EMPOWER TOMORROW’S REAL ESTATE LEADERSInvest in Educaon, Scholarships, and Workforce Development.ABOUTThe Presidio Bay Foundaon is a 501(c)(3) nonprot organizaon dedicated to unlocking the potenal of underserved youth by providing educaonal and career opportunies within the commercial real estate sector. Our mission is to culvate future leaders commied to creang equitable and inclusive communies. We are connuously measuring the eecveness of our programs and invite you to explore our Impact Report.presidio bay foundation01Summer Real Estate Development & Scholarship Program04Year-Round Workshops, Educaonal Sessions, and Field Trips 03Real Estate Mentorship: Connecng Industry Professionals with our Scholars 02Fall Workforce Development & Career Pathway Program CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE 2023 IMPACT REPORT OUR PROGRAMSThe Presidio Bay Foundaon manages the following programs and iniaves to ensure each scholar can be supported and thrive:Watch Developing our Future" Documentary
SCHOLARSHIP SUPPORTThe Presidio Bay Foundaon oers a unique opportunity to donate to an organizaon that delivers a substanal impact in our industry and community. Your nancial contribuons directly fund essenal resources such as student scholarships, transportaon assistance, healthy meals, and other crical funcons that fuel our growth and enhance our programs.We welcome donaons of all sizes, and to acknowledge our more prominent sponsors, we have established four disnguished levels of nancial support.If you are interested in providing support beyond nancial contribuons—such as oering classroom space, hosng in-person tours, facilitang interacve sessions, or volunteering as a mentor—contact us directly at scholarship@presidiobay.com. We value all forms of partnership that can further enrich our parcipants’ experiences and contribute to their success.Presidio Scholars in AconSPONSOR BENEFITS• Make a Meaningful Impact in Bay Area Communies• Opportunity to Mentor Tomorrow’s Leaders• Expand Your Network with Industry Experts and Professionals• Enhance Your Brand Visibility Across Various Media Outlets • “Thank you” Networking Events for SponsorsThe Graduate .................$2,500The Salutatorian ............$5,000The Valedictorian ..........$10,000The Dean .........................$15,000* Presidio Bay Foundaon is a non-prot charitable corporaon with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in the United States. Tax ID: 92-3499201.Please make checks payable to “Presidio Bay Foundaon” and mail to: Presidio Bay Foundaon An: Program Director 160 Pacic Avenue, Suite 204 San Francisco, CA 94111During my parcipaon in the Presidio Scholars Program, I was able to envision how I want the world to look for the rst me as a young adult.”Aurion Wiley-Greene City Planning Professional ‘21