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CTO PANELDISCUSSION: NRKPål Nedregotten has 30 years ofexperience at the intersection ofjournalism and technologicaldevelopment.He joined NRK from his role asExecutive Vice President of Data andTechnology at Norway's largestnewspaper publisher, Amedia. Hehas also served as Chairman of theNorwegian Media Businesses'Association (MBL).DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY AND AUDIENCE PRODUCTS THE NORDIC CTO’S NRK has so far been very successful in its digital transformation but, likeothers, is far from immune to the forces at play in the market. Thetechnology organization balances stable operations with necessarydevelopment. Meanwhile, viewers' and readers' expectations and habitsare evolving, technology is in a state of constant change, and availableresources are not increasing. The primary task of NRK's Technology andProduct Division is to ensure that technology, products, and theorganization are prepared for continuous change.PÅL NEDREGOTTEN March 26th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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CTO PANELDISCUSSION: DRAino is CTO at Denmark’s Radio. Sheleads DR Technology, where she plays acentral role in developing andmanaging DR’s technological frameworkand works towards the ambitionsoutlined in DR’s digital developmentplan.DR Technology is undergoing significant change to transform oursystems, infrastructure, and workflows in order to more dynamicallyalign with DR’s editorial ambitions in a rapidly changing medialandscape. It is a complex task to create flexibility within large multimediaorganizations, and at DR, we are focusing on reducing our systemportfolio and developing a new data center strategy that enables our ITand production systems to transition to standardized technologysolutions such as cloud.AINO OLSENCTO AT DRTHE NORDIC CTO’SMarch 26th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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Adde Granberg has worked in thetelevision industry since 1991, startingas a sound engineer at Swedish youthchannel ZTV. He later ran a broadcastconsultancy specializing in live events,directing coverage for major sportslike the UEFA Champions League andWorld Championships.In 2010, he joined Swedish Television(SVT) to enhance technicalinfrastructure and workflows,managing remote production for the2012 Olympics and 2014 World Cup.Granberg is now leading SVT’s shift toIP and cloud-based production.HEAD OF PRODUCTION - SWEDISH TELEVISION (SVT)THE NORDIC CTO’S CTO PANELDISCUSSION: SVTTV Production 2.0 and the Glass-to-Glass Strategy, which prioritizes theviewers’ needs over traditional industry standards. In a time of totaldisruption in the TV industry, this approach emphasizes a viewer-centricera that puts the audience at the center of production, from start to finish.ADDE GRANBERGMarch 26th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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With over 20 years of leadershipexperience in communications, media,and IT, Janne has held diverse rolesfrom P&L responsibilities to overseeinglarge functional teams. The core of hiscareer has been developingtechnology, products, and operationswhile managing change in largeorganizations. His background includes new businessdevelopment, digital servicesmanagement, organizationalrestructuring, and operationsimprovement.CTO PANELDISCUSSION: YLEMedia technology is under heavy change. Cloud and SaaS services arealready here today. IP and standard IT technologies are replacingdedicated equipment. And then there is AI which will change manythings. Towards consumers personalization is the main theme. We haveto improve customer experience on all the screens and provide best andright conten tor each and every customer. Internally we need to work onimproved and automated workflows in news and media managementwith the help of AI and automation. Live production is transforming intoremote production.JANNE YLI-ÄYHÖCTO/CIO, TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS IN YLETHE NORDIC CTO’SMarch 26th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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With over 15 years of experience inthe media and media tech industry,André loves technology and how itintersects with media production.As EVP Operations at Fonn Group. Heis responsible for customer success,bids, pricing, marketing, salesoperations and, well, getting stuffdone.RETHINK OR RETREAT:MEDIA AND CLOUD-POWERED SAAS.EVP OPERATIONSFONN GROUPFaced with content overload, tight deadlines, dwindling budgets,technologically isolated teams, stuck in silos, and weighed down byyears of legacy hardware and outdated workflows, media professionalsare a battered bunch. According to André Torsvik from Fonn Group, SaaSand cloud offer a chance - perhaps a last chance - of reinvention,renewal, recalibration, and perhaps even rebirth. How?"ANDRÉ TORSVIKMarch 26th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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Phil Myers currently holds the role ofChief Technology Officer at Lawo, aglobal technology partner with along history of delivering innovativesolutions for live media productionworkflows.Myers has in excess of 20 years’experience of product managementand business development and hasheld a number of technologyleadership roles within the industry,most recently for Snell AdvancedMedia (SAM) and Grass Valley withinthe EMEA region where he wasresponsible for architecting digitalmedia workflows and IP solutions. Hepreviously worked at CVP Group,Sony, Pinnacle Systems Inc. and co-founded Oddfish films in 1997.AN OPEN APPROACHTO A MEDIAEXCHANGE LAYERCHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICERLAWODynamic media facilities leverage software-based media functionswithin an open IT infrastructure, utilizing shared memory for high-performance interchange. This approach ensures