods. Building upon concepts learned in 1st grade, children expand theirvocabulary and learn new protective strategies for their growing relationships. Connections aremade between strategies used in the physical world to those on the Internet. At the completionof the curriculum, the children, along with Buddy and his new friends, discover the “super” powerinside each of them that helps them to stay safe.Topics Covered (6 Lessons @ 40 minutes)• Safety Superstar Tools• Grown-Up Buddies• Trusted Triangle• Safety Stop Sign• I Mean Business Voice• Think, Feel, Act• Awareness of Surroundings• P.L.A.N.• Safe and Unsafe Secrets• Body Boundaries and Privacy• Internet Safety3rd GRADEExpanding upon the tools and strategies learned in kindergarten through 2nd grade, childrenrecognize their role in their physical and cyber communities. They understand the differencebetween being a victim, a bystander, and a wrongdoer, as well as how to evaluate what each ofthese means and the impact it has on the people around them. Special emphasis is placed ondefining safe cyber citizenship and the vulnerabilities that come with online relationships.Topics Covered (5 Lessons @ 40 minutes):• Good Citizenship in Our Community• Wrongdoing, Wrongdoer, Victim, Bystander• Trusted Triangle• Think, Feel, Act• Internet Safety• Digital Community• Body Boundaries and Personal Space• Guiding Voice• Personal Power
4th GRADE The 4th Grade curriculum continues to address safety information in a relatable, child-centricbackdrop to help children more clearly identify their changing needs as they become moremature and independent. Students will join Lauren and kids from the Rec Center as they travelback in time to learn about the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, which areprovided as an introduction to the Kids’ Bill of Rights and build the framework for all of thelessons in the 4th Grade curriculum. Students are introduced to the Kids’ Bill of Rights, whichincludes their right to Safety, Respect, Identity, a Voice, and the right to their Childhood.Topics Covered (5 Lessons @ 40 minutes):• Kids’ Bill of Rights: Right to Safety, Respect, Your Identity, a Voice, Childhood• Safety NETwork, Digital Safety• Respecting Boundaries, Body Boundaries• Tattling vs. Reporting, Trusted Adults• Think, Feel, Act5th GRADE The 5th Grade curriculum builds upon and expands the concept of kids’ rights introduced in4th Grade. It provides strategies for children to identify their inner courage and make choicesthat can keep them safe during this challenging developmental transition from childhood toadolescence. Emphasis is placed on teaching children how to react to pressure from peersincluding, bullying and the setting of personal boundaries. Lesson 5 discusses some of theconcerns that children may have as they transition to middle school and models appropriateresponses, so children are armed with relatable dialogue that they can use in their everydaylives.Topics Covered (5 Lessons @ 40 minutes):• Introduction: Finding the Courage within You• Peer Pressure• Cyber Bullying & Cyber Safety• Privacy, Safety NETwork
Single Session Awareness ProgramsInternet Safety/Digital Citizenship programmingempowers students to think critically, behave safely, andparticipate responsibility in our digital world.Paperbacks with Prevention utilizes curated books for K-5th grade to address topics such as boundaries, bullying,peer pressure, tattling vs reporting, and friendship.
Multi-Session Prevention ProgramsSafer, Smarter Teens : Personal PowerThis six session curriculum teaches Middle school students about the warning signs of unsafe situations and whatactions they can take to reduce risks, stay safe, andaccess help. Time commitment: Lessons are 40-50minutes.MBF Teen Safety Matters® is a comprehensive, evidence-informed prevention education program for middle schoolstudents in grades 6 - 8. The program addresses emotional,physical, and digital safety, and teaches students and adultshow to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to thefour types of child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, andneglect), exploitation, trafficking, sexual assault, relationshipabuse, bullying, cyberbullying, and digital dangers. *Given theamount of information covered in each session, werecommend delivering the program for three 40-45 minutesessions. This program helps schools meet many requiredbullying, child safety, and child abuse preventionrequirements.POWER UP, SPEAK OUT! Is a five lesson 40 minute programthat encourages middle school students to think criticallyabout healthy relationships, power dynamics, boundaries, andeveryday consent.
Single Session Awareness ProgramsInternet Safety/Digital Citizenship programmingempowers students to think critically, behave safely, andparticipate responsibility in our digital world.Paperbacks with Prevention utilizes curated books formiddle school students to address topics such as Internetsafety, bullying, and healthy relationships in a book clubformat.
Multi-Session Prevention ProgramsMBF Teen Safety Matters® is a comprehensive, evidence-informed prevention education program for high schoolstudents in grades 9 - 12. The program addresses emotional,physical, and digital safety, and teaches students and adultshow to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to thefour types of child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, andneglect), exploitation, trafficking, sexual assault, relationshipabuse, bullying, cyberbullying, and digital dangers. *Given theamount of information covered in each session, werecommend delivering the program for three 40-45 minutesessions. This program helps schools meet many requiredbullying, child safety, and child, abuse preventionrequirements.Safe Dates is a curriculum that educates youth andadolescents on how to identify and prevent dating violence.Through ten engaging 45 minute sessions, students will learnand discuss the causes of dating violence, how they can helpa friend in an abusive relationship, common genderstereotypes regarding dating violence, and importantprevention techniques.
Single Session Awareness ProgramsInternet Safety/Digital Citizenship programmingempowers students to think critically, behave safely, andparticipate responsibility in our digital world.Paperbacks with Prevention utilizes curated books for highschool students to address topics such as Internet safety,bullying, boundaries, and healthy relationships in a bookclub format.
Do you know a teen who should represent your schoolon our youth leadership academy?A group of 7th-11th graders, who are committed to creating a community that C.A.R.E.S.Students learn leadership skills and develop awareness activities to affect change in theircommunity.An empowerment program! Students are empowered to use their voices to speak on theissues they want to change in their community and develop solutions to these problems.Applicants must be 8th-11th graders (non-traditional and homeschooled students alsoaccepted)Students must be able to commit to virtual bi-weekly seminars The student must have two (2) letters of recommendation1 from a peer 1 from school staffStudents must submit one of the following items on the topic of why youth voice matters ORhow youth can change their community to 250-word essayB) 1-2 minute videoC) Slide presentation (5 slide minimum)Applications will be released in January.
Our services are offered free of charge thanks to funding from localand government agencies to includeMary's Place: Sexual Assault Center ofthe Coastal Empire