interoperability, cost-effective scalability, and flexible workflows using containerizedmicroservices deployed on-premises, remotely, or in the cloud. Thispresentation touches on the challenges and benefits of adopting IT-focused best practices and a layered architecture approach whichenables media organizations to create their own dynamic media facility.PHILLIP MYERSMarch 26th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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MEANING MADE MACHINE:HOW APA CREATES AIFROM JOURNALISMMANAGING DIRECTORAPA TECHToday we leverage two decades of media technology know-how toempower editors and customers with cutting-edge AI solutions. Bytapping into a wealth of high-quality, verified data - currently 1.4 billiondocuments and 60 million images - we have created advancedlanguage models and AI tools that declutter editorial workflows, providepinpoint content recommendations, and drive smarter decision-making.This unique combination of editorial expertise and technologicalinnovation allows APA to support the media industry with smarter, moreefficient tools for the future of journalism.ING. CLEMENS PREROVSKYMarch 26th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025As a seasoned tech leader, ClemensPrerovsky has a strong background insoftware and product development.His main focus is the intersection oftechnology and people. In his currentrole as Managing Director of APA-Techhe plays a key role in shaping APA’stechnology vision and platformstrategy.

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DEVELOPING ANDLAUNCHING GLOBALVIDEO PRODUCTSCecilie is leading the strategy,development, and execution ofinnovative video solutions across theglobal portfolio at Condé Nast. She isresponsible for driving the productvision and roadmap for global video,live streaming, and video contentmanagement systems, ensuring theseamless delivery of high-qualityvideo experiences at scale throughdata-driven decision Making.SENIOR PRODUCT MANAGER GLOBAL VIDEO AT CONDÉ NAST Hear how a small product team led major business change by upgradingits video CMS to connect and repurpose assets for global brands likeVogue and GQ. We’ll explore how social media integrations, changemanagement, and a product-led strategy helped us engagestakeholders, repurpose assets globally, and drive revenue diversification.CECILIE NØRSGAARDMarch 26th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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MONETIZING STORYTELLINGAND LONG FORM JOURNALISMIN CNN PORTUGALRicardo is Head of Digital at MediaCapital Digital, managing the digitaloperation in the various brands: TVI,TVI Player, CNN Portugal, IOL,MaisFutebol, SELFIE, Versa and AwayMagazine. He has a special focus onmobile and multiscreen, OTT, Video,Social Networks and management ofvarious content and businesspartnerships.HEAD OF DIGITAL AT MEDIA CAPITAL DIGITALCNN PORTUGAL On digital, long form journalism has been struggling to be monetizedproperly, and especially when one tries to develop a great experience forthe reader, where no intros, pop-ups and other intrusive display adformats invade the screen. While this might not be an answer to scalerevenues, the approach CNN Portugal did is in line with many otherpublishers and with proven results where news storytelling and deepjournalism can be supported and gather new revenues besidesprogrammatic.RICARDO TOMÉMarch 26th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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Lena Frischlich (PhD) is an AssociateProfessor at and Co-Director of the DigitalDemocracy Centre at the University ofSouthern Denmark. She has a backgroundin media psychology and communicationstudies. Her research examines howdigitisation is changing our mediaenvironments, the communicators and thecontent we encounter, and reception andmedia effects more generally. She isparticularly interested in the staging andeffects of manipulative communicationand strategies for strengtheningdemocratic resilience and empoweringmedia users against such manipulation.She approaches these questions from aninterdisciplinary and multi-methodologicalperspective, combining quantitative,qualitative, and computational measures.ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR DIGITAL DEMOCRACY CENTREUNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN DENMARKDESINFORMATION ANDDIGITAL DEMOCRACY:TRENDS, EFFECTS, AND THEPROMOTION OF RESILIENCEThe World Economic Forum recently labelled disinformation as the mostsignificant global threat in the next two years. The warning is rooted indisinformation’s potential to bias public opinion, but it is also informed byconcerns that countermeasures could undermine trust in democraticinstitutions, including the media, and limit citizens’ rights. The talk willprovide an overview of current trends in disinformation, the staging andeffects of manipulative online communication and measures to fosterresilience against manipulation attempts in times of AI and digitaldemocracy.LENA FRISCHLICHMarch 27th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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EVERYTHINGEVERYWHEREALL AT ONCEHEAD OF GROWTHCUEZTV is no longer TV. Everything has become everything.How to navigate making content for the small & big screen?How do broadcasters deal with becoming Media Houses?How to juggle the challenges of AI, Automation & Cloud?How to be everywhere, all at once?AARON NUYTEMANSMarch 27th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025Aaron Nuytemans has a diverse career inbusiness development, research, andcommercial management. After startingat Venture Spirit in 2015, he joined Ipsosas a Research Manager in 2017, laterbecoming Commercial Manager atKatoen Natie (2019–2021). He is nowHead of Growth at, a cloud-based tool for media production.He holds Master’s degrees in GeneralManagement (Vlerick) and History (KU Leuven) and studied History andInternational Relations at Lehigh University.

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BUILDING A BETTERTOMORROW: THE INFLUENCEOF UPLIFTING JOURNALISMThomas is a trained journalist (DMJX1991) and holds a Master in PublicGovernance from CBS and theUniversity of Copenhagen.He has worked for ten years as a radioreporter, anchor, and editor at DanishBroadcasting Corporation (DR), andheaded DR’s radio documentary andfeature department. For ten years hewas Director of Communications atDanChurchAid one of Denmark’slargest humanitarian NGOs.Thomas is member of the 2030 Panel,which advises the Danish Governmentand Parliament on sustainability ingeneral and the Global Goals inparticular.World’s Best News is an independent news organisation for constructivejournalism. We report on progress and sustainable solutions tochallenges in global development.Our work is based on the Global Goals for Sustainable Development,which address some of the world’s biggest challenges, such as extremepoverty, global inequality, and climate change.World’s Best News’s mission is to help people achieve a more nuancedview of the world. We believe that nuances and knowledge create hope –and that hope brings motivation for action. We want to make the GlobalGoals known by as many people as possible.THOMA S R AVN -PE TER SENCEOWORLD’S BEST NEWSMarch 27th, 2025TBAMain Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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AFTONBLADET'S AICHATBOT: PIONEERING ANEW ERA IN ULTRA-PERSONALIZED JOURNALISMTitti Jersler is the EditorialDevelopment Manager atAftonbladet, with extensiveexperience as a journalist and editor.She specializes in digital storytellingand innovative productdevelopment. During the U.S.election, Titti led the development ofAftonbladet’s highly appreciated AIchatbot, which answered over600,000 user questions.She is currently focused on drivingAftonbladet’s major AI initiatives andfuture-focused projects, ensuringthe organization remains at theforefront of media innovation.Aftonbladet's AI chatbot, Valkompisen, revolutionized election coverageby providing personalized answers to hundreds of thousands of userquestions about the EU & US elections, demonstrating the potential of AI indelivering engaging and informative journalism. Drawing on ameticulously crafted database of fact-checked information, Valkompisenexemplified the fusion of cutting-edge technology with journalisticintegrity, paving the way for a new era of ultra-personalized newsexperiences.TITTI JERSLEREDITORIAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGERAFTONBLADETMarch 27th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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CNN'S GRAPHICPRODUCTION FOR THE 2024U.S. ELECTION COVERAGEJonathan Kemp is the creativedirector at CNN in Atlanta, Georgia. Hegraduated from the University ofMississippi with a BFA in businessdesign. He then spent two years in theSavannah College of Art and Design’smasters program for computer art.Jonathan worked at Design EFX andCrawford Digital for 5 years in 3Danimation making special effects fortv commercials and networks withclients like Coca-Cola, Panasonic, TNTand TBS. He then joined the ranks atCNN creating broadcast graphics and3D explainer animations. Hespecializes in 3D Graphics, real timesystems, virtual graphics and largeformat video walls.A U.S. presidential election is not just one night in a year. It is a long seriesof events starting with debates, primaries, party conventions, moredebates, election night then an inauguration. A design approach forgraphics and the presentation of information throughout all of theseevents and during regular news coverage is essential to keep a cohesivestyle and a design system to call on at a moment's notice when newsbreaks and new story lines emerge.JONATHAN KEMPCREATIVE DIRECTOR CNNMarch 27th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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ENGAGING YOUTH WITHSOCIAL MEDIA VIDEO-SHORTS AND PERSONALITY-DRIVEN JOURNALISMLiva has been immersed in the mediaworld for many years, beginning witha podcast she co-created at just 20years old. Since then, she’s gainedexperience across various sectors ofthe media industry. For the past threeyears, she has firmly establishedherself at DR (Danish BroadcastingCorporation) in Copenhagen, whereshe now host the popular show Go'Morgen P3.Liva will offer an exclusive look into P3's innovative approach to engagingyounger audiences via social media. She’ll dive into how the team usesInstagram's "Reels" format, exploring its purpose, impact, and theproduction process from concept to final product. As we all know, traditional news outlets must find new ways to connectwith younger audiences, who aren’t exactly inclined to pick up a dailynewspaper. Liva will share strategies for reaching these audiences,discussing how P3 targets them and drives growth through alternativejournalistic methods. In addition, Liva will explore personality-driven journalism, where she andher colleagues serve as the faces of Go’ Morgen P3, and discuss thephilosophy behind this personal approach to storytelling.LIVA MANGHEZIRADIO HOST - DANISH BROADCASTING CORPORATIONGO' MORGEN P3 March 27th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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GENERATIVE AI –OPPORTUNITIES ANDCHALLENGESEirik Solheim is an internationallysought-after communicator andspeaker in the media and technologyindustries, with 25 years of experienceas a technology advisor, mediaproducer, and journalist at NRK. In 2006,he founded the renowned developmentdepartment NRKbeta. Solheim has heldboard positions in NCE Media/MediaCity Bergen and worked as a consultantat Accenture. He is affiliated with VoldaUniversity College as a researcher andholds a degree in Media Engineeringfrom the University of Stavanger.By combining machine learning, neural networks, and extremely powerfulcomputers, researchers and major tech companies have developed datamodels that are beginning to approach human intelligence. Thesemachines can now analyze and generate complex texts, create images,videos, music, and understand language in an impressive manner. Buthow do these systems actually work? What happens when scammers startusing these tools? And what are the challenges and opportunities for themedia industry?EIRIK SOLHEIMSENIOR TECHNOLOGY ADVISORMarch 27th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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HOW TO ENGAGEYOUNG NEWS AVOIDERSIngrid Tinmannsvik is the head ofNRK News Young, and has been theconstructive editor at the NorwegianBroadcasting Corporation the pastyears.In 2020 she successfully launched aplatform for solution based news.Since then, she has been responsiblefor developing and implementingNRK’s constructive strategy.HEAD OF NRK NEWS YOUNGNORWEGIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATIONAs the head of NRK News Young and as the constructive editor at NRK forthe past years, Ingrid will share her top tips for reaching youngeraudiences with visual and constructive journalism, and how they haveworked with this at NRK.INGRID TINMANNSVIK March 27th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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WHAT A SUMMER OF SPORT! HOWTHE BBC VISUALLY ENGAGED WITHAUDIENCES FOR EURO 2024 ANDTHE PARIS OLYMPICSAs a design director for BBC Sport,John Murphy is the lead on thebranding, visual graphics, andgraphical innovation. His role crossesall areas of BBC Sport, which include:football, the Olympics, the World Cupand much more. DESIGN DIRECTORBBC SPORTSThe summer of 2024 was a huge summer of sporting events which wereviewed around the world and the BBC had a large part to play in it. This isa look into how BBC Sport utilised unique XR, VR and AR workflows tocreate stunning visual mixed reality presentation spaces in Berlin and Paristo help capture it for their audiences.JOHN MURPHYMarch 27th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR POLITICALREPORTING: THE CITIZENS AGENDAAPPROACHJennifer Brandel is the co-founderand CEO of Hearken, agroundbreaking company that helpsorganizations engage theiraudiences in shaping stories,products, and services.In addition to being the co-founderand CEO of Hearken, Jennifer Brandelhas played a pivotal role in co-founding and co-creating numerousimpactful organizations, includingZebras Unite, Election SOS, andDemocracy SOS, among many otherinnovative initiatives.CO-FOUNDER/CEOHEARKEN, INC.Discover a proven method that puts voters at the center of electioncoverage. The Citizens Agenda approach has been shown to better servethe public and support democratic practices compared to traditionalpolitical reporting. By asking voters what they want candidates toaddress, journalists can create more responsive, inclusive, and usefulnews coverage. This method not only increases civic engagement butalso helps hold politicians accountable to the issues that matter most totheir constituents. Join Hearken CEO Jennifer Brandel to learn how toimplement this innovative strategy and transform your election coverageinto a powerful tool for democracy.JENNIFER BRANDELMarch 27th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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JTI-CERTIFICATE ANDTRUST IN THE MEDIADEPUTY DIRECTORJOURNALISM TRUST INITIATIVE, RSFWithin the general public, Reporters Without Borders is mostly known forthe Press Freedom Index. Yet, the organisation now focuses just as muchon access to reliable information as a human right. In her keynote, Chloé Fiodiere, Deputy Director of the Journalism TrustInitiative, will give an overview of RSF's current projects, starting with astatus update on the state of press freedom worldwide, before deepdiving into the organisation's campaign in the Nordics to disseminate theJTI. It will be an opportunity to discuss how collective action can address themany challenges the media industry currently faces. CHLOÉ FIODIEREMarch 27th, 2025TBA Main Stage MEDIA CITY ODENSE MEDIATECH FESTIVAL MARCH 26-27, 2025

